Wes Annac

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How Can We Unite a Divided World?

Credit: perpendicularity.org

By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

I said in a recent video that I don’t think we can rely on any politician, even those who are ‘for the people’, to make a change.

We can only change things by rejecting the corrupt system, coming together and running the world as one people, and in a way, to think otherwise is to fool ourselves. It’s great that people are passionate about politicians who they think can do something positive because it shows that the masses are interested in change, and I’d probably join the Bernie Sanders crowd if I hadn’t already been shown that the system is beyond repair.

I don’t mean to sound pessimistic, and our inability to repair the system doesn’t have to be bad. It can be great depending on how you see it, and the system’s destruction signals the beginning of a new world that we’ll all be responsible for creating. It’ll probably be chaotic, but I’m confident that we can create something new through the chaos that works in everyone’s best interest.

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Empower Yourself by Challenging Yourself

Credit: Kush and Wizdom

By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

“Everything is hard before it’s easy” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

I’m thinking about making videos for the next thirty days, because I want to communicate things I think are important in a more direct way. The purpose of the videos will be to inspire and uplift people in a similar way as my writings, and I’ll get as much out of them as anyone else because they’ll challenge me and help me get better.

Making a video can be nerve-wracking, because I haven’t done it very much and I’m forced to deal with the fear and nervousness that come with trying something new. Fear has stopped too many revolutionary minds from achieving great things, and I don’t want to let it stop me from communicating with you all more directly.

Communication is the main aspect of my mission, and there are a lot of things I want to say about life, society and spiritual evolution. Whether I write, speak on video or do anything else, I want to communicate what I feel in my heart. Speaking on video seems like a natural next step for these heart-centered teachings, but I’ll also continue to write because I’ll always have a passion for it.

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Why Limit Yourself to One Life Purpose?

By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

I really appreciated a recent post from Thousand Thoughts that encouraged people to be open to having more than one passion in life.

Not everyone has only one passion, the author tells us, and some people discover other passions later in life.

“While it’s true that there are people on the planet who are born with one passion that lasts an entire lifetime, this doesn’t hold true for everyone. In fact, there are many who start out with one passion, only to discover that they are passionate about something else later on in life.” (1)

The author also encourages us to let our passion and purpose manifest in unique ways, whether we have one or several.

“When we think that there is only one purpose for our lives, this can cause anxiety from fear of ‘getting it wrong.’ But, life can be a thrilling rollercoaster ride full of twists, turns, and loop-di-loops. Some people will indeed find that one passion that takes all of their focus but, there are others that will find that they have a passion for several different things.

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Video: The Signs of a Worldwide Transformation

I made this video the same day I made the one I posted a few days ago. Here, I share some of the signs of an ongoing worldwide spiritual transformation that I’ve noticed, and we can be a part of it if we open up to it and allow it to become a part of our lives.

Sorry for the noises you can hear in the background occasionally and the noise from my laptop. I’ll work on finding a solution, and thanks for your patience in the meantime. :)


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Is Abandoning Materiality Really Necessary?

Credit: reallifecoaching.net

By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

If you consider yourself a spiritual seeker, then you’re probably familiar with the concept of renouncing the world in favor of spirituality.

A lot of gurus throughout the years have encouraged people to give up their material desires and their general interest in the world, and those of us who want to evolve but enjoy being a part of life on earth have wondered where the line can be drawn. Do we really have to give ourselves up and completely renounce the world to evolve, or is there a middle ground we can take that’ll allow us to progress just as quickly?

I don’t think giving up the world is entirely necessary, but there are aspects of ourselves we might want to examine and let go of if needed. I refer mainly to the ego-centered aspects that are obsessed with materiality and the endless cultural distractions that bombard us daily. The ego isn’t inherently bad, but like anything else, it can hold us back if we don’t keep it in check.

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The Throat Chakra: The Center of Self-Expression

The throat chakra. Credit: lightworkers.org

By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

The chakras are the subtle body’s energy centers, and they bring through the energy that’s responsible for our reality and the higher dimensions we have yet to experience. They connect us with our creator and our higher consciousness, and understanding them can allow us to tap into the energy that pours through them.

The throat chakra has to do with communication, self-expression and other qualities on which most creative people rely. It allows us to communicate our feelings about life, spirituality, society and anything we think is important, and it gives us the confidence to use our voice without worrying what other people think. Even if we’re misunderstood or rejected, we’ll know our desire to help the world evolve (and the work that results from it) is genuine.

Here, I’d like to look at the throat chakra’s role in creativity as well as the things we can do to heal and balance it. I don’t know much about any of the chakras, and the only things I’ve learned about them have come from the few reports I’ve done. One of the best ways to learn about something is to research and write about it, which is exactly what I try to do with things like this that interest me. I hope it interests all of you too, and more importantly, I hope it teaches you something new.

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The Simple Solution to the World’s Problems

Credit: Flickr.com

By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

I’ve written before that I think the world’s problems are caused from a lack of love and compassion, and we have to love ourselves if we want to have compassion for those who struggle. Sadly, a lot of people suffer from a massive lack of self-love, which is evident in their lifestyle and the way they interact with others.

You can tell if someone lacks self-love by their views or beliefs, the way they treat people and the way they live in general, and the greatest spiritual sickness the world knows – the sickness that causes negative or careless behavior – is the inability to love oneself, which reduces one’s love for the world. When felt on a massive scale, this deficiency causes wars and all kinds of other brutal things that we have to deal with in the world today.

If we can understand the importance of self-love – not just for the world, but for each of us who suffers without it – I think we can make some crucial personal shifts that the world will eventually reflect. As the ‘trend’ catches on, more and more people will jump onboard and rediscover what they’ve been missing for so long. The misery and drudgery that’s often associated with life will slowly fade, and with our self-love rightfully restored, we’ll have no problem coming together to create a new way of living.

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Meditation: The Greatest Healer

Credit: youtube.com

By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

I think everyone would benefit from meditation, because it gets us out of the monkey mind and introduces us to the Self and the vibrant spiritual reality so many of us seek without realizing that it’s already a part of us.

It reminds us that life isn’t so bad, despite how much we prefer to think otherwise, and beyond this world’s greed and negativity exist infinite higher dimensions of bliss, harmony and heavenliness unlike anything we’ve felt in our current state of consciousness.

I can only imagine what shape the conscious community would be in if we all learned to meditate, and most ‘spiritual’ people practice some form of meditation that’s unique to them. Music can be a form of meditation, for instance, and so can writing. Any creative act can become a meditation if we clear the mind and open up to our higher consciousness while we do it, and writer’s block encourages us to stop, open the mind back up and regain our presence and centeredness, thus allowing us to approach our work with a fresh perspective.

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We’re Stronger Than They Want Us to Think

Credit: betternetworker.com

By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

As individuals, we’ve been taught to believe we’re insignificant and we could never change anything about this corrupted world. We’re programmed to accept a lifestyle where we work all day every day, regardless of whether or not we’re passionate about our job, and come home to a gluttonous or materialistic lifestyle. We think we work so we can live, but most people work to afford luxuries they’re convinced they need.

The controllers want us to think we’re too small to make a difference, and they can get away with their crimes as long as our pacified society never holds them accountable. They can continue to profit from the exploitation of the lower and middle classes (not to mention impoverished nations), and they can continue to ravage the environment and get away with it. Things would change in a heartbeat if people could wake up and demand justice, but as long as we think we’re too small, we’ll never arise or make any changes.

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One People, One Responsibility

Credit: challengefuture.org

By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

The planetary controllers have gotten us to divide ourselves by convincing us we should fight over our differences. They want to make sure we don’t come together or take back our planet, and they’ve programmed the masses to show so much pride for their appearance, their beliefs or their way of life that they hate people who think or live differently.

The elite have us convinced that we need to fight for our values, our history and our lifestyle, because some other group wants to come and take it away. You can interpret this any way you want, and examples are everywhere.

Hardcore Christians are worried that liberal America is trying to take away their religious freedom, which, in some cases, includes the ‘right’ to discriminate against anyone who doesn’t fit in with their narrow view of reality. Diehard Americans are convinced that immigrants, legal or illegal, will take away their country by stealing all of their jobs.

Credit: asheepnomore.net


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