~ Energetic Transformations Continue!~

Lia's picture


Greetings Love Beings,  AS Love Energy is On the Move Big time.... LOL.... Energetic Transformations Continue. We  Have shared before we are Shifting Now on a moment to moment basis as the New Earth Energies Continue Bombarding all on the Planet effecting Everyone! We will Have More about this in Our Next Udpate!  You can Join us Today Live a Chat Session Awakening Stories, Questions and Answers with Mother God and Rain Beginning at Noon Pacific! At this Link: http://tinychat.com/galacticpress  See You There!

Marilyn Raffaele ~ The Arcturian Group ~ 6 April 2013


Arcturian-GroupAgain we greet you dear ones, those  who read these messages, for we see you as students of truth, ready to evolve and grow deeper.


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Recent Mount Shasta Sightings


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"You Are the Gold": The GrandMothers Speak


Published on Apr 2, 2013


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Bob Sinclar ~Together Thanks To Cobra


Thanks to Cobra at Portal 2012 He had these Labels Posted which we found interesting with this Video and Matches with the Information we are recieving, Love The Earth Allies

Here is the Following Labels which were added to this Video  Labels: compression breakthrough, divine intervention, end of darkness, Event, Event horizon


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4-6-13 Bill Ballard ~ G and I Did Intense Water Healing Ceremonies


Published on Apr 6, 2013


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Research sheds light on ancient Egyptian port and ship graveyard


PastHorizonspr.com - 3/26/13

A colossal statue of red granite (5.4 m) representing the god Hapi, which decorated the temple of Thonis-Heracleion. The god of the flooding of the Nile, symbol of abundance and fertility, has never before been discovered at such a large scale, which points to his importance for the Canopic region. ©Franck Goddio/Hilti Foundation, photo: Christoph Gerigk A colossal statue of red granite (5.4 m) representing the god Hapi, which decorated the temple of Thonis-Heracleion. The god of the flooding of the Nile, symbol of abundance and fertility, has never before been discovered at such a large scale, which points to his importance for the Canopic region. ©Franck Goddio/Hilti Foundation, photo: Christoph Gerigk

New research into Thonis-Heracleion, a sunken port-city that served as the gateway to Egypt in the first millennium BC, was examined at a recent international conference at the University of Oxford. The port city, situated 6.5 kilometres off today’s coastline, was one of the biggest commercial hubs in the Mediterranean before the founding of Alexandria.


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“Purity of Essence” is Key to Understanding


“Purity of Essence” is Key to Understanding

4 Apr

gaia_energy1“Purity of Essence” is key to understanding the nature of Gaia intention. Planetary Essence revelation requires clearing of all not in alignment. This includes all of Hue-manity.

As individuals release the “outer dependence illusion”, and align with Inner Guidance, Purity of Planetary Essence is realized. This occurs at many levels, via multiple manifestations.

Stated simply, Gaia Intention is “Purity of Essence”.




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Our Family Is Here And Making Itself Visible And Known


Just got this in my e-mail. Good stuff! Please share!






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Drunvalo interview, New Human who can't get sick


New Earth DailyHOMEGLOBAL SCENEDAILY INSPIRATIONHEALTH & WHOLENESSNEW DISCOVERIESENERGY FORECASTSCOSMIC NOWCREATIVE MINDSHEALTH & WHOLENESS - TOP NEWSThe New Human Race that Cannot Get SickThe New Human Race that Cannot Get SickChildren of the New DreamInterview with Drunvalo MelchizedekBy Diane CooperDiane: So Drunvalo…who are these “Children of the New Dream” that you are so excited about?Drunvalo: Well there are 3 different kinds of children emerging in the world today that I have been able to identify. The first are called the “Super Psychic Children of China“. The second are called the “Indigo Children” and the third are called the “Children of AIDS“.The first one, the “Super Psychics of China“, we talked about in the Flower of Life seminars. If you remember, the first one was discovered in 1984 when a child was found who was psychic beyond belief. Researchers conducted every psychic test you could imagine and he was 100% correct every time. You could turn cards over in another room and that didn’t matter. He could perfectly know what was on the card.So Omni magazine went to China and wrote an article on this discovery. They found one child and then another. When they went in 1984 they assumed it was a hoax so they did experiments like putting 100 kids in a room and taking a book and randomly pulling out a page. They would crumple it up and stick it under their arm. These kids could read every word on the page. They did test after test, and the response was flawless. The phenomena didn’t stop there. These kids are not just in China. They have spread all over the world. I personally have been talking to parents who ask me, “…what do we do.. I have a kid who knows everything?” I believe Lee Carroll is calling the children being born here in the U.S. “the Indigo Children”. I personally think the two groups are coming from the same source, however, I don’t know that for sure.

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Cosmic Weather – New Moon in Aries: Peace, Freedom & Fighting the Good Fight


Cosmic Weather – New Moon in Aries: Peace, Freedom & Fighting the Good Fight

Apr 3, 2013 by Irma Kaye

 Peace, Freedom & Fighting the Good Fight

Nothin’ in my pockets, I’ve got nothin’ up my sleeve, I keep my magic in my heart. Keep up your spirit, keep up your faith, baby. I am counting on you. You know what you’ve got to do. – Triumph/Fight the Good Fight

Hello friends. I often know when a New or Full Moon is going to have a little extra “punch” to it by the amount of information that starts coming through sometimes well in advance, and this month is no exception. Both the New and Full Moon of April are unique and significant, and have quite a story to tell us. In keeping pace with my forecast for April, this month is definitely turning out to be ride of varied and potentially transforming experiences. Though we may at times become weary or even discouraged, we are being “polished” and refined in new and revolutionary ways.


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SolaraAnRa~Healing & Balancing Chakra Meditation


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Fearing the unknown?


Dear Ascension Pioneers!

All fear is fear of the unknown. When trapped in fear, we simply cannot be in Love, and we are not open to embodying Divine Love, our true Essence. Many are still fearing the unknown ... and all fear is basically fear of the unknown. This creates a circulatory movement, when in fact, we are aiming for a spiral movement. That is our true Soul Essence, and our natural evolutionary state. In fear, we remain in that circle, always repeating the same patterns, while not expanding and naturally evolving. This way, we are not stepping into our Divine inheritance as individualized Soul aspects, which is a trinity of Love/Wisdom/Power. Our true Soul Essence means that we fully embrace our co-creation ability and know ourselves as creators of our own reality. When we exist in this state of awareness, we are fearless, completely Self responsible, and never afraid of making choices that mirror our authentic Essence. When we are fully Soul infused, only Divine Love can flow through us ... there is simply no more room for fear. For this to be fully embodied, we need to do the "work" and get in touch with our inner Core ... where we can then develop specific Soulful methods for becoming Soul infused. These are not external methods, but actual ways of knowing ourselves and becoming a Self realized Being.

Within Divine Love, Polona


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The World Is Highly Anticipatory, Now Expect[Intend] Something Different


(Before It's News)

The World Is Highly Anticipatory, Now Expect[Intend] Something Different

Sometimes we may question....Who me? Powerful?

Today on this special day where others may be planning for war, take a few moments and say, "I AM a being of peace... I AM now sending waves of Peace and Love to neutralize the earth consciousness grid with the Violet Flame of Transmutation... Archangel Michael, please assist us in this process and guide us to the crystal cities of the New Earth and peacefilled connections with our kindred star visitors.... I AM willing to be joyfilled and loving  I AM willing to live, heartfilled.... so be it!"

 Indian in the machine



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The Stripping, The Expansion, The Wonder of it (and US) ALL!!




There is something magical and strange in the air these days!  Yesterday was as different as could be.  I suddenly realized as I tried to do a reading for my first client of the day, Holy cow, moving my jaw to talk, actually hurts.  But I was gonna tough it out and do the reading anyway!  The moment I opened up to her field of light, I could feel the higher energies moving in my jaw line, throbbing really!  I suddenly realized, there is no way I am going to be able to do readings today, between the higher field of light moving thru my jaw and my jaw hurting from the talking movement, I also realized there are some words that create my upper and bottom teeth to actually touch and holy cow, the tooth closest to the one that were extracted hurt too!!  Geez Louise, I felt fine until this moment!

How often do we do things, or have things done without ever stopping to fully understand what is completely happening.  Until yesterday, I never realized how much I take for granted and how much my own team needs me to be aware of how I work, and why!  Everything happens for a larger reason, every single thing in our lives.


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FDA Finally Admits Chicken Meat Contains Cancer-Causing Arsenic


| World Truth. TV



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Why Is Oil Giant Enbridge Scared Of Little Girl And Her Beautiful Music Video?


indianinthemachine.wordpress.com, April 6, 2013


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Beyond the Indigo Children: The New Generation of Lightworkers and Revolutionaries is Emerging


The Healers Journal Posted by Admin April 6, 2013

HJ: The indigo/crystal/millennial children certainly have their work cut out for them.  They are here to dismantle and replace the outdated and oppressive societal structures of the last few thousand years, raising the consciousness of the planet in the process.  No small task, and so far, their solutions have been nothing short of brilliant.  The simultaneous rise of the internet, which paralleled their evolution from childhood, and now, into adulthood, has given them unprecedented, intensely powerful tools with which to do their work, and what work they do… Many of us might only see change for what it means right now, but when looked at in the larger context of history, we can see how everyday technologies created by this emerging generation are fundamentally changing how we as a society operate and think.


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Retired couple suicide over rent, elderly brother follows suit in Italy


 RT News

Austerity, EU, Global economy, Health

Three elderly people have killed themselves in Italy, apparently crushed by their inability to fight financial woes in the recession-hit country. First a couple in their 60s hanged themselves, then the woman’s brother threw himself into the sea.

The bodies of Romeo Dionsi, 62, and Anna Sopranzi, 68, were found by neighbors on Friday morning at their home in Civitanova in central Italy.

Police said there was no doubt the suicide was linked to financial struggles.

Anna Sopranzi was getting a pension of 500 euro ($650) a month and her husband was a ‘victim’ of recent labor reforms, when the Italian government – among other measures – raised the retirement age and left him without unemployment insurance or the right to a pension.


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Prepare for Contact! Thank You for sharing this across The Planet~


If you would Like to Join us Live right now, You can Join us at this link:  http://tinychat.com/galacticpress


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Our Creator, Mother Father God



When people say they found God, do they realize they've only found a part of themselves? We are all a part of God, within us all lies the Divine spark of Mother Father God. We are not God's worshipers, we are all his children, and like a family we must honor, respect, and bask in each others greatness. Once you've found God, you should have found yourself. For God .doesn't exist in the skies, God exists in our Hearts. Our Hearts are pure, unconditional Love, now I ask you is God judgmental? No, God is unconditional Love. So, where else could God be? Well, no other than in our Hearts, dear Ones. If God resigns in our Hearts, then where must the Kingdom of Heaven be? It must be in our Hearts! If this Peace and Happiness is what you seek, then go within and find yourself. Be ware, here you will find God, but remember you won't have to worship, but only acknowledge. The best part of all you will unleash a Godly being. But whom? Why yourself, for we are all the children of God


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Volcanoes Today, 7 Apr 2013: Sabancaya, Tjörnes Fracture Zone


Volcano Discovery Sunday Apr 07, 2013 11:04 AM

Earthquakes in the TFZ during the past 48 hours (Icelandic Met Office)

Earthquakes in the TFZ during the past 48 hours (Icelandic Met Office)

Numbers of earthquakes at Sabancaya over the past weeks (IGP)

Numbers of earthquakes at Sabancaya over the past weeks (IGP



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Heavenletter #4517 - Your Greatest World Happiness


Heaven Letters Published on: April 7, 2013

God said:

The day will come, and come soon, when it comes true in your awareness of heart that it is blessed to give. Giving will be your greatest happiness. True giving is when it is your greatest happiness.

A mother knows this when she nurses her baby. It’s mutual, the mother’s giving and the baby’s receiving. They serve each other. They are both recipients.

Everyone has experienced true giving, and everyone is going to experience more and more of true giving. Suddenly, you will be there, wanting to give with all your might. Suddenly, this will be true for you. Suddenly, you won’t be counting how much or when or why to give. You will give. Giving will be your happiness.


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4MIN News April 7, 2013




Source: YouTube.com

By: Suspicious0bservers



Published on Apr 7, 2013


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~ Gaia Portal Update!~ Energetic “Rivers of Sustenance”


gaia_energy1Energies of sustenance are provided for all Gaia ground crew at this now moment. Multiple timeline effects, activated by departing dark-intenders, have brought in avenues for potential confusion. These are being dealt with at Higher Levels.

Awareness is key for Gaia ground crew, and confusion may be avoided by rising, in Mind, to what may be imaged as a “River of Sustenance”. Each will understand an image which works for them.

Portal stillness is still experienced, and includes portals of transformation. We suggest resting and flowing with one’s own concept of the energetic “Rivers of Sustenance”.



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Volcanic activity worldwide 6 Apr 2013: volcanically quiet Saturday


Volcano Discovery Saturday Apr 06, 2013 17:28 PM

The Caliente lava dome of Santiaguito this morning

The Caliente lava dome of Santiaguito this morning

Telica seismogram this morning (TELN station INETER)

Telica seismogram this morning (TELN station INETER)


It seems we have had a relatively calm day (for the volcano world) so far:


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California sea lion stranding crisis escalates to ‘epic proportions’


The Watchers - April 7, 2013 - by NIX

The mass stranding of sea lions at Californian shores doesn’t seem stopping anytime soon and condition has deteriorated even more. The stranding(s) spiked in January and have intensified in recent weeks, the numbers have already surpassed total number of an average year. By March 13th, there were 517 pups admitted to marine mammal rehabilitation centers and by April 4, the number has risen to 1100Wired. Authorities still don’t know what is the exact cause of the stranding. NOAA’s marine mammal stranding coordinator for the state of California, Sarah Wilkin said, “We’re still getting strandings of animals at kind of equal rates to what...



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Transitional Awareness - Soul Family, Twin Flame, Community and Belonging


For so long many of us have been held separate from our soul family, however everything is changing. Learn more as I share what's changing in our world as we shift from the old system to the new. <3 Daniella 


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Month's Worth of Rain for Tokyo Already This April


Accuweather.com - 4/06/13, Evan Duffy

A Tokyo subway system, flooded by heavy rains. (Photo Courtesy Twitter user @ubergenki)

April has started on an extremely wet note across Japan, with Tokyo already recording more than a month's worth of rain.

A storm on the 2nd and 3rd brought torrential rains to major cities in Japan. In the Kanto Plain, cities were inundated with rain.

To read the rest of this story, visit Accuweather.com.


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The Unprecedented Events of April. ~ YEEHAW ~



The Galactic Free Press Update:
Intense Momentum For April! Yeehaw!


Bringing Humanity Home Energy and Event Update With Love from The Galactic Center


Eye of Ra cloud Ra~Raela ~

APRIL 2013

 Quoted from Lena Stevens
"The theme for April is MOMENTUM."


Greetings Love Beings, As We Entered April We gained more Momentum In The Fiery Sign of Aries, which means intense energies incoming! Momentum Were The first words we heard from the Ships when we Began April's Energies.  As Anticipated We Ended March Roaring out energetically speaking which then Jump Started this Momentum. On March 31st, A Huge Influx of Light came In to Support this Huge Momentum We started off with In April. 


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Latest Earthquake Activity - April 7, 2013


Source: USGS.gov
Follow the link to see quake
activity for the past seven days.

Visit Live Earthquakes Map
for live quake reporting.

10-degree map showing recent earthquakes

Map of the 7.0 mag quake in PAPUA, INDONESIA

All quakes with magnitude 4.5
or greater are highlighted.

April 7




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HILARION: Upon the surface of your planet, seeming chaos



April 7-14, 2013


Beloved Ones,

As the days march on into the new Age of Light and humanity is being cleansed of all old patterns of thought and behavior that no longer serves their higher purpose, the heartbeat of the Earth joins with them. The Earth deeply desires to allow the time necessary for as many of her inhabitants to join her in her ascended state of expansion and so the Cosmic window of opportunity is still wide open to allow this change and transformation to occur. All upon the planet are finding themselves awakening to many truths that were not available for their conscious knowledge before these times that you are now in the midst of.


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A Message from the Angels ~Being Grace



(aka Elizabeth Ayres Escher)

As the flowing melodies of Mozart etch their grace upon her heart, our Scribe opens up our light and endeavors to bring forth our message:

We come today, messengers of Light and Love, angelic beings of the Most High Father / Mother God. We are your sisters and brothers, dear human angels who have bravely embodied on Mother Earth in this time of glorious transition.

Grace has had little presence in your world, especially the one into which most of you have been born, the world of the late 20th century. Violence, outrageous behavior by celebrities, greed and unconscionable miscreation by your leaders, both hidden and overt, war, crime, poverty, disease and grime has been the lot of the world. Or so it seems. For just beneath the surface of every man, woman and child upon this planet, no matter how corrupted or wounded their heart, there exists Grace. It is simply a matter of discovering the buried treasure that lies within.


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Sophia Love - "Fuck Off!!! We ARE a Beacon of Light!!!"


Sophia Love 04/06/2013



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Dana Mrkich ~ April 2013 Monthly Visions : Living Int The Waves Of A New Ocean



The video version can be viewed here

We are now in an entirely different energetic space from the world that existed up until the end of our most recent evolutionary cycle. Up until the end of last year it was like we were on a constant roller-coaster ride, riding the waves of energy that were showering down onto our planet. The waves increased in quantity and intensity as we reached the climax point of transition into our new cycle.  After that point, even though of course energy waves will always be raining down onto us, the feeling is more that the initial ‘energy tsunami’ part of these waves that was responsible for getting the planet across the line so to speak has passed and we are now living in the waters created by that tsunami.


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The Fast Paced Amusement Park of Life is About to Open!!



roller coaster


Just WOW!!  I would like to take this moment and thank everyone for the extraordinary energy buzz yesterday!!  There are a lot of things happening to us, thru us, these days.  My first lady in the field gave us a clearer view of what is taking place with those energy hoses I talked about yesterday.  The first thing I seen with her was this intense orange energy flowing coming down from just above her head covering her entire body.  The flow of energy was coming out of the one “hose” that I talked about yesterday, with her it was representing the new energy and cleansing and fueling her like I nothing I have seen or experienced before.


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Clearing Yourself with Archangel Raphael


Angel Wisdom Sunday, April 7, 2013


Clearing Yourself with Archangel Raphael  April 6, 2013


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Why our turbulent weather is getting even harder to predict


The Guardian - 4/06/13, Robin McKie (The Observer)

The cold snap, fingers crossed, is about to end. But extreme weather – snow, floods and drought – is the new norm.

UK Weather: More Than 3000 Animal Carcasses Found After Blizzards


Huffington Post UK - 4/05/13, PA

sheep snow

These two lambs were born in the snow in the hills above the Glens of Antrim last month

The carcasses of more than 3,000 farm animals which died when a blizzard engulfed Northern Ireland have so far been collected in a state funded disposal scheme.

The Stormont Executive agreed to pay for the recovery operation as part of a multimillion-pound aid package for the farmers worst hit by last month's snow storm.

To read the rest of this story, visit Huffington Post UK.


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Welcome Archangel Michael!

Sunday Angel of Presence Michael, Humans know him as Jesus Christ. Archangel Raphael is also a ruler today, so they bring all aspects of their powers and beings.Sun and Mercury. Protection and Healing. Leo, Gemini and Virgo. South and East. Machen and Raquie. Heart Chakra. Blessed Be. As Above So Below. Have a peaceful day. Rhonda L. Porter

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Soaring with Spirit Show!! Today at 10am PT




For the Newly awakened and Merely Curious!


With Desert Gypsy and Odistar

Goddesses of LIght!


Sunday, April 7/13



Join us for some FUN and LAUGHTER

LIVE in our Tiny Chat Room




On this Show:


Special Review of latest Craft Sightings

Bring Your Own TINFOIL HAT!!!!


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