~ Events are Ignited for the First Visible Signs Of Change

Lia's picture


Greetings Love Beings, Since We entered Our Last Portal many events of the visiable changes on the Planet Have been ignited and Love Truly Wins. We have shared last month that the Liberation of Humanity was at Hand and We were not kidding! You can Join us Today Beginning at 10:30am Pacific as we Discuss What Amazing and Miracles flowing in this energy. See You there Live at this Link: http://tinychat.com/galacticpress

Love The Earth Allies

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Total Goal 3000$


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Master Djwhal Khul on Divine Love


Master Djwhal Khul (Master DK) speaks through Kathlyn Kingdon to present a teaching on Divine Love. See http://masterdk.com


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Time to Reconnect ~ Archangel Gabriel


June 3, 2013 by Angel Wings and Unicorns



Many human beings of light have led very solitary existences for quite some time, needing to retreat into their own space in order to stay energetically comfortable. Many had come to a point where the entire world felt very discordant to them.


Dear Ones, you will be happy to know that, for many of you, that phase is now coming to an end. Your soul groups are now moving into a connecting and reuniting phase. This will be a welcome change, and for some of you, connecting in such a deep and meaningful way may take some getting used to after your long period of isolation. You may feel like a butterfly just emerging from its cocoon, where everything is new and bright and different, feeling somewhat fragile and unsure.



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'Gifts From the Elders': Documentary Follows Anishinaabe Youth Journey to Environmental awareness


By: Indian country today 6-3-13


In the film Gifts from the Elders, five Anishinaabe youth take a summer to embark on a journey via the stories of their Elders. The youth are taken back to a time when people could live healthily off the land, and they contrast it to the options of today.

“Their stories chronicle the devastating impact that environmental and cultural dispossession had on the flow of knowledge from Elders to youth, and ultimately on the health of their people,” the filmmakers say on the documentary's website. 

Written and produced by Chantelle A.M. Richmond and James M. Fortier, an Emmy award–winning Ojibwe filmmaker, the documentary is scheduled for release this summer. Screenings are being held this week in Ontario. 


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Pulling Back The Curtain…


June 4, 2013




Music to read by below:


I kind of feel like superman these days with x-ray vision seeing through the illusions being presented to us and seeing what is behind them, what is really going on. It is not always easy to capture the truth, but the further along the path we travel the easier it becomes. Mainly because we have learned to disconnect from the world spinning around us and have now plugged into our own reality. The old world still running the show is so far removed from who we are and who we are fast becoming. There is no love and compassion in the old world, it operates on fear and aggression, it is sharp and pointy and has no soft curves, it is cold and controlled and there is no free flow taking place. That is definitely not who we are. In this new world we see beauty and grace and gratitude everywhere we go for we are creating a separate world in which to live that welcomes us and offers us safe refuge. The more we pull back the curtain the more we know we are headed in the right direction.  The duality of the world is blatantly obvious and we are done with that now, we are merging into one.



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Earthquake Report for 06/04/2013


By: www.earthquake.usgs.gov



37 earthquakes


    3.6 4km SW of Niland, California 2013-06-04 15:46:40 UTC-04:00 1.8 km

    2.6 50km SSW of Goldfield, Nevada 2013-06-04 15:13:15 UTC-04:00 6.6 km

    3.0 19km NW of Glennallen, Alaska 2013-06-04 15:01:09 UTC-04:00 6.7 km

    4.8 64km NE of Anatahan, Northern Mariana Islands 2013-06-04 14:08:37 UTC-04:00 15.4 km

    4.9 41km ENE of Chamba, India 2013-06-04 13:34:48 UTC-04:00 22.3 km

    4.7 245km E of Kuril'sk, Russia 2013-06-04 12:31:50 UTC-04:00 51.7 km


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~ <3 ~ Activation! Dispensation Of The Aquamarine Ray ~ <3 ~


Beautiful Angels!


You may be experiencing some kind of major clearing at the moment... from any combination of one or more (all!) of the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. Let's be honest, it can feel intense and takes a large amount of strength and courage to break through... ((( hug ))). The good news is you have the strength within you because you wouldn't be here reading this otherwise!


At this time we are working to open, charge and balance our 8th chakras, our gateways to the Akash and our powers as Co-Creator Gods. In order to do this we must cleanse any past life karmic residue that may be getting in our way. This may manifest in our lives as any number of symptoms, effecting both the physical and non-physical life.



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Incredible Horizontal Vortex On The Sun!!!


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The Wounded Healer by Paul Levy


June 4, 2013

Paul Levy, Editor's Choice, April 17th, 2013


The wound is not only a personal experience, but rather, it is a doorway...


the wounded healer by paul levy



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Mayan Elder Hunbatz Men Shares Ancient Cosmic Knowledge


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What’s Happening in Turkey?*


By İnsanlik Hali

Thanks To Moon Hippie Mystic

To my friends who live outside of Turkey:

I am writing to let you know what is going on in Istanbul for the last five days. I personally have to write this because most of the media sources are shut down by the government and the word of mouth and the internet are the only ways left for us to explain ourselves and call for help and support.

Four days ago a group of people most of whom did not belong to any specific organization or ideology got together in Istanbul’s Gezi Park. Among them there were many of my friends and students.  Their reason was simple: To prevent and protest the upcoming demolishing of the park for the sake of building yet another shopping mall at very center of the city. There are numerous shopping malls in Istanbul, at least one in every neighborhood! The tearing down of the trees was supposed to begin early Thursday morning. People went to the park with their blankets, books and children. They put their tents down and spent the night under the trees.  Early in the morning when the bulldozers started to pull the hundred-year-old trees out of the ground, they stood up against them to stop the operation.


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Super twister: deadly Oklahoma tornado was widest on record, rare EF5 event


TheExtinctionProtocol, 6/4/13




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Kryon: Biology of Co-Creation

Fantastic video about DNA and co-creating

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Venezuelan Government Moves Forward with Seeds Law, Movements Demand Anti-GMO Measures


Venezuelanalysis, By: Sascha Bercovitch 06/02/2013


A banner at last week's Caracas anti-Monsanto protest (Aporrea tvi)


Caracas, June 2nd 2013 – The Venezuelan government will continue its efforts to increase national food production and combat the use of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) through a new Law on Seeds, president of the Agri-Food Development Subcommittee for the National Assembly Alfredo Ureña announced on Friday.


The law, designed as a reform to legislation from October 2002, aims to preserve Venezuelan biodiversity and contribute to food sovereignty.


For more on this story visit www.earthfirstnews.wordpress.com


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The Galactic community is creating a bridge for humanity.


The message is about the galactic community is generating vibrations of algorithms onto the planet Earth to the Humans on how to raise their vibrations, integrate, alter dna. Each grid is an information packet on how to act and welcome in a galactic community. A bridge and vortex is forming. There are binary codes also embedded in this drawing. The Galactic community is creating a bridge for humanity.  Contact is here, now and can be made first in dreamtime and then orbs of light with messages will come to those who are ready in broad daylight. Many Orbs will be dropping on different parts of the planet right now from the galactic community.  Only with divine open heart and integrity can the contact truly occur. Blessings Salo






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Harmonising Love and Wisdom Through Our Breath


The Heart Chakra in our etheric body is calibrated with the energy frequency and divine quality of Unconditional Love while the Third Eye Chakra connects us to the wisdom of our soul self. My guides taught that ascension to our 5th dimensional aspect is about achieving and becoming the perfect harmony of both the Heart (Universal Love) and Mind (Wisdom), that is expressing fully the qualities of an Avatar of Love and a Great Illuminator.

A Gift

When a student is ready, the Master appears. 

True enough, I was presented with a set of symbols channeled by Melody Wan, a friend and participant of the recent Making of the New Adam Kadmon workshop in Hong Kong. After decoding their hidden meanings and energetic properties, I realised these symbols are gifted to help us cultivate, expand and express fully the beautiful synthesis of Heart and Mind under the guidance of our breath.

Symbol A (below): Heart Expansion and Mastery of Universal Love


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Something Beautiful is Happening in Turkey


June 4, 2013



Gülay Ateş


Dear friends… I want to thank you most of all for your support and comfort.


We have a little over 80 million citizens here in the republic of Turkey… and something wonderful is happening here. Millions have not slept over the past 36 hours; we are all really on the streets. Large cities, small cities, suburbs are full of people who know how they will be treated. Jung and old people, professors, actors, writers, workers all know that they will be beaten bloody, be bombarded with teargas and agent-orange. This is not stopping anyone from helping those in need.


This was not planned, we did not organize this. We were all siting in our living rooms and saw in Halk TV and read on Twitter what was being done to peaceful demonstrators.



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The Buddha Shares What His Dimension Is Like


As our Vibration increases, we shall assume new responsibilities and explore new areas of Spiritual Growth. This is a conversation between The Buddha and myself, that shows clearly the differences between this dimension and his, and gives inspiration for what we too can one day achieve. 

More at: http://reikidoc.blogspot.com/2013/06/the-glowing-buddha-at-buddha-shack.html


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New Earth Revolution: Cosmic Weather Report #6


The Movement of the Light
Dear Brothers & Sisters of Light this is Master Juliano speaking from the Light of the most Radiant One. The times they are changing and not only in our spheres anymore. It is NOW becoming visible for all people on Earth. Look at the mass demonstrations in Japan and Turkey. Look at the spastic ways the governments are trying to keep control over their vanishing power. What do you think about the enormous increase in UFO sightings? The mass media tries to get that news away from you, but due to the power of social media you are now able to see the TRUTH in full light.


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Connecticut Celebrates GMO Labeling Victory


Sustainable Food, By: Admin, 06/04/2013


connecticut 1


Connecticut is celebrating Tuesday after becoming the first US state to pass GMO Labeling in to law. This landmark event has sparked a wave of support from around the US as a number of other states aim to follow Connecticut over the next year. The bill received bipartisan support, passing the Senate unanimously and winning a 134-3 vote in the House.


The bill was amended to be stronger last weekend – as GMO Free CT stated on their Facbook page; “the bill was re-amended by the Senate on Saturday and was approved today by the House. The trigger  is now four states (i.e four other states have to pass similar legislation before bill is acted on) and the population size was reduced. The biggest amendment the Senate made, and by far the most important, was the removal of the exemption for farmers making less than $1.5 million dollars which really challenged the integrity of the bill. This is a compromise, but one that strengthens the integrity of the bill now. This will truly help other states move forward which will assist us with the trigger.”



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Gaia Portal Update~ Clarification of Intent for Humanity-General


4 Jun

gaia_energy1Clarification of intent for humanity-general occurs as Higher Dimensional gateways are opened for all. Higher Purpose is revealed in ways that are undeniable to each.

Forces of movement previously restricted to Hue-manity are now available to humanity-general. Questioning of all outdated paradigms by humanity-general becomes “the normal”.

Hearing and trust of Higher Self is now accepted as “the normal”.


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Meg Benedict ~ What Is 5D Quantum Living, And How Do I Get There? ~ 4 June 2013


What is 5D Quantum Living, and How Do I Get It?The upcoming Solstice on June 21st welcomes a phase of inner reflection as Jupiter’s annual transit moves into Cancer at the same time that Mercury Retrogrades thru Cancer till mid-July. Get ready for a ‘touchy-feely’ summer, as the cosmos shines a spotlight on our deeper sensory Self. We have at this particular time the healing balm of compassion and strong water element to dissolve the past. Any remaining emotional attachment chords to the past hold us entangled in the dying 3D Matrix. This summer is the perfect opportunity to cut all emotional chords and entanglement with residual grief, sadness, loss and disappointment. Set yourself free!

In order to keep up with the new operating system, we need to ‘let go’ of all the rules and principles we learned as children…they no longer apply. We are moving into a new reality that functions completely different than the one we are used to. Time does not exist in the new operating system. Our solar system has migrated into the Galactic Photon Band of gamma frequency where time collapsed into the eternal Now!

Humanity has reached a choice-point…the transition from 3D into 5D will take place between 2013 and 2015. We can choose to do nothing, and wait on the sidelines…or we can jump in now and pave the way for the Souls behind us. We can be the Trailblazers and Wayshowers, or the rear guard. It all comes down to this simple choice…are you going to be actively involved or passively waiting for the transition to complete?


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Lighten Up, Humanity! Laughter is the Best Medicine




Laughter is the Best Medicine

Good day to you. I am Chuen with the Tone of 12. Together we welcome you to this grand and glorious day and encourage you to take care of yourself and truly lighten up. Humans tend to take themselves and their situations way too seriously. Let us begin by laughing. Take time now to laugh. Deep, hearty, belly laughs.

Get your energy flowing. Work your internal muscles. This will energize you. Do this anytime your energy is feeling low. Although it may not be socially correct, do it anyway and encourage others to laugh with you.

How many business meetings would be less boring and more energized if they began with a good belly laugh? Wow, wouldn’t those creative juices flow then? Those who work with children, take laughter breaks. So often in your educational settings, their giggles and laughter are reprimanded. Get them laughing and watch their attention spans increase dramatically!


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The Wounder Healer, A Prayer Poem by Laurie Robertson



June 4, 2013 by Starlight


Prayer Poem by Laurie Robertson

I’m proud to add here another prayer/poem by Laurie Robertson.  this one speaks to us of surrender, and release, all that no longer serves us, including the wounds which we often cling too.  Once we do, the drama, the control of ego will fade away, and I can attest to this 100% becasue it’s happened with me quite recently.  Everything has changed in my life for the better.  So enjoy her beautiful poem and I hope it touches your hearts as much as it did mine.  

Thank you Laurie!

Prayer for the Day…..The Wounded HealerOn the battlefield,a shadow wound recedes deep within.
I endlessly toil, thinking divine service will keep me
going, and it does until it doesn’t.
The throbbing wound attacks with raging bitterness.
It invades by surprise grabbing my attention. Will it destroy me or not?
I lay down my sword and surrender.
No longer, will I try to rid myself of it.


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Amazon natives use Google Earth, GPS to protect rainforest home


Rhett A. Butler, mongabay.com 6-04-13



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Who Are You? – by Debbie Erasmus



I watched an interview with Deepak Chopra and Oprah yesterday and at the end of the interview Oprah asks him “Who are you?.” She says he once asked her that same question and it took her 3 days to give him an answer. He replied:

I am a spark of the Divine and so is everyone else. We limit ourselves by defining ourselves. If you go beyond the labels and definitions, all that is left is infinite possibility, infinite creativity and infinite intelligence. And we ARE that, until we squeeze ourselves into an identity which is the volume of a body in the span of a lifetime. We are way more than that!

My question is: “How many of us actually GET that?” Maybe we need to read that statement more than once for it to sink into our consciousness.  Another question comes to mind “How many of us actually BELIEVE that?.” I believe it’s a fact we have to rewire into our brains. We have been hearing for so long that we have no power, that the power we need to improve our lives, exists outside of ourselves.

From my team I am hearing that we have so much power now with our ever increasing vibration that we can literally manifest anything we choose. Why then do we still feel as though we are powerless? Is it because some of us feel trapped in our physical bodies? This does take some getting used to, but that is not the issue here. When our vibration lifts it does become more and more difficult to accept the constraints of a physical body, but it doesn’t change the fact that we still have the power within us to perform miracles daily in our lives and in the lives of others.


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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Clarity


Angel Wisdom Tuesday, June 4, 2013


What do you desire?


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Inviting ALL Beloved Lightworkers, Starseeds, Shamans, Crystals, Indigos, Walk-Ins, Braid Ins and Star Wanderers!  We of Project Eagle Triad (Ashtar's Trinity) welcome you with open starship hatches. Write janisel (at) sanandaseagles.com today to join our global galactic family!

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Andy Bojarski - My Higher Self: What to do When You are Sad, or Depressed, or Feeling Down


Healing and Love June 4, 2013

You are always creating your reality. This is especially true now as you are awakening more and more. The energies are more intense allowing your manifestations to come more quickly based on your thoughts and feelings.

How you feel and what you think will now manifest its way to you very strongly and quickly. It is so important at these times to stay in a high vibrational frequency. So what can you do when you have had a hard day, when you are feeling sad, depressed, or have no energy, or when you are around people that do not resonate with your energy level?

What can you do if people are criticizing you or judging you or when you are having relationship problems? Having these feelings brings down your energy level. You do not want this. You need to have and always maintain a high energy level. So here is what you can do to instantly raise your consciousness and energy level.


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Sharon's Take, June 2013 The Eye of the Hurricane


The Creator Writings - Teacher/Student


June 3, 2013

The Creator Writings




Each of you is a teacher. Each of you is a student. The observation of your Earth-plane existence has taught you this much. Now is the time to put theory into practice and learn from both roles. ~ Creator




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Worldwide Movement Against Monsanto Gaining Steam


Alternet, By: April M. Short, 06/02/2013



“OMG, GMO, WTF?” Nine letters printed on a protester's T-shirt summed up the frustration of the thousands who gathered in San Francisco's Justin Herman Plaza for the culmination of the local March Against Monsanto action on May 25. San Francisco’s protesters joined more than two million people in 400 cities around the world in a backlash against the $58 billion multinational corporate giant Monsanto, responsible for chemical poisoning, genetically engineered seeds, and a multitude of offenses since its founding as a chemical company 100 years ago. 



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Our Minds are No Longer Leading the Way... Our hearts KNOW The Way


As we transition to a Global Awakening of Oneness, many are finding it difficult to work through the painful contrasts of daily struggles. Whether it's debt, depression, loneliness or other aspects of fear, our ability to stay centered seems challenged.

How can we move out of our head and into our hearts -- allowing us to thrive, not just survive.
This was the topic of a brief audio-recorded conversation between three people who wanted to share their experience in making such a transition.

Please join BZ Riger, Holly Tucker and James McManis in a raw, revealing conversation where hearts were exposed in ways we didn't expect.


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The Archon[Minions] Network wreaks havoc on Earth: James Gilliland paves the way!


Published on May 1, 2013



Guest: James Gilliland of ECETI RANCH
Visit www.eceti.org
Topic: THE ARCHONS! The war is in the sky, and now it has come to Earth.
What are the signs?
What can we as human beings do to heal our past, including past lives?
Who do we turn to that understands?
What is the fate of humanity as a whole?

***what can you do today to make a better tomorrow!******

Contact James Gilliland for PRIVATE EVENTS

Visit James on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ECETI.org?re...



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Alaskan Bears Assist With Cleanup in Flood Stricken Town


Weather.com - 6/4/13, Associated Press




GALENA, Alaska -- Yukon River flooding that knocked out power to the Alaska village of Galena has brought on a number of secondary problems, including how to keep bears away from hundreds of pounds of game meat that has spoiled in residents' refrigerators and freezers.
The flood caused by ice clogging the Yukon submerged some homes and washed out the road to the community's landfill. On Monday, emergency responders were developing plans to collect spoiled meat and fly it by helicopter to the dump, said Jeremy Zidek, spokesman for the Alaska Department of Military and Veterans Affairs.
For more on this story please see Weather.com



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~ Change is In the Air~ Join us Live today Beginning at 10:30am Pacific to Discuss What is Now Unfolding



Greetings Love Beings, Since We went through our last portal on May 25th, this sparked a series of events, to represent the end of tryanny and oppression on this Planet.  This Means Full Disclosure of many Truths is not too far behind for All of Humanity.  We will Have More about what is unfolding in Our Next Update.

You can Join us Today IN these Energies as Well as we Share This Update Live with So Much More. You can Join us Beginning at 10:30am Pacific Live at this Link:  http://tinychat.com/galacticpress

All Are Invited


Topics of Discussion : The Big Cleanse, is this the final one?

Sheldan Nidle's Latest information and the quote we can agree on

The Galactic Free Press Latest Update and The Protests

How the Portal opening has Effected Humanity

The New Cobra Interview and His Alignment in the Divine Plan and Events

Solstice Energies


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The Oracle Report Wednesday, June 5, 2013


The Oracle Report

Balsamic Moon Phase - Moon in Taurus

Ruling Mahavidya - Tara

Today we connect with the energy of the sea gull. What does this photograph conjure for you? 

People often have strong feelings about sea gulls. Some find them annoying and others find them relaxing because they are associated with water.  In Animal Speak, Ted Andrews discusses how sea gulls are shore birds and rarely venture far from land.  Shore lines, he says, are magical and mysterious in that they are neither land nor sea, but between the two.


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Blossom Goodchild Channeling - June 5, 2013


Blossom Goodchild.com

Here we are again! Hello to you! Today I would like to follow on with another question from one of the translator team. Again I TRUST myself … as it is pushing my boundaries somewhat … yet good to do so and good for the whole! OK … here goes ... What is the true explanation for the different races and languages on our planet? Over to you!

We welcome you in Love this day and we are accepting of the inquiries posed. Firstly may we begin by admitting to you that through our conversations we are finding that the interest of such matters is allowing for the ‘self’ to come forward and at the same time allowing the ego to retreat. This is most pleasing to ‘see’ within the energy of each.

So … one would like to know the exact position of the ‘need’ to express … in words … and would we say in different tongues?


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UFO Files - Area 51 Beyond Top Secret





Published on Jan 23, 2013 by NELSON VIEIRA




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Sophia Love - let there be light


Sophia Love 06/04/2013


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Jesus through John - Blame and guilt are illusory concepts which tie you to the illusion


Jesus through John June 5, 2013 by John Smallman

The New Age has arrived, and signs of it are apparent everywhere as the field of divine Love continues to flow across the planet, embracing all in Its path; and there are very few who are not in Its path.  A major and very determined effort is required of anyone who might choose not to be influenced by Love’s ever intensifying and entrancing energy field.  It is God’s Will that humanity throw off the mantle of pain and suffering in which it has chosen to envelop itself for so long, and humanity has now chosen to align its collective will with God’s – that is what the New Age is all about, aligning your will with God’s – and is doing so by throwing off the ephemeral veil of fear and separation in which you had wrapped yourselves, temporarily.


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LaHo-Chi Vibrational Healing Energy


LaHo-Chi Energy Healing with Beloved Heartsong


This is an interview with Beloved Heartsong explaning what LaHo-Chi is and her 18 years of experience as a healer.


"LaHo-Chi (pronounced lah hoe chee), and Angel Light are powerful, yet very gentle, high vibrational spiritual hands-on and remote healing modalities that empower students and clients to align with their natural connection to the Unified Field of Love, utilize this universal life force energy and further develop their subtle multi-dimensional awareness and abilities. Subtle energy healing encourages and enhances the body’s  natural ability to effectively heal itself." Beloved Heartsong of The LaHo-Chi Institute


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Magical Comet Ison: Coming Soon to a Sky Near You


Universetoday.com - 6/5/13, Stuart Atkinson


GFP Note: The following is taken from a Sept 25, 2012 article. But it is still an incredibly interesting read. Comet Ison is due to make an appearance this fall in a sky near you.


An image generated from Starry Night software of how Comet ISON may look on November 22, 2013 from the UK.



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The Earth Angels. ☼ A Morning Message. By, Bella Capozzi. June 5, 2013.


Cupcakes and Angels Posted on June 5, 2013 by bella7xoxo

You were not meant to make a go of it alone, Dear Child of God.  You were created as a single part of a greater whole, whose very shape and outline fits neatly into the larger picture of life.  Unity.  You are all one in the same, yet each and all are an individualized expression of that which Created you.  Peace.  Peace can be found in the unity of yourself with others.  You are supposed to help each other, never hinder.  You must take each others hand and scale the highest mountains, swim the farthest seas. When your Brother stumbles, lift him up.  Should your Sister falter in her discourse, help her to find her words.  The world shall not change with the efforts of a single Man, but through the strength and power of a united army.  Gaia’s army.  You are being brought together now in love.  Do not resist this.


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Fireballs Seen Over Regions Of Canada; Fireballs Seen Over Arkansas; Fireball Lights Up Eastern Seaboard; Comet Fragments Wows Stargazers


Beforeitsnews.com - 5/29/13


Journal of sightings.


18 May 2013 – Michael Schoelzel, Mascoutah, IL, 22:40 cst 

I saw the last 2 seconds. It started east and traveled west. I was looking south. Super brilliant white & green. Super bright! Fragmentation, looked like it disintegrated with green fragments as it was breaking apart. Probably second most amazing thing I’ve seen, right after last week’s observation, interestingly in the same area of the sky from my point of view.Simply breathtaking! Something is really not right here, I’ve been fascinated with the sky all my life, but only in recent years, or better yet months, have I ever witnessed such wild activity, thank you for the interest, I feel better now having reported it!

18 May 2013 – Gerard Randolph Lewisburg, TN USA 10:30-40 Central Time 


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Visionkeeper - Thoughts = Reality


One World Rising Posted on June 5, 2013


Music to read by below:

I remember when I was younger hearing the quotation ” Your thoughts create your reality”. I didn’t give it a whole lot of thought way back then, but everyday, every minute, every hour it becomes more clear as to its powerful meaning. I often wonder how many people out there wandering in the world do not have a clue that what they are thinking about is bringing to them their own reality. Of course it has its greatest meaning in the effects of positive thinking over negative, but it goes way beyond that as well. What kind of dialog do you have with YOURSELF everyday? What kind of verbiage do you use when you talk to yourself? Are you supportive of yourself, do you inspire yourself, are you mostly complimentary or mostly critical? It makes a huge difference as to how your life unfolds so pay close attention.


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Méline Lafont: This is for precious Gaia ♥


pleiadedolphininfos Wednesday, June 5, 2013

♥ This is for precious Gaia.  As I was driving to get my kids on a beautiful sunny day, I was staring at the beautiful sky and all the clouds: sharing me these words and insights… I felt an inner peace and energies running through me, while absorbing the beauty of Mother nature.  As a HUman being, we take too much for granted and don’t always realize how precious everything is around us and in our lives.  If we look to the beautiful sky for example and all the clouds that are making formations, and moving in the space and energy of Earth’s atmosphere,:how wonderful is that?! The small patterns that it is made of, the atoms that have given this life and existence, and the color that is making every single creation into an exceptional existence.  This is all so exceptional and special, how creation is fact and how the smallest thing can form such beautiful creations on Earth.



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Richard Dolan, Best UFO Video Ever

Video from Forbidden Knowledge TV , Richard Dolan, Citizens UFO Conference, 2013

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Update from Sheldan Nidle~ Increase In Daylight Sightings for Disclosure


10 Chicchan, 13 Pax, 9 Eb

Selamat Jarin! We return with important things to discuss. The most important is about first contact. In the past, we decided to rely heavily on a formal disclosure announcement from your new governments. Now, what we intend to do is increase the present level of daytime sightings to supplement the general disclosure policy of the new governance. It is of course simple to sit back and let the current scenario play out. However, we intend to create a more conducive environment for these announcements by more actively preparing the ground for them. We are committed to demonstrating that we are both benevolent and dedicated to a full disclosure. We are aware that many of you do not comprehend what these flyovers are leading up to: namely, the global mass landing of our craft and the formal introduction to each of you of your own personal mentor. Each dearly wishes to meet you and begin the teachings which prepare you for your wondrous shift into full consciousness. There is much for you to learn: an entire new history of your branch of humanity; a new understanding of physicality; and a working knowledge of how Heaven operates.


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Trade Winds Drop, Hawaii Gets Muggy




wunderground,Adurey Mcavoy- June 4,2013





HONOLULU -- Part of what makes living in Hawaii so pleasant is the gentle breeze. Arriving from the northeast, it's light enough that it is barely noticeable but strong enough to chase away the humidity.

It's a natural draw to the outdoors. It is not uncommon to show up at a house to find its residents relaxing out in the covered porch or in the car port, not their living room, and enjoying the cooling winds - and a cool drink.

Nowadays, experts say, these breezes, called trade winds, are declining, a drop that's slowly changing life across the islands.

The effects can be seen from the relatively minor, such as residents unaccustomed to the humidity complaining about the weather and having to use their fans and air conditioning more often, to the more consequential, including winds being too weak to blow away volcanic smog.


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Heavenletter #4576 - Bells Ring, Gongs Clang, and All Clap Hands


Heaven Letters Published on: June 5, 2013

God said:

You are My life. Do you get what I mean? You are the fulfillment of My desires. I have longed for you the way a tree longs to branch out, and, so, you come into overt existence at My behest. You describe life in the world for Me. I feel your point of view. It is as if you breathe life into My heart. You are like Scheherazade who tells a story without end and so continues to live.

I well know there is One Story in the Universe, and that it is I, and, yet, you are in the story with Me. We whisper to each other, you, imaginary, and I real. Yes, it’s true, I talk to Myself. And, still, just the same, I engage with you as one would engage with a delicacy.


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The Effects Of Cellphone Towers and Other Such Strong Sending Devices.....And Vote Out Politicians Who Vote Against Labeling GMO


Ok, here are two topics. They are not related to each other as such, however they are both important, each in their own way. First off:

Listen to this womans story and evaluate, if this may pertain to your health. Here it is:




The second topic calls for your voice to be heard, by those 71 senators, who voted against labeling GMO foods. Tell them your opinion, and let them what you are going to do, next time they expect to get voted on. Please be courteous, but direct.




Thanks for paying attention!


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The Creator Writings - Darkness and Light


The Creator Writings June 4, 2013




Blessed are you that continue to shine even as the swirling, curling darkened mists surround and threaten to envelope you. Rejoice in your light, bring brightness to the world and sing with your souls to The Universe. The harmony always awaits your melody. ~ Creator




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The remaining skeins of the illusion are turning to dust


Johnsmallman's Blog 06/05/2013 by John Smallman

Here in the spiritual realms, our joy at your progress on the path to full consciousness continues to intensify as we observe the increasing numbers who are turning daily to Love.  It is the most amazing sight!  Every single day large numbers of you are renouncing any aspect of yourselves that is in any way unloving, and starting to embrace your true nature confidently and enthusiastically, and by doing so you are most effectively changing the world along with yourselves.  There is no possibility of retreat from this holy path that you have collectively chosen to follow, and on which we are traveling with you to share and lighten your load.  You are going through a lot of stuff, stuff that you need to release, and you are being enormously successful, as we knew you would be, simply because it is the divine Will for you.


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The Oneness Sign!





Published on Jun 4, 2013 LotusGuide



The Oneness Sign by Peter Melton is today's symbol of oneness in a world that's striving for peace and unity. You can help by sharing this with your friends and family.



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Mysterious Shape Changing ‘Jelly Fish’ UFO Spotted over Peru -->


International Business Times -  IBTimes Staff Reporter, 6/2/13


The year 2013 has been marked several sightings of such mysterious objects, believed to be Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs). Although the spotting of such objects is not uncommon, the shape and colour-altering object is something unheard of. There is no scientific explanation to these phenomena. According to UFO Sightings Daily coordinator Scott C. Waring, such sightings are common in South America.



More: IbTtimes.co.in



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UFO: NASA reveals Biblical-like Spacecraft


Agoracosmopolitan.com - 6/3/13, Edited by Raymond

A UFO enthusiast has discovered Biblical like UFO in some archived images of NASA on 1 June, 2013, as reported by UFO Sightings Daily. The report was posted on Jun 3, 2013. The website, UFO Sightings Daily, is coordinated by Scott C. Waring. He had been affiliated with the United States Air Force at SAC base (USAF flight line). He currently owns an ESL School in Taiwan.



“This UFO was discovered in not one but two consecutive NASA archive photos by Streetcap1 of YouTube.”

More: Agoracosmopolitan.com



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~ Space Weather Update~SOLAR FLARE AND CME, Wind Speed Remains Over 500


SOLAR FLARE AND CME: Southern sunspot AR1762 erupted today, June 5th, producing a long-duration M1-class solar flare that peaked around 0900 UT. The explosion hurled a right coronal mass ejection (CME) into space, shown here in a coronagraph image from the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory:


Because the sunspot is approaching the sun's southwestern limb, the blast was not squarely Earth-directed. In fact, it might miss us altogether. Stay tuned for further analysis of the trajectory of the CME.

Meanwhile, more eruptions could be in the offing. AR1762 has a 'beta-gamma-delta' magnetic field that harbors energy for X-flares much stronger than the M1-class event that occured this morning. Solar flare alerts: text, voice.


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alternate nostril breathing


Does anyone have an opinion on alterante nostril breathing (safe?) or any other breathing techniques that could be beneficial to a beginner. 


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Cobra's Interview with Alexandra Meadors - 04 June 2013


From Mike



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Upside-down You're Turning Me!


Energy Forecast ~ June 2013

Peace and blessings, beautiful friend. It’s such a gift and honor to connect with you again.

Well, we did it! We moved through one of the most potent energy cycles we’ve had in a long time. I say “We did it!” because it most definitely deserves a joyous acknowledgment that we accomplished getting through this intense energy cycle safe and sound.

With the combination of three back-to-back eclipses, over a handful of X-class solar flares, intense astrological alignments and other celestial happenings, we stepped into a divine doorway that has completely elevated us and has altered our reality into higher states of existence. When we enter divine doorways like this, it’s completely normal to feel scattered, confused, tired, or more emotional than usual. This is just our mind and body adjusting to the higher frequency we have stepped into. It’s also very common to have bursts of euphoric experiences during intense times like this, which simply serve as previews of the magic that’s awaiting us.

The Rainbow Effect

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People Have Killed Their Fear Of Authority ~ And The Protests Are Growing ~


Thank you to lucas2012infos

 An anti-government protester waves Turkey's national flagNew Statesman- by Ece Temelkuran

“Well, we are just filling light bulbs with paint,” said my friend, a cafe owner in Cihangir, the Soho of Istanbul. Speaking to me on the phone, she sounded as relaxed as if she was baking an apple pie. “You know,” she continued, “the only way to stop a TOMA is to throw paint on its window so that the vehicle loses orientation.”  


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The Energy of June Into July and the Big Cleanse!




I think the space between phase 1 and phase 2 must have completely unplugged my energy pack from my body!  On the 3rd of June, tired hit me about noon, like a ton of bricks.  By 3pm I couldn’t fight the lead weights hanging on my eyelids any longer and gave in to sleep.  I feel into a coma like sleep until 9pm, waking up thinking it was the next day and ready to go, until I realized it was way to dark outside to be 9am.  Just shit, I had a whole nights sleep as a nap.  I stared at TV until my brains went back into the fog bank of sleep… about 12:30am and had scattered sleep until I finally got up at 3:30am.  One would have thought I would be like the energized bunny yesterday.  Not even in the slightest.  By 8am, I was ready to go back to bed.  So I took a bath instead.  I just want to know what the heck is happening in my crazy body these days.  To tell you how slow on the uptake I am these days, my team showed me an image in my bath, over and over again and for the life of me, I could not figure out what it meant.  Dah!!


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Sandra Walter ~June Booms : The Magnficence Of Unity ~ 5 June 2013


A welcome sight for those in the eCourse: Spectrogram for June 3

Apologies for the delay in communication. I AM weaving the crystalline corridor back to Mount Shasta, learning a great deal about new skills, and traveling in some remote areas which puts me out of internet range. I appreciate the messages of concern; all is well (better than well!) and I AM honoring the activations with quiet integration as I greet the new gateways.

There is much to share about the current frequencies and acceleration of the Shift. My journey back to Shasta began with three days at the Grand Canyon – the epicenter of the new gateway openings. It was incredible experience and I plan to do it justice on video as soon as possible. Right now completing this mission is my primary focus, and that means many hours of traveling, anchoring, expanding on the work that was done during the triple eclipse gateway.

Blessings to everyone experiencing this profound frequency shift. It feels like pure Source – pure lovelight intelligence – available 24/7 at last. We have crossed a threshold which anchors an accelerated collective timeline. It speeds up our ascension, it focuses on creating solutions and walking clean away from anything which does not serve the collective interests. More on that – and how to apply this to your lifestream – when I have an opportunity to get a video up.


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Floods threaten Dresden as Prague river levels fall


Bbc.co.uk - 6/4/13



The BBC's Christian Fraser reports from the Czech Republic, where the waters are rising at 15cm an hour


Cities in southern and eastern Germany are on high alert as heavy floodwaters swell rivers including the Elbe.

In Halle, an appeal has gone out to residents to help reinforce flood defences while Dresden is preparing for water levels 5m higher than normal.


For complete story please follow this link.


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The Fedeasrtion of Light trought Blossom Goodchild - June 5, 2013


The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild

Blossom June 6, 2012

June 5, 2013


Blossom: Here we are again! Hello to you! Today I would like to follow on with another question from one of the translator team. Again I TRUST myself … as it is pushing my boundaries somewhat … yet good to do so and good for the whole! OK … here goes ... What is the true explanation for the different races and languages on our planet? Over to you!


The Federation of Light: We welcome you in Love this day and we are accepting of the inquiries posed. Firstly may we begin by admitting to you that through our conversations we are finding that the interest of such matters is allowing for the ‘self’ to come forward and at the same time allowing the ego to retreat. This is most pleasing to ‘see’ within the energy of each.

So … one would like to know the exact position of the ‘need’ to express … in words … and would we say in different tongues?


As you would expect … it is that on many other plains and planets and vibrations ... there is no need for such things. Words are superficial in their interpretation by the individual. And although one may think they have a grasp on ‘meaning’ … much over time has been ' flattened' … in that the spoken word that once was … has now lost much of its ‘energy.'



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Life-Producing Phosphorus Carried to Earth by Meteorites


Indiatimes.com- 6/5/13

Life-Producing Phosphorus Carried to Earth by Meteorites




Washington: A team of scientists has finally solved a 3.5 billion-year-old mystery showing that phosphorus - key element that produced life on Earth- was carried to Earth on meteorites.


The scientists led by a University of South Florida astrobiologist found that during the Hadean and Archean eons - the first of the four principal eons of the Earth`s earliest history - the heavy bombardment of meteorites provided reactive phosphorus that when released in water could be incorporated into prebiotic molecules.


Read entire article at Indiatimes.com


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