- Moon Hippie Mystic The Angels are Here
- Marie Mohler – El Morya: The Power of the Dream
- UFOs @ Sakurajima Vulcano Japan 2013 - And the show goes on and on Pt. 3
- Earth Ally Will Harader~ The Planet VS The World
- ~Earth Ally Will Harader~ Where Is Peace?
- Love, Appreciation and Gratitude are Keys to the New Time
- Ascension Symptoms Update, It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better
- HEALING FROM WITHIN by Soluntra King
- Your Software is Your Path to New Communications
- Latest Earthquake Activity - January 31, 2013
- Volcanic activity worldwide 30 Jan 2013
- Volcanoes Today, 31 Jan 2013 - recent updates on world-wide volcanic activity
- Amazing helper videos for Higher Self and uplifting
- Seperation
- Divine Timing and Soul Contracts Activates Soulmate Reunions
- Hehehee
- Julie Redstone: For Those Who Wait in Faithfulness
- Drunvalo Melchizedek The shifting of our hearts By Pablo Arellano
- The Power of Contrast by Lee-Anne Peters
- ~ Love Party Photo's With Vortex~
- Laura Bruno – Be Bold, Be Free, Be Beatiful! – 30 January 2013
- Eric Dollard – The Truth About The Sun – The Sun is Hollow & Interdimensional – 30 January 2013
- James Gilliland~Getting Through the Shi_ft
- Update Sheldan Nidle - 01/29/2013
- Jyoti: Origins of the 13 Grandmothers Council
- Machu Pichu captured in Gigapan: Breathtaking HD panoramic view takes you there
- Powerful Ancient Breathing Exercise to Open the Third Eye and Activate the Pineal, By Solara An-Ra
- ScienceCast: Record-Setting Asteroid Flyby
- Linda Robinson ~ Message From Zadkiel ~ Living In The Flow ~ 30 January 2013
- Infinite Waters – How To Deal With Difficult People – 30 January 2013
- Mission Juxtaposition
- Wes Annac ~ Working Toward A New Paradigm : Coming Together
- Crater lake on White Island volcano dries up, as activity increases
- Violent tornado cluster rip through Georgia and Tennessee, leaving 2 dead
- Saint Germain ~ The sightings of your current heart are overwhelming ~As channeled by Méline Lafont
- Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Strength
- Heavenletter #4451 - Following Your Own Heart
- Visionkeeper - Light And joy…
- Weekly LightBlast ~ Excitement is Growing
- The manuscript of survival – part 261
- David Wilcox Disclosure Now: NEW 3-HR Russian Documentary Blasts Financial Tyranny!
- 1-31-13 Bill Ballard ~ Heart Chakra Activation ~ Amplifying Your Bliss and LIGHT
- Australia's climate extremes: Two 1,000-year floods, droughts and wildfires
- How To Find Grants For You Non Profit Organization
- Tropical Cyclone Felleng Strongest of Season
- Oracle Report Thursday, January 31, 2013
- The Heart Song for January 31st 2013
- 6.2 magnitude earthquake strikes region of Santa Cruz Islands
- Strong 6.8 magnitude earthquake strikes northern Chile: 1 dead
- Deadly Storms Rake South; Move Into East Coast
- The Morning Blessing 01.31.13
- East Texas town rattled by ninth quake since May
- More than 150 flood alerts issued as Britain brace for another blast of blustery showers today
- Active volcanoes in the world: January 23 – January 29, 2013
- Is there a planetary influence on solar activity?
- Swarm of strong earthquakes hit Santa Cruz Islands
- 3MIN News January 31, 2013: Planets affect the Sun
- Jealousy~Its Origin and How to Heal It~ Simon NightStarr
- Giant Magnetized Outflows Observed Emanating From The Galactic Core
- Lisa Gawlas~ The Magnetic Pull Of Life Needs YOUR Full Alignment and COMMITMENT!!
- The Time Has Come
- Laura Bushnell ~ Find Your Inner Light ~ 31 January 2013
- WakingTimes ~ The Active-Observation (A-O) Principal ~ 31
- Re~Hearter - Two Tiny Chat Sessions This Afternoon!
- The Ascended Masters: Your Power as a Collective is Absolutely Enormous
- The Oneness Declaration~ Sixteen Hallmarks of the New Consciousness
Greetings Love Beings, The Excitement Is Building for The Energetic Feild for February. Many Exciting events are already in progress such as a comet and an astroid which is coming very close to the Planet Towards the Middle of February. We also have a Global Mediation which We feel is the Largetst One this PLanet has Had Yet. One Billion +.. This is Huge everyone!!! We will Have More about February events and Energy In our Next Update! Love The Earth Allies
Moon Hippie Mystic The Angels are Here
The Angels are Here…
Marie Mohler – El Morya: The Power of the Dream
The Aquarius Paradigm Posted by Wes Annac January 30, 2013
UFOs @ Sakurajima Vulcano Japan 2013 - And the show goes on and on Pt. 3
Earth Ally Will Harader~ The Planet VS The World
For us to communicate effectively, we need to make sure we understand the terms we're using in the same way. For our expanding Consciousness, an expanded vocabulary is extremely useful in communication. I'm going to give you what may be new ways of looking at the words planet and world, though the ways I'm using them aren't necessarily outside of the dictionary's boundaries. Usually, people don't consider any difference between the Planet and the world, and use the terms interchangeably, but let's really look at what people mean.
Now, imagine a map of the world. It's got the natural boundaries of the oceans and the land, but it's also got something you wont find on the actual Planet, lines dividing up the map and the names of the places. The world contains different nations, different states, different seas, and different oceans. Everything divided up and categorized so people can believe they understand it. Now think of an image of the Planet taken from space. Looks a lot different from the map of the world, doesn't it? First, there aren't lines on the Planet dividing up the land telling people who owns what. Nor are the lands and the oceans named, they simply are. And the really big difference between the Planet and the world is that the Planet is a sphere, while the world is flat. The world is something you can transcribe onto a flat piece of paper, you can't really do that with the Planet.
Love, Appreciation and Gratitude are Keys to the New Time
In transitioning from one reality to another, it's important to complete with your present reality before moving to a new one. The process of completion involves holding in your mind the blessings you have received in your present reality. Express gratitude for all that has been: for the experiences, the learning opportunities and the sharing. Affirm to yourself everything happened perfectly and all is now complete.
Expressing gratitude for the reality you are leaving helps you to release even the hint of a nuance that you are seeking to "run away from" the reality you are presently experiencing. Understand since you contain it all -- each and every reality you have ever experienced – the idea that it is possible to "leave behind" any reality is illusory. If you are seeking to "get away from" a reality, you will carry thoughtforms about what you "don't want" into your new reality and begin re-creating them there.
Before shifting into a new reality, bring closure to any unresolved emotional energy and heal your experiences. This allows you to come into a place of gratitude. Healing begins when you bring the essence of this "old" reality into the bright light of your love, appreciation and gratitude.
Extract from the book "Gateways of Unity, Inner and Natural Healing"
In the times that we are living there is nothing less for us to do but go within, into our Centre, our Heart, our connection to Source. We come to the realisation that the only solution to all our dilemmas, whether personal, physical, emotional or mental is through unconditional Love and Acceptance. We have never been encouraged or educated to do this, and how many times do we identify with less than that, identifying with our pain, emotions, thoughts, roles, sex, bodies and our limited sense of self. Most of our time and experience is spent on the emotions and the mind, we become so immersed in the personal that the majority of the time we operate within the limitations of duality. Fragmented and relating to our individual sense of self, that the third density teaches us to integrate. When we choose to open ourselves up to live in alignment with Divine Will, Loving and at Peace we open up to spirit flowing fully through us. Charging and nourishing every cell with remembrance of our Divine self and our purpose.
We open up to the realisation that we are the Creator of our own lives. If we keep seeing problems before us then that is what we create, and it will be so if we keep fighting and not accepting all those things we don’t like within us or others. The problems will always be there because we are always creating a resistance or karma to them, and so it is a continual interplay of action and re-action.
Your Software is Your Path to New Communications
Welcome to Brenda's Blog
Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for www.LifeTapestryCreations.com
Summary of Brenda’s January 27, 2013 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at www.BlogTalkRadio.com/brenda-hoffman: The next few days will present issues to urge you to use your new personal software. Your first inclination will probably be to solve the dilemma with 3D methods only to discover those solutions aren’t adequate – encouraging you to ask your higher self for assistance in opening your personal software.
The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for www.LifeTapestryCreations.com: ”You KNOW You Downloaded New Physical Software”
Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.
Latest Earthquake Activity - January 31, 2013
Source: USGS.gov
Follow the link to see quake
activity for the past seven days.
Visit Live Earthquakes Map
for live quake reporting.
Map of the quake in ATACAMA, CHILE
All quakes with magnitude 4.5
or greater are highlighted.
January 31
Volcanic activity worldwide 30 Jan 2013
Source: Volcano Discovery - 1/30/13
Volcanoes Today, 31 Jan 2013 - recent updates on world-wide volcanic activity
Source: Volcano Discovery - 1/31/13
Amazing helper videos for Higher Self and uplifting
Just by searchin for new videos, i found this amazing youtube channel. He is a very good teacher, explain higher self and environment very conveniant. Have a look and send him light and thanks for his teachings.
This is from Kohanim Emor, a fellow Galactic Free Press member. His blog is very insightful and honest, to me that is. Its Awakenlifeform.wordpress.com
Posted by Kohanim Emor
Let’s have an eye on separation and loneliness again. Both terms point to the same emotional effect, a state that can lead to depression and heavy downthinking. Where did it come from? You feel the disconnect from source every time the voice in your head pull you out of the now. The thoughts are pointing to past and create fear by pointing in the future. They urge you to seek a pet or partner to repair this feeling, but this will not connect you to source and offer you the Now.
Only in the now you are connected to source, can speak with higher self, have no feeling of loneliness. Cause you are a complete multidimensional being, you can walk your path alone or have a pet or partner for curiosity to walk the path side by side. You have free of choice, welcome home.
Divine Timing and Soul Contracts Activates Soulmate Reunions
In the course of your spiritual evolution, you may encounter several souls who hold the codes and keys to reflect to you the condition of your inner soulmates. As you move further along in your spiritual understandings, certainly there are fewer beings that can truly see you at all levels and reflect to you all of who you are. In spite of this, within any lifetime there are several souls with whom you hold soul contracts. These contracts bring us together with our soulmate in divine timing in this lifetime or the next.
When we reach a place of spiritual clarity, it’s a matter of choice as to whether we enter into a soulmate relationship. Some fully unified individuals feel they can better serve the whole by communing with their soulmate in consciousness while giving themselves mind, body and soul to their spiritual mission on Earth. Others choose to serve through their connection with another unified soul, becoming a truly powerful force in the universe.
A soulmate connection can take many different forms but always it is based on the frequency of love, the inner unification of each person and a connection based on spiritual purpose and collaboration.
Hehehee. Whats funnie??? I DONT KNOW!!!! I really think that I have lost my marbles this time, for real. I have been sleeping alot lately. Its been years since I have been this "at ease" and could rest, really rest. Maybe it made me crazy. hehehee I feel so damn silly. hehehee. Everything I think of is funnie, no matter what it is. hehehee. Writing this is funnie.
I wanna run, jump up and high five the Moon. I wanna play hop scotch on the rings of Saturn. I wanna kiss a rock on Jupiter. I wanna go around and kiss everyone (not on the lips now hehehee), hug everyone, and just be free like the wind. I wanna fly with the birds to the Sphinx and whisper in HER ear; " I remember you." I wanna go to Puma Punku and sing and dance as in the days for old. I wanna watch my fellow community of beings while we are in the fields working; not for others but for ourselves. I have had this vision lots. We are singing and havesting crops, all in unisom and in total bliss. Yes, these are the things that make me happy and blissful, and lets not forget sillyness. I AM immature you think? Good, because I AM when I wanna be. hehehee
I think that I will laugh myself back to sleep now. hehehee I First, AM going to call Sheba (Sheba is the twin flame of the dragon in The Never Ending Story) and see if we cant go for a spin first. hehehee We have so much to laugh about. Um hum, I hear hear wings now....puttin on my shoes, its wet outside and I AM not fond of wet feet. hehehee ah hahahahahahaa
Ah, the New World. Happy New Time beginnings to us.
Julie Redstone: For Those Who Wait in Faithfulness
Beloved Ones,
There are many reasons that delays take place in the complete manifestation of what one’s heart wishes for. Some of these reasons have to do with the soul’s readiness for certain changes to happen and specifically for certain healing processes to be completed. Other reasons have to do with external events and the need for individual manifestations to be linked with the broader context of what is happening in the world. In relation to the latter, there are forces of light and forces of darkness that influence the sequence of events in the world and their timing. Both kinds of forces play a role in the outpicturing of events and in their appearance at a certain point in time.
The Power of Contrast by Lee-Anne Peters
A sudden SLAM of fierceness strikes us. It hits us in different ways, but can knock us off our feet - like our world has been tipped upside down! This may play out as unbelievably shocking news or just this strange vague feeling of being stunned - without much of a reason why. Similar to a deer being caught in headlights!
Do you feel like you are caught in the headlights at the moment, and you are stuck or don't know which way to run?
Laura Bruno – Be Bold, Be Free, Be Beatiful! – 30 January 2013
Thanks to Lucas2012infos Posted on January 30, 2013
Uploaded on 13 February 2012 by whiteswanrecords David Newman, aka Durga Das, sings “Thinking of You” — chants and English lyrics that bring a wonderful message of love and peace.
Eric Dollard – The Truth About The Sun – The Sun is Hollow & Interdimensional – 30 January 2013
The Aquarius Paradigm Posted by Wes Annac January 30, 2013
Thanks to: http://lucas2012infos.wordpress.com/2013/01/30/eric-dollard-mirror-the-truth-about-the-sun-the-sun-hollow-interdimensional-30-january-2013/
Uploaded on 30 January 2013 by Thyalwaysseek SHARE AND MIRROR THE TRUTH NEEDS TO BE KNOWN TO ALL… Eric Dollard has done over 4 years of research on the Sun at Sonoma State University before his lab was taken from him. Here he reveals astonishing truths about the sun never before heard in such frank and straight speak. http://www.indiegogo.com/ericdollard http://peswiki.com/index.php/PowerPedia:Eric_Dollard
James Gilliland~Getting Through the Shi_ft
From 'Up at the Ranch' From James and mys~Elf...
With the intense incoming energies, everything from magnetic waves, Gama bursts, solar flares and consciousness on high things are getting a little bit crazy. We keep trying to fix things externally, some blame, project even demand others meet their expectations of who they should be and how they should act. There is a wonderful saying.
If you try to fix crazy you become crazy, if you attune to confusion you become confused.
Many times I have tried to reason with the unreasonable and understand the confused even asking my guides about future events concerning interactions with these people. I was asked how can you predict what an unreasonable and confused person will do?
This is the condition on an individual and collective level of consciousness today.
It is like predicting weather, social, economic and physical Earth changes all within a sea of confusion.
Update Sheldan Nidle - 01/29/2013
1 Cauac, 7 Yax, 9 Eb
Dratzo! We return! Your world is being held in a sacred limbo, awaiting the magic touch that only Heaven can provide. Heaven decreed a short delay in order to afford humanity an integration period into these very new energies. Long ago, when the Anunnaki wished to rule over you, a special agreement was put forth which stipulated that the period of dark rule would only be allowed for around 13 millennia. This time has come and is well and truly gone. The collapse of the many timelines into one was the final verification for the dark's earthly minions that the moment for transformation has arrived. Now there is a brief transition during which the dark's soldiers are to surrender and let the new epoch commence. The dark, as ever, has arrogantly refused this offer and so, under Heaven's strict command, we have removed a number of these recalcitrants and placed them under the supervision of a group of Agarthan and Federation personnel. This group now has a considerable number of these individuals in safekeeping, and these numbers will no doubt continue to grow until this issue is fully resolved.
Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2013
I AM here to tell you that all is fine. All is fine for all souls on earth, in which ever way life looks like! It does not matter whether you are conscious right now about who you are or whether you are aware of the ascension process. You all are alive in the Consciousness of the Creator Who is Pure Love and Light.
Even if the information of the new creation has not yet manifested in your body-mind, all Are, even if still asleep, in the womb of the Divine.
Jyoti: Origins of the 13 Grandmothers Council
The Aquarius Paradigm Posted by Wes Annac January 30, 2013
Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia.
Another spiritual initiative showing how robust are these times: The 13 Grandmothers Council.
About the International Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers
The International Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers represents a global alliance of prayer, education and healing for Mother Earth, all Her inhabitants, and all the children for the next seven generations to come. The Grandmothers Council was brought together by a common vision, set in motion by the Center for Sacred Studies (CSS), a non-profit organization dedicated to sustaining indigenous ways of life through cross-cultural spiritual practices, ministry, and education, and committed to peace and unity for all peoples.
Machu Pichu captured in Gigapan: Breathtaking HD panoramic view takes you there
A stunning image of the mystical Machu Picchu, composed of nearly two thousand different shots taken over a period of 1.5 hours has been compiled to give an incredible sense of 'being there' for those of you who have always wanted to go but have never quite made it.
The picture, which was taken in 'Gigapan' by photographer Jeff Cramer, was taken at the end of the dry season “just before the clouds rolled in.”
You can see the pic here:
By Maarten Horst
His Voice will be altered for safety reasons. You don't want to miss this folks!
1 PM Pacific / 4 PM Eastern / 9 PM GMT / 22:00 Central European Time. Choose your player here:
Powerful Ancient Breathing Exercise to Open the Third Eye and Activate the Pineal, By Solara An-Ra
Councils of Light
“Close your eyes wherever you may be on your blessed earth plane. Close your eyes and move silently through the invocations, using them inwardly now, inwardly calling White Light to yourself now and watching that Light stream through your physical and energy bodies, illuminating Gaia below you so that you may see and feel Gaia’s core crystal.
Inwardly now, ground yourself through your heart and belly in to the great Core Crystal and as you ground yourself in this way, an umbilical cord moving from Svadhisthana down through Muladhara magnetically attaching to the great iron crystal of Gaia.
You feel your physical selves resonating, humming, pulsing with her, your physical body heavy, deeply relaxed and pleasant. Feel your self inwardly connected now with Sushumna, with the central channel that runs through all chakras.
ScienceCast: Record-Setting Asteroid Flyby
On Feb. 15th an asteroid about half the size of a football field will fly past Earth closer than many man-made satellites. Since regular sky surveys began in the 1990s, astronomers have never seen an object so big come so close to our planet.
Linda Robinson ~ Message From Zadkiel ~ Living In The Flow ~ 30 January 2013
We are Archangel Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst of the Seventh Ray of Transformation, and we come to you in Love and Light.
Living in the flow is a feature of the new higher dimensional energy. It has a quality of aliveness and freshness that can carry you to new levels of awareness.
Living in the flow begins with a desire and intention to be in harmony with this energy that connects everything. You want to be part of this gentle flow that carries you from one moment to the next.
Infinite Waters – How To Deal With Difficult People – 30 January 2013
Thanks to Lucas2012infos Posted on January 30, 2013
Uploaded on 30 January 2013 by Kemetprince1 Letting Go Off Society’s Expectations…Keep it Moving! http://infinitewaters.net
Mission Juxtaposition
Captain Bob called me on the phone and asked, “Would you like to go on a mission?”
“Of course” I heard myself say.
“Can you come right now?”
“Yes,” I lied just a little. I’d have to cancel a few activities.
“So, what are we doing?”
Captain Bob explained, “Thick fog is rolling in, it’ll be a good night for a search mission. It’s going to be cold and wet. Do you have warm clothes to bring?
“Yes”, I lied just a little again. When I moved south, I gave away all my warm clothes. I couldn’t bare those memories. They were like a wall, visible and so very dark. I shivered all the way to the dock.
Captain Bob was waiting on his tugboat, Juxtaposition.
It was not much to look at but the tug had a calming, healing presence.
Captain cautioned, “Tonight will be busy, could get messy.”
Wes Annac ~ Working Toward A New Paradigm : Coming Together
Demanding Truth And Making Contact (Part 3/3) – 30 January 2013
Note: I was going to wait until Thursday to post the conclusion, but I’ve decided to bump it up to today.
(Concluded from Part 2)
One of the final important areas we will have to demand truth from our governments about is that of the geopolitical and classified actions funded by our tax dollars that we do not hear about. The Military Industrial Complex has gone awry with classified projects and our money has funded acts of warfare we do not hear about, as well as continual violations of the Universal sovereignty and rights of humanity.
Crater lake on White Island volcano dries up, as activity increases
Source: The Extinction Protocol - 1/30/13
January 30, 2013 – NEW ZEALAND – The hot crater lake on White Island has now completely dried up as explosive rocks, mud and gas continue to be thrown into the air from the active volcano. White Island has been spewing a steady stream of gas since activity heated up in December. It’s the most active the volcano has been since 2000. GNS Science vulcanologist Brad Scott said a “small tuff cone” was forming on the bottom of the crater lake, and the active vent was producing “vigorous bursts” of mud, rock, steam and gas up to 100 meters into the air.
Violent tornado cluster rip through Georgia and Tennessee, leaving 2 dead
Source: The Extinction Protocol - 1/31/13
January 31, 2013 – GEORGIA - Powerful winds and a tornado spawned by a 1,000-mile-long storm system pounded communities in northwest Georgia on Wednesday, overturning dozens of vehicles and trapping residents. The tornado caused significant damage in Adairsville, Georgia. One person died in that town and another died in Tennessee, authorities reported. At least 17 people were injured in Georgia, two critically. The Adairsville death marks the first person killed by a U.S. tornado in 220 days, a record for most consecutive days without such a fatality, said CNN meteorologist Dave Hennen. The storm churned eastward, prompting severe thunderstorm and flash-flood warnings in eastern Tennessee and western portions of the Carolinas.
"Remember, NESARA was written in the United States of America. And it shall be Obama and the others who have been working so hard, and all of those who have given their lives, White Knights, to be sure, including some of your lawmakers or some of their families, or both – all of those who have been working though these years since NESARA was first written to bring it forward, to announce it because it is law already, they were there in spirit yesterday!*
"The Forefathers of the United States of America, and indeed the champions of Liberty down through the ages in every society that you can imagine, the ancestors, their spirits, were there yesterday in company with all of you! And their presence put a blessing upon the whole proceedings, and you, as you connect in, and you feel yourselves, the energy, the Love that was generated there - you have this now, as Golden Age Legacy, and Golden Age forward-movement on your Missions, individual, and as a Community of One!!!
Saint Germain ~ The sightings of your current heart are overwhelming ~As channeled by Méline Lafont
pleiadedolphininfos Thursday, January 31, 2013
As channeled by Méline Lafont
31 January - 1 February 2013
Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Strength
Angel Wisdom Thursday, January 31, 2013
Visionkeeper - Light And joy…
One World Rising Posted on January 31, 2013
The light is now glowing about us everywhere we go, many are awake despite the fact it feels like they aren’t. We are so powerful now and it is time we wake up to that fact, accept it and begin to use our power to make change. Forever we have been kept from the knowledge that we are powerful beings and our minds are powerful creators. We are now learning these truths and in doing so it is up to us to bring our power to the light and use it!We have spent enough time preparing for this journey, now it is time to realize we made it, we are there and we are now living in a new world. The old ways are over as long as we allow them to go and move forward into this new dimension of being. We are free, we always have been, we just didn’t realize it yet. Now we know so now is the time for us to activate and become the beings we were meant to be!
David Wilcox Disclosure Now: NEW 3-HR Russian Documentary Blasts Financial Tyranny!
On January 30, 2013, top Russian network REN-TV aired "Shadow Gold"--ANOTHER three-hour documentary blasting Financial Tyranny. See it here NOW, before it is officially translated!
1-31-13 Bill Ballard ~ Heart Chakra Activation ~ Amplifying Your Bliss and LIGHT
These past days many persons are asking me about Heart Chakra Activation and Anchoring. I have posted on this in other videos but since this was the 144th video of my YouTube Series, I felt it a perfect time to speak of that again. Focusing your LOVE on your exterior, like Reiki does, but in a sexual play, projecting your energies and intent toward another amplifies and reflects that LOVE back to you and into your field. Yes, an other who is attuned can experience this sexual sensation from anywhere, and I'm not talking self arousal.... but telepathic receiving of the energies and intent you send... Find another person who will play and try it... Ya Might Like It! haha!
This is a great way to build up your LIGHT quotient and frequency into that of pure LOVE as what you put out into the field is reflected back to you for your experience... There are many ways of holding this LIGHT and Frequency but this is what I did and in a very fun way...
Australia's climate extremes: Two 1,000-year floods, droughts and wildfires
AlllVoices.com - 1/30/13, PrarieDogPress
Bushfires out of control in Tasmania, Australia. AP
In Australia, 2013 is lining up to be a record-breaking year for simultaneous weather extremes involving historic heat waves, decades-long drought across parts of the Australian terrain, the sum of 100 or more wildfires and the second unprecedented flood in two years.
This week, according to CNN coverage, flood waters from torrential rain in the aftermath of Tropical Cyclone Oswald rapidly swamped areas near the east coast of Queensland with 2 ½ feet of rushing water, catching residents of communities like Bundaberg and Brisbane by surprise.
How To Find Grants For You Non Profit Organization
Being that I AM currently in the process of organizing my proposal for two non profit organizations, I wanted to share this information with my siblings. I AM sure that others want to create non profit organizations or want to pass on the information to others. And, it's also long, validating my desire to do new things. "BAM" is not always the best way to go. We DO have choices and I thank Spirit for the rememberance. hehehee
Tropical Cyclone Felleng Strongest of Season
AccuWeather.com by Jim Andrews January 30, 2013; 10:16 AM
Category-4 equivalent Tropical Cyclone Felleng as of 1130 UTC Wednesday, Jan. 30, 2013. To the west lies Madagascar; Reunion and Mauritius to the southeast (lower right). Visible satellite image credit: Joint Typhoon Warning Center.
Tropical Cyclone Felleng has become the strongest cyclone of the South Indian 2012-2013 storm season and the strongest storm in this tropical cyclone region since last February.
Highest sustained winds rose to an estimated 115 knots, or about 215 km/h, as of 1200 UTC Wednesday, the Joint Typhoon Warning Center (JTWC) said.
The dangerous storm, equivalent to a Category-4 hurricane, was centered less than 400 miles northwest of Reunion and within 360 miles east-northeast of Antananarivo, Madagascar. Storm movement was towards the south-southwest 13 knots, or 24 km/h.
Oracle Report Thursday, January 31, 2013
Disseminating Moon Phase - Moon in Libra
Ruling Mahavidya: Matangi
Today we should pay attention to signs and symbols, especially through repetition of the same element. What is reappearing? We can easily see that events are repeating from the not too distant past. Our range of vision has been widened this month - it became more hawk-like. This enables us to understand more. We understand things about ourselves and our lives. It happens as we maintain our direct connection with the planet each day. We support her and she supports us.
Disseminating Moon phase is the time of sharing our thoughts, feelings, and ideas with others and listening to theirs and then seeing a broader perspective. This Moon Phase works best when you link with others. Any combined efforts are highly empowered.
The Heart Song for January 31st 2013
The Heart Song for January 31st 2013 is
In Love With Myself :by David Guetta
In love with myself
In love with my own reflection
With my own affection
With the vision that i see
There's nobody else
I'm taking my own direction
I can see perfection
Doing all i can for me
In love with myself...
I can take you to hell
I'm falling so deep inside it
And i just can't hide it
Feel it burning down on me
I dance with myself
As hundreds of eyes are waiting
Can't strip completely
And the lights are burning me
In love with myself...
Tonight i'm gonna meet somebody
After all the lights have died
I'm still living,
But what am i giving?
In love with myself
In love with my own reflection
With my own affection
With the vision that i see
There's nobody else
I'm taking my own direction
I can see perfection
Doing all i can for me
In love with myself...
Everybody wants your body
There's nobody who can
take you to heaven
We'll make it forever
Tonight i'm gonna meet somebody
After all the lights have died
I'm still living
But what am i giving?
6.2 magnitude earthquake strikes region of Santa Cruz Islands
Source: The Extinction Protocol - 1/31/13
by The Extinction ProtocolJanuary 31, 2013 – SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS – A deep 6.2 magnitude earthquake struck near the Santa Cruz Islands in the Pacific, about four hours after the region was rattled by a 6.0 magnitude earthquake. The 6.2 magnitude earthquake had a depth of 55.4 km (34.4 miles) with an epicenter of 60 km (37 miles) E of Lata, Solomon Islands. This is the third major earthquake to strike the planet in a 24 hour period.
The planet is experiencing a heightened level of seismic activity following a record number of volcanoes across the globe exhibiting activity in the month of January. Today’s earthquake was followed in rapid succession by two 5.6 aftershocks, and a 5.0 magnitude earthquake in southern Sumatra, Indonesia, and a 4.5 aftershock in Atacama, Chile from the 6.8 magnitude earthquake. Seismic tension is also mounting on the Indo-Australian and Sunda plate near the region of Indonesia. –The Extinction Protocol
Strong 6.8 magnitude earthquake strikes northern Chile: 1 dead
Source: The Extinction Protocol - 1/31/13
January 31, 2013 – CHILE – A magnitude-6.8 earthquake shook offices, toppled supermarket shelves and broke windows on Wednesday in north-central Chile, where people fled some buildings in panic. A 55-year-old woman in city of Atacama died of a heart attack, said Mayor Rafael Prohens, who attributed her death to fear during the quake. Authorities said that damage was limited and discounted the possibility of a tsunami. The U.S. Geological Survey originally reported the quake at 6.7, but later revised it upward. It struck at 4:15 p.m. (3:15 p.m.; 2015 GMT) and was centered 27 miles (44 kilometers) north of Vallenar, Chile. The quake shook the capital of Santiago, causing office buildings to sway, but was felt most powerfully in the north where state television showed images of scattered groceries at supermarket floors and broken windows at several homes in Vallenar, Copiapo and other nearby cities.
Deadly Storms Rake South; Move Into East Coast
The Weather Channel Published: Jan 31, 2013, 7:45 AM EST
Adairsville, Ga.
Associated Press
Will Carter, 15, wraps himself up in a towel he found while searching debris for the family dog, a pit bull named Niko, upon arriving to his damaged home from school following a tornado, Wednesday, Jan. 30, 2013, in Adairsville, Ga. (AP Photo/David Goldman)
A strong storm that brought tornadoes and flooding to the South, has moved into the East Coast and Northeast Thursday morning. Strong winds and heavy rain will continue to cause problems through at least midday.
More than 150 flood alerts issued as Britain brace for another blast of blustery showers today
Mail Online - 1/31/13, Mark Duell
- Environmental Agency has 36 flood warnings and 153 flood alerts
- Today: Blustery showers and sunny spells with heaviest rain in West
- Tonight: Clear spells and blustery showers but heavy rain in South
- Tomorrow: Morning rain in South will clear to sunny spells and rain
A man braves the elements along the coastline of Aberystwyth this morning
Britain is set to be blasted by more blustery showers with a chance of hail and thunder, after London woke up to heavy rain this morning.
Active volcanoes in the world: January 23 – January 29, 2013
The Watchers By Nix – Posted on January 31, 2013
This week, 7 volcanoes were noticed to have new activity, whereas ongoing activity was reported for 13 volcanoes. This report covers active volcanoes in the world recorded from January 23 – January 29, 2013 based on Smithsonian/USGS criteria.
Is there a planetary influence on solar activity?
Astronomy and Astrophysics - December, 2012
J. A. Abreu1,2, J. Beer2, A. Ferriz-Mas3,4, K. G. McCracken5 and F. Steinhilber2
Internal structure of the Sun, planetary torque, and the solar tachocline. a) Internal structure of the Sun: the core, radiative zone, and convection zone. The overshoot layer (black dashed line) represents the transition between the radiative and the convective zone. b) Two-dimensional representation of the tachocline (gray) modeled as an ellipsoid and the overshoot layer (black dashed line). c) The tachocline (modeled as an ellipsoid), overshoot layer. Note the inclination of the solar rotation axis with respect to the ecliptic. The non-spherical symmetry of the tachocline and the tilt of the solar rotation axis lead to torques. d) Model of the tachocline used for the calculations assuming uniform density between two ellipsoidal shells with semi-major axes a, b, c and d, e, f. The z direction is parallel to the solar rotation axis.
Swarm of strong earthquakes hit Santa Cruz Islands
The Watchers By chillymanjaro – Posted on January 31, 2013
Swarm of strong and shallow earthquakes struck Santa Cruz Islands region, starting with January 30, 2013. Strong M 6.0 (USGS) hit island region on January 30, 2013 at 23:03 UTC.
"Greetings, Beloved Family! By now the dust has settled, as it were, from the flurry of anticipations realized - and not - connected with the 12-21. By this I am meaning that your realizations may not have exactly matched your anticipations, but you have had the opportunity by now to assimilate and come to new realizations of what the 12-21 energies have brought to you!"We are in constant observation of this new phase you are in, which is your long awaited Golden Age, and we do advise you to accept it whole-Heartedly, that is to say, completely within your Beloved Beings!"There is a great difference between hoping for something and accepting that It Is So, without any qualifications or doubts. Now that Planet Earth has officially evolved - indeed ascended - up into 4D, it is for Humanity to live that Lifestyle! No individual can ascend further without making this commitment!!!
Jealousy~Its Origin and How to Heal It~ Simon NightStarr
Jealousy is one of the greatest challenges that humans have on the path to greater awareness! Jealousy is a dis-ease. It is an erroneous thought that someone else has something that you do not have that you would like to have, but that you do not possess yourself. The origin of this disease is a sense of a lack of love. This is the origin of all diseases, period. If you pay close attention, the very word "disease" clues you into this. Dis-ease is lack of ease, a lack of love. For love itself IS ease. It IS easy. Yet it is not until you let go of those false, conditioned beliefs that tell you otherwise that you will truly see how EASY it actually is to feel love, for such erreoneous beliefs make love appear to be something that is difficult to receive, and this is an insane notion. You ARE love!
Giant Magnetized Outflows Observed Emanating From The Galactic Core
Uploaded on 30 January 2013 by Thyalwaysseek THYALWAYSSEEK FACEBOOK GROUP: https://www.facebook.com/groups/487056594643751/
http://phys.org/news/2013-01-giant-magnetized-outflows-galactic-center.htmlOn December 21st 2012, The Galactic Free Press Announced that An Energy from The Galactic Center was hitting the Planet and Would Continue, This is the Scientific Proof of what we shared was going to Happen and Did Happen! This is Alterting the Planet on a daily Basis NOW! The New Earth Energies have been Proven as Fact. Love The Earth Allies
Lisa Gawlas~ The Magnetic Pull Of Life Needs YOUR Full Alignment and COMMITMENT!!
The one thing I am really starting to understand as the field of readings progress out of the stormy weather to revelations within each person, that what we needed, energetically is, and has, already been in place. It is the realization that we have already been provided with “that” that sets the energy field alive. And the field of life, now fully able to participate in creation like never before, is really flexing its creative muscles!
Ohhh and before I get to sharing the understandings from the readings and my ongoing Odyssey within my bathtub, let me share an amazing insight that came thru the field yesterday in relationship to the appearance of so many animal totems/helpers. The field had said that animal (fish, bugs whatever) helpers appear to a person when they need to tie the energy of their spiritual world to the created reality they are living. Our animal helpers know the matrix of created life and how to string what is need within that person to the heart desire of the person’s life field. Point being, you already have what you are looking for… now learn how to use it in your created reality!!
The Time Has Come
This was an interesting reading. Laying the cards out, I was so excited. I believe that there is the influence of both Mother and Father God in the reading (the Emperor in position 3 and the Queen of Cups in position 6) as well as the influence of Gaia/Sophia (the Queen of Pentacles in position 8, the Outside Forces position).
I struggled with this reading after laying the cards out. I think my mistake was that I went immediately to my book, instead of forming my own initial interpretation of the cards. I worked with the book for a little while before become frustrated that I wasn't able to put a fluid writing together out of it. Then, I was interrupted by our wiener dog barking at the mailman. So, I took a time out, took some deep breaths and returned to my writing. I flipped a fresh sheet of paper out in my journal (maybe that was part of my problem too. I first started taking notes on my laptop. That doesn't go as easily for me as pen and paper.) and the following is what came out. I believe that the first part of it is my Higher Self. In the latter half, I was visited by another being (in rewriting the channeling, there is possibly a masculine energy who spoke to me before the feminine. This is getting more & more exciting. Wheee!!), who I'm not entirely sure the identity of. It was definitely feminine and very loving.
Laura Bushnell ~ Find Your Inner Light ~ 31 January 2013
When the day is foggy, bring in more sunshine! Some days we wake up and we do not feel our light. It may be because the day is in fact cloudy, or maybe we are not taking the time to receive our own inner light.
Who taught you to find your inner light when you wake up in the morning? I found the secret when I was in my twenties. To this day, I continue to seek it and expose it and enjoy it as often as possible. Remember that many of the people around you do not know how to receive their own light. They are like little children, so it is up to those of us who know to demonstrate what we know. We demonstate by living a life of love in the world. Stop talking and commit to living it. To live it, we must remember every single day who we are. We must remember it in the most basic way. One way is to acknowledge yourself at the beginning and end of each day with a meditation.
WakingTimes ~ The Active-Observation (A-O) Principal ~ 31
What is “active-observation”? the Taoists might call it “Wu-Wei: effortless effort, and Quantum theorists might call it the “Observer Effect.” This is when you can step out of the automatic, passive or reactive experiences of life and bring in greater awareness and intention to enhance the experiences of observation and action.
I believe pretty much every aspect of life boils down to an action or an observation. If you “observe” your daily routines, they can be divided into actions/reactions or activities that are observed and recorded.
One involves outward expression that interacts with the physical world, the other involves receiving and inwardly processing info much like an antenna. (While receiving can be an act in itself, it can be done passively—so observation can also be viewed as a passive action).
Re~Hearter - Two Tiny Chat Sessions This Afternoon!
Please join us this afternoon
for two chat sessions!ALL are welcome in LOVE!
Welcome to The Fifth Dimension (With Rain)
Tuesdays and Thursdays -- 2 to 4 pm Eastern
(11am to 1 pm Pacific)
I welcome ALL LOVE BEings to join us as we talk about navigating the Fifth Dimension together, flowing in the River of the Oneness Energy. We can't get lost if we co-create with LOVE.~ Love, Rain
The Ascended Masters: Your Power as a Collective is Absolutely Enormous
Humanity is and will continue to be reflecting the pure vibrations being pumped into dear Gaia’s Light grid, and you can all help to express these energies and bring them through yourselves as you continue your journey of realizing your power and Godhood.
Your Creations are coming to you in a much more rapid manner at present and if you can allow all that is happening in your personal Lives and on the world stage of be viewed through a lense of knowing the change that is about to come forth, you will see that everything happening is indeed falling into place in accordance with the plans the Light Forces have drawn up for the personal and collective ascension of your world and every one of you.
We ask you to have faith in your natural abilities as Creators-in-training, and to realize that your bodies are naturally meant to be receptors for any energy you wish to bring through yourselves.
The Oneness Declaration~ Sixteen Hallmarks of the New Consciousness
by Ervin Laszlo with Gyorgyi Szabo
http://ervinlaszlo.com/ http://www.akashaparadigm.com/
1. I am part of the world. The world is not outside of me, and I am not outside of the world. The world is in me, and I am in the world.
2. I am part of nature, and nature is part of me. I am what I am in my communication and communion with all living things. I am an irreducible and coherent whole with the web of life on the planet.
3. I am part of society, and society is part of me. I am what I am in my communication and communion with my fellow humans. I am an irreducible and coherent whole with the community of humans on the planet.