Full Moon Energies Continue Bathing US

Lia's picture

Greetings Love Beings, We are Currently still being bathed in Our Full Moon Energies of Deep Heart activations. This was Very Prevalant In yesterday's energies. The Grid was Lit UP and is Really Lit Up. More and More are awakening from their sleepy slumber and this activates the Grid. To All Who Shared With us, We Give a Big Thank You, as we have made our Funding Goal for this Month. Thank you for honoring us and keeping us going. We Love You So, and we a Honored to Be Here every moment for You and All of Humanity. Love The Earth Allies

Honor Thyself




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The Ascended Master El Morya speaks through Judy Satori


mportant in these shifting times. BE LOVE. BE COMPASSION. The world may continue to get chaotic and crazy. However, you can be part of the solution, which is rising over the chaos and finding the Light within. You are the solution which is LOVE, fully expressed, realized and understood. As a brother or sister, you play the part of the human angel, or brother’s keeper. However, being a brother’s keeper comes with a lesson in savior energy. You can only save another by letting them go, so they may find their own answers, and resolve their own struggles. They will find the Light faster, when you step away. So, just send them compassion, soul to soul.
Send your love and compassion out to Mother Earth and all of her inhabitants, through prayers, and in meditation. Giving compassion is a sacred gift, that is free to give. A compassionate hug is sometimes the greatest gift you can give someone."


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A really neat idea


   I thought of this idea a little while ago and that idea is getting money classified as a drug and slowly detoxing people from it. Do you think it would work?


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Irma Kaye ~ Full Moon In Leo ~ 26 January 2013 ~ Party On In Sacred Purpose


Full Moon in Leo, 1.26.13 ~ Party on in Sacred Purpose.

Hello friends. Well I’m pretty excited about this Full Moon. The Leo moon is associated with fun, magnetism, creativity and celebration. Physically it rules the Heart. Leo’s ruling planet is the Sun, which gives a Leo moon a unique flair; as it seems to represent a cosmic union of the yin/yang and divine masculine/feminine. I am honoring the evening in fine style by going to a rock show with some good friends. I know I’m not the only one who’s 2013 has started out with more than a tad bit of intensity. A Full Moon all about fun and friends sounds like some excellent medicine right about now. Also, the Sun is in Aquarius which is also a social sign that enjoys communicating and sharing ideas with others. Aquarius is also about brother/sisterhood and the bigger, cosmic picture. Spiritually this is a powerful time to not only play and enjoy but be open to spiritual illumination and creativity. I can tell already in this powerful Year of the Snake, we are going to need to pace ourselves and enjoy the recreation and high vibes when they are available.


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FREQUENCY UPDATE ~ 26 January 2013meleriessee




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A Pathway to Understanding - The Council of Nine


Lightworkers.org 26 January 2013 - 5:10pm |  Tazjima




A Pathway to Understanding – 26 January 2013, by the Council of Nine, through Tazjima.

We are the Council of Nine. We come here today to bring comfort to those Lightbearers who are still struggling with a need to understand their new world, the one into which they emerged on the morning of December 21, 2012.


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Messages from Ann and the Angels ~ 01/26/2013


Growing anything takes patience whether it is a dream, or a load of lemons… I planted this tree over five years ago and patiently waited for the harvest. This year it paid off in a wealth of golden fruit! Lemon curd, lemonade, lemon water, lemon chicken, oooh the joys of patience!


lemon tree

©Ann Albers, All Rights Reserved

Visit Ann’s Photo Site for more

 heartMessage from the Angels

My dear friends, we love you so very much.


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The Oracle Report Saturday, January 26 - Sunday, January 27, 2013


The Oracle Report

Full Moon Phase - Moon in Leo


Ruling Mahavidya: Matangi

A blanket of energy comes down this weekend to quell or soothe anything that is in a state of unrest, distress, fear, mistrust, disequilibrium, chaos, disorganization, powerlessness, or incompletion.  A great number of people will "awaken" to the truth of the world during this Moon phase.  Full Moon phases bring the most amount of light that enables us to see.  The collective of humanity is imprinted with this energy through the full embrace of Sophia.


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High Council of Orion Message MANIFESTATION AND ATTACHMENT - 25 Jan 2013


Lightworkers.org 26 January 2013 - 6:36am |  Paul Marwood


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Jerry Seltzer – The Integration Potential Of The Leo-Aquarius Full Moon – 26 January 2013


Thanks to Lucas2012infos Posted on January 26, 2013

With Saturday evening’s Full Moon we come to a crux of a decision point. The Full Moon always represents a stage of flowering or maturity of what has come before it in the lunar cycle, as the impulse of the New Moon finds its fulfillment. In this case the Sun and Moon in their opposition make aspects to all the outer planets, and in particular they form a difficult T-square to Saturn, ensuring that if we are wise we will slow down and think everything over at least twice before proceeding. We are also at the very same time paradoxically encouraged to take bold action in support of our dreams, since Jupiter and Mars are also powerfully configured. Finally, the presence of Chiron in the mix of energies tells us that whatever we do decide, there will be an element of pain involved in our choices.


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Judith Gayle: Will today’s Leo full moon open our eyes?


Exopermaculture  Posted on January 26, 2013

I find Judith Gayle’s analysis of swirling layers of current power politics spot-on, and I especially appreciate the author’s willingness to identify complexity and paradox where she sees it. Grateful. 

BTW: Here’s a site that correlates a number of astrologers’ comments on today’s Full Moon, which occurs at 7° Leo/Aquarius conjunct/opposed the natal Pluto of myself and my generation — in this case, those born between 1941 and 1944. As usual, the Full Moon opposition signifies paradox: how to be and do both at once? In this case, Leo Moon vs. Aquarian Sun, the skillful relation of the individual in the group, requiring both self-centered expression and objective detachment.

Bear down into the Leo self; fully and generously express all of who you are to the group; recognize that you are playing a Leo individual role as part of an Aquarian group. See each person in the group as a Leo individual, unique and irreplaceable; encourage his or her expression; recognize that all Leo individuals are necessary for the harmonious functioning of the Aquarian whole. 


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Anonymous Hacks Department of Justice Website, Threatens to Launch ‘Multiple Warheads’


Gawker.com 0 1/26/13, Robert Kessler

Anonymous Hacks Department of Justice Website, Threatens to Launch 'Multiple Warheads'

The website belonging to the United States Sentencing Commission is down this morning, following a hack by Anonymous overnight. The site, which normally bears information about sentencing guidelines for federal crimes, instead showed a nearly 10 minute long YouTube video and the same message typed below it.

The hacktivist collective claims its takedown of the site belonging to the U.S. Department of Justice is in response to the suicide of Reddit programmer Aaron Swartz. At the time of his death, Swartz faced up to 35 years in prison on federal computer fraud charges. According to Anonymous, Swartz was "killed" and a "line was crossed":


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~ Full Moon In Leo Heart Activation Internet Love Party!~ Yeehaw Join us Live



 Greetings Love Beings~ Don't Be Shy! Join us Live for a Love Party Galactic Style For the Full Moon in Leo, Hearts are activating!!! Yeehaw Love is Overflowing Today for sure! Oneness energies Flowing IN! You can Join us Live at this Link right NOW:



Love The Earth Allies





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Simple, Powerful Ways to Raise Your Vibration


The Healers Journal Posted by admin on January 26, 2013


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Let the momentum behind his purpose be now served on the proper plates.


This has the power of 9/11, the difference is that the cabal didn't see this one coming, where on 9/11 it has become obvious to many now that the cabal knew what was coming due to the fact that we now know they constructed it long before they pulled the planted triggers for implosion to HIDE the evidence and divert our attention.


They planned that one out well in advance, not this one though, this one caught them off guard. "Whoops, we better make another building fall, stadium crawl, fed building holding their record burn, school, theatre, church where ever the humans are, something of large enough scale to

You see they know just how powerful "ATTENTION" is as they have obviously leaned how to use it for them selves and "on" our selves, for their ends and against ours. And where is the mass human attention drawn daily? "They" have the media to do the job, do they not?


Let the momentum of this permeate these ones (cabal/Illuminate/elite) and expose them for what they truly are for "every eye to see." The Light is now turned on and to the "Peoples" favour this time. Let us flash this light on them so we can all see.


There is great design and Cosmic purpose of the "New Ones" that are with us now. Our youth are the ones with the technical knowledge to do this very job and the cabal just attempted to make an example of, "don't mess with us we're the ones running things around here" out of one of these young up and coming "STARS" (Aaron Swartz) of our time that came to Earth on mission to expose them, and did he not serve his contract well??? 



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Volcanic activity world-wide 26 Jan 2013


Source: Volcano Discovery - 1/26/13

2013 may be worst year for bees, say beekeepers.


Source: The Extinction Protocol - 1/26/13

January 26, 2013 – ENVIRONMENT - “We’re facing the extinction of a species.” That’s what one Midwest-based large-scale commercial beekeeper told me last week at the annual gathering of the American Honey Producers Association (AHPA). And he meant it. Bee losses have been dramatic, especially in recent years. And beekeepers are feeling the sting. According to many who manage hives, commercial beekeeping won’t pencil out in the future unless things change, and soon. Beekeepers from across the country gathered in San Diego in mid January to swap stories and share best practices in the trade, as well as to learn more about the latest research on declines in bee populations (often referred to as Colony Collapse Disorder).



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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Mawu


Angel Wisdom Sunday, January 27, 2013




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Chat Session This Afternoon ~ ALL are welcome. Join us!





heartAwakening Stories and Questions & Answers
(With Mother God and Rain)

Sundays -- 3 to 5 pm Eastern
(Noon to 2 pm Pacific)

Welcome All! Join us to hear and share stories of Awakening and to have all your questions answered.
Be ready for LOVE and Laughter as we explore The New Earth and learn to co-create!

~ Love, Mother God and Rain


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The Heart Song for January 27th 2013


The Heart Song for January 27th 2013 is

R. Kelly- Relief



The storm is over, and I’m so glad the sun is shining

Confusion everywhere, without a clou on how to make things beter
A toast to the man upstairs, ’cause he puts the peaces back togheter

Now let’s step to a new tune,
Cause everything is o.k.
You’re alright, and I’m alright
Well, let’s celebrate

What a relief to know that, we are one
What a relief to know that, the war is over
What a relief to know that, there is an angel in the sky
What a relief to know that, love is still a lie

Although we struggle, know that help is on the way, yeah
The power of love, we can not under estimate, no
Seems like you’re gonna break, and there is no escape, you still got to have faith, yeah
And know that love, is gonna step up to the plate

[ Lyrics from http://www.songonlyrics.com/r-kelly-relief-lyrics ]

Now let’s step to a brand new tune,
‘Cause everything is o.k.
You’re alright, and I’m alright
Oeehh, so let’s celebrate

What a relief to know that, we are one
What a relief to know that, the war is over
What a relief to know that, there is an angel in the sky
What a relief to know that, love is still a lie

See I’m just trying to bring relief for those who need it
Somebody help somebody, now go and repeat it
Understand that struggle has no colors
See, we all got our stormy weather,
That’s all the more reason why we should join hands and pull it together

So take a deep breath and grap somebody and hit the floor


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Conversations With ... Jim Self and Joan Walker


Published on Jan 25, 2013


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The manuscript of survival – part 259


aisha north January 27, 2013


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Spirit Guide Photos



These are pictures of a spirit guide or guides of mine.
I took these photos on the boardwalk, in front of a glass display case.


What you should be seeing is my reflection - me in a pink hoodie with a camera in front of my face. But instead, what you are seeing is a guide or guides.


To see the rest of the photos and to see these larger, visit my photoset.


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The Song of Songs and The Songs of Egypt


The closest surviving parallel to the Song of Songs from the ancient world is Egyptian love poetry.

These poems come from the world of entertainment. They may have been sung, accompanied, enacted, or danced to. They are the earliest examples of simple love poetry that have survived from the ancient Near East, and some scholars have argued from this that love poetry originated in Egypt. In any case, they are likely to be the first to have been written down. So when Lady Gaga sings about Bad Romance, she is just working out a theme from ancient Egypt.


Here is an example (from a Cairo vase, poem A, #5):

My sister is coming to me

my heart dances

and I open my arms to her.

My heart is at home

like a fish in its holding tank

O night, be mine forever,

now that my queen has come!



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Jesus through John - To be fully conscious means that you never act unconsciously


Jesus through John January 27, 2013 by John Smallman

The major energy shift that occurred in December requires each one of you to make adjustments in your individual energy fields, so that they can engage fully with the divine energy field encircling and embracing you and the planet, and unless you have made an extremely conscious intent not to allow change to occur, this will happen automatically.  As your energy fields adjust, you can expect to experience some strange sensations and mood swings.  This is normal. You are going through a gradual process of raising your frequency to a level at which it can align and interact with that of the divine energy field, and it is these adjustments that you are feeling.  These sensations are a very good sign.  They indicate that you are furthering your preparations to move into a fully conscious and fully awakened state.


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Live: Brisbane to flood, wild weather alerts remain


Radio Australia - 1/27/13

Brisbane and Ipswich will flood this week, with floodwaters predicted to inundate 3,600 homes and 1,250 businesses in Brisbane, Queensland Premier Campbell Newman has revealed. Torrential rainfall continues to fall across central and southern Queensland but Mr Newman emphasises the flooding will not be as severe as in 2011.

The Army has deployed three Black Hawk helicopters to help with flood evacuations in Bundaberg, where the Burnett River has broken its banks and hundreds of homes and businesses will flood. An elderly man's body has been recovered from waters at Burnett Heads, while a woman and a man are missing in floodwaters in Maryborough and Gympie. Follow our live coverage for updates as they happen.

To watch the video and read the rest of this story, visit Radio Australia.


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Belgian Parliament Member Blames 9/11 for Illegal Wars (Video)


pleiadedolphininfos Sunday, January 27, 2013



Published on Jan 26, 2013

Story: http://wp.me/2FjTj


Geplaatst door Méline Lafont pleiade dolphin op 1:01 PM 


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*GODDESS ISIS tells about her true life´s story*


Namasté my dear Light-family!

Two weeks ago someone asked me about Goddess Isis and her life´s story. I always had a very deep connection to Goddess Isis and so I tried to tell this guy about what I intuitively knew or felt about her.

It was not enough for him and so I sat down and asked her, if she could tell about her life and her experiences.

This is it, what she had to tell about it:




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3MIN News January 27, 2013




Source: YouTube.com

By: Suspicious0bservers



Published on Jan 27, 2013


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Powerful Arctic storm ‘bombing out’ in North Atlantic


The Watchers - 1/27/13, By Chillymanjaro

Ten  days after a severe storm underwent a process of rapid intensification over the North Pacific Ocean, pummeling the western Aleutian Islands of Alaska with hurricane force winds and high waves, another serious storm system is taking place right now in the open North Atlantic waters.

MODIS Terra and Aqua satellite captured the exploding storm system on January 26, 2013 (Credit: LANCE/MODIS)



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NASA sees troublesome remnants of Cyclone Oswald still causing problems


Phys.org - 1/26/13

NASA sees troublesome remnants of Cyclone Oswald still causing problems

NASA's Aqua satellite passed over Oswald's remnants on Jan. 25 at 1458 UTC (9:58 a.m. ES/U.S.) as it hugged the southeastern coast of Queensland, dumping heavy rainfall. Credit: NRL/NASA

Ex-tropical cyclone Oswald doesn't know when to stop causing problems for Queensland, Australia, and now teamed up with a low pressure area, it continues to bring heavy rainfall. NASA's Aqua satellite passed over the remnants and saw Oswald hugging the southeastern Queensland coast.

Oswald has dropped a lot of rainfall throughout Queensland. An earlier rainfall analysis using NASA's TRMM satellite data showed Oswald and its remnants had dropped over 600 mm (~23.6 inches) of rain in areas of the Cape York Peninsula near the Gulf of Carpentaria. Higher rainfall totals have been recorded over the southern Capricornia district.

To read the rest of this story, visit Phys.org.



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UK Weather Chaos: Floods Predicted Across Country


International Business Times - 1/27/13, Tom Porter

A family of swans swims calmly through a flooded field of ruined runner beans (Reuters)

A family of swans swims calmly through a flooded field of ruined runner beans (Reuters)

Flooding is expected across the United Kingdom on Sunday 27 January as ice thaws and heavy rainfall is forecast.

Over Saturday night flooding hit Carmarthenshire and Pembrokeshire in Wales as well as parts of Dorset.

To read the rest of this story, visit ibtimes.co.ik.


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Heavenletter #4447 Your Annoyance Quotient


Heaven Letters Published on: January 27, 2013

God said:

Troubles come in different sizes, and yet your response is often more dire than the size of the trouble. When you are fit-to-be-tied, you are fit-to-be-tied in an extra large size! Is this not true? The tiny upsets seemingly upset you as much as the big upsets. Upset is upset. What are We going to do about your having One Size Fits All?

So many of your upsets are about tiny things that don’t matter a hoot, and yet your being upset has made a little thing into a catastrophe. It is as if you have one slot to insert any-sized trouble. This is a form of smallness, beloveds, when you make a little thing big. Sometimes it seems that you have an annoyance quotient that you feel you must fill. What would you do, beloveds, without your flare-ups? What would you do with all your energy if nothing got to you? Yet annoyances, big or small, get to you. They rub you the wrong way. Annoyances are intolerable to you, even when they are about nothing at all.


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You Light-bearers are filling the world with the fire of divine Love


Johnsmallman's Blog 01/27/2013 by John Smallman

John Smallman

When you come to terms, as soon you will, with the realization of what an extraordinary energy shift occurred in December last year, affecting Earth and all the life forms she so lovingly supports, you will be truly amazed.  It was not a one-off momentary event, but one of enormous power and magnitude that had been planned most carefully, so that over a period of months the crescendo of the divine energy field interacting with Earth would peak in mid-December as the New Age arrived and set humanity off on a new and far more direct path towards Home — one that would short-circuit the old, extremely vague and meandering ones that you had been attempting, with very limited success, to follow for eons.


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Cyclone Garry’s Strength Peaking In South Pacific


Eurasia Review - 1/27/13

NASA’s Aqua satellite identified powerful thunderstorms around the center of Cyclone Garry as the storm continued to intensify over warm waters of the South Pacific Ocean. Garry has prompted warnings for the southern group of the Cook Islands.

When NASA’s Aqua satellite passed over Cyclone Garry the AIRS instrument captured an infrared image of Garry’s clouds, providing temperature data to forecasters at the Joint Typhoon Warning Center (whom forecast tropical cyclones in that region). AIRS, the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder instrument, showed that there was a large area of powerful thunderstorms where cloud tops were so high that they were as cold as -63 degrees Fahrenheit (-52 Celsius). Those thunderstorms were producing heavy rainfall over the open waters of the Southern Pacific Ocean.


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Twelve Insight ~ The Power Of Cool, Calm And Centered




Twelve Insight Journal | January 27 2013

Reader: … My thoughts are, I trust in God and the universe to protect me and it seems to have gotten me where I am and want to be now. I feel that if I focus on safety, then I am not being trusting in God and being negative. What are your thoughts on this?

Safety is a condition all in and of itself and has nothing to do with any danger that might be out there. In other words, when your attention is purely upon the safety you are in place of joyful happiness and freedom. Safety is just your name for a place where happiness and freedom flow uninterrupted.

That place of flowing happiness must happen in your mind first before it can happen in your world. So we would ask this about your mantra – do you say “Only good surrounds me” and really believe it and expect it, or do you have bogeymen in your mind… like saying “I know they are out there, but I feel safe in here”?


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Stepping into the Paradigm of the New Earth


You are in a time when old road maps are out the window. New realities are unfolding at a rapid pace. At times, you may find yourself marveling at some of these new and sudden developments. You may find yourself wondering how you created them and why. Some of the realities manifesting now may seem linked to situations from your past that fall under the heading of “unfinished business.”

Events are now being triggered from unresolved scenarios that have remained latent within your energy field for years and even decades. Everything that is incomplete is coming front and center now to be, understood, healed and released.

Stepping into the Paradigm of the New Earth

This new round of clearing is orchestrated by your higher self in an effort to clear the way for you to fully step into the paradigm of the new earth. Those energies being brought forward for clearing might touch on familiar themes within your life. During this time, health challenges may arise, setbacks may present themselves. Financial issues may loom on the horizon. Relationships will come under stress.


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Owen K Waters & Dreama Vance ~ The Essential Steps Of The Spiritualize Technique




Infinite Being | January 27 2013

1. Focus inward. You must turn your attention within as God is within you. Nothing is out there except the illusion of matter and your outward performance in the theater of life.

2. Breathe into your heart chakra. Heart-centered consciousness is the gateway to God. If you use your intellect only, you will be unable to proceed to step 3.

3. Connect with God. Leave behind all your cares and the issues of the day. Focus your thoughts only upon God. Then stop thinking, be still, and listen. This will have a transformative effect upon your situation and your life.

For the entire Spiritualize Technique visit this page

Spiritualize Your Life!
by Owen K Waters and Dreama Vance

When we released the Spiritualize technique last Wednesday, we had no idea that it would produce such an avalanche of thankful emails. The Spiritualize technique brings spiritual transformation and solves life’s challenges as they arise.


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Love Yourself 100%


Letting Go Off Society's Expectations...Finding The Pearls Within!


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Aaron Swartz: New Moon Death Inspires Anonymous at Next Full Moon


In an exquisitely timed release, the night of the Leo Full Moon following the Capricorn New Moon death of Aaron Swartz, a new communique from Anonymous. His sudden death at New Moon planted a new seed. At the next Full Moon, that seed took root. If new moon is conception, then full moon is illumination. Right on time.

It’s all over the internet. 


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Visionkeeper ~ Checking In ~ 27 January 2013



(picture by http://www.favim.com)

Happy Sunday to all. I just wanted to drop in and say hi and share a few thoughts I have had running around my head. The energies have seemed very in tense to me lately. They are feel heavy and stick like Velcro. It is hard to separate from them and so I just succumb to them for now. The headaches I could do without but I am assuming there is work being done within my brain, adjusting me further for 5D. I am pretty exhausted by these energies and find myself resting often and taking naps at odd times like 6:30 at night. Too early for bed but my eyes have ten thousand pound weights on them and there is no fighting the urge and so I slip away for a brief time.


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Tools for the Aquarian Age, The Gift of the Aquarian Light Illuminates the Limitless Love


Judith K. Moore

(Message from the Aquarian Masters of Light from the Future Earth)

(Judith in San Diego 4:00 am)

I was awakened at 3:30 feeling very powerful energy. My time here has truly been blessed. I feel a connection to the Aquarian Masters of Light. So I open my mind, body, spirit and soul to bring forth from my heart, through my heart, the messages from the Aquarian Masters of Light.

We speak to you now from the plane of consciousness that is pure Light of Creation. The Aquarian Light and the Dimensions of the Aquarian Light are Dimensions of Love that were known to you as the Christ Light. This light, the Aquarian Dimensions of Light, is limitless. It illuminates all other light from within the Consciousness of Love of that light source. The Aquarian Light is received. The Aquarian Light is received by the Living Hologram of Earth. This means that there's a new quality of the spectrums of light on your planet because each ray contains a vibration of the Harmonics of Universal Oneness.


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Dana Mrkich ~ Take Responsibility For Your Life With Regular Energy ‘Check-ups’



When our grandmother was diagnosed with breast cancer, several years after it had already touched our mum who passed only three months into her diagnosis, a few people said to my two sisters and I, “You girls better watch yourselves.”  They meant to make sure we get regular checks, which of course we do, but we also knew about the metaphysical link to physical health issues. What thoughts/beliefs did our mother and grandmother have in common that may be linked to the manifestation of the breast cancer? That’s what we had to watch. We also knew about the energetic stories passed on from generation to generation, as being proven now by the new scientific field of Epigenetics. While the common consensus is that breast cancer is hereditary, our feeling was that we needed to go deeper if we didn’t want to spend the rest of our lives living in fear. Our situation brought up a question: is it the physical breast cancer that is hereditary, or is it the beliefs/emotional issues connected to the creation of that cancer that are hereditary, passed down through the generations until addressed? 


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Tazjima: The Great Divine Director ~ Some Thoughts on Ascension



I AM the Great Divine Director. Greetings and salutations to all those who are awake and aware in this time of transition for your race and planet!

We come today to lend our light to those who are still struggling to understand or undertake the next steps on the pathway to ascension. We understand that many, even among those who consider themselves as lightworkers, do not really know what ascension entails or what is required for one to step upon the path of initiation. This pathway leads to the self-realization that you are God. You do not have to go anywhere or to be anything other than in full self-acceptance.

Understand that you are not the wholeness of God or Creation, just a portion, but as reflected by holographic image, you are connected to the wholeness. The first step on this journey of self-discovery lies in the total acceptance of self, as you are, perhaps not as you perceive yourself to be. Acceptance of self is also a process of acknowledging that darkness can and does reside within.


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Portal of Christ Energies Open and Anchored In!


Portal of Christ Energies Open and Anchored In!


Anchored into Source, Gaia, Humanity, Crystalline Grids, all of Gods creations, Animal Kingdom, Angelic Kingdom, Elementals, Sirius,  All Sacred sites of pyramids Egypt, Mayan, As Above, As below. Master Crystals, Red, Blue, Emerald, Platinum, Gold, crystals pyramids as above as below. Disbursed out for all to receive!






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