- Part 20 ~Pleiadian Alaje ~ADVANCED LIGHTWORK ~ English Sub
- Into The Light
- ~ Update by Sheldan Nidle~ The Holy Light~
- Brenda Hoffman – Why You’re Afraid To Claim Your Power – 9 April 2013
- UFO 2013 Anderson Cooper LEAKED CNN FOOTAGE HD
- Conversations with Michael, my Twin Flame ~ Transitions. By Debbie Erasmus
- ~ Space Weather Update~ FAST-GROWING SUNSPOT
- I Declare World Peace - Ysagani
- Scientific American Frontiers : The Secret Canyon
- Ingredient for Life Common on Jupiter's Icy Moon Europa
- Sun's Magnetic 'Heartbeat' Revealed
- Latest Earthquake Activity - April 10, 2013
- Solar Flare Update / Small x-ray bursts with Filament Eruptions/ Plasma Rain
- The Sensational Collaboration
- Reflections from Nancy Joy
- Dana Mrkich ~ Feeling Stuck In This New Cycle?
- Meredith Murphy: Disclosure, Cosmic Connections and the 5th Dimensional Plane of Peace
- The Energy Scrubber Exercise with Jennifer Hoffman
- Gaia Portal Update~ Spheres of Light are Released from Gaia Portals at this Time
- Drunvalo Melchizédek ~The untold positive side of the Mayan prophecies (part 1)
- April 2013 “The Tests Are Over!”
- DL Zeta: Remembering to Celebrate~No Matter What
- Living the Shift 04-08-13 Living in This Very Moment, Knowing You CANNOT Fail
- Inelia Benz: The Lemurian Connection
- Come Alive: Venus, Mars, and Wednesday’s Aries New Moon
- Believe in Yourself ~ Never Give Up...You Deserve it
- Winter Storm Walda: Everything But the Kitchen Sink!
- Volcanoes Today, 10 Apr 2013: Pacaya, Colima, White Island, Manam, Douglas, Etna, El Hierro
- ~ What's Goin ON? Join us Live today Beginning at 10:30am pacific
- Your Shadow Self: Pleiadian Message Channeled through Caroline K.A.
- The Oracle Report Wednesday, April 10, 2013
- The Man That Killed 2 Alien Greys (Phil Schneider) MUST WATCH
- Dr. Judy Wood at New Horizons - Where Did The Towers Go
- THE HOPI PROPHECY OF THE COMING 5th age & Blue & Red Star Kachina's
- A Monster Of A New Moon
- Send Your Light - In Unity With All The Other Yous
- Meditation: Clearing Energies with Archangel Michael
- Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Spiritual Understanding
- 3MIN News April 10, 2013: Dozens Killed in Iran Quake
- Controlled burn smoke drifts across Melbourne
- Feral Pigs Create Problems in Dallas
- Dad Shows His Girls Some Crazy Dance Moves At The Baseball Stadium (VIDEO)
- Heavenletter #4520 - Try Creativity
- Late wet season soaking for tropical QLD
- 2013's Worst Spring Allergy Cities
- The manuscript of survival – part 298
- Large Earthquake Strikes Iran; More Than 35 Dead
- April 2013 Astrological Forecast: Helane Lipson, Psychic Astrologer
- Henry Seltzer ~ The Potential Integration of the Aries New Moon
- James Gilliland & Mary Rodwell, April 9th 2013
- Mysteries Of The Pineal Gland
- Divine Cellular Consciousness: Beyond the False 3D Transhumanist Matrix
- Big Story Weather – April 10, 2013
- Scotland Wildfires Blacken Hundreds of Acres
- Visionkeeper - Coming In For A Landing…
- Kryon - How are we doing? Humanity shift ~ pt 1 and Part 2
- One-inch hail at 18°F in NE; record snows in SD
Greetings Love Beings, Happy New Moon In Fiery Aries! All Information about this New Moon is All About Expecting the unexpected, which means many Surprises and possibly shocking events could appear personally and globally! There is no way to prepare for this. This next 48 Hour period we could see alot of this unfold! Be Present and Go with the Flow. We will Have More about this In our Update Released today. If You would Like to Hear the Update Live and Discuss Dr.Steven Greer with us and Much More You can Join us Live Beginning at 10:30am Pacific at this Link: http://tinychat.com/galacticpress
Love The Earth Allies
~ by Meredith Murphy
At times it's hard to feel your connection to anything.
Life seems hard. You wake up even at the dawn of the new day with a sense of unhappiness, dissatisfaction, frustration, even anger. This is part of life in our evolution--that these feelings come to the surface. Are triggered by our relationships. Are fed by what we think about. Are deepened by our memories.
When we're in one of these experiences, it can feel all encompassing. It can feel like there is no way out.
When this feeling has gone on a while and as the mornings have come and gone, it has not lifted, it's easy to lose your orientation. You might even begin to feel just angry and outraged by the whole thing.
All of this just continues to stir up the muck. And yet, even knowing this, when you're in this space, that doesn't help. It seems like nothing helps. That no searching frees you. You lose your faith in asking for help. You stop calling upon angels and your higher self. You may not even feel their presence anymore and again, you find yourself astonishingly, seemingly, not connected to anything.
Part 20 ~Pleiadian Alaje ~ADVANCED LIGHTWORK ~ English Sub
www.youtube.com/user/777ALAJE ----
ALAJE from the light dimensions of the Pleiades,
(Spiritual Videos since 2007)
The meaning of Life is to have Cosmic Love in your Heart and develop the consciousness****
Cosmic Love is the solution for everything****
Cosmic Love is the key****
Activate your Love in your Heart and send it daily to planet Earth.
Use my Meditations from parts 4, 6, 10 and 18 of my Videos.
~ Update by Sheldan Nidle~ The Holy Light~
Update by Sheldan Nidle
6 Muluk, 17 Mac, 9 Eb
Dratzo! We come again with more to tell you. Your reality is extremely close to its major shift in consciousness. The secret sacred societies of your world have entered into new alliances which are to serve them well once your new style of governance comes into being. We have assurances from several governmental organizations that once Heaven gives the green light the new reality can begin without further delay. We continue to monitor the dark cabal as it is clear that this group remains determined to pursue its willful and destructive course of starting a widespread military conflict. This will not be permitted. We also continue to add names to the detention lists and watch closely those who are the guiding hand behind the ongoing nonsense of keeping your globe burdened with contrived, groundless confrontations. This global modus operandi will shortly become a thing of the past and your ascension path will cease to be interfered with or sidetracked, as it has been in recent years. Your new epoch is inevitable and our formal arrival will shortly be announced. To this end we have drawn up a rapid-action schedule for our arrival so as to be ready at a moment’s notice.
Brenda Hoffman – Why You’re Afraid To Claim Your Power – 9 April 2013
Thanks to Lucas2012infos Posted on April 9, 2013
Summary of Brenda’s April 7, 2013 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at www.BlogTalkRadio.com/brenda-hoffman: It is likely that recently pieces of information just appeared or were sensed by your being. It is time to further stretch your new skills by asking for assistance of your new being for specific concerns such as finances or how to live with earth’s density.
The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for www.LifeTapestryCreations.com: “Your DNA is Unfolding”
Conversations with Michael, my Twin Flame ~ Transitions. By Debbie Erasmus
It’s been a crazy day and the intense energy from the New Moon hasn’t made it any easier. Today’s conversation is rather personal, but I’ve decided to share it anyway. I’ve had to make a decision to leave Mexico and go back to my home in South Africa to be with my elderly Mother. I have delayed going back because I’ve been afraid of losing the independent life I’ve made for myself here in Mexico. Michael addresses my fears.
Tell me what else you are afraid of my love.
I don’t want to lose you.
That is not going to happen. What else?
I don’t want to lose myself.
I won’t let that happen either. Anything else?
What if I can’t handle all their negativity and become miserable and depressed?
That is not going to happen either. I won’t let it. Trust me okay?
I do, I’m sorry. They don’t understand me. They don’t understand my beliefs and they don’t respect them. They don’t believe I can talk to angels…
I know beloved. But it does not matter what they believe. It does not change who you are.
I know. I guess it has been bothering me that I should go back when I don’t really want to. But if I don’t I feel I will regret it. I know my Mother will not be here in the Earth realm much longer. She misses me so much and I feel so guilty that I am not there with her.
Yes I know. Your purpose in going back is two-fold my love.
What do you mean Michael?
You being there will make her very happy. But there is something else. She needs you to help her pass over.
~ Space Weather Update~ FAST-GROWING SUNSPOT
TROUBLE CONTACTING MARS: NASA is suspending communications with Mars rovers and orbiters this month as the Red Planet passes almost directly behind the sun. Mars is less than 2o from the sun now, and the distance will narrow to a mere 0.4o on April 17th. "The sun can easily disrupt radio transmissions during the near-alignment," explains a NASA press release.
FAST-GROWING SUNSPOT: Solar activity is low, but a fast-growing sunspot could break the spell of quiet. AR1718 has more than doubled in size during the past 48 hours as shown in this movie from the Solar Dynamics Observatory:
I Declare World Peace - Ysagani
Published on Sep 18, 2012 by ideclareworldpeace
Man from Philippines sings "I Declare World Peace" in two languages English and Sinama, with the help of his pet rooster.
Scientific American Frontiers : The Secret Canyon
Uploaded on Mar 26, 2009 By PBS
http://www.pbs.org/saf/ - The best kept secret of American archeology is now revealed.
Ingredient for Life Common on Jupiter's Icy Moon Europa
Weather.com - 4/08/13, Tariq Malik, SPACE.com Managing Editor
NASA/JPL/University of Arizona
These global views of Jupiter's icy moon Europa were captured by NASA's Galileo spacecraft in June 1997. The image on the left shows Europa in natural color, while the right-side image has enhanced colors to bring out subtle color differences to show differences between pure water ice (white and bluish white) and non-ice components (red, brown and yellow spots).
A potential energy source for life appears to be common on Jupiter's icy moon Europa, a new study suggests.
An analysis of infrared observations of Europa revealed that hydrogen peroxide is abundant on the ice-covered Jovian moon. If the hydrogen peroxide finds a way beneath Europa's surface and mixes with the moon's liquid water ocean, it could be a vital energy source for any life that might exist there, scientists said.
Sun's Magnetic 'Heartbeat' Revealed
Weather.com - 4/08/13, Elizabeth Howell, Space.com
University of Montreal Solar Physics Research Group w
A simulation of magnetic fields at the time of solar maximum.
A magnetic "solar heartbeat" beats deep in the sun's interior, generating energy that leads to solar flares and sunspots, according to new research.
A new supercomputer simulation, described in the April 4 edition of the journal Science, probes the sun's periodic magnetic field reversals. Every 40 years, according to the model, the sun's zonal magnetic field bands switch their orientation, or polarity.
To read the rest of this story, visit Weather.com.
NEW MOON UPDATE 4-10-13 [MOON & SUN UNITED @ 20-degrees Aries.]
~Lena Stevens
Dear Friends,
New Moon is Wednesday, April 10 at 3:36 AM Mountain Daylight Time (MDT)
Get clear on your priorities,
examine your energy leaks,
and ruthlessly cut off what does not serve.
This is a very good day to
and make space.
Remember that when you make space, the creativity will naturally flow in to the vacuum.
If you feel stuck, move something. Take a walk, change something in your environment.
This is also a very good time to reset your priorities and create some new goals.
What you put into motion at this time will have great momentum for manifesting. Think and dream big!
Latest Earthquake Activity - April 10, 2013
Source: USGS.gov
Follow the link to see quake
activity for the past seven days.
Visit Live Earthquakes Map
for live quake reporting.
Map of the 6.3 mag quake in Southern Iran
All quakes with magnitude 4.5
or greater are highlighted.
April 10
Solar Flare Update / Small x-ray bursts with Filament Eruptions/ Plasma Rain
Published on Apr 9, 2013
The Sensational Collaboration
Anouk ran into the house and awoke me from the escapade he had been on; I think it was around 2 o clock in the morning.
“Listen; listen”, he said very rapidly. He went on in his classic style of delivery, “I have something very important I must tell you”. He stopped for a breath… or two….. “I had this realisation whilst down by the old bridge. I was by the water leaning on a boat”.
I felt his energy soaring in ever instant, far beyond any energy levels I have ever experienced; it was that powerful that it completely transformed my energy levels, along with my perception. He went on perpetual- if-(l)ikely blissful, with each word, just as he always did, but more intense and infinitely refined. It was more than likely that the realisation he had just referred to was something that would revolutionise every super soul on this planet.
Reflections from Nancy Joy
Tired of this mess! Follow your Consciousness right out of it!
There is a theory in physics known as the String Theory. I can’t pretend to even understand it well enough to explain it but I have an amazing sense of its reality in the way we are all experiencing the present chaos post shift and its discomfort and frustration. You know what I mean, nothing is clear. What you are creating seems out of reach. Waiting! Waiting! Trying to quell your feelings of chaos and gloom that move in when least expected by touching into the waves of heart frequency flooding our planet. Maybe kind of like drowning when you know that after you surrender to the experience and find it amazing, the magic unfolds.
Dana Mrkich ~ Feeling Stuck In This New Cycle?
Feeling Stuck in this New Cycle?
Freedom is something we all say we want, but it is an interesting quirk of human nature that receiving freedom can feel more challenging than literally being in prison. According to statistics in the U.S, UK and Australia two out of every three prisoners re-offend and return to prison within 3 years of release. Although the reasons for this are multi-layered, a major issue is the struggle to find jobs and have a stable home and family life. Whether consciously or subconsciously, prisoners are drawn back to an environment in which they at least have structure, routine, a roof over their heads, three meals a day and a close-knit community. This is not due to laziness or ‘once bad always bad’. It is due, in part, to the fact that freedom and expansion requires support and time to develop a completely new set of living skills.
As restrictive as it is to always be told what to do, it can feel completely overwhelming to suddenly be in the driver’s seat of your life after years of receiving direction. This is one of the reasons, among others, that people stay in unhealthy relationships and jobs. This is also one of the reasons why many are struggling with direction and movement forward in our new evolutionary cycle.
Meredith Murphy: Disclosure, Cosmic Connections and the 5th Dimensional Plane of Peace
Here is a channeling from Meridith Murphy, from June 2011. This is so inspiring, and very helpful in understanding of increased ability to communicate with our glalactic families. Thank you GoldenLight for sharing this! Enjoy!
I am seeing how liberating energy from beyond the veil creates the opportunity for greater communion, communication with star beings of light. This reconnection has been long awaited by many present on the Earth plane who are well aware of their connection to the stars, and by their corresponding star families who have been impulsing and initiating this communication across the corridors of time, anticipating the great opening.
The Energy Scrubber Exercise with Jennifer Hoffman
Use my Energy Scrubber exercise to release dense, sticky energy from your energy field whenever you have been around heavy energy, you have had a bad day at work, or have been doing healing work with clients. It will help you release this energy so you get it out of your energy field and don't risk attracting similar energy to it.
Gaia Portal Update~ Spheres of Light are Released from Gaia Portals at this Time
Spheres of Light are released from Gaia portals at this time. As shells of old paradigms are cracked, Spheres of Light are released, as well, from individual beings.
This may appear to some as an effervescence of Light, appearing in regions formerly viewed as stagnant or neutral or dark.
The Effervescence of Light spheres results from release of ego pressure from individuals as well as cultures of all types throughout Gaia.
Resting during periods of physical “tiredness” encourages ego shell cracking.
April 2013 “The Tests Are Over!”
So long tests! I am so thankful the last three months of tests are over! The tests brought to us past issues with our health, relationships, money, etc. to check if our souls learned all that we needed to learn for our soul to move to the next higher level of lessons. If we need some more work in these areas, our soul will bring us more lessons during the rest of the year. If we passed these tests, we won’t have to ever go through these things again.
The Angels were kind to give us the heads up in January so that we could keep this in mind when situations presented themselves. It was easier to go through knowing these were tests so that we wouldn’t engage with previous emotional patterns. It is good to keep in mind that this wasn’t just a testing period for those on a conscious spiritual path; everyone in the world went through these tests.
DL Zeta: Remembering to Celebrate~No Matter What
Art: "Wildflowers" a Lightscape by Adrian Arthur, www.adrianarthur.com
"#wildflowers #1000likesby420 #singlerelease #dynamicliveband #partytime #excellent"
-Kimiko Joy
Living the Shift 04-08-13 Living in This Very Moment, Knowing You CANNOT Fail
You've seen this question all over the Internet: "What would you do if you knew you could not fail?" Let's add to that: "What would you do if you knew there was nothing except for this very moment, right now?"
Because both are very, very true - you CANNOT fail, and there's NOTHING but this very moment, right NOW.
These are key considerations in living the shift - quieting the chatter of the ego, eliminating living in projections ("what if...") and memories ("I regret that...")... and instead remembering to live right now, in the moment, with the goal of living in unconditional love and happiness... or, actually... living in BLISS. That's what our goal is: To reach our soul's ultimate purpose, which will ultimately allow us to live in bliss! And, in removing the ego's projections and worries, it only has to be that way for YOU... and the rest in your life WILL fall into place in a way that serves you in the Highest and Best way. Just think: If we ALL lived that way, without the ego needing to prove itself over others (thus eliminating the need to hurt or have power over others)... without the ego perceiving us as more or less powerful than others, and in the realization of our Oneness and ultimately our equally infinite Divine abilities... why would there need to be anything more than this moment? Food for thought...
Inelia Benz: The Lemurian Connection
I have been contacted by different people, groups and collectives throughout my life. Some of them are human, some are not. One thing to remember is that we all have a right to CHOOSE the nature of communication we have with others. Whether others are other humans, organizations, or other species.
We choose whether to engage with the other person or species or not, and how we engage. I choose to engage with all beings at the essence of our human basic building block, the level of joy/light/love. If others don’t like it, then they can move their engagement and communication elsewhere.
This article is aimed at showing a time line of the contact and information I have had with one particular species, the Lemurians. Whether we believe that the Lemurians exist or not, an exercise of looking at their culturally allocated existence in our subconscious mind will be of benefit to our own personal evolution.
Come Alive: Venus, Mars, and Wednesday’s Aries New Moon
by Star Sister
Venus has been busy during her journey through Aries. In just two weeks, she’s merged her energies with the Sun, Uranus, and Mars, clashed with Pluto, collaborated with Jupiter, and confronted the Moon. When she leaves, we won’t be the same.
Believe in Yourself ~ Never Give Up...You Deserve it
Know Thyself!
Feel Alive by Ralph Smart. The New Book Now Available Below:
My Website: http://infinitewaters.net
Winter Storm Walda: Everything But the Kitchen Sink!
Weather.com - 4/09/13, Jon Erdman and Nick Wiltgen
Recent spring warmth has come to a crashing halt for parts of the Rockies and Plains as Winter Storm Walda brings heavy snow, very high winds, and a drastic drop in temperatures that has even led to freakish sub-freezing severe thunderstorms.
We have a classic spring storm pivoting out of the West into the Plains. This bullish dip in the jet stream is bringing not only a winter storm, but an outbreak of severe thunderstorms this week in the warmer air to its east - and in some cases, even over the colder air behind its cold front.
Video and more: Weather.com
Volcanoes Today, 10 Apr 2013: Pacaya, Colima, White Island, Manam, Douglas, Etna, El Hierro
Volcano Discovery Wednesday Apr 10, 2013 09:59 AM
Ash emission from Etna's New SE crater (INGV webcam)
Map of recent earthquakes at El Hierro (IGN)
~ What's Goin ON? Join us Live today Beginning at 10:30am pacific
Greetings Love Beings, and Happy New Moon In Fiery Aries! You can Join us Today for Our Weekly Discussion about Current Events On the Planet. We will Also Be Releasing Our Current Udpate Live During the Meeting be the First Ones to Hear the Great News, before it is released here at the Press!
Topics Of Discusssion Today ~ Press Release containing Prospects of disclosure and Full Contact, Sheldan Nidle's Message is he accurate? Wild and Weird 3d Events, Sun Is Becoming Active Again, EarthQuake Activity Increase, Give us Your questions to Ask Steven Greer as we have a 30 Minute Interview Exclusively with Dr. Steven Greer, and So Much More! Join us Live Beginning at 10:30 Am Pacific In Our Intense New Moon Energy! Expect the unexpected! We will See You There!
Love The Earth Allies
The Oracle Report Wednesday, April 10, 2013
The Man That Killed 2 Alien Greys (Phil Schneider) MUST WATCH
This incredibly brave man tells his experiences of working in top secret US military projects. He discloses on aliens existence, alien technology, gigantic underground military complexes and much more. Pretty much everything he discloses on is still top secret, so it's definitly a good watch. 7 months after this was filmed, Schneider was found dead in his apartment with a piano wire wrapped around his neck. According to sources, it appeared that he repeatedly suffered torture before he was finally killed.
A Monster Of A New Moon
This month’s upcoming New Moon aligns with the topaz yellow fixed star Baten Kaitos (aka “the whale” or “sea monster”) situated in the constellation Zeta. Flex those muscles because this competitive, yet at the same time inhibited star, releases willpower and a determination to triumph over a troublesome situation. Much strength is needed, so don’t dwell on negativity or obstacles because fate at this moment, is one of change. Time to take the yin with the yang… and accept that victory (and defeat) is always temporary.
Crystal Gaze
Send Your Light - In Unity With All The Other Yous
for the French video, please visit:
When you send light to 'dark' places you are illuminating these dark places so that:
(1) it creates a more balanced place where everything available may be seen and evaluated
(2) others are given the free choice to discover these hidden ideas that contain solutions for some of the biggest problems on Earth.
-- in politics, your light creates solutions that haven't been seen before.
-- in disease-ridden places, your light creates peace and hope
-- in scientific places, your light creates ideas and inventions that were 'hidden' in the past
-- where there is strife, there can be peace
-- where there is hatred, there can be understanding
-- where there is vengeance, there can be love and compassion
A true master allows all energies to serve him. And what better way than to have the energies of all your life times unify to send your light. When you understand the concept of sending Light, and you begin working with your own higher self you will find solutions to balancing people and places where there are race wars, riots, vengeance, power struggles -- remember these are old energies flailing because they die hard.
And it is human nature to want to see the results instantly. You are asked to allow for divine timing to take place and let the highest potential unfold and hold the energy of hope for your future.
Do you have 30 seconds today to send your light dear Lightworkers, Old Souls, Lemurians?
You are very much honored for the light work that you do.
You are very much loved and you are never alone.
For information on Oribel's work:
Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Spiritual Understanding
Angel Wisdom Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Controlled burn smoke drifts across Melbourne
weatherzone Wednesday April 10, 2013 - 11:54 EST
A DSE firefighter ignites a controlled burn at Frankston yesterday. - ABC
The Department of Sustainability and Environment (DSE) will be conducting a high-priority controlled burn along the top of Mount Dandenong today.
The 30-hectare fire will be lit to reduce the bushfire risk to surrounding tourist accommodation, Melbourne's TV transmission towers and nearby satellite dishes.
Smoke and flames will be visible from the eastern suburbs and crews will remain on site throughout the night to patrol the fire.
To read the rest of this story visit weatherzone
Feral Pigs Create Problems in Dallas
GFP Note: Check out the two stories below about feral pigs roaming Dallas, causing damage and creating other problems. Click on the titles to read more.
Family crashes into feral hogs on 130
A North Texas family is lucky to be alive after rolling their vehicle 10 times along SH 130 near Lockhart. The family was traveling along the highway last Friday when they struck a pack of feral hogs.
Dad Shows His Girls Some Crazy Dance Moves At The Baseball Stadium (VIDEO)
Huffington Post Posted April 6, 2013
For some guys, being a dad to two little girls means losing your freedom to go out and rage. However, you could be like the star of this 30-second clip who takes his daughters out to the ballgame and breaks it the hell down in the stands. Luckily for him, neither girl seems to have reached the age where Dad Dancing inspires eye rolls and whining -- and their adorable efforts to keep up with Dad's disco-meets-breakdancing moves make the performance even more special.
To read the rest of this story visit Huffington Post
Late wet season soaking for tropical QLD
weatherzone Mellissa Mackellar, Wednesday April 10, 2013 - 15:35 EST
The meaning of Life is to have Cosmic Love in your Heart and develop the consciousness
Cosmic Love is the solution for everything
Cosmic Love is the key
More videos from ALAJE available at; https://www.youtube.com/user/777ALAJE
2013's Worst Spring Allergy Cities
Weather.com - Becky Kellogg, 4/08/13
91. Denver, Colo. - On last year's spring allergy rankings, Denver took the #97 spot. AAFF gave the city a score of 52.17 this year. (Comstock/Getty Images)
Does it seem like your allergies get worse each year? Does the sneezing start earlier each year?
Record warm temperatures and mild winters in some regions are causing an explosion of allergies. It's also happening earliereach year. In short, it's the perfect storm for allergies.
Video and more: Weather.com.
The manuscript of survival – part 298
aisha north April 10, 2013
As the tides turn, so too does your sense of the world around you. For it is indeed changing, little by little, day by day, and as such, you are growing end evolving. For it is indeed you who are changing, for the world as you know it is no longer the same. But that is because you are no longer the same. For every day, you step closer into who you truly are, and as such, every day, a piece of the old you fall away, for never to be needed or retrieved ever again. For you are not here to gather the pieces that seem to be slipping through your fingers, whether they be pieces of your family, your relationships, your ideas or your wordly goods. For remember, anything not a part of the true you will no longer be a part of your life, and as such, there are many partings going on now.
Large Earthquake Strikes Iran; More Than 35 Dead
Weather.com - 4/09/13, AP
Located near Iran's nuclear power station, a large 6.3-magnitude earthquake has the USGS fearing mass casualties. USGS Photo.
TEHRAN, Iran -- A 6.1 magnitude earthquake killed at least 37 and injured hundreds more in a sparsely populated area in southern Iran on Tuesday, Iranian officials said, adding that it did not damage a nuclear plant in the region.
The report said the earthquake struck the town of Kaki some 96 kilometers (60 miles) southeast of Bushehr, a town on the Persian Gulf that is home of Iran's first nuclear power plant, built with Russian help.
More: Weather.com
April 2013 Astrological Forecast: Helane Lipson, Psychic Astrologer
Helane Lipson,LMSW -Psychic Astrologer
Helane is a highly skilled Psychic Advisor, Astrologer, and Licensed Therapist who has worked with people in all realms of society, including celebrities. In her practice, Helane has helped clients connect with what is most real and essential in their lives. With humor, insight and compassion she gently challenges the unnecessary limitations that people believe regarding who they are and what they can have. She has been honored to work with many individuals who have had the courage to face the challenging deep subconscious messages that guard the gates to the treasures of their real creative self.
It is Helane's supreme desire to help others awaken and evolve, and move through their individual challenges to a life of greater clarity and connection with source.
Also a Radio Talk Show Host and Videographer, Helane shares her unique vision with listeners throughout the world regarding issues of Spirituality, Astrology and Evolution of Consciousness.
Over the years Helane has appeared on numerous radio shows as a featured guest and co-host.
You may visit Helane Lipson on the web at http:// www.Insightsbyhelane.com to find out more about her work and teachings, to schedule an individual reading, as well as to access archived radio shows and interviews with Helane. You may also find many interesting and enlightening videos by Helane Lipson on Youtube (The Helane Lipson Show), and various other web sites.
James Gilliland & Mary Rodwell, April 9th 2013
*I do not own this work, it belongs to James Gilliland, the world puja network and the great artists who took part in all aspects of it. Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.*
ACERN Update - Australian Close Encounters
Mary Rodwell RN, midwife, counsellor, hypnotherapist, and metaphysician. Co-founder and Principal of ACERN (Australian Close Encounter Resource Network.) ACERN supports individuals and families with "encounter" experiences. It also provides information to the public and raising awareness in therapeutic/medical and healing professions. ACERN recently featured in the "The Australian Doctors" Journal, (November 2003,) re the Abduction Phenomenon. Author and International speaker Mary has appeared in several television documentaries. She is director and presenter for the EBE award winning documentaries "Expressions of ET Contact...a visual Blueprint?" And Expressions of ET Contact a communication and Healing Blueprint?
Author of the book 'Awakening" How Extraterrestrial Contact Can Transform Your Life.' Mary is Vice president of the Star Kids Project and official representative of the Star Kids Project Ltd. Australia.
Be aware that James Gilliland's and Dr. Steven Greer's opinions do not match regarding all subjects. Both are definetly in contact with ET intelligences and are teaching people how to achieve contact themselves. In the end it's up to the listeners to make their own informed decisions, upon having established contact themselves. A very important point in ET contact is the emotional litmus test in the CE5 experience, a loving & joyful and respectful experience seems to be the right direction.
Mysteries Of The Pineal Gland
Dr. Swami Karmananda Saraswati, MB, BS (Syd), YogaMag
Waking Times
Scientists have been mystified by the pineal gland for centuries. As the brain and central nervous and endocrine systems were progressively unravelled by the anatomists, physiologists and biochemists, the pineal gland resolutely refused to yield up its secrets. Until recently the scientific community regarded it as having no function in man, being but a vestigial remnant from an earlier stage in evolution. However, in the last few years interest in the gland has reached a climax when no fewer than ten national and international conferences devoted entirely to unravelling the secrets of the mysterious pineal have been held around the world.
Divine Cellular Consciousness: Beyond the False 3D Transhumanist Matrix
peterborysjr.com/ 4/10/13, Peter Borys Jr.
We are now in a time where the highest dimensional frequencies are communicating with the Earth and humanity through consciousness, light, and energy. This more direct resonance of the infinite consciousness is providing humanity with an opportunity to awaken to our full Divine awareness in the body consciousness.
With the awakening of humanity to our true Divine awareness, we are also seeing a continuing degeneration or devolution that is the false 3D matrix of conflict, control, and separation. This dense and narrow band of consciousness, through the thinking mind, has veiled human awareness from infinite consciousness and separated humanity from the pure knowing higher mind within the heart in resonance with the body mind. In this veiling, most of human awareness is restricted to a narrow decoding program of the current five physical senses. As a result, humanity has become separated from both infinite consciousness and unity with the body.
Big Story Weather – April 10, 2013
RedOrbit - April 10, 2013 - Joshua Kelly
Big Story Weather from April 9: Yesterday was a very active day with our storm in the Plains. We had hail falling with snow at the same time from thundersnow across parts of Oklahoma, Texas, Kansas and with Nebraska. We actually at one time had a winter storm warning and tornado warning for the same county in Nebraska. A few snowfall totals so far. One comes from Western South Dakota where snowfall amounts reached around 13 inches. Another comes from Western Nebraska where snow drifts reached over 6 feet tall. Freezing rain was another problem with this storm. Places like Sioux Falls South Dakota picked up about 0.5 inches of freezing rain, damaging trees and making travel impossible. Severe weather reports included hail from Texas to Minnesota and also wind damage in Iowa.
Scotland Wildfires Blacken Hundreds of Acres
Accuweather.com-4/2/13, Jim Andrews
Heathland fires have burned hundreds of acres in Scotland, following an unusually dry month of March.Crews were actively fighting wildfires near Fort William, in the northwest of Scotland, the U.K. Daily Mail website said on Monday.
Along with heath and grass, the flames have taken some trees, fenceposts and electrical poles.A plantation forest was under threat near Banavie, the Daily Mail said.
For more on this story see Accuweather.com