- Heavenletter #4328 Adventure, September 30, 2012
- Saul~Your beliefs bind you to the illusion
- ~WOW~ Report of My First Week of Initiations for Rites of Passage ~September 23-29, 2012
- Crystal Grid ~ Created by Seven Year Old WOW
- In truth, there is nothing to judge
- Your beliefs bind you to the illusion
- Extreme weather wreaks havoc from Spain to Morocco
- Epic Pakistani floods kill 422 and affects more than 4.7 million
- 2MIN News Sept 30, 2012
- Star Assignments are In Place
- Mary Magdalene: Enhancing Your Inner Reality
- Reach out for us and we are there with you. – by Love Reporter Ron Head
- The entire Dragon Realm looks lovingly to you ~ Lady Ifegena through EnnKa
- Conscious Beings Of Light – The Homo Luminous
- MotherGod=MotherEarth=Heart ~Sophia Rising
- Israel Loves Iran: Excerpts
- Fasten your seatbelts cause tonight's Full Moon in Aries is the game changer for 2012
- We Are Having a Harvest Full Moon Celebration~ Internet Love Party Beginning at 1:30pm Pacific
- Flooding Kills 10 in Spain, Tornado Hits Fair
- USGS earthquake study finds we need to redefine aftershock
- Former Astronaut: Time Is An Illusion
- Children of the Sun - The Rite of Divine Will
- 9/30/2012 -- 7.4M earthquake in Columbia South America
- Sending Love and Blessings to Greg Giles
- Your Light Body is Perfect
- Face the Facts USA: Wildfires are burning longer
- American Airlines Tells Pilots to End Disruptions
- Vatican court blocks evidence in trial of pope's ex-butler
- Visionkeeper – Be Kind To Yourself…Short thoughts
- Ann Albers ~ A Message From Ann And The Angels ~
- Marlene Swetlishoff ~ Hilarion ~ 30 September 2012
- Nancy Detweiler: The Truth Will Be Hard To Hear
- ~ Space Weather Update~ INCOMING SOLAR STORM CLOUD
- Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Archangel Haniel Feel the energy of the Full Moon
- The Galactic Free Press Update- We are arriving at a 19 Billion Year Completion!
- Broad Spectrum Botanical Medicines – A Safe and Effective Treatment Strategy to Address Fungal, Bacterial, Viral and Parasitic Infection.
- Gaia Sings! Interesting how similar this sounds to whale songs! -AK
- The Crystal Dolphin Pod. ~ It’s All About L❤ve. ~ By, Bella Capozzi
- Urgent Message from Great Divine Director
Heavenletter #4328 Adventure, September 30, 2012
Heavenletter #4328 Adventure, September 30, 2012
God said:
No longer are you to let anything make you feel defeated. There is a difference between your not having things work out the way you would like and feeling defeated. I am speaking of where you come from in your heart. Nor do I mean to be telling you that you must always fight for something you want. You cannot always swim against the tide any more than you are to spend your life feeling defeated.
A boxer loses a match. He may lose his title. Must he see this as defeat? He does not have to rise again, although that can happen. It just doesn’t have to be that things develop in the way he is sure he would like. Maybe it is time to step down from having top billing. Life turns out as it turns out. Sometimes you can save the day, and sometimes not. Sometimes it’s the better part of valor to let go, sometimes to hold on.
Saul~Your beliefs bind you to the illusion
The excitement mounts as your awakening draws ever closer. You have been waiting a long time for this and you will not be disappointed. Some of you have had so called “peak experiences,” when whatever you were doing flowed perfectly and at a level of competence or ability that was way beyond what you would describe as normal. It was uplifting for you, even galvanizing, because it seemed that you could do no wrong, could do nothing to interrupt or prevent this energetic flow from delivering the most remarkable outcome. The sheer wonder of moments like those are as nothing compared to what awaits you upon your awakening.
~WOW~ Report of My First Week of Initiations for Rites of Passage ~September 23-29, 2012
Sunday – September 23, 2012
I had scheduled to have a spiritual reading done by a friend. Fortunately for me, before the reading, I had listened to the Mp3 message and read almost all of the material provided for the Rites of Passage. My friend informed me that her angels were telling her that the initiations would not be for my highest good because there might have been ulterior motives behind the program such as hidden low vibrational energies.
Given the nature of what I had read from Children of the Sun, I distrusted my friend’s information. Her words were not of love and when I returned home, I felt soiled. My energy was very low and I was doubtful. I used the violet flame to clear away some of this energy and that night I listened to the Mp3 message again. By the time I finished the message, I felt much better. I understood that I had gone through a trial forcing me to choose commitment to the rites, which I did.
Monday -- September 24, 2012
Crystal Grid ~ Created by Seven Year Old WOW
We hear so much about "crystal children" and the information they carry. Here's one example of just that!
I gave Adam, age seven, several Lemurian Crystals and asked him to create a grid. We had no other conversation regarding the subject.
Less than 30 minutes later, this is what he created and his explained how it worked.
In truth, there is nothing to judge
The river of time — that aspect of the illusion of which many of you are most conscious — is flowing swiftly and smoothly, carrying you insistently and unfalteringly along with it towards your divine destination. Regardless of any doubts or uncertainties that you may harbor your arrival is assured, divinely assured. Focus on the absolute certainty of that assurance when doubts or anxieties arise within you, knowing, as you most definitely do, that your Father’s Love for you is drawing you irresistibly homeward.
You have a saying, “Home is where the heart is,” and the heart of your true Self is eternally at Home with your heavenly Father. Nevertheless, that does not appear to be the case as you contend with the problems and anxieties with which the illusion continuously presents you, while you strive determinedly to find your way out of it and back to that glorious state.
Your beliefs bind you to the illusion
The excitement mounts as your awakening draws ever closer. You have been waiting a long time for this and you will not be disappointed. Some of you have had so called “peak experiences,” when whatever you were doing flowed perfectly and at a level of competence or ability that was way beyond what you would describe as normal. It was uplifting for you, even galvanizing, because it seemed that you could do no wrong, could do nothing to interrupt or prevent this energetic flow from delivering the most remarkable outcome. The sheer wonder of moments like those are as nothing compared to what awaits you upon your awakening.
The journey to reach this stage in your evolution has indeed been arduous — a long and exhausting endeavor — but the end is in sight, and even though you have doubts, deep within yourselves you have a certainty, a knowing that this is true. When you relax, meditate, or pray, seek out this certainty within yourselves; focus on it and intend that you awaken, because doing so reminds you that this is your destiny and that it is God’s Will for you. By doing this regularly you allow yourselves to confirm that deep inner knowing and your doubts fade. You are on your way Home, and nothing will divert you from that path because it is calling to you so irresistibly.
Epic Pakistani floods kill 422 and affects more than 4.7 million
CNN.com - 9/29/12
- Flooding in Pakistan has left more than 420 people dead and nearly 3,000 injured, official says
- The floods, which have also displaced some 350,000 people, follow monsoon rains
- Pakistan was also hit by devastating floods last year and in 2010
People flee flooded areas in Shahdadkot, Sindh province, Pakistan, on September 28.
Islamabad, Pakistan (CNN) -- Floods resulting from monsoon rains have killed 422 people and left nearly 3,000 injured across Pakistan, a disaster agency spokesman said Saturday.
Star Assignments are In Place
Star Assignments are In Place…
Star assignments for next steps are in place. Tactical positions for Light Beings have been outlined and those receptive are in full alignment. Awaiting further instructions.
Star Code 48693.
Mary Magdalene: Enhancing Your Inner Reality
Mary Magdalene: Enhancing Your Inner Reality
Posted by Wes Annac
Enhancing Your Inner Reality by Mary Magdalene
Reach out for us and we are there with you. – by Love Reporter Ron Head
Reach out for us and we are there with you. – by Love Reporter Ron Head
September 29, 2012
Our discussion today will begin by our asking once again for you to notice the sharp upturn in energy this full moon is bringing. You may feel distinct changes in your reactions to events around you. When you are prompted to speak or act, please remember to combine your feelings of unconditional love with your desire for change. The impulse to do something may be new to you personally and unfamiliar. It is always best to begin from one’s heart center and proceed as you know your highest vision of yourself would act. That way, when you pause to ask yourself, “Did I just say that?” it will be with a smile on your face.
The Equinox was huge, a shift so big on the inner planes and higher dimensions and filtering down fast into our every day reality in the physical plane.
The entire Dragon Realm looks lovingly to you ~ Lady Ifegena through EnnKa
September 29, 2012
My beloved people of Earth, I want to talk to you again today. Last time I told you that I have laid a golden egg, and that it is female. The Mother Goddess has chosen a beautiful name for my daughter. She will be called Epirose, that is Sirian meaning Divinity. My daughter is thriving, but needs a little more time to hatch, it will be late in the year when humanity ascends. Epirose will be the guardian of the new human society. This is Prime Creator’s will for you, as in earlier times, a certain dragon was selected as the guardian of your planet and humanity. It is a great honor for me that my daughter was assigned to that.
We have increased the amount of energy that we send to Earth once again. You make such great progress in your development, so that our energies can not hurt you. Your bodies continue to transform and can accommodate more and more energies than ever before. We are watching this very closely and adjust our energies at the time. We love you so much my loved ones and it gives us so much pleasure to see, as your light is getting stronger. Your consciousness is evolving and love is the dominant power on your beautiful planet.
Conscious Beings Of Light – The Homo Luminous
Conscious Beings Of Light – The Homo Luminous – 29 September 2012
“I am that supreme and fiery force that sends forth all the sparks of life …I shine in the water, I burn in the sun and the moon and the stars. Mine is the mysterious force of the invisible wind … I am life.” ~ Hildegard of Binge, De Operatione Dei
We are Solar Beings. We live with the Light, through the Light, for the Light.
Light is one of the big mysteries of the manifested Universe. Only when we understand it as both a material particle and, at the same time, as an energetic wave can we actually understand a little about its power.
Nowadays, we know that all sentient beings project Light by themselves, the bio-photons through their DNA, and these constitute what we call our auric field. In this truth resides the reason that Light and the Sun are known to be powerful and positive symbols of life, radiance and positive living.
MotherGod=MotherEarth=Heart ~Sophia Rising
Commentary from The Galactic Free Press~ Sophia is another Name For MotherGod=MotherEarth=Heart. Love The Earth Allies
Note to all readers: Please know that Sophia uses many words which are metaphors for others things pertaining to occult symbolism. You must understand that this is the RAW energy of Sophia, otherwise known as the Shekinah, the pure and almighty sacred feminine manifestation of the Creator. She speaks in a language that many will find hard to decipher.
Background: I close my eyes and I feel a fire. I see myself engulfed in this fire. This fire moves into my body and out of it and in and out and completely surrounds me. I know this energy; it is raw but I ask who wishes to connect with me anyway and I am told it is Sophia.
She begins to speak to me through this fire that resides within me. I feel and hear the voice coming from deep inside of me. She tells me I am being baptized once again with fire. Sophia proceeds to speak as I type…
“Heed my words and heed them well for I speak to those who are ready to hear and understand the undercurrents of truth that unite within the minds and hearts of all that bear witness to my existence. Not one of you is forgotten, not one of you is misplaced within the mind of the Creator.
Israel Loves Iran: Excerpts
Fasten your seatbelts cause tonight's Full Moon in Aries is the game changer for 2012
Fasten your seatbelts cause tonight's Full Moon in Aries is the game changer for 2012. It's going to impact everyone thanks to the powerful challenging aspects to the Sun, Uranus and Pluto. These planets have rallied up to form one of the most powerful T-Squares that we will ever experience.
This Full Moon is about to force us to wake the F*** up, smell the coffee and take total responsibility with regards to the parts of our lives which simply aren't working for our highest good... whether you like it or not. Be prepared for unexpected challenges , changes and breakthroughs as the Full Moon Aries
We Are Having a Harvest Full Moon Celebration~ Internet Love Party Beginning at 1:30pm Pacific
We Are Having a Harvest Full Moon Celebration~ Internet Love Party Beginning at 1:30pm Pacific
You can Join US at this Link:
All Are Welcome! The More of Us who Gather On The Planet IN Love and True Unity, The Higher The Vibrations Raise and the Closer we are to our craft decloaking and all Divine Events Manifesting. Thank You for Participating In Your Part of the Divine Plan!
Join US, Love The Earth Allies
Flooding Kills 10 in Spain, Tornado Hits Fair
Weather.com - Joseph Wilson, 9/29/12
Residents walk by a wrecked car carried away by flash floods after heavy rain in the town of Villanueva del Rosario, Malaga, southern Spain, Friday, Sept. 28, 2012. (AP)
BARCELONA, Spain -- A tornado swept through a fairground in a Spanish town, knocking down a Ferris wheel and injuring 35 people, while the death toll from flooding in the same southern region of the country rose to 10, authorities said Saturday.
Friday's tornado damaged several rides and cut electricity in the temporary fair set up in the main square of Gandia, according to its town hall website. It said 15 of the injured were seriously hurt, all of whom were treated on site.
To read the rest of this story, visit Weather.com.
USGS earthquake study finds we need to redefine aftershock
Source: MyDesert.com - September 28th, 2012 | Author: Kate McGinty
Big earthquakes can alter seismic patterns in very different ways — including triggering temblors across the globe, the U.S. Geological Survey said today.
It announced two studies that “shed light on more than a decade of debate on the origin and prevalence of remotely triggered earthquakes.”
The conclusions could force scientists to redefine what we know as an aftershock:
Former Astronaut: Time Is An Illusion
Esoteric, Metaphysical
& Spiritual Database
Prof. Dr. Wubbo J. Ockels is a Dutch physicist, and also the Netherlands' original astronaut. He is a Professor of Aerospace Sustainable Engineering and Technology at the University of Delft, and tries to stimulate a mentality change among Dutch citizens.
In this mind-bending presentation, Ockels explains how ‘time’ is created by human beings, as a way our brains can make sense of gravity. The speed of light is constant, because it is made by us: it’s the clock by which we have calibrated our existence. Based on this premise, Ockels proposes a new way to explore life in our galaxy.
One of the most prfound statements Ockels mentioned in this presentation is, "Being cause time and time causes being."
Children of the Sun - The Rite of Divine Will
Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation Presents...
Sending Love and Blessings to Greg Giles
For those of us who have been following the channelled scene for a while Greg Giles is a name that was often talked about in lightworker circles.. Chancellor of the GFL and Ashtar Command I had become appreciative over the months for Greg's regular updates. Over the last month or so though I found myself out of resonance with Greg's work. While I still (for the most part) read his messages I found myself "put off" by the introduction of fear and accusations that had (for me) appeared more and more in his writings. I was genuinely taken back though to read his "finale" message where he says he was "duped" that there is no assension, no GFL and no cabal... I have attached his message at the end but I do urge anyone who chooses to read it to use discernment as there was definitely some disturbing messages writing in the body of his finale writing. Some chat rooms are asking if Greg has gone missing, others are saying his site has been hacked.. Whatever the reason, I would like to extend a big hug and thank you to Greg for his tireless work over the past few months. This is a big reminder for me on discernment, that we are all responsible for running messages through our heart before accepting them as true... Everyone is entitled to their sovereignty and to their own opinion... But I can honor and respect the person who is doing what they believe to be their highest good. So, thank you Greg. Whatever the truth be behind your exit, I wish you well and from my heart to yours I send love and blessings _/\_ *link to Greg's final message..... http://www.ascensionearth2012.org/2012/09/message-from-those-who-share-t...
Your Light Body is Perfect
This is a rebuttal to a blog post at the Galactic Free Press in the above link: '6 Body Parts Doctors Think Are Useless, Medical System is Severely Flawed.' :
I work on souls.
I work on souls in human bodies through my body, which is human.
I am an anesthesiologist and I see what God has written in your post today, the one that I responded to. All of it was very third dimensional. I did not like it. So now it is time to set the record straight.
Your Light Body is Perfect
Your Light Body is a replica of you, that exists in a higher dimension. When we go to all that, your lost limbs will reappear, your missing teeth will sprout back, your organs shall be returned and all shall exist in Divine Perfection. This is YOU, in your natural state of being. You are flawless and Holy and Light.
For some reason, and for some Purpose, you came down from Heaven and came to Earth.
Your Earth Body is a 'projection' of your Light Body into the Illusion called 'reality'
I see it with my clairvoyance brightest in the O..R. while I work with my patients.
There is a big tunnel of white light that goes in the head and through you and comes out the feet. It is about six inches wide, and sparkly bright white.
Your perception is what allows how this Light is to come through into the Chakra energetic system. This is how Chakras get 'imbalance' in the first place. Emotions, personal reactions to events and the inner world that you are influences greatly this metaphysical to physical process.
Your Earth Body is a 'vehicle' for Learning Life Lessons and it talks to you through illness
Face the Facts USA: Wildfires are burning longer
Source: MercuryNews.com - 9/29/12
Each day in the 100 days leading up to Election Day, MercuryNews.com and Face the Facts USA will be partnering to bring you one exhaustively researched and vetted, non-partisan fact about a major issue facing our nation.
Wildfires are getting longer, fiercer, and more costly to contain. Wildfires have burned an average of 7 million U.S. acres every year since 2000. That's equal to burning all of Yellowstone National Park three times over each year. But from 1960 to 1999, wildfires consumed half that amount - an average 3.5 million acres a year. U.S. wildfire seasons now last an average 76 days longer than in the 1970s and 1980s. Before 1986, a wildfire was contained on average in less than eight days. Since then, the average wildfire has burned for 37 days.
American Airlines Tells Pilots to End Disruptions
Weather.com - David Koenig/AP, 9/28/12
AP Photo/M. Spencer Green
In this Thursday, Sept. 20, 2012, file photo, Captain Mike McClellan, ORD Domicile Chairman of the Allied Pilots Association left, joins over 200 American Airline pilots marching on a picket line at O'Hare International Airport, in Chicago.
DALLAS -- American Airlines says if pilots don't end actions that are disrupting flights, it will take their union to court.
A senior American Airlines executive told union leaders that some pilots were conducting "an unlawful, concerted effort to damage the company" by filing more maintenance complaints, flying circuitous routes and other tactics, all leading to a surge in late and canceled flights.
Vatican court blocks evidence in trial of pope's ex-butler
Los Angeles Times - Sarah Delaney, 9/29/12
As the trial of Paolo Gabriele begins in the theft and leaking of confidential papal papers, the court rejects a defense request to enter evidence from a parallel inquiry.
The trial of Pope Benedict XVI's former butler, Paolo Gabriele, gets underway in a Vatican courtroom. (L'Osservatore Romano / December 31, 1969)
VATICAN CITY — The self-proclaimed whistle-blowing butler of Pope Benedict XVI went on trial Saturday for allegedly stealing confidential documents from the papal apartments, with the court swiftly rejecting a defense request to enter evidence from a parallel investigation of broader issues of Vatican infighting.
Visionkeeper – Be Kind To Yourself…Short thoughts
Visionkeeper – Be Kind To Yourself…Short thoughts – 30 September 2012
(picture www.favim.com)
I keep reading about people suffering from the changing of energies in their bodies, myself included. It is time to rest and tend to ourselves with love. We have been at this for quite sometime now and we all need a break and to feel bathed in love and support. If we have life partners, be kind to one another, offer support and kindly ways to make each others lives less difficult right now.
If we live alone, we must be kind to ourselves as well. Take the extra time to give yourself breakfast in bed, curl up there with a good book and snuggle into the covers and rest. We all need plenty of rest right now. I can feel the energies of great change breathing down my neck. Who knows what it may be, but we just need to be ready for anything at this point. I saw a million squirrels today( well, maybe ten or so) racing frantically to and fro. Not their usual collecting of nuts for winter dance they do, this had far more intention to it and there was no room for play. What do they know that we don’t? Best to stay on our toes these days. With the incoming flares and the full moon, it has everybody wound up and that includes the dark ones. How are they reacting to this onslaught of energy we are all trying to incorporate? Let us be prepared, stay on our toes and stay in the light. Nothing to fear here, just best to be aware and awake. Blessings to all…This is just a quick one today…VK
www.oneworldrising.wordpress.com link to original article
Ann Albers ~ A Message From Ann And The Angels ~
My dear friends, we love you so very much.
Breathe for a minute. Ask us to fill you with peace and balance in your lives. You can have peace in a world that is filled with chaos. You can remain calm when others are not. You can find your own sacred point of view while allowing others their own as well. The major cause of unrest on your planet among human beings is the mistaken notion that there must be agreement among you. In reality nothing could be farther from the truth. What all of you are really seeking is not agreement, but acceptance. There is a vast world of difference between the two.
Agreement means another must adopt the same perspective as you. And yet, this is not always possible dear ones. Others have walked in different shoes, as you say. They have had different experiences of life, formed different conclusions, dream different dreams. It is not always possible for two human beings to remain in their own integrity and agree with one another. However, there can always be love and acceptance.
Marlene Swetlishoff ~ Hilarion ~ 30 September 2012
Beloved Ones,
A great many of you are experiencing fear in ways that did not bother you before. Know that you are picking up on the fears of the mass consciousness field and that you have control over your mind and your thoughts. At such moments all you have to do is remember that you are always surrounded by a legion of Angels. There is no place upon this Planet that you walk alone. As you have trodden upon your spiritual journey in this lifetime, you have amassed a greater following of Light Beings who watch over you so that at this point in time, you each have a veritable army of Light to protect you.
To counter the chaotic energies that are prevalent in these times, look closely to find the beauty all around you – in people, in places, in your surroundings, in every small vignette of physical perfection, and make this your focus. You are holding the vision of a beautiful and pristine World for all of Humanity and you are making a difference. Too often, you allow the projections of others to influence your consciousness instead of imprinting your conscious intent into each situation. You are the creator of your reality. Train your thoughts to always hold the highest vision and intend the highest outcome for the highest good of all.
Nancy Detweiler: The Truth Will Be Hard To Hear
(Those Who Reveal Truth to Us Are Not the Culprits)
Allen: Nancy was Stephen Cook’s fascinating guest on The Light Agenda a few weeks back on 29 August. You can hear their conversation here: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/inlight_radio/2012/08/30/the-light-agenda
By Nancy B. Detweiler M. Ed, M.Div – September 29, 2012
Within the next few weeks, Earth humans will be shocked to learn just many lies we have been told—lies that have been deliberately perpetuated, some for thousands of years.
As Gaia, the great being whose physical body we call Planet Earth, moves toward her Ascension, all that is of a negative nature will be brought forth and released so that healing can occur. A spiritual, mental, emotional, or physical wound cannot heal until the venom within it is released.
EERIE EARTHSONG: A NASA spacecraft has recorded eerie-sounding radio emissions coming from our own planet. These beautiful "songs of Earth" could, ironically, be responsible for the proliferation of deadly electrons in the Van Allen Belts. [video] [audio]
INCOMING SOLAR STORM CLOUD: Magnetic fields around sunspot 1577 erupted on Sept. 28th, hurling a coronal mass ejection (CME) almost directly toward Earth. The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) recorded the cloud as it raced away from the sun faster than 2.2 million mph:
NOAA forecasters estimate a 50% chance of strong geomagnetic storms around the poles on Sept 30th when the cloud reaches Earth. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras, which might be intense enough to see in spite of the full moonlight. Aurora alerts: text, voice.
Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Archangel Haniel Feel the energy of the Full Moon
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Archangel Haniel
The Galactic Free Press Update- We are arriving at a 19 Billion Year Completion!
Pubblicato in data 30/set/2012 da GalacticCentral
Broad Spectrum Botanical Medicines – A Safe and Effective Treatment Strategy to Address Fungal, Bacterial, Viral and Parasitic Infection.
Broad Spectrum Botanical Medicines – A Safe and Effective Treatment Strategy to Address Fungal, Bacterial, Viral and Parasitic Infection.
Guest writer for Wake Up World
In 300 B.C. The Inner Classic of the Yellow Emperor, considered to be the bible of Chinese medicine, describes how external pathogenic factors (what we know as bacteria and viruses) manifest and the subsequent progression of the disease process. For several thousand years, Chinese medicine has documented the effectiveness of botanical therapies and maintains the most highly developed herbal Materia Medica.
Thousands of plants have been categorized according to their medicinal properties, and a basic set of principles in formulation of remedies has been developed. In a typical formula, an “Emperor” herb is chosen as the main thrust of treatment, and several “Minister” are selected which support the activity of the main herb. Other herbs then are used as “Assistants” to carry the treatment to specific channels and organs, and also balance the effects of the stronger herbs. Supportive herbs are also chosen to bolster the weakened systems and to lessen the chance of side effects of the treatment.
With the availability of medicinal plants from around the world, formulas have now been developed using the same therapeutic model, without being restricted to the use of plants from only one country of origin.
Using the anti-pathogenic properties of more than one botanical in a combination or formula provides a broader spectrum of activity against infections. The resulting formulations are powerful alternatives to some of the potentially toxic agents that may be used in the treatment of infectious diseases. The addition of herbs used for immune support and to assist the drainage pathways of the liver and kidneys increases the overall effectiveness in promoting a healing response.
The following test of one such combination, containing Bilberry extract, Noni, Milk Thistle, Echinacea (purpurea & angustifolia), Goldenseal, Shiitake, White Willow, Garlic, Grape Seed extract, Black Walnut (hull and leaf), Raspberry, Fumitory, Gentian, Tea Tree oil, Galbanum oil, Lavender oil, Oregano oil shows a remarkable broad spectrum of activity.
A & L Analytical Laboratories, in Memphis, TN, performed USP Effectiveness Tests, in which this botanical combination was injected with large numbers of disease causing organisms, and then cultured for 28 days. The results below demonstrate the bacteria and yeast pathogens are completely eliminated in a matter of hours, and do not recur over a 28 day period of being cultured.
Organisms tested
Liquid Botanical Combination 15 ml used in each test
USP Effectiveness Test
Initial concentration cfu/mlO day (2-3 hours)cfu/ml7 dayscfu/ml14 dayscfu/ml28 dayscfu/ml Aspergillus niger197506900000Candida albicans12750100000Escherichia coli402500100000Pseudomonas aeruginosa765000100000Staphylococcus aureus51500050000
The Crystal Dolphin Pod. ~ It’s All About L❤ve. ~ By, Bella Capozzi
The Crystal Dolphin Pod. ~ It’s All About L❤ve. ~ By, Bella Capozzi. September 30, 2012.
Urgent Message from Great Divine Director
Hi everyone this came to my desk. It is a recap of Her Notes at, "this most important meeting." If you have any questions or comments you may go directly to the source. You will find these accredited messangers and this Great Dispensation to the Earth, and it's posted audio / videos here,
http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=bdlDlV7CW3c&feature=youtu.be ,,, or, www.akshaonline.com