- Behind the Scenes, What Occured on December 20th, the successful implantation of the global brain of unity consciousness
- The implantation of the unity logos template into planet Earth, the execution of a most radical Maneuver
- Planet Alert January 2013
- New Pleiadian Essential Daily Practices SOLARA AN-RA
- Sun & NASA disinfo exposed! Another force twisting Earth's magnetic field
- Arrivals & Departures by Elizabeth
- Update from Sheldan Nidle~ A new epoch is dawning for humanity!
- 13:20 Calendar (01.01.13): GALACTIVATED ƸӜƷ
- Freestyle from interconection to core to wake me up each time this happens I go in knowledge of core. I'm upside down as everything happens for a reason
- To understand me further more sry for all of my previous knowledge everything is
- December 21st 2012: "The Days of Our Dementia" - Intro
- ~ Internet Love Party Celebrating The New Earth=Heart~ Here We GO!
- Happy 2013!
- Ascension: What has really changed?
- Power Path ~ January Forecast 2013: TRANSITION : Lena Stevens
- 1-1-13 Bill Ballard ~ With my Chicken Ladies Contemplating What 2013 Will Bring
- Seminal Frequencies Have Been Activated and Empowered
- ~Schedule one of these Amazing Life Changing Sessions!! Today~
- Welcome to 2013: North Korea Seeks End to ‘War’ With South Korea
- Jelaila Starr ~ Galactic Alignment ~ What Really Happened, And Why?
- Channeled Interview with the Pleiadians: Galactic Technology, What has Happened and What to Expect
- Linda Dillon: Happy New Year, My Spiritual Family! Now The Work Begins!
- Mark Husson: 2013 Sun Sign Forecasts, Important Dates and Energetic Reading
- Happy New Year or It's Just Another Day by Mitch Battros - Earth Changes Media
- Inner Sunrise ~ Brand~New Day
- Simion ~ Are You Among The Awakened?
- KP's Blog: Every Single Old Paradigm is Done Over Finished No More
- ~ Welcome 2013~ The New Earth Has Been Activated
- Heart Song for January 2nd 2013
- Great Grandma Declares Peace on Earth!
- The manuscript of survival – part 246
- The Oracle Report Wednesday January 2, 2013
- Heavenletter #4422 - The Misperception of Justice
- A Message from the Angels ~ 2 January 2013, by Tazjima
- Jesus responds to John - Jesus Blog # 112
- UK braced for yet more flooding with 76 serious flood warnings in place, including 13 in already-saturated Yorkshire
- Blessings
- Heliophysics 2012: Year in Review
- 2012: Record Warm for Many Cities
- 3MIN News January 2, 2013
- Strong jet steam spawned superstorms in December
- Volcanic activity world-wide 31 Dec - 2 January 2013
- Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Strength
- Morning Blessing: 01.02.13 - Thanks for 2013
- Latest Earthquake Activity - January 2, 2013
- Increased levels of dust in the air for the first day of 2013
- New Philippine storm a possibility
- Eyes on the El Hierro Island, Canary Islands – new earthquake swarm reported
- There is an incredibly bright future ahead of you
- AA Uriel via Light of Luna: The Circle of You
- Wes Annac ~ These Little Visions ~ 2 January 2013
- Further Instructions for Ascending Gatekeepers
- 2013 Yearly Forecast: Cycling Up, Exaltation & the Perfection of Love
- Be a child again~ by Ron Head
- Predictions for 2013 ~ a message from The Council of 12 by Selacia
- Benjamin Fulford: Do Not Give The Cabal Time To Re-Group, We Must Press Home To Victory
- Tropical Cyclone Dumile Ramps Up
- Cyclone Freda brings big swell, stingers to Gold and Sunshine Coasts, as inland Queensland swelters
Greetings Love Beings, The Energies Continue In Intensity and for those who are not aware or who are resisting this energy will be experincing challenging moments.... For those embracing this Energy YEEHAW! ENJOY... Love The Earth Allies
Behind the Scenes, What Occured on December 20th, the successful implantation of the global brain of unity consciousness
Hello all. Since wrote this out completely already. I am just including the url to my blog. i hope you enjoy this amazing account of what occured from my vantage point on the night of December 20th. If you think nothing happened this solstice, think again!
The implantation of the unity logos template into planet Earth, the execution of a most radical Maneuver
I remember seeing a video of a Mayan elder who was talking about his concern that there would be nothing to anchor the powerful energy coming from the sun on the Solstice. This was a big problem for him and he seemed to imply that the Earth grid did not have the ability to absorb these frequencies which would be a tragedy because these energies would not be able to be harnessed and used for our conscious evolution.
Well, at the time, I just put it in my head and heart with all of the myriad other predictions about Solstice 2012. Only now, in retrospect, do I get that that is exactly what occured in my body, psyche and the global brain of planet Earth on the nights of December 13th and December 20th 2012, accomplishing the implantation of this receptivity vehicle (felt to me as a fully formed embryo), a radical maneuver was needed , with many players needed throughout the cosmos to assist! And we did it, this embryonic template of receptivty and great potential, the quintessential receptivity vessel which could make full use of these frequencies for a great leap forward into a planet and a race of much greater light, was 1) brought forth and 2) implanted into the womb of Earth. I know this writing may be complex. Feel free to comment with questions or e-mail me directly at: sarahsparkle65@comcast.net. Enjoy!
Planet Alert January 2013
Happy New Year everyone, may this be a wonderful year with surprises everywhere. Remember, we are still in the year of magic and miracles. This past year was very challenging. It was a number five year and five rules change. This year will be a number six year. Two plus thirteen (2013) = fifteen/six. The tone of 528 hertz is the vibration of love. The number 528 adds up to 15/6. With this number in affect we will see many people moving into unity consciousness, and this is the year when people will start thinking with their heart. It is also a number 13 year which is the number of the Goddess energy that is within everyone. Thirteen is also the number of transformation.
Sun & NASA disinfo exposed! Another force twisting Earth's magnetic field
Published on Dec 28, 2012
I want answers and so should you!
The information shared here proves we're being played for fools, the same specific activity keeps happening on the same dates over and over again! That is not normal!
The simple fact I was able to accurately predict activity before anywhere else and before Solar Activity really proves a point!
It's easy to predict activity accurately when you know what specific activity to look for on specific dates.
I'm sure somebody would have noticed this data sooner or later anyway and certainly some will figure out even more than me now being I'm sharing all this.
LINK: http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message2096810/pg1
Arrivals & Departures by Elizabeth
It’s a foggy cold day outside, winter in SE Washington where I am currently physically residing, but inside the sun is shining. I can feel its strong, yet gentle glow fill my chest cavity. And I am looking forward to the coming year and what it will bring into my life, as well as bidding 2012 adieu.
Freestyle from interconection to core to wake me up each time this happens I go in knowledge of core. I'm upside down as everything happens for a reason
Decrypting 13th dimensional script's is not of are nature in lower realms or 5th dimensional I now realized my purpose and will work more friendly to help evolve and try to explain. Remember everything happen's for a reason negatif or positif with time for the greater understanding of extraterestrial's, and life 55.
Here goe's haha rememeber this was to attain core and they have seen me as in peace for the thing's we do not need I have longe myself in this conspiracy, to help anyone to further understanding's and evolve, by conecting the dot's and experiance, but have notice it's a brick wall for any other being's other than 13th level or above and beyond so being friendly now that I realized will become of my nature once more because I realized** and am now experiancing? the cycle brick wall goe`s for both way's meaning rising and falling from your perspective`s and mine as after I post this and you read my measurment`s of human`s reactment`s bring forth the knowledge of where we from this zero point in time space where you are sitting reading this are at in understanding and mastering life in realization`s we either rise or fall and seemingly a lot fall and rise in all the time it happened's lately lmao? why it's here and there up and everywhere whom are we how do we know this? I'm speaking to you hahaha :). That is why we see ppl mass murders and contrast amazing thing's hapening all over they can`t understand this is because the complexity is the reason we can evolve, what is not to be understood but with furthest limit`s of Uëÿmæx'œ us in parallel and all of humanity working unaware or aware of the system in parallel universe`s attained by limitless possibility`s (from within dna, rna, knowledge of life 55).
To understand me further more sry for all of my previous knowledge everything is
Parallel reality, I think I might still be stuck in the parallel's and thus all positive things from my point of view or creations are from the other parallel negatif view's of my understanding and all positif from their point's of view creation's our as negative from my view, it's mirrored within our mind's conscioussnes of self and the ultaihymæextreme is where we go to understand how the systemetrical complexity of positive and negative mirrored at 88's trough consciousness affection of all that is of earth's paradigm. So I still have work to do.... Umm going to be some complexity and will need to figure out a way as 55 show's these parallel's or energy that shift's unseen. Thru the portal in 12:12:12 I could see the shifting of what is impossible for any ascended master's because unless they know this.... And have ever been to core, I'm on my own.
December 21st 2012: "The Days of Our Dementia" - Intro
Mary J. Blige may have said it best in her hit "No More Drama"
....I sat down with my dear friend & scripted this video along with graphs I had created to give distinct tools in supporting all your resolutions & staying center!!!!!
Serah D'Laine aka Seraphim of Sovereign Alliance & Aeon of Coorperation Gaia, sit down for a 5-part extensive look into "what you don't know, you don't know".
Giving you the Keys to Breaking out of the Matrix, away from the cyclical chaos that we call "The Days of Our Dementia".
Also providing simple graphs specifically designed for you & easy use.
For a free download of the graphic worksheet, please visit:................
December 21st 2012: "The Days of Our Dementia" - Intro
~ Internet Love Party Celebrating The New Earth=Heart~ Here We GO!
You can Join US Live Beginning at 6pm Pacific to Ground IN the Intense Energies from Last Nights Alignment.. YEEHAW! The New Earth=Heart Has Begun!
You can Join us Live at This Link: http://tinychat.com/soundofheart
Love The Earth Allies
Happy 2013!
Hello friends, and Happy 2013! It’s going to be a great year, I can feel it. I don’t have any resolutions, per-say, but I do have some self-improvements. I tend to try and change too much at at a time, so I am trying to take it easy (it’s not going very well.) But here are a few items I’d like to try for the new year:
- In bed by 10:00 and up by 6:00 every day
- Meditate daily
- do my lessons each day
Not to mention my HUGE goal of getting out of the corporate workplace and starting my own holistic business. With that in mind, I’ve set up a donation page. There, you can find more about what I’d like to do and how you can help. As a thank-you I will add you to my Reiki Blessing list.
One thing I’d like to do more of in the new year is get in touch with my God-Self. So it was just my luck that I was inspired by my Higher Self to do a daily affirmation practice. I plan on meditating with the affirmation for 15 minutes each day. I probably won’t make a post about it each day, unless something profound happens. But I will do a weekly post about it. Mostly likely on Tuesdays, since that is what today is! Some weeks I may even get ambitious and make a video post, holy cow!
I’m guided to start with an affirmation to accept myself just how I am, part of which was quoted by Shakti Gawain and pulled from the Jan/Feb 2013 issue of Spirituality & Health -
“I am worthy of love from myself and from Spirit. I can call on Spirit anytime I need or want extra clarity, wisdom, knowledge, support, creative inspiration, love or companionship.”
Love & Light and Blessings for a wonderful 2013.
Ascension: What has really changed?
Published on Jan 1, 2013
Dear Ascension Pioneers!
Happy New Year, beloved Ones! A whole New Year now lies ahead of us, and my wishes for it are: Peace, Joy, Unity, Freedom of Being and the Grace of our I AM Presence within Divine Love. It is time to start moving deeper into connecting and Community. When we share ourselves with all, we pass on the torch of our Love-Light! My best wishes for all of us in this 2013, the year of the God-Goddess merging as One!
So may this be a year of peace, joy, freedom of Being and community! A magical New Year is here for us all!
Do we dare to go deeper within? Do we wish to reach even further with opening our Hearts and expanding our wings?
Yes we do!
Welcome, 2013!
Within Divine Love, Polona
P.S. Here is my article: http://ascension-pioneers.org/articles/435-ascension-what-has-really-changed-...
Power Path ~ January Forecast 2013: TRANSITION : Lena Stevens
Monthly forecasts will be posted on the first of every month on our website. To receive Moon Updates and other information, please sign up for our email updates on the top right corner of our home page.
For more detailed information about the influences for 2013, TRENDS 2013 audio is available by Mp3 or CD (link here).
Happy New Year from the Power Path to all our readers. Wishing you the very best this New Year can bring!
1-1-13 Bill Ballard ~ With my Chicken Ladies Contemplating What 2013 Will Bring
I had some more thoughts I wanted to share on what I feel we will see in 2013 and New Earth. We are all helping to break down the old system as we say NO and quit playing the games that are a NO WIN situation for the collective. Many of us are pulling out of that system and becoming self sustainable, self sufficient and going back to a way of life that is more connected with Mother Earth. I had a few more feelings on that and decided to share them done in a setting between the two vortexes here on the ranch/farm and with my Chicken Ladies... LOVE to you ALL! Happy New Year #1 2013!
Seminal Frequencies Have Been Activated and Empowered
Seminal frequencies planted last year have been activated and empowered. These Higher frequencies could only be activated post 12-12-12 to 12-21-12 period, and post 12-31-12. Today’s 1-1-13 at 11:13 provided ideal gateway for activation, Gaia planet-wide.
Those experiencing pulsations in body and heart chakra resonate with identical pulsations occurring Gaia planet-wide.
There is no precedent for this, and many will depart as a result.
Alignment/harmonization with the Higher Frequency Gaia Pulsations brings expansion in awareness of Higher Purpose, and the Power to carry that out.
Drumming aligns the Body-Mind-Spirit with the New Gaia Pulsations.
Galactic Ground Crew: next missions have been formulated and delivered. Each has received instructions for next steps and has been contacted or will be, shortly. Attention to body sleep dream messages is encouraged. But instructions will be delivered… one way or another.
~Schedule one of these Amazing Life Changing Sessions!! Today~
~Humanity we are Here for you for your Real Awakening~
Welcome to 2013: North Korea Seeks End to ‘War’ With South Korea
Posted by Wes Annac
Photo: North Korean leader Kim Jong-un delivers a New Year address in Pyongyang in this picture released by the North’s official KCNA news agency on January 1, 2013. Credit: Reuters/KCNA
Welcome to 2013: North Korea Seeks End to ‘War’ With South Korea
Note from Stephen Cook: So, the new energies are indeed affecting everyone. It’s Day 1 of 2013, and in a rare (which really means first ever) New Year’s address, Kim Jong Un, the young, new emboldened leader of North Korea, yesterday surprised everyone.
Hot on the heels of South Korea appointing its first ever woman leader, Park Guen-hye (see link to her story at the end of this article), the North Korean leader has proactively talked of the re-unification of the divided Korea, which ‘officially’ split in 1948.
Jelaila Starr ~ Galactic Alignment ~ What Really Happened, And Why?
Nibiruan Council | December 31 2012
It’s December 31, 2012. Can you believe it, we are at the end of the much anticipated (and dreaded) year 2012? And we survived it! Not much seemed to occur, at least not on the surface. Did that galactic alignment happen? Did the universal cycle complete? Like you, I’m awaiting information from the astronomers regarding the actual planetary line up, but even if all the planets didn’t actually line up, I still felt something–a surreal sense of being in “No Time” as though we are floating through a dreamscape.
Don’t know about you but I spent this holiday season in a rather unusual way. Instead of getting into it and decorating the house, buying tons of presents and partying like there’s no tomorrow, I declined all but a few holiday invitations and stayed home. And sleep, boy did I sleep!
The funny thing about all of this is that as I stayed cocooned in my house, I was very aware of the world continuing on in its unusual manner. I talked on the phone to family and friends. I went to the store and once, when I began feeling a bit too house-bound, bundled the dogs into the back seat and drove around a while. (It’s been really cold here in the Midwest so walks were out of the question for my 10lb. little buddies).
Channeled Interview with the Pleiadians: Galactic Technology, What has Happened and What to Expect
Posted by Wes Annac
Happy New Year! We face a new time filled with glorious new opportunities, and we now have the full collective and individual ability to anchor miracles unto ourselves. The following is an automatic-writing based “interview” with the Pleiadian High Council, channeled through yours truly. I was excited to get to interact with our Pleiadian brethren and ask them questions, and we hope the resulting communication is helpful.
Wes Annac: My dearest friends, I would like to get to know you in a deeper way and interact with you during this communication. I have a few questions to ask and I would Love to connect with you on this night.
Linda Dillon: Happy New Year, My Spiritual Family! Now The Work Begins!
Linda Dillon, Council of Love Newsletter, Jan. 1, 2013
This highly personal note began as a greeting to my InLight Radio family whom over the year I have come to love and cherish. Like all family, we have differences of views, opinions, dreams, desires, roles and soul contracts.
Like you and I, thousands out there whom I have never had the privilege of personally meeting but feel this deep heart-felt connection with. We all serve the Light, we all share the Love, we share the dream of the return and anchoring of Love on Gaia, we all share our commitment and soul desire to serve the Divine Mother.
So as I lay in bed in the wee small hours of this miraculous New Year of 2013 composing this note in my heart to my InLight family, my heart began to swell and I felt that there are so many of you I wanted to wish well on this day of new beginnings, this day when we wipe the slate clean and begin afresh. As I lay cuddled in and the feeling, the Love, kept growing and growing, I realized that this is one of the shifts of 12:12. The unity consciousness of my heart has reached the point where I want to “reach out and touch” each and every one of you, and share with you my heart, my vision, my dreams for the coming year.
Mark Husson: 2013 Sun Sign Forecasts, Important Dates and Energetic Reading
From The Healers Journal
HJ: Astrology is truly an ‘artful’ science in every sense of the word. It is all about interpretation and finding an astrologer who resonates with your sensibility. That being said, Mark Husson has done a fantastic job (in my eyes) of elucidating the celestial influences that are on the horizon for 2013. He starts this overview with the advice: ‘Get ready to take more action.” For the majority of humanity, this is timeless wisdom, especially in 2013. This coming year is absolutely brimming with raw potential and to access it, all one needs to do is take concerted action in a positive direction. Simple, profound, truth. This technically has always been the case, however, now you will find that this process unfolds with much greater ease and grace instead of the upward struggle it once was. That does not mean that there will be no struggle. Indeed if your spiritual path calls for struggle in order for you to learn the lessons you need to learn, then most certainly you will experience struggle, however, you will also simultaneously have more support that ever before and so these struggles will be easier to overcome than they previously have been.
Happy New Year or It's Just Another Day by Mitch Battros - Earth Changes Media
Here's wishing you - and all who know you the very best of a New Year, a New Beginning/End, and a New Calendar. There are basically two views at this time of year. Those who make resolutions with various versions of a fresh start. Then there are those who view this time as "just another day." I see great value in both perspectives.
Remember, we are all individuals on a unique personal journey. However, we are all related in ways we know and many ways we don't quite understand. Also remember, our ancient ancestors as well as those who are just 2 or 3 generations past - were related in ways we in the United States of America are not too familiar with. It is not a culture of one people, one tribe, one community. I am not implying it is bad, just different - and many would say it is better. Only those at the age of 110+ remember the USA is an "experiment". We are by far the youngest kid on the block and some would say the results are still inconclusive as to its success. Yet others are perfectly clear it is a success.
Inner Sunrise ~ Brand~New Day
We can start fresh in this very moment, not needing to wait for a new day to start anew.
When today is not going well, it is tempting to focus on tomorrow as a blank slate with all the possibilities that newness provides. It is true that tomorrow will be a brand-new day, but we do not have to wait until tomorrow to start fresh. We can start fresh at any moment, clearing our energy field of any negativity that has accumulated, and call this very moment the beginning of our brand-new day.
Simion ~ Are You Among The Awakened?
Simion the Evolutionary Collective | The Transformation Series
SIMION through Amariah Mara ~ We are Simion, The Evolutionary Collective.
You have made it past the winter solstice of 2012 and you are still here. Wonderful! The world has not come to an end. Some will say nothing happened. Will you be one of those? If you do say nothing happened, than you have missed much. 2012 was meant to be a crossroads. It was a time of becoming or not becoming and deciding what you wish to see anew in this new year of 2013. We certainly hope you are seeing much happening and that you are thus extremely motivated to create the world of enlightenment that has been contemplated.
Was the wake-up call of 2012 heard by you? Was it heard by the world around you? This year will be the true test of that. Now is the real testing time of your guts and grit and true spirit as creators. This year many will fall to the wayside that were looking for a quick fix or that never truly believed in humankind’s potential to evolve. Are you a way-sider, or have your eyes been opened further to reveal more light in your life? Will you be one that adds to the creation of the Promised Land that you all have been working towards? If so, then now is the real year of action! This is the year when all the hype can become real in your lives, one at a time, until the light spreads like a wild fire blown by a strong wind.
KP's Blog: Every Single Old Paradigm is Done Over Finished No More
This is a message that has just been coming in. As the title says,
“Every Single Old Paradigm is Done… Over… Finished… No More…”
And Every Single timeline associated with them. “Done… Over… Finished… No More… “
In particular these old paradigms and Timelines…
~ Welcome 2013~ The New Earth Has Been Activated
Greetings Love Beings, Welcome to another day In The Age Of Aquarius, The Golden Age, in which we Truly Have entered. We are about to arrive into a new Year 2013 and for some of You, you already have! This is the Year we Begin The Co~ Creation of the New Earth and this will Unfold in the Oneness Energies. Many Changes will be occurring this year as the inner transforms to the Outer. Be Present and In Joy and It will be a smooth ride.
The Galactic Free Press Update: The New Earth Has Arrived For Complete Activation
Heart Song for January 2nd 2013
The Heart Song for January 2nd 2013 is
He'll Welcome Me by John P. Kee
I'm living this life just to live again
And with the Lord I know that I shall reign
I shall not stray...with Him I'll stay
He'll welcome His children home one day
Like a thief in the night He shall return for me
That's the day that He'll come and fly away
You'll see
Jesus will welcome me home
I shall see Him for myself
I shall meet Him in the air
(After the dead in Christ shall rise, we that are still alive)
Jesus will welcome me home
He'll welcome me (He'll welcome me) (Repeat)
Welcome (2x)
Welcome my
Welcome my good and faithful servant
He'll welcome, yes He'll welcome
He'll welcome, yes He'll welcome me (Repeat)
Jesus will welcome me
Jesus will welcome me
Jesus will welcome me home
Love Geeta
Great Grandma Declares Peace on Earth!
This is Earth Ally Reane's Great Grandma
declaring Peace on Earth.
Source: YouTube.com
Here is the note I got from Reane.
"This video is my Great Grandma who is 99 years old. Her husband was a Methodist Minister and they travelled around the world doing missionary work. We have kept her informed of all the information from our Galactic Friends for the last 10 years and she is very excited for the 21st to get here. Hope you like this. Her name is Rosemary and she is in a nursing home in Illinois. Joy and I are helping her make this in the background."
Thank you All for standing up in LOVE and LIGHT!
The manuscript of survival – part 246
aisha north January 2, 2013
And so you have started to count down another year, and this time, it is as if you are starting a brand new countdown. Let us explain.
As you are all more than aware of, mankind have had their eyes and hearts set on the year of 2012 for a very, very long time, and as you are all also more than aware of, this has had such a strong impact on so many, it has been difficult to even think past this year. And so, now that you have well and truly passed through this portal called December 2012, you have now reached a brand new shore, a shore devoid of any footprints, where it is up to each and every one of you how you would like to make this year unfold.
For now, there are no more ”magic dates” and now, there are no expectations or limitations put upon you that could hamper you in any way. For now, it is indeed time to open up, set the old human limitations aside, and start to think anew. For now, there are no more deadlines to be met, no more dates to consider, or no other markers of any kind that could affect your thinking in any way.
The Oracle Report Wednesday January 2, 2013
Heavenletter #4422 - The Misperception of Justice
HeavenLetters Published on: January 2, 2013
The idea of justice or injustice is counting on the past to affect the present. To your mind, the past and the present are to correlate. However, your experience is that, for no known reason, something uncalled for occurs.
From as far as you can see, the world is not fair. From what you can see, there is hardly justice. Why does one gain and another lose? Disparity seems to be a piece of life in the world.
It has been said that you write your own script, that you wrote it long ago and signed it. It is easy to sign ahead of time for something to happen later. The future is always long off.
A Message from the Angels ~ 2 January 2013, by Tazjima
We are the Angelic Legions of the Divine Mother.
As a collective angelic presence focused on the Pink Ray of Love, we wish you all the best as you continue to let go of all that stands in your way, your anger, your grief, your disappointment and yes, even depression. The collective of humanity has taken a huge step and so now it is time to process your sense of loss, of everything you ever knew before which no longer is a part of the brand new world into which you have just emerged.
Like hatchlings just emerged from the shell, you are breaking free of age-old limitations, conditional thinking, extreme polarization and deep, deep soul pain. It will take a bit of time to adjust to strong influx of love that is present in your new world. It is due to the love that you now begin to feel so immensely all those myriad of feelings that you may have been able to deny or stuff down into the subconscious before. You cannot do that here, dear ones. You must face the darkness that dwells deep in your very tissue and cells, feel it and release it. Remembering to feel and to acknowledge self and through self-awareness, others in your immediate environment and community, will take on greater significance as you awaken to the new possibilities and potentialities that exist, as yet immaterialized in this new world.
Jesus responds to John - Jesus Blog # 112
Jesus Through John Posted 01/02/2013 by John Smallman
[I have used a different format for today's message, because it is a conversation between us. And there is no audio version because my voice has failed, temporarily.]
Jesus Blog # 112 for Wednesday 1/2/13.
Friday December 28th 2012 15.50.
John: Good afternoon, dear Jesus. Well, as you must be very well aware, there is a great sense of disappointment, not to mention anger, because nothing of note seems to have happened that could be described as the start of a New Age or an awakening into full consciousness. I, too was disappointed – there were, we understood, to be NO disappointments. So, where do we go from here?
UK braced for yet more flooding with 76 serious flood warnings in place, including 13 in already-saturated Yorkshire
The Independent - 1/02/13, John Hall
Majority of flood warnings in York
and surrounding villages
Flooded gardens in Ironbridge, Shropshire as the river Severn burst its banks. Credit: Nick Potts/PA Wire
Yorkshire residents are bracing themselves for yet more flooding today, after 13 separate warnings were issued across the region.
The majority of the flood warnings are in York and its surrounding villages, where much of the community is still trying to get back on its feet after serious localised flooding in November.
To read the rest of this story, visit The Independent.
Whoever brings blessing will be enriched,
and one who waters will himself be watered.
Proverbs 11:25
I would like to invite you to our blessed Community "2010 Blessings.
We bless and are blessed.
Love and Peace,
Heliophysics 2012: Year in Review
NASA - 12/31/12
These two images were taken by the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) and show comet Lovejoy heading in toward the sun (left) and then emerging back out the other side (right) a day later. Credit: NASA/SOHO
As the year 2012 comes to a close, we look back on the major news events coming from NASA’s Heliophysics Division, which studies the sun-Earth connection.
We ended 2011 with a great deal of excitement as provided by comet Lovejoy’s trip around the sun in December, which had scientists and the public amazed with extraordinary imagery provided by the entire Heliophysics solar fleet.
To read the rest of this story, visit NASA.gov.
2012: Record Warm for Many Cities
Weather.com, 1/02/12, Jon Erdman
The year 2012 will go down as the record warmest year for the U.S., dating to 1895.
Amazingly, some cities have had a record warm year two or more years in a row!
To watch the video and read the rest of this story, visit Weather.com.
Strong jet steam spawned superstorms in December
Source: The Extinction Protocol - 1/01/13
January 1, 2013 – CLIMATE – The weather outside was truly frightful across much of the US and UK this holiday season. In the US, a powerful winter storm whipped up heavy snow, icy winds and a record number of tornadoes in late December, causing at least 15 deaths. Such storms are not unusual at this time of year, but an especially strong jet stream made the storm more intense, says meteorologist Greg Carbin of the US National Weather Service. “One of the more remarkable places was Little Rock, Arkansas,” says Carbin. “It shattered the prior record for snowfall on Christmas Day.” Little Rock, which hadn’t seen a white Christmas since 1926, was hit with more than 25 centimeters of snow.
Volcanic activity world-wide 31 Dec - 2 January 2013
Source: Volcano Discovery - 1/02/13, By T
Stromboli Volcano - archive photo
Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Strength
Angel Wisdom Wednesday, January 2, 2013
You have great inner fortitude
Morning Blessing: 01.02.13 - Thanks for 2013
by Reverend Angela Peregoff
In this moment, 2013 opens.
The Presence of God that I am shall live, love
and divinely support my unique purposes this year.
I pause and lift my heart and mind to a luminosity of
gratitude that knows the good of 2013 and bless it.
I am a blessed body of earth. A reflection of Light.
A piece of heaven splashing around in the puddles
Latest Earthquake Activity - January 2, 2013
Source: USGS.gov
Follow the link to see quake
activity for the past seven days.
Visit Live Earthquakes Map
for live quake reporting.
All quakes with magnitude 4.5
or greater are highlighted.
January 2
Increased levels of dust in the air for the first day of 2013
The Watchers - 1/02/13, By Chillymanjaro
Dust blows over Afghanistan (top center) and off the coasts of Iran and Pakistan. Air currents cause it to form long, parallel rows rather than an indistinct cloud. The dust reaches far over the Arabian Sea, where it is then swept westwards towards the Arabian Peninsula. (Credit: LANCE/MODIS)
New Philippine storm a possibility
Asia One News - 1/02/13, Jeannette I. Andrade
MANILA, Philippines - With a low pressure area (LPA) spotted east of Mindanao and expected to enter the Philippine area of responsibility (PAR) on Wednesday, the weather bureau has issued a forecast specifically for Compostela Valley and Davao Oriental, two provinces hardest hit last month by Typhoon "Pablo."
Philippine Atmospheric Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (Pagasa) forecasters anticipate the LPA will develop into a tropical cyclone as it approaches the PAR.
To read the rest of this story, visit Asia One News.
Eyes on the El Hierro Island, Canary Islands – new earthquake swarm reported
Source: The Watchers - 1/02/13, By Adonai
There is an incredibly bright future ahead of you
Johnsmallman's Blog 01/02/2013 by John Smallman
[There is no audio version of Saul today because my voice has failed, temporarily]
The moment for feeling disappointed is over. You have moved into the New Age and its benefits will become increasingly apparent as the year progresses. You have all done an amazing job in bringing it in, and you are greatly honored for that. The divine energy field enveloping the planet and all the life forms she supports is now much more intense and effective than ever before in your human history because your New Age allows it to be so. The more aware and awake you become the greater the energy you can carry and use for the greater good of all.
Humanity is most definitely moving forwards spiritually after eons of stagnation and hopelessness that the constant conflicts and disagreements among you encouraged. When you are in conflict you are coming from ego, from a sense of isolation, abandonment, and fear, and your ego wants to put that to rights by fighting the enemy, whoever or whatever it may be, and destroying it. Millions of egos fighting for supremacy do not provide an environment in which love, compassion, acceptance, respect, or healing of one another can grow and flourish.
AA Uriel via Light of Luna: The Circle of You
Take this time to imagine, if you will – a circle – that which has no end and no beginning. Now imagine you are standing at the center of this circle and it is expanded in all directions. No matter which way you look or turn, all you see or encounter is you. Contained within this circle or sphere is all that you have ever been or will ever be. Each experience, each encounter, each time and place – ALL OF IT!
For this is you – and now further imagine that every person you know or have ever known or will know is connected to your circle or sphere at the point or points for there are likely more than one for many that you have encountered. Now, further imagine that all connections are related in this manner – to your circle so not only do you have access to all of your experiences, you also truly have access to all experiences. For some of you this may be a bit much to ‘get your head around’ as they say, but if you are indeed living and being in the present moment, it is truly that time and space where all is interconnected and you literally have access to all of the wisdom and experience of the universe. For in this manner, we are all truly one and are all connected. This is why when one does (or thinks or says) something it truly affects the whole.
Wes Annac ~ These Little Visions ~ 2 January 2013
I’d like to speak for a short moment, on the small bursts of Divine visions and interactions I’ve been personally feeling. Anyone who’s read my writings of late know that I’ve personally experienced and documented a plethora of amazing things since the 21st alignment and continue to, and much of what I’ve reported has stayed in the forefront of my memory while smaller yet equally important things that have happened have been lost to memory.
Some of what I’ve experienced as small but powerful flashes, began far before the alignment of the 21st. At times, I will receive flashes of different higher dimensional beings; be them Galactic, Angelic or whatever else in nature. The flashes coming from the Galactics have been the strongest, and I’ve perceived of some amazingly beautiful Pleiadian souls as I received flashes of what they look like.
I know that I’m perceiving of them through my own lens and am probably not viewing them in their full purity when I receive such flashes, but that does not seem to matter as the flashes are incredibly strong and amazing. Just now as I’m writing this, I perceive of a beautiful ascended female-looking human, whose mind and heart are glowing magnificently and the energies coming out of them are absolutely radiating. I just perceived of some kind of “blast” of these energies and began perceiving of beautiful, flowing and intensely real colors coming out of the mind and heart of this soul.
Further Instructions for Ascending Gatekeepers
by Wes Annac
There are many of you out there who experienced some amazing things on or around the timeframe of December 21st, 2012, which include some of the apparent ascension symptoms outlined by Archangel Michael. As I’ve testified to, I certainly felt such symptoms myself and I continue to feel an adjustment to a purer state of consciousness.
I’m not going to say that myself or anyone else whom this writing is intended for have ascended, but I will state with happiness that we are finding purer states of consciousness that, for me at least, are acting as bridges to the fifth dimensional reality I’m beginning to be able to access. The fifth dimension is not apparent within our current outer reality yet, but we have now begun to be able to access it by tuning inwardly and personally, I feel this to be the greatest opportunity to begin really pumping-up our Lightwork.
2013 Yearly Forecast: Cycling Up, Exaltation & the Perfection of Love
a message from Rev. Kaye Sawyer
Sunday, 23 December, 2012 (posted 2 January, 2013)
Hello friends. Welcome to a new year and a new energy! 2012 was the “gate,” 2013 brings us to an new playing field, so to speak. We have cycled up, and we find ourselves in a new territory, on higher ground. The Keepers have used the keyword of the “Exaltation” for 2013, as 2012 was the “Revelation.”
Higher Ground – Stevie Wonder
Be a child again~ by Ron Head
Welcome to your new age. Is there not a feeling of newness around you? Some are having difficulty orienting themselves in such a different internal environment. You will have yourselves anchored firmly soon.
There is a feeling of the world holding its breath to see what will happen. Also, it seems that the whirlwind you lived in for so long had begun to subside. There is a feeling of calmness, of quiet. It is time allowed you for an assessment of who you are, of what you want to do, for a flexing of your internal muscles. Time to learn how to walk in your newness, dear ones.
For many, it is time to realize there is a newness. Some dear ones will be surprised at new feelings, at what comes out of their mouths. Some final adjustments are still being made. That is causing quite a few of you to sleep far more than you were used to. It will pass quickly.
Predictions for 2013 ~ a message from The Council of 12 by Selacia
Predictions for 2013
Once in a while, there is a marker time point that people experience as the line between one thing and another. As 2013 begins you will be sitting at that juncture. How will it look and feel, and what will it mean?
To be sure, the year 2012 will be seen in hindsight as a time of unprecedented revolutionary changes, countless unanswerable questions, and multitudes of people waking up from a very long sleep to discover a world in chaos. It will also be noted as a key tipping point - humanity coping with extensive and continuous dismantling of unworkable systems, and people everywhere learning to live on the edge.
Benjamin Fulford: Do Not Give The Cabal Time To Re-Group, We Must Press Home To Victory
Benjamin Fulford (Full Update): January 2, 2013
Jan. 2, 2013 | Source
The turning of the tide can be a subtle thing at first but eventually the change becomes undeniable. That is what is happening now with the family cabal that has been secretly ruling the West through control of the creation and distribution of money. These people have already lost the ability to control the future of this planet and are now barely clinging on to power. The key to their loss was the spreading of the truth, for the truth shall set us free.
Tropical Cyclone Dumile Ramps Up
AccuWeather.com - 1/01/13, Jim Andrews
Tropical Cyclone Dumile, as of 0530 UTC Tuesday, Jan. 1, 2013, was located east of northernmost Madagascar. Southeasterly offset of the low-level center, marked by red "+", from the deep convective clouds and heavy rain, was a result of "wind shear."
Tropical Cyclone Dumile is gathering steam over the western South Indian Ocean. Many residents from Madagascar to Mauritius will likely be warily watching the storm's progress.
Dumile, still a moderate tropical storm on Tuesday, was beginning to veer southward a few hundred miles east of northern Madagascar, and nearly 600 miles north-northwest of Mauritius.
To read the rest of this story, visit Accuweather.com.
O.K. this is interesting, food for thought, but still do not quite know what to make of it:
Cyclone Freda brings big swell, stingers to Gold and Sunshine Coasts, as inland Queensland swelters
The Courier-Mail ~1/02/13, Jessica Elder and Peter Hall
Lifesavers on patrol as wild seas pound the coastline at Surfers Paradise. Picture: Luke Marsden. Source: The Courier-Mail
LIFESAVERS are bracing for another dangerous day, with cyclone-fuelled swell and stingers threatening holidaymakers lured to southeast Queensland beaches by hot weather.
Beachgoers are being warned to swim between the flags, with dozens rescued from the wild surf yesterday and dangerous seas set to continue over the next few days.
To read the rest of this story, visit CourierMail.com.au.