- Source of Goodness is closing down....
- Update Sheldan Nidle - February 26, 2013
- Love wins Again!!!!!!!! And Always
- A quick thought
- Love is Unfolding!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Pope forces UK's top Catholic to quit: Vatican rocked again as Cardinal is driven out in sex scandal after complaints from priests
- ~ Humanity Is Declaring Peace On Earth and is Being Asnwered into Manifestation
- Portal Open and Activated & Anchored in unified Love and unconditinal Divine Mother Creators/ DivineFather Creator Energy!
- Activated! New Earth=Heart!
- The Heart Song for February 27th 2013
- Comet ISON, Other Comets to Witness in 2013: How and When to View the Spectacle
- Fish kills present on Lee Co. beaches
- ~Let's Make Happy Across Planet Earth!~
- Latest Earthquake Activity - February 27, 2013
- Darkness Of the Heart
- Inititation into Heaven~ How It Began For Everyone On The Planet
- True Living Life is About Miracles
- Gaia Portal Udate~ Energetic “Ships” of all Kinds Being Formed
- Pre~ First Contact Information~ The Original Light, and The First Thought is Love
- Re~Hearter. Chat Sessions Starting Now! ALL are welcome. Join us!
- Eisenhower Met With ETs Says Ex-Government Consultant
- The manuscript of survival – part 274
- The Hathors of Earths Solar Astral Planes: Building Unity, Motivating the Public and the Original Intentions of Some Religions
- Now the Truth is Revealing Itself
- A New Era Has Begun: An awakening video by Desert Gypsy
- ~ You can Join us On The Higher Grid!!!! Room Will Be Open!!
- Earth Ally Dan Tells Humanity To Wake Up!
- Dear YouTube... Wake Up! & Remember who MADE YOU!
- The Galactic Free Press Update: 2013 The Best Year this Planet has Seen In a Long Moment
- Humanity's Return to Love Mirroring Love
- Two from Jennifer Farley
- Plains Blizzard Shatters Records, Shuts Down Panhandle Travel
- Peru’s Sabancaya volcano shows signs of possible eruption
- Feeling Ill? There's a Reason
- Sophia Love - I AM the light
- Daz Knows That Our Galactic Family Is Here! How About You?
- The Oracle Report Wednesday, February 27, 2013
- Re~Post: The Air Force Exploration of Pulse-Train Plasmoid Guns
- Winter Storm Rocky: Snow Reports and Notables
- Doreen Agostino: Pivotal Moment ~Heart Intelligent Courage
- Lisa Gawlas ~ Warning : The Intense Magnetic Pull Of YOUR Light Body
- Sandra Walter ~ Three Weeks Until The Equinox ~27 February 2013
- Waterspout Comes Onshore as Tornado in Tampa
- Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Renewal
- Big Story Weather – February 26, 2013
- 4MIN News February 27, 2013: Coronal Holes Changing in Short Order
- Volcanic activity worldwide 26 Feb 2013: Santa María / Santiaguito, Pacaya, Fuego, Popocatépetl, Shiveluch
- Cyclone Rusty heads for Australian north west
- Heavenletter #4478 - The Portal of Awareness
- Volcanoes Today, 26 Feb 2013 - recent updates on world-wide volcanic activity: Stromboli, Sabancaya
- White Island volcano, New Zealand – small scale explosive events, intermittent ash emissions
- Drought decision to help stressed farmers
- Visionkeeper - Addictions…
- Morning Blessing: 02.27.13 In The Name of Love
- Blizzard Buries Kansas Snowfall Record
- Experts: Twin storms won't end drought in Plains
- Mastery of Love: A Message rom Sanat Kumara
- Ultra Dimensional Shift ~ Chaos in the Fractals of Time and the Earth's New Holographic Resonance
- ~ Whats Happening On Planet Earth=Heart?~ Join us Live
- A Pleiadian Starseed reminds you: Where Humanity Came From.
- Gillian Ruddy: Lord Emanuel Messages ~ One Love
- Ronna Herman ~Archangel Michael "HOLD STEADY, BELOVEDS"
- Hints About How Unlimited We Are!
- AA Michael: Learning to Sing Your Song
- DL Zeta: Re-Inventing Ourselves with the “Upgraded” Potentials of the New Time
- Marillion’s soundtrack for space
Greetings Love Beings, Love Is really On the Move Today The energies are Soaring!!!!!! Let Go and BE FREE!!!!!!!!!! Love Will Support You! You can Join us Today In these energies On the Grid at this Link: http://tinychat.com/soundofheart We Love YOU SO! Love The Earth Allies
Source of Goodness is closing down....
For more details please follow the link below.....
Creator's Fully Reactivated Key of Life Symbol was gifted to humanity in 2012 and was to assist the master teacher healers more powerfully assist with the ascension process. I am informed its energies have been withdrawn and called back by Source. This is because the energies were not honoured nor were they recognised. It is against Cosmic Law to waste sacred energy. The Source of Goodness website will no longer be operating from 3/3/13 under instructions from Melchizedek and The Council of Twelve.
I send my love to Creator for this jewel of a gift albeit not fully embraced by those who purport to recognise Pure Source Frequency. All is perfect. All is evolution.
I am told my work is complete.
So I am sending Infinite Blessings to all Soveriegn Beings.
Peace, Love and Joy to you all, Claire xxx
Update Sheldan Nidle - February 26, 2013
3 Manik, 15 Zac, 9 Eb
Selamat Balik! We come today with some very interesting news! The dark continues in tunnel-vision mode to try desperately to come up with some way to delay what they know is inevitable. Heaven is waiting for the last celestial sign to appear, and once this phenomenon has occurred, we will be expected to act swiftly and sweep the dark's minions into a place where they can do no more harm. This leaves us with a narrow timeframe before this happens, and so we are double-checking with our diverse allies to make sure that what is shortly to occur is all ready to go as quickly as possible. Our liaison personnel are carrying out a very short checklist and are confirming that all groups are fully prepared. In fact, most of them wish that this date were to arrive sooner than later, but despite this frustration the various groups within your major governments are showing great patience with what to them has been a very lengthy wait. Our ships are daily picking up on the dark's increasingly desperate global mischief making, and so we are busy doing remedial work to counter the damage that these misdeeds are designed to effect.
Love wins Again!!!!!!!! And Always
Love wins Again!!!!!!!! And Always
A quick thought
A quick thought
Imagine a place born, where you/one where born, in space, where everything was as is, and one wouldent be told, one could only see and experiance, what we never had a chance to when we were born on earth. In space this being, of human nature would look around and see floating in the vast darkness of space illumined by stars and see Earth, we know what it looks like, but this being would be same as us, just never been ON Earth. All we know on this planet, is none of what he knows all religions beliefs, systems, way of life, languages, what we perceive "as reality" would just be none of his or her thought up in space. He would basically be born without beliefs, thus all information that comes to mind would be of nature in space. Philosophicaly would just be without limits you know? Think about it. Would learn by him/herself using only what is around and not thaught by any one, all his her questions wouldent be answered and wouldent be ask in the first place, ratter it would be experianced, felt. Haha imagine him coming on Earth to find exact same of his kind from where he was born, and basically start learning in all ways that we are from acknowledgement, he would simply be rearanging all he was from up there. There is just no way to explain what he would feel up there in space.
You can even imagine a different senario where he would go on another planet, let's say Uranus and find different beings and from scratch would learn from his surrounding all that was on Uranus beliefs, systems anything would be what he would live "in" if you understand. But because he was from space, he would of already experianced what has no limits, so how he chooses what beliefs he see's on either planet depends on what is experianced and innocence seem's to leave when one is choosing a way of life.
Pope forces UK's top Catholic to quit: Vatican rocked again as Cardinal is driven out in sex scandal after complaints from priests
Mail Online By Steve Doughty PUBLISHED: 06:14 EST, 25 February 2013 | UPDATED: 10:54 EST, 26 February2013
Portal Open and Activated & Anchored in unified Love and unconditinal Divine Mother Creators/ DivineFather Creator Energy!
Portal Open and Activated & Anchored in unified Love and unconditional Of the Divine Mother Creators/ Divine Father Creator Energy!
This is anchored to everything, every creation, Grids,lielines, Crystalline Grids, Galaxy, solar system, earth, humanity, elementals, angelic realm, animal Kingdom, as above as below, all sacred sites.
Unified Divine Mother Creator and Divine Father Creator energy yesterday as well for this today to happen.
The Heart Song for February 27th 2013
The Heart Song for February 27th 013 is
When Love Calls by Kem
Comet ISON, Other Comets to Witness in 2013: How and When to View the Spectacle
International Business Times - 2/27/13, Jenalyn Villamarin
Comet ISON is currently creating a buzz with its upcoming close approach to the Sun on November 28 and the planet Earth on December 26. This particular comet is included in the special category of comets called the "sungrazers" that makes a very near pass by to the Sun once it entered the inner Solar System.
Astronomers and professional sky surveys often discover new comets yearly and 2013 offers a spectacular comet experience to the sky viewers. Three long-tailed comets are anticipated to brighten up the skies and become visible to the naked eye.
To read the rest of this story, visit au.ibtimes.com.
Fish kills present on Lee Co. beaches
NBC-2.com - Lauren DiSpirito, 2/26/13
FORT MYERS BEACH - Thousands of dead fish are washing up on beaches on Sanibel and Fort Myers Beach. They're all victims of red tide. The toxic algae bloom has lingered off shore, but the recent winds have pushed red tide and its effects closer to the shore.
On beaches known for their shells and sand, there are conditions unlike anything some visitors say they've seen before.
To watch the video and read the rest of this story, visit nbc-2.com.
Latest Earthquake Activity - February 27, 2013
Source: USGS.gov
Follow the link to see quake
activity for the past seven days.
Visit Live Earthquakes Map
for live quake reporting.
All quakes with magnitude 4.5
or greater are highlighted.
February 27
Darkness Of the Heart
A dark shadow of my heart
whispers about a plunge into ignorance.
Its dagger stabs me deep.
My heart breaks and I hear myself cry.
It is in my trembling voice
while I’m talking about other things.
I become use to it
and no longer question its existence.
I dance the best I can
moving in energy that haunts me.
Gracefulness does not serve me
for blood spilt on the floor is slippery.
Thankfully, red looks good on me.
Inititation into Heaven~ How It Began For Everyone On The Planet
Aidan With The Trees and River 2 Years Old Photo Taken 2007 Awakening Humanity
Commentary from The Galactic Free Press~ On November 11th of 2007, 2 weeks before Father God and I Connected which was November 29th 2007. I had an experince where I was initiated into Heaven [ the part in this about co~ creating the new earth is underway NOW and you can put the rest of the pieces together]. This was before I remembered I was MotherGod. I did not remember this Truth until January of 2008. The Following was My Initiation Into Heaven, and Marriage with the Divine and I physically experienced each event in an etheric ceremony which I documented. Wow, it was truly an Amazing Experience which was unforgettable! Everyone will be experiencing this in their own unique way. We felt it was good to give You reference points as many will have similar experiences[ just ask earth allies rain and andrea]. Mine was unique to connect with Father God in this Realm. You can just imagine my surprise 2 weeks after this event, when Father God contacted me and said Hi, I am Your Twin Flame, it took me 24 hours to recover. Aidan mentioned below was my 2 year old at the time who assisted me in the awakening process, the entire way! Thank You Forever Aidan, Love You SO!
True Living Life is About Miracles
Life is about miracles....of the truest kind...especially when you choose to live in the moment....fears fade away....the trees dance....the sun sings..the wind blows gently across your face.....the flowers look more colorful then you have ever seen...events, people,places begin just "showing up" for you....the universe begins speaking too you....from every-where....it could be through a song or tv....i listen .....i hear...my body responds....as it tingles....and tingles....love "appears"....maybe even if it does not look.....like something you have ever seen.....you can "hear it"...sense it....feel it in your body....at a deep level...again something you have never seen before....your mind wants you to set it aside....your heart.....just lets it go....for if it is real....it will come back.....all real ....always comes back...all ways...parts of you....want to carry the "loving feeling" with you ....for it is no thing you have ever had..in this lifetime...but holding on would destroy it....and letting go....you will find it again...only grander....bigger...more....this is the flow of life...in and out too and fro....hold and release.....sometimes you can feel like your getting sea sick ....but hold on.....ocean waters sway back and forth....it is only the process....love....amazing....clear....and wonderous...where your soul can live free.....and share it with another...in depths you can only dream about ....now.....forever accepting.............
Gaia Portal Udate~ Energetic “Ships” of all Kinds Being Formed
Formation of energy-signature-carrying groups are being formed at this time. These are called “ships” by Higher Dimensional beings. But are beyond the standard 3D human illusion about “ships”.
This encompasses groups of beings embodying multi-dimensional capabilities, working on several energy levels simultaneously. Appearances are of “earth based”, yet these beings operate as One towards common intent. In identical energetic environment.
This phenomenon becomes outward visible to the many humans unaware, in short order.
Gaia as Energy Being is healed via the operations of these groups of beings on the multi-dimensional levels.
Pre~ First Contact Information~ The Original Light, and The First Thought is Love
Pre-First Contact Update of the Highest Truths= High Velocity Light. Truth is Love in its Highest Form. Through Truth, Honest Information, Healing can Be Accomplished. This is Our Service To ALL of YOU. They Have called Us Many names, one being The Bringers of The Light, Meaning Bringers of the Truth. Light is The same as Truth. WE Provide You the Whole Truth, not bits and pieces, or parts, which is still separation and the old paradigm. The New Paradigm is Wholeness, Healing, Unconditional Love, Oneness with Everything, Completeness, Peace, Happiness, Joy, This IS What WE Represent and are Bringing in for Planet Earth=Heart. The True Whole Information in its Entirety. For Through this Healing Occurs indefinitely. Love and Truth Heal!!!
“You Light Up My Life” Song
Re~Hearter. Chat Sessions Starting Now! ALL are welcome. Join us!
Please join us this afternoon! ALL are welcome.
Welcome to The Fifth Dimension (With Rain)
Tuesdays and Thursdays -- 2 to 4 pm Eastern
(11am to 1 pm Pacific)
I welcome ALL LOVE BEings to join us as we talk about navigating the Fifth Dimension together, flowing in the River of the Oneness Energy. We can't get lost if we co-create with LOVE.
~ Love, Rain
Eisenhower Met With ETs Says Ex-Government Consultant
It's a story that has circulated in and out of the UFO community for years: Did former U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower have three meetings with extraterrestrials?
An ex-government consultant says the story is true that the 34th commander in chief chatted, if you will, with aliens at a New Mexico air base, according to reports.
No definitive proof has ever surfaced to confirm this president-meets-aliens tale. However, according to Timothy Good, Eisenhower and FBI officials arranged for the out-of-this-world summit at Holloman Air Force Base.
"Aliens have made both formal and informal contact with thousands of people throughout the world from all walks of life," Good, an author, lecturer and former consultant to Congress and the Pentagon, said on Frank Skinner's BBC2 program, "Opinionated."
Full Story... (Huffington Post)
The manuscript of survival – part 274
aisha north February 26, 2013
For quite some time now, you have felt how the surge of energy has increased, and with it, things have started to manifest. For some of you, these manifestations seem to limit themselves to some physical outbursts of irritation, and mayhaps some rather intense emotional ones as well. But for others, things have started to seep out in the open, and even if some of these signals may seem feeble at best, they are in fact only forerunners for what is to come. And on the best of days, you will all feel this deep certainty within as you will know beyond the shadow of a doubt that this world that you inhabit has already changed beyond recognition. Not on the thin film of illusion that still covers it, but deep within the core. And deep within the core is where the truth is, as the rest is only a projection, a film still running to make you all think that it is business as usual.
The Hathors of Earths Solar Astral Planes: Building Unity, Motivating the Public and the Original Intentions of Some Religions
by Wes Annac
The lightening vibrations you are beginning to find within yourselves are signaling the way for true and real change to be brought forth on the surface of your increasingly-evolving planet. You are rising up from the realms of the third and fourth dimensions to the fifth, and from the fifth dimension your evolution onward will see you learn so very much about the multidimensional nature of existence upon this world.
What we mean is that upon accessing and traversing the unlimited perspectives the higher dimensions have to offer, many of you will see that you have indeed already traversed many of the higher realms you are looking toward from the third and fourth dimensions.
You are truly multidimensional beings, and we wish for you to know this. You have a perspective that is much stronger than the majority of souls on your world would know or accept, and you are able to tap into and feel a flow of energies that is so strong, that your ability as Gods and Creator entities who can work with any given higher dimensional energy simply cannot be expressed enough.
Now the Truth is Revealing Itself
A New Era Has Begun: An awakening video by Desert Gypsy
This is a beautiful video I have created from heart. Please enjoy!
Desert Gypsy
~ You can Join us On The Higher Grid!!!! Room Will Be Open!!
You Can Join US at This LINK LIVE!!! : http://tinychat.com/soundofheart
Dear YouTube... Wake Up! & Remember who MADE YOU!
Frustrated with YouTube blocking, removing and restricting private, non-profit, educational, basic free speech videos... Well... we for one are and had ENOUGH!
This is a Wake Up! Message for YouTube and all the Users on YouTube.
We LOVE YouTube and we are thankful for it's services! But something has gone wrong... YouTube needs to Wake Up and start supporting it's community again and fight back.
This is a Keynote Presentation and the song you here was playing in the same room as we were in when we recorded the presentation... :) We have created this presentation to share our personal views and opinions, this is for Non-Commercial use and criticism only... bla bla bla ;)
Here is the Copyright Disclaimer as from within this presentation:
The Galactic Free Press Update: 2013 The Best Year this Planet has Seen In a Long Moment
Bringing Humanity Home ~ Energy and Event Update~
Greetings Love Beings, We have had a Very Historic and Exciting Month, and March Will be even more exciting as the New Earth Energies Continue. We announced in Previous Message's Love is Rising On this Planet Earth=Heart and we will see more of the Magic of these Energies in March and will continue for the rest of the year. You thought This Month was Historical? There is alot more to arrive! In Fact, We Can Clearly Say That 2013 Will Be One of the Best Years this Planet has Seen in a Long Moment as the Truth is Revealed In Grander and Grander Ways and the old falls away. The First Contact Ground Crew Team Is Ready!
Humanity's Return to Love Mirroring Love
~ An Important Message from The Earth Allies ~
Humanity's Return to Love Mirroring Love
Tonights Full Moon Energies and a Gratitude Prayer For Humanity's Awakening Into All Love IS On Planet Earth=Heart
~Humanity's Return to Love Mirroring Love~ Look inside and Your Will See. Your Greatest Gift You Will Receive~ Jump Into the Oneness Energy and You Will Discover Your Real Family there, As We have Always Been and We Are HERE~
More:~ An Important Message from The Earth Allies ~ Humanity's Return to Love Mirroring Love
Two from Jennifer Farley
Oracles and Healers February 26, 2013
There will always be something to be afraid of, something to hide from, something to shy away from, and something that will hurt or maim you and/or your most cherished ones…………..IF you believe it will. Live in faith, live in love and trust The Universe and all will be well. ~ Creator
You have not been abandoned. Those that have chosen to move away and out of your Earth plane existence are making way for new, better things to arrive. Dwelling on what is past hinders your growth, anticipating your arrivals opens you up to amazing things. ~ Creator
(via https://www.facebook.com/ThetaHealingByJenniferFarley)
Plains Blizzard Shatters Records, Shuts Down Panhandle Travel
By Jillian Macmath, AccuWeather.com Staff Writer
February 27, 2013; 6:33 AM
Cars stranded on Hillside Road in Amarillo. Courtesy @pwarminski.
A record-setting blizzard spanned Amarillo, Texas to Kansas City, Mo. Monday, leaving high snow accumulations and tall drifts across multiple states.
Thundersnow and extreme blizzard conditions were observed during the afternoon hours.
Peru’s Sabancaya volcano shows signs of possible eruption
The Watchers By Nix – Posted on February 26, 2013
Increased activity with numerous earthquakes was reported at stratovolcano Sabancaya, Peru, suggesting possible eruption in near future. Increase in seismic activity - 536 earthquakes between February 22 and 23, 2013 – was observed along with continuous emissions from fumaroles (openings in Earth’s crust).
Feeling Ill? There's a Reason
Welcome to Brenda's Blog
Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for www.LifeTapestryCreations.com
Summary of Brenda’s February 24, 2013 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at www.BlogTalkRadio.com/brenda-hoffman: You’re starting to rid yourself of physical ills that no longer serve you. You may experience various physical ailments now to explore your need for them. As you move further into this new earth/New Age, you will find it more comfortable to voice your needs than to create physical ills to display them
The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for www.LifeTapestryCreations.com: “You’re Not a Child Asking for an Allowance”
Brenda’s “Creation Energies” BlogTalkRadio.com show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled materials.”
Dear Ones,
Daz Knows That Our Galactic Family Is Here! How About You?
Thank you for standing up in LOVE,
LIGHT, and TRUTH, Daz.
We Love You!
Daz knows that our Galactic Family is here!
How about you?
We want you to share The Truth!
It's simple.
Just create a short clip like the one above
and then email it to
If you can't make a video clip, you can submit an audio clip or a written statement. You can include photos if you like.
The Oracle Report Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Full Moon Phase - Moon in Libra
The emotional windstorm dies down a bit today with the Moon moving out of Virgo and into Libra.
Re~Post: The Air Force Exploration of Pulse-Train Plasmoid Guns
Dennis Dufrene
In 1956, Winston Bostick discovered an entity consisting of plasma and magnetic field, which he named the Plasmoid(1).
Plasmoids have a series of cosmic implications and is used to explain various phenomenon, such as the magnetic plasma structures found in comet tails, solar wind, and solar atmosphere.
However, barely four years after the discovery of the Plasmoid, the U.S. government conducted research into the possibility of using Plasmoids as a weapon. TheBlackVault.com acquired a Defense Technical Information Center report through an FOIA request on the matter.
The 1961 report, titled Investigation of Pulsed-Train Plasmoid Weapons, describes the experimental programs, and provides insight into the research and the lab results.
Winter Storm Rocky: Snow Reports and Notables
The weather channel.com-2/27/13, Jon Erdman,Nick Wiltgen,Sean Breslin
A bison lays in the snow at the David Traylor Zoo in Emporia, Kan. after a snow storm hit Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2013. (AP Photo/Emporia Gazette, Matthew Fowler)
Here are some selected snowfall reports from Winter Storm Rocky as it made its way from the mountains of the Pacific Northwest through the Rockies and into the Plains, Midwest, and Northeast.
Also on the list are selected ice accumulation reports from freezing rain that fell in the Appalachians in association with Rocky on Tuesday.
For more information on this story please follow this link.
Doreen Agostino: Pivotal Moment ~Heart Intelligent Courage
Doreen Agostino, Align, Shine, Prosper, Feb 25, 2013
On Dec 22, 2012 a new Earth was subtly born, and just like a new-born baby’s inherent potential requires loving attention and proper nurturing to blossom and flourish, so does a new Earth require our courageous heart intelligent stewardship. In other words, the most important relationship any Human can have right now, is an internal relation-shift with our whole body, mind, heart intelligent Soul, which responds to thoughts and feelings, perceptions and intentions real or imagined, the same way a computer responds to its keyboard and mouse commands; our life is the print out.
Lisa Gawlas ~ Warning : The Intense Magnetic Pull Of YOUR Light Body
I have got to share a dream I just woke up with, it is really funny, yet at the same time, information rich as well. I was watching myself move down towards the earth from above it and seemed to stop about 10-15 above earth. There was this crazy magnetic field coming from my whole body that very much looked like a black vortex and objects were leaving earth and moving into my magnetic field. I mean, large objects like houses and cars and every little thing too. The people on earth were panicked. I could see mothers scooping up their children and getting out of dodge! I woke up because the fear from the people running around the streets scared me… and I seemed to be a little clueless that I was causing this wide-spread panic.
I find it interesting I have this dream…. today. When I am anticipating the new galaxy that we have been sucked into via that black hole, should be settled into created reality for us to “see” and start understanding the significance of. I am hoping that the dream was an over exaggeration to show a point… just how strong our magnetic field of attraction has become. Of course, I had to go see what the sun was doing too…:
Sandra Walter ~ Three Weeks Until The Equinox ~27 February 2013
The Equinox used to be a glimpse of balance prior to shifting into something new. It was a metaphor for change; the days and nights getting shorter or longer, depending on your location on this gorgeous planet. It is not the habitual seasonal marker it used to be. As our consciousness expands within this divine dream of Source, our understanding of the Shift becomes more lucid.
Why is there an Equinox-to-Equinox Ascension Gateway?
The dynamics of the squeeze of the vortex – the area of space we are moving through and the myriad of alignments, energies and command from Source to create something new – is at its peak point from Fall 2012 Equinox to Spring 2013 Equinox. This is why Gaia and the divine HUmans assisting her chose to Ascend during this Gateway; the long-awaited opportunity presented and was utilized. The alignments created a chance for unique frequencies to penetrate the planet, which could be used to activate a new platform of experience – a fifth/sixth dimensional expression. She accomplished this on the 12-12-12.
Waterspout Comes Onshore as Tornado in Tampa
Accuweather.com-2/27/13, Grace Muller
A short-lived waterspout moved over northern Hillsborough Bay, about 2 miles south-southeast of Tampa, and dissipated as it approached Harbor Island.
A waterspout developed around 11:12 a.m. in the channel between Harbour Island and Davis Island, between the Westin Hotel on Harbour Island and the Tampa Bay Convention Center. The waterspout moved onshore as a tornado along the northern shore of Harbor Island near the Westin Hotel and proceeded down the channel between the Tampa Bay Times Forum and Harbour Island. The tornado continued through the channelside area before lifting just east of the Florida Aquarium.
For more information please click this link.
Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Renewal
Angel Wisdom Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Big Story Weather – February 26, 2013
Red orbit.com-2/26/13, Joshua Kelly
Big Story Weather from February 25: The winter storm in the Central and Southern Plains is the big story of the last 24 hours. There were reports in Amarillo Texas of 17 inches of snow and it’s still snowing out there. There was a smaller scale severe weather outbreak that did impact the Gulf Coast again yesterday with plenty of rain as some places along the Mississippi Gulf Coast saw over 5 inches, and in Florida they even had hail and a tornado reported. The Southeast portion of Louisiana also dealt with more rain and hail again last night.
Buffalo NY: Cloudy with light snow and a high near: 40F
New Orleans LA: Partly Cloudy with a high near: 62F
Kansas City MO: Cloudy with periods of snow by this evening and a high near: 36F
Billings MT: Partly Cloudy with a high near: 45F
Seattle WA: Cloudy with Showers and a high near: 46F
For more information, maps, and international weather visit this link.
4MIN News February 27, 2013: Coronal Holes Changing in Short Order
Source: YouTube.com
Published on Feb 27, 2013
Volcanic activity worldwide 26 Feb 2013: Santa María / Santiaguito, Pacaya, Fuego, Popocatépetl, Shiveluch
Volcano Discovery Tuesday Feb 26, 2013 18:54 PM
MODIS hot spots (summarized during the past 2 days) at Tolbachik (MODIS, Univ. Hawai'i)
Current seismic signal from White Island (GeoNet)
Cyclone Rusty heads for Australian north west
Australia's major iron ore port was shut down and residents along a remote stretch of the country's west coast ordered to take shelter as a powerful cyclone bore down on the region today, bringing drenching rains and lashing winds.
Cyclone Rusty, a slow-moving and fierce storm with winds gusting up to 140 miles per hour at its center, was trudging toward the Western Australia coast and was expected to hit the mining town of Port Hedland in the evening. The outer edge of the storm was battering the coast with wind gusts of 75 miles per hour, the Bureau of Meteorology said.
To read the rest of the story and see the detailed weather map, please visit The Independant (UK)
Heavenletter #4478 - The Portal of Awareness
Heaven Letters Published February 27, 2013
Love you? It is impossible for Me not to love. I love with every fiber of My Being. Love is the center of My Existence. And of yours too. The thing is that I know only love while you are involved in much ado about nothing.
This is the human condition. Involvement. Entrainment. You work at resolving the human condition. Through your being in a physical form, you come to freedom.
The Being of yourself is already free. From the physical basis, you discern the Truth of you. You discern and ennoble. Although there is truly no distance to travel, you travel it. And who greets you when you arrive? Why, you do. You meet yourself.
Volcanoes Today, 26 Feb 2013 - recent updates on world-wide volcanic activity: Stromboli, Sabancaya
Volcano Discovery Tuesday Feb 26, 2013 19:56 PM
Thermal webcam image of Stromboli's crater area with some lava overspills (INGV Catania)
Stromboli (Eolian Islands, Italy): Activity has increased significantly, judging from visible and seismic data. Small overflows of lava are again occurring from the NE crater and tremor is at comparably high levels.
Sabancaya (Peru): A strong seismic swarm and increased fumarolic activity triggered an eruption warning for Sabancaya volcano (Arequipa, Peru) and the Civil Defense of the Regional Government of Arequipa raised the alert level to yellow, which involves implementing actions to prepare for a probable volcanic eruption.
To read the rest of this story visit Volcano Discovery
White Island volcano, New Zealand – small scale explosive events, intermittent ash emissions
The Watchers By Adonai – Posted on February 26, 2013
The usual style of activity at White Island, New Zealand changed over the last weekend: the active vent began producing ash. This activity ceased on Monday, February 25, 2013 and was replaced by steam and gas explosions from the active vent. GNS volcanologist Brad Scott visited the volcano and noted in his latest report that the level of volcanic tremor has increased:
Drought decision to help stressed farmers
MNS NZ - 2/27/13
Federated Farmers say the Northland drought declaration is invaluable for stressed farmers, showing them that they're not alone.
Primary Industries Minister Nathan Guy made the declaration on Wednesday following weeks of dry weather, a declaration which means farmers have access to a range of relief measures and financial aid.
To read the rest of this story, visit news.msn.co.nz.
Visionkeeper - Addictions…
One World Rising Posted on February 27, 2013
This caught my eye as it speaks volumes about me. I will be the first to admit I am addicted to the internet and that really worries me. If I have computer problems that require a day or two of repairs I always go through withdrawal from not being able to get online! I detest having a dependency on anything, but I am weak when it comes to the internet. I rely on it for everything. I do a great deal of research almost everyday and I love my email and of course it is the only place I get my daily fix of alternative news. I do all of my own healthcare and so I am always searching for alternative info when I need to know how to get better. In other words, it is a major part of my life, I cannot envision life without it! I am not sure how I feel about this. As I mentioned earlier, I really dislike dependency on anything and yet I find the internet so vital for communication, especially in this age of lies and media propaganda, for me it is next to impossible to break this habit.
Morning Blessing: 02.27.13 In The Name of Love
In this moment, I stand as an adventurer in consciousness. A unique cosmic event becoming realized here and now. The evolutionary impulse of the universe declares my aliveness as Spirit's grace walking with steadfast awareness this day. I live authentically, ever attuned to the mind of God that broadcasts through me as originality, unconditional love, goodness, harmony, and wholeness. Yes! I am a beneficial presence to this planet, blessed and a blessing wherever I go! Life is Good! And so it is.
Blizzard Buries Kansas Snowfall Record
LiveScience.com - 2/26/13, Douglas Main
This image, taken by the Suomi NPP satellite on Feb. 23, shows light reflected by snow that fell in the days prior.
CREDIT: NASA Earth Observatory
The blizzard that pounded the southern Plains states yesterday (Feb. 25) added to the dumping the area received just days ago and has broken the all-time monthly snowfall record for Wichita, Kan.
Yesterday's storm dropped nearly 7 inches (17.8 centimeters) of snow on that city, bringing the monthly total to 21 inches (53 cm) — the most snow the city has seen in any month since records have been kept, according to the National Weather Service.
To read the rest of this story, visit LiveScience.com.
Experts: Twin storms won't end drought in Plains
Yahoo Weather -By Jim Salter, Associated Press
Cattle feed in a snow covered pasture near Lecompton, Kan.
Mastery of Love: A Message rom Sanat Kumara
The Root of all things is love. Get to the root always and as quick as you can. In every endeavor, find the flow of love first and send it out, like a river flowing to all life forms. Flow Love to all on Planet Earth. You are there and can send love light very powerfully as an inhabitant of this dimension.
Yes find the still point so that you can feel your way to the grand generosity of the human heart flowing love to all sentient beings.
See it as a luminous system of aqueducts, flowing perfectly. Celebrate the arrival of oneself into one’s larger self – the one beyond the grasper, the one who no longer is seeking, into the One that flows love to all.
Celebrate this Arrival into Mastery of Love.
Channeled by Giselle Koy
Ultra Dimensional Shift ~ Chaos in the Fractals of Time and the Earth's New Holographic Resonance
(Judith in Chimayo 4:00 pm)
From the Consciousness of the Universe, the Infinite Oneness, and the Wisdom of Creation
It's 4:00 in the afternoon. Michael and Gina just got here. I'm really being affected by the energy this afternoon. I called Sean, and he and Michael and others are being extremely affected.
I open to the Consciousness of the Universe, the Infinite Oneness, and the Wisdom of Creation and to the very core of the Consciousness of Mother Gaia that we may understand.
~ Whats Happening On Planet Earth=Heart?~ Join us Live
The Energies are Intense Today!!!!! You can Join us On the Higher Grid Beginning at 10:30am Pacific to discuss whats Happening with The energies Today? WOW!!!!! Love is Really On the Move and Love HAS WON, Can You FEEL IT?
Here is the Link: http://tinychat.com/soundofheart
Love The Earth Allies
A Pleiadian Starseed reminds you: Where Humanity Came From.
Humans have been so psychologically manipulated that they don’t even realize they are enslaved.
All the manipulation has forced Humanity to forget their past and who they were, forced to forget who they really are, forced to forget who their ancestors are and forced to forget where they came from.
Humanity was manipulated to believe that a God created them, shutting them down from their spiritual connection with nature and soul by installing a system in their minds called Religion. This system created by their opressors invaders of this planet.
Humanity does not remember their past, does not remember that they came from the stars after a great war, they don’t Remember who they are! We don’t blame them.
I will tell you: Humanity was once a refugee group of Lyrans, refugees and descendants of the Lyrae Species, the Lyrae Race Origins of all the Humanoid races across the Galaxy.
Gillian Ruddy: Lord Emanuel Messages ~ One Love
Daily Messages of Wisdom and Inspiration
27th February 2013
One Love
Greetings Dear Ones! It is I, Lord Emanuel who greets you this day and with more energy than ever before do I greet you this morning. Can you feel it Dear Ones? Those of you who are very sensitive to the changing energies will already be aware of this and I urge each and every one of you to take a moment to feel. Pause for one moment my Dear Hearts and take one very deep breath and as you do so feel the expansion within you and allow all the Love and Light that is available to you be received.
No matter how you are feeling in this present moment you cannot fail to be lifted. Feel me now, with you as you read these words and take another deep breath, this time knowing that I AM with you, that I can see all your worries, all that holds you back and give it all to me Dear Ones, if just for the time we have here. For this lifting of burdens, my Dear Ones is the natural way for the Ascended Being, a natural tendency when exchanging any kind of communication with another Being. To ease, to comfort, to soothe, to understand, to assist in any way possible with a heart so full of Love it is overflowing and pouring all over that Being and this is not dependant on that Being.
Ronna Herman ~Archangel Michael "HOLD STEADY, BELOVEDS"
Transmitted Through Ronna Herman, LM-03-2013
Beloved masters, what we term as Sacred Breath consists of the normal third- / fourth-dimensional air containing oxygen as well as Prana, which is third- / fourth-dimensional air/ether that also contains the Adamantine Particles of Creator Light. The magnitude and power of these Divine Particles increase with each higher level of consciousness you attain. The empowering Breath of Infinity opens the pathways that lead to the multidimensional levels of Creator consciousness. Your inner perspective will automatically broaden as you gradually change your way/mode of thinking and perceiving.
The Inbreath loop of the Infinity Breath passes through the Medulla Oblongata and out the back of the head as it sweeps upward into your Soul Star. The Adamantine Particles of Creator Light that you have inhaled through the back portal of your Sacred Heart are programmed to integrate a specific number of Life-Code Seed Atoms from your OverSoul-Higher Self as the Sacred Breath passes through your Soul Star. The Outbreath or exhale passes through the Root Chakra and enters the Kundalini Seed Atom contained therein. Monitored by your OverSoul-Higher Self, measured portions of the Adamantine Particles stored within the Root Chakra are added to the Sacred Breath.
Hints About How Unlimited We Are!
Throughout eons of time, various developmental phases of mankind’s evolution have taken many surprising twists and turns. As more and more parts of your non-earthly aspects align during the latest magnetic change that is sweeping the globe it will ignite a new perceptual awareness.
Newly glowing insights will establish new parameters concerning the nature of intelligence, raising long over-due questions about the potentials of the human mind. Energy from space, and from our sun, can create distortions on a physical level, as well as trigger human consciousness into new areas of perception and this is exactly what is happening to us now.
Channels of light are cleansing the illusions that we are merely human and driving out ancient cultural beliefs about the nature of reality.
AA Michael: Learning to Sing Your Song
It's all about tonality, harmonics and vibration now, dear ones.
Your devotion to this path is appreciated. It is with your devotion that new energies are drawn into this domain of experience, grounded and perpetuate the evolution of humanity. Slowly the world is reorienting to the new energies present here and now and like all change, it is for some to adapt early, others to follow and some to resist or ignore. This is to be expected and in no way limits or interferes with your experience in this here, now moment.
You are organizing your own experience with your choice of focus. Increasingly you are realizing the importance of learning to work with your mind, learning to allow your mind to help you in creating experiences that you desire. It is important for you to trust your knowing and begin to apply it more and more, creating and discovering your ways of using your attention, focus, the mind, presence to create life in ways that you prefer. It is an endless expression of your being which is involved in this moment in time, having insight and desires for creativity based on all aspects of your experience and it is in this physical form that you have such great opportunities for deep fulfillment.
DL Zeta: Re-Inventing Ourselves with the “Upgraded” Potentials of the New Time
As we move deeper into this new year, we are being asked to slow down, listen, and see the world around us with new eyes. We’re in a new time that holds new potentials and learning opportunities based on “upgraded” frequencies. To make full use of these new potentials, we need to remember to slow down, observe the energies around us, and release any preconceived notions of reality.
Old Templates are Falling Away
In this new time, we are artists with blank canvases. We are free to interpret and experience reality anew. The new time looks and feels in accordance with our visions, motivations and desires for creating.
If the new time looks and feels exactly like the old time, it’s time to ask ourselves if we’re creating reality based on old templates. Creating from old templates will result in realities similar to those we have experienced in the past. These old templates will not hold our energy and enthusiasm for much longer, however.
Marillion’s soundtrack for space
The Watchers By Chillymanjaro
Posted on February 23, 2013
Rock band Marillion have a long-standing interest in science and exploration. In particular, guitarist Steve Rothery is fascinated by the images of Earth as seen from the International Space Station. He wrote a piece of music called “Space” some time ago and thought it would make a great accompaniment to video footage taken by astronauts on the Station.