~ The Intense Full Moon Energy Continues Today~

Lia's picture


Greetings Love Beings, Our Intense Full Moon Energies Continue Today... A varied amount of symptoms may be occuring. From Mild to exptreme headaches as these energies expand the consciousness, also from extreme tiredness to intense energy as we process more Light energy into our Body Hologram. All of this is due to the energy coming from all over coupled with our Intense Full Moon in Aries of Fire. Alot is unfolding energetically at the Moment, we should have an intersting Easter Weekend!!! The Phoenix Is Rising.!!! Love The Earth Allies 


PS You can Join Rain and Coco for Chat Sessions Today, Welcome to the Fifth Dimension on the Higher grid Beginning at 11:00Am Pacific~ Till 2:00Pm Pacific Followed by A Love Party beginning at 2:00pm Pacific You can Join is in all of this At this Link: http://tinychat.com/soundofheart

Re~Post: BBC Horizon - We are the Aliens



Published on Jan 15, 2013 by LearnChanneI


Clouds of alien life forms are sweeping through outer space and infecting planets with life -- it may not be as far-fetched as it sounds.



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The Twin Flame Relationship is the Highest Form


GFP Note: For more information on Twin Flames, check out our FAQ/Primer - http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/galactic-free-press-presents-frequently-asked-questionsascension-primer


GreatGenius.com - 3/22/13, Enoch Tan


“Twin Flames have also been referred to as original light, energy doubles, twin rays, twin hearts, divine complements, and twin souls. For the purpose of this article, though, I will refer to the twin flame and twin flame relationship.

The twin flame relationship is one of the highest forms of relationship there is to manifest at this time. It can also be the most challenging as our twin flame is the mate of our being that is our authentic self as Soul. The twin flame relationship operates from the “Light of Oneness” which encompasses what is perceived as both good and bad shadow aspects of who we are. This relationship offers the biggest arena for our creative expression to manifest if we are able to receive it.


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Latest Earthquake Activity - March 28, 2013


Source: USGS.gov
Follow the link to see quake
activity for the past seven days.

Visit Live Earthquakes Map
for live quake reporting.

10-degree map showing recent earthquakes

Map of the 6.0 mag quake in Taiwan

All quakes with magnitude 4.5
or greater are highlighted.

March 28




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Inside the Biggest Cyberattack in History


Mashable.com - Alex Fitzpatrick, 3/27/13


A cyberattack originally targeting a single company is now being described by experts as one of the biggest Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks in Internet history. The assault, which recently began impacting elements of the Internet's physical infrastructure, has been dragging down Internet speeds in Europe — but what makes this type of attack different from all other attacks?

First, some background: The attacks originally targeted a European anti-spam company called Spamhaus, which blacklists what it considers sources of email spam and sells those blacklists to Internet Service Providers. The attack began early last week as waves of large but typical DDoS assaults shortly after Spamhaus blacklisted Cyberbunker, a controversial web hosting company. Cyberbunker has not directly taken responsibility for the attacks against Spamhaus.

To read the rest of this story, visit Mashable.com.


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Mandela Back in Hospital With Lung Infection


The New York Times - 3/28/13, Lydia Polgreen

Nelson Mandela in 2008. Jon Hrusa/European Pressphoto Agency

JOHANNESBURG – Former President Nelson Mandela was admitted to the hospital to be treated for a recurring lung infection, South Africa’s current president, Jacob Zuma, said in a statement from his office on Thursday, appealing for people around the world to pray for him.

It was the third time that Mr. Mandela, 94, South Africa’s first black president and former leader of the dominant African National Congress, had been hospitalized in the past four months.

To read the rest of this story, visit The New York Times.


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Sandra Walter ~ Greeting The New Light With A Higher Perspective ~ 28 March 2013


sandrabdaypic20121-300x245We have three big Divine Light players in our Galactivation at this time: Divine Love from Sirius, Divine Will from Big Bear (the Big Dipper) and Divine Creative Intelligence from the Pleaides. The last of the three – specifically Alcyone in the Pleiades which some call the Central Sun – is pushing the Shift agenda right now. The amplifications picked up last evening and are whirling through the interdimensional portals at the moment. Expect more through the resurrection (Easter) weekend.

You may feel unusually giggly, wired, sleepy or spinny as this new level of light comes in. Notice the new vortexes popping up everywhere? If you’re sensing strong mini-tornadoes of energy everywhere you go, I have great news: it’s YOU aligning with the available energies. Gaia is opening the dimensional doorways, and you’re feeling them. Pay attention when you come upon a hot spot. Feel it, get familiar with the energy signature and its effect on you. The Alcyone energy amplifies Creative Intelligence – the ability to empower yourself as Creator-in-carnate. Use this energy to design, create and activate the 5D portals with your unique expression.


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Stuart Wilde ~ Love’s Domain




Stuart Wilde


I saw something. I was taken to a dimension of pure love. It was here on earth. I was walking by a placid lake there was fog in the air, but it wasn’t dank and cold, it was a purple mist so soft and beautiful. All the animals were calm, they had no terror of humans anymore. I heard a celestial bell in my right ear, the little “ding” made it resonate through all eternity.

And I noticed when I had a thought like say, “how beautiful it all is” it went from me unimpeded across the lake and over the hills and beyond. There were humans in that pure love world, not many, but they were there. I didn’t see them, but I knew they were noble and kind and brave and full of grace, because I could see the imprint they had made on the trees as they had passed them.

I wondered if this “pure love” world was a hundred eons for now? Seconds later, as the question tumbled from my mind, I was shown the “love world” is very close. I couldn’t tell exactly, but it seemed 2000 days or so.


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A New Message From VERONICA


"In the linear there has always been a sense of comparison between incarnates, that can often become distracting in the pursuit of purpose.

Know that each of you brings forth a magical element. To do so, it is important to focus upon what those gifts are.

Coveting another's energy or belittling the self for lack of personal purpose is wasting valuable inner abilities.

Instead, focus clearly upon your own energy. Calm the chitter chatter of the day and listen to the lullaby of your soul.

This internal magic is unique within each one of you. No one arrives in physical without their purpose tucked deep inside.

Many chase pursuits that leave them wondering why they feel so empty. It is important when searching for that "Magic Moment", to seek it within yourself.

The magic is not external. Your talents and strengths are within the heart. Seek them there instead of connecting with the magic in the distance.


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Jennifer Hoffman~ Q&A: Where Are My Angels & Guides When I Need Them?



Dear Jennifer:  I have been asking for guidance from my angels and spirit guides and I feel like they never answer me. It isn’t fair that I feel so unsupported when I thought they were here to help me and are supposed to be offering guidance when I need it. What can I do to get more clear and consistent responses from them and do I have any angels and guides supporting me?

Jennifer’s Answer: Getting answers from you guides and angels depends on the kinds of questions you are asking, how you are asking them, and how you are listening. They can support and guide you, but not when you are asking out of fear, despair, from your belief in disconnection or your anger at yourself for taking this journey in the first place. When we are in fear, our angels are close by but they cannot connect. When we ask and ask and don’t stop asking, we are not quiet enough to hear their answers. If we forget they resonate at the level of joy and need for us to be open to new solutions and transformation, we don’t put ourselves at the level at which they can connect with us. They can help you find a new path when you open that door for them.


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Astrology Forecast for March 27, 2013 Master Week of Change


Published on Mar 28, 2013

Just when I thought it was over,
And I could finally settle down,
Life continues to challenge me,
To rise up and hold my ground!

Wow! Happy Easter! 7 at 11 this Sunday! That is 7 "planets" (Sun, Moon, Venus, Jupiter, Chiron, Saturn, and Pluto) ALL at 11 degrees! If you have a natal planet there you are hooked into the Master Change! Last week I said throw up your hands.... well this week you may use them to hold onto your hat! Injoy.... Aloha.... Kaypacha



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Magatha from Agartha ~ We had to implement a much needed change/process which will result in enormous changes on your world and in your reality



 by Méline Lafont March 28 2013

city of Light

(image: http://www.scoop.it)

 by Méline Lafont

Greetings beloved brethren of Earth. The time has come to again provide a short update concerning the current state of affairs pertaining to the Inner Earth as well as to the Earth. I welcome all of you with an open heart full of love and gratitude.

At present there is a profound manifestation about to happen. A few shifts are taking place on your Earth and in your reality introducing the fall of the old structures and simultaneously ushering in the actual renewal. What might not be readily known or perhaps only known by certain beloved sources is that even in the inner Earth many changes are occuring.


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Pope Francis shuns grand apartment for two rooms


BBC - 3/26/13

Suite in Domus Santa Marta hotel-style residence which the new Pope Francis has opted to remain in rather than move to more lavish quarters in the Apostolic Palace

Pope Francis has opted for the simpler surroundings of the Domus Santa Marta hotel-style residence rather than the traditional palatial papal quarters

Pope Francis has decided to shun a grand papal apartment on the top floor of the Vatican's Apostolic Palace in favour of a modest two-room residence.

His spokesman said he was "trying out this type of simple living" in a communal building with other priests.

To read the rest of this story, visit BBC News.


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Knowledge will set you free....if you can't explain it simply you don't understand it weel enough...channeled from higher self





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Jehovah~ Leader of the Anunnaki, He destroyed the Planet Maldek, which is now currently your Asteroid Belt, and is between Mars and Jupiter. He is also referred to as "Kal", which is the mind. The mind can only function in a power over. Love can only function in Power with! Consider that Jehovah was like a negative divine power, absence of something, absence of Love.


~Jehovah, the Story behind him, and How this affected Planet Earth.~


Jehovah is also one of our sons, and somehow he got the idea that he wanted to be in control, the experience of power over, and he became a master of manipulating energy.


He can Be seen as a warlord [dumb lord of nothing], and was the leader of the Anunnaki. One day he landed on the Planet Maldek, which used to be between Mars and Jupiter but is now just rubble which is also now known as the Astroid Belt. The Gods On Maldek knew They Were Gods. They Had One Big Eye on their Forehead and 2 other eyes, as Humans Do Now. They were Completely Connected in, and Lived in Harmony with one another and Love. Then Jehovah approached this Planet, and Claimed that he was God, The One and Only, and that he was Going to Be their God from then on.



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Massive landslide threatens Washington state homes


Fox6Now.com - 3/27/13, Trisha Bee


(CNN) — A massive landslide in Washington has destroyed one home and threatens more than a dozen others, CNN affiliates in the Seattle area reported Wednesday.

One home has only about 10 feet of its backyard left after the slide on Whidbey Island, north of Seattle, CNN affiliate KIRO reported. That home along with others were being evacuated.

To read the rest of this story, visit Fox6Now.com.


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BRICS bank are coming


Just a year ago the BRICS announced the idea for an own bank, outside the manipulative western SWIFT system. No the idea grows further, turns on while western system are crumbling.




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Méline Lafont ~ welcome to your magical new world ♥ March 27 2013




cosmic world


We have shifted big time !  That is what, in several ways, is coming in these past 3 days and nights. All sorts of messages and clear hints saying that in fact the shift is present and happening BIG time.  Since the spring equinox I have felt, seen and experienced so much that is beyond my control and my comprehension.  The only thing that I can explain will be these following  sentences, explaining  to you my messages and feelings that I have received during these days.


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~Earth Chakras and Vortices Repost~


Looking at Nature all around us, we cannot help but marvel at its raw beauty and rhythm. Planet Earth is a conscious and vibrant living entity. With its own free will, it is meticulously orchestrating a symphony of equilibrium and constant evolution, communicating with all its inhabitants, the solar system and the universe.

Ancient civilizations revered their host as a sacred entity: they believed her to be their “Great Mother” and often built their megalithic sacred monuments in areas they considered “Earth’s Highest Energy Vortexes” or “Earth Chakras”. Structures like Stonehenge, the Pyramids of Egypt and Mayan, Aztec, and Incan monuments along with many temples, churches and pilgrimage sites are now considered powerful energetic spots.


Earth Chakras and VorticesLocation of the Earth's Seven Major Chakras

Ancient civilizations and modern esoteric traditions believe that the body of our physical blue planet materialized from a universal energy matrix and has a subtle structure, similar to the human energy field.   
This energetic structure peaks in seven major “Chakra Sites” located on each continent, where the strongest Energy Vortexes are situated. Hundreds of minor earth chakras are also spread all over the planet. They are believed to be spherical in shape, expanding in all three dimensional directions in a spiral motion, with a radius extending for hundreds of kilometers. They may either spin clockwise or anti-clockwise.


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My Beloved Anchors Within My Body




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The Galactic Free Press Update: Good News!


Bringing Humanity Home Energy and Event Update With Love from The Galactic Center




The Full Moon for March is all about LOVE Love is the Key and the Way! Quoted from Judy Sartori




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Spiritual Inspiration Rockin Blues - Dr Moe


Spiritual Inspiration Rockin Blues – My Take

by Dr Moe


Rockin Blues music with Reggae influences touches the soul and awakens the heart. Spiritual Inspiration Music with a Rockin Blues flavor takes us to Love, Growth and connection with the Divine. Because music touches our Heart, it awakens us to a deeper truth about whom and what we are and why we are here on this splendid planet. We subtract all our resistances when confronted with music that moves us. Blues has always been associated with Heart and Soul, because it came from the Southern US and was all about healing the pain and suffering that Black Americans were privy to more than any other minority group.


The fact that it was taken up by white Americans in the 50s clearly demonstrated its power to move and engage people. Even though it had been sanitized by the White Dominated Music Industry, it still carried enough of that original flavor to excite and animate a new population of post war children. Rock and Roll became a mantra for a new generation, the generation I grew up with, as have most of you in the over 55 population.



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Wes Annac ~ The Galactic Federation Manuscript With SanJAsKa ~ Part 1


Written by Wes Annac

I would now like to present, analyze and discuss material concerning the Galactic Federation, sometimes referred to as the Galactic Federation of Light (some hold the belief that the two are different Organizations).

Who is the Galactic Federation?

The Galactic Federation is essentially an Organization comprised of a myriad of races of extraterrestrial and higher dimensional beings who have come together and united in the common goal of serving others, as we will learn below. These beings have found and evolved to the higher states of consciousness we are currently growing toward as a planet, and the Councils from the Pleiades who will be informing us about their Federation and a plethora of other things in this series are comprised mostly of fifth dimensional evolved humans or spirits.

The information we will discuss has been channeled from a Pleiadian Representative of the Galactic Federation and specifically, of the Pleiadian Councils of this Federation, who goes by the label of SanJAsKa. This soul is also a fifth dimensional aspect of my higher self, and could be called a “future self” as some may refer to it.


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Texas wants its gold back! Wait, what?


The Washington Post Posted by Neil Irwin on March 26, 2013 at 10:58 am

Gold at the New York Fed. (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)

Gold at the New York Fed. (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)

Texas has generally been at the front of the pack of a certain variety of uber-hawkish, vaguely paranoid monetary policy talk over the last few years. Recall it was the state’s governor, Rick Perry, who while running for president strongly suggested that Ben Bernanke would be committing treason should the Federal Reserve print any more money.  But now some in the state, including Perry, are looking to put their money where their mouths are. Literally.


Perry and some in the Texas legislature want to bring the roughly $1 billion worth gold held by the state university system’s investment fund onto Texas soil, rather than in its current resting pace in a vault in New York.


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Earthquake Prediction System


Published on Mar 27, 2013


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Last week I had a conversation with Adama, Archangel Michael, St. Germaine, and Sananda who were channeled by Phillip Elton Collins, author of Coming Home to Lemuria and Sacred Poetry & Mystical Messages. An audio recording of the entire conversation will be available next week on our Website: The Angel News Network



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Jayme Price Weekly Light Blast - Exceptions


Weekly Light Blast March 28, 2013

Crystalline Soul Healing


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3MIN News March 28, 2013




Source: YouTube.com

By: Suspicious0bservers



Published on Mar 28, 2013


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Planet Maldek Cleared of all Dark energy and Pulled through the Comsic Portal "V"


Planet Maldek Cleared of all Dark energy and Pulled through the Cosmic Portal "V",

Planet and beings have been Healed realigned with cosmos,universe, Galaxy, planarity system.




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Scientists discover huge reservoir of magma under Pacific and Cocos plates


The Extinction Protocol- 3/28/13




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“The Invisible Path of the 5th Dimension”


     March 2013 Christina Lunden

Do you feel a little shaky in your life?  Do you feel unsupported?  We are now spiritually walking an invisible road.  What you are feeling is the difference in how we are experiencing spiritual energy now. We no longer connect to it outside of ourselves. The energy is flowing within us now. The Angels shared this visualization to explain:

The spiritual energy flows down from Heaven through our aura, through our body (head first through to feet), then out of our body to connect back with Heaven. We also have energy flowing the opposite direction too. It flows up from Heaven through our aura, our body (feet first through to head), then out of our body to connect back with Heaven.


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Earthquake Prediction System




Source: YouTube.com

By: Suspicious0bservers



Published on Mar 27, 2013


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Volcanoes Today, 28 Mar 2013: Popocatépetl, El Hierro


Volcano Discovery Thursday Mar 28, 2013 11:04 AM

Location of recent quakes at EL Hierro (IGN)

Location of recent quakes at EL Hierro (IGN)

00 on 26 March (local time)

Explosion from Popocatépetl at 22:00 on 26 March (local time)



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Denise Le Fay – Remember The 12-21-12 Life Review? – 27 March 2013


Thanks to Lucas2012infos Posted on March 27, 2013

800x800 spirals

Because there’s been a few people writing Comments (under another article) about the changes and increases in intensity since the March 20, 2013 Vernal Equinox and entrance into the Second Trimester of the “Nine Months”, I thought I’d say a little something about this now. I’ll write a recap for the Second Trimester near the end of it, but because so many have been getting hit and hit hard with multiple physical Ascension symptoms and/or other life-changing events, it sounds like we all need to remember our 12-21-12 Life Review with Divine Consciousness.


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ET First Contact Radio: Maarten Horst Interviews Judy Satori


Very inspriring and touching interview with Judy Satori, a spiritual channel. During this interview she received a live message from the Star Beings from the Galactic Federation Of Light. Her website is: www.thesoundoflight.com
Her book is called: Sunshine before the dawn where the Galactic Council speaks about the planning of a new race of humans with full potential and 12 strands of DNA.
Stay tuned on ET First Contact Radio. Every thrusday at 1 PM Pacific Time via:
And every monday at 11 AM Pacific Time via: http://www.findingvoicesradio.com


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A Message from The Earth Allies~ ~We The People~ Brilliant Repost



~We The People~ May these Words Ring Your "Liberty Bell"~



WE Are Here to Speak for the Human condition, and address it with Greater Understanding through Self Education, and the Awakening of The Divine Intelligence from Within with Unconditional Compassion. The Reason that We Are Here, Is Because We sent Our Prophets into Awaken Humanity, and They usually came back to Us with holes in Them. So Now We, From The Big Leagues Have Shown Up on this Planet bringing Humanity's God~Hood into Complete Awakening. We are not here to start a revolution. We Are Here to Advance Evolution.



The Real Constitution shares that it's the People who own this Government, not the corporations. We Are Here to Shine the Light On this Truth and stand with Humanity as they understand this Truth and together walk out of the prison and Home into Where Love is Everwhere Present.



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The End Of The Anti-Marijuana Generation


Waking Times March 27, 2013 | By admin


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The Morning Blessing 03.28.13


Visit the artist who created, "Smiling Eyes".



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You Are Pre~Loaded With The Tools of Light For Aprils Onslaught of Energy!





I find this very very interesting that 5 days out from the energies of April and spirit has the hatch tightened even more than the days before!  However, what the Light of your soul does want you to know is that you are ready!!  Even if you don’t feel like you are… YOU ARE.  Each person seems to have their very own, unique Light field of geez, hard to really say what it all is in words.  I think the only word I can call it is “tools,” everyone has the tool set of working and enjoying the flood of energy that we are gearing up for in this 2nd quarter of 2013.

The first gentleman on the field has this amazing ball of yellow light beneath this feet.  It kinda reminded me a really large hamster ball and he was standing/balancing on it waiting to move into April.  Talk about having the sun (energy) beneath your feet!!  But I realized I missed a detail yesterday.  I knew and understood that this was not only his ability to roll into whatever his heart desires, the magnetic field of the sun working the energy of the earth to pull his heart desires to him… but there is also this feeling of taking a rest and being inside of this ball of energy.  To enter the center of the sun to both power up and exchange needed codes and codecs for the advancement of his journey.


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Health is for everyone ~ Archangel Raphael through M. Gamma



AA Raphael
(Translated on the 28.03.2013)

Today we want to address the issue of healing. Truly an interesting topic with which many have already dealt with. Unfortunately, the truth was not always told and the secrets remained hidden in the dark.


It is time to lift the veil of secrecy and prepare humanity to take over the responsibility for their own health and to no longer be the slaves of others.


With the help of this channel I will provide in the future the information that will be useful to become “HEALTHY” again. You have the right to be healthy. Disease is an illusion and has no future on the NEW EARTH.



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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Manifestation


Angel Wisdom Thursday, March 28, 2013


Use your Power


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Collapsing Earth: landslide forces the evacuation of 300 in Malaysia, man swallowed by sinkhole in China


The Extinction Protocol- 3/28/13




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Petrified giant ancient trees found in Thailand



The Watchers - 28 March, 2013- BY HEISENBERG

In 2003, a small section of a large petrified log was found in a reserve forest at Ban Tak District, Tak Province, Thailand, by a villager. This lead to investigation in this area by officials of the National Park, Wildlife and Plant Conservation Department and many such logs were discovered, leading to a name change of this forest to Petrified Forest Park, in 2006. The region where these fossils were discovered could be traced 1,000,000 years ago from the fossils and stone tools found in Northern Thailand, giving insights to not only prehistoric trees but also the prehistoric man, Homo erectus....


In 2003, a small section of a large petrified log was found in a reserve forest at Ban Tak District, Tak Province, Thailand, by a villager. This lead to investigation in this area by officials of the National Park, Wildlife and Plant Conservation Department and many such logs were discovered, leading to a name change of this forest to Petrified Forest Park, in 2006. The region where these fossils were discovered could be traced 1,000,000 years ago from the fossils and stone tools found in Northern Thailand, giving insights to not only prehistoric trees but also the prehistoric man, Homo erectus.


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Oracle Report ~ Thursday March 28 2013~ Full Moon Phase ~ Moon in Libra/Scorpio




March 28, 2013

Thank you to Gillian


Astrology defines electromagnetic energies that planets emit, paying special attention to the times when the planets make angles with each other. The angles cause unique effects in and of themselves. They have lives of their own.

Today we have complex and powerful angles. The effects will be clearly and in many cases dramatically visible.

In general:


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Earth opens up in massive landslide on Whidbey Island, off the coast of Washington


The Extinction Protocol-3/28/13




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Newly Discovered Evidence Supports Ancient Asteroid Impact Theory


REdOrbit-28 March 2013- Staff


Researchers from the University of Colorado claim to have uncovered new evidence supporting the notion that a Manhattan-sized asteroid collided with the Earth some 66 million years ago, triggering a global firestorm that would have led to the extinction of 80 percent of the planet’s species.

According to Douglas Robertson of the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES) and colleagues, the firestorm caused by the asteroid believed to have slammed into Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula would also have had a tremendous impact on the environment as well.


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Heavenletter #4507 - Life Is Like Your Bank Statement


Heaven Letters Published on: March 28, 2013

God said:

It may seem to you as if your life – everyone’s life – is a roll of the dice. In some ways, it certainly seems so. At the same time, your very own thoughts are motivators of your life. The beautiful and the tragic may both seem as though they dropped from the sky, and, truly, miracles do happen. By and large, the tenor of your thoughts brings much of what may seem to you to be tricks of fate.

Sometimes, life is like your bank statement. Your bank statement may amaze or startle you. You wonder how you got such a great balance, or you wonder what happened to all you had. Most of the time you weren’t keeping track. It usually turns out that you forgot a transaction or two you made.


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Beginning of Arctic sea ice melting season


The Watchers - 28 March 2013 - by Chillymanjaro

The average extent of sea ice in the Arctic has begun shrinking and will probably reach its minimum extent sometime in mid-September. Arctic sea ice reached this year’s maximum extent on March 15 at 15.13 million square kilometers (5.84 million square miles). According to National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSDIC), the maximum extent was 733,000 square kilometers below the 1979 to 2000 average of 15.86 million square kilometers, and occurred five days later than the 1979 to 2000 average date of March 10, 2013.     This year’s maximum extent was the sixth lowest in the satellite record. The lowest maximum extent...


The average extent of sea ice in the Arctic has begun shrinking and will probably reach its minimum extent sometime in mid-September. Arctic sea ice reached this year’s maximum extent on March 15 at 15.13 million square kilometers (5.84 million square miles).


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Victoria welcomes widespread rain after dry summer


weatherzone Brett Dutschke, Thursday March 28, 2013 - 12:01 EDT


Rain spread throughout Victoria overnight and has been very welcome in most parts, which have had a dry summer and start to autumn.

Rain was heaviest in the northeast, with excess of 50mm, much like last week, but this time it has spread to all corners of the state. Some areas have had their biggest falls since winter or even last autumn.

Gardens, parks and paddocks have had a badly needed watering in many areas, including Melbourne, where widespread 15-to-30mm fell.


To read the rest of this story visit weatherzone


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