~ Interesting Moments and Energies~ Council Love Party today 10;30am Pacific

Lia's picture


Greetings Love beings, We are in intersting energies and Moments on Planet Earth=Heart. We will be speaking about this in our Council Meeting Love party Beginning today at 10:30am Pacific. Here is the Link!http://tinychat.com/soundofheart   Love Mother and Father God and The Earth Allies

Ghandi~ Speak Truth!!! And Be You~



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Message relay from Sananda and SaLuSa to Laura and her Higher Self- The Ocean Within




Hello everybody.

I had a quick contact with my Higher Self, and guides today, which include Sananda and SaLuSa.


First off I am told that the earth instability still persists, as is frequent in times of great turmoil. Human hearts are in doubt, fear and also in “hate” mode. This has of course been orchestrated by the continuous effort by the cabal. Their propaganda machine is a very powerful tool. The power of disinformation and misinformation is going in full swing as we speak. Many are those who have a great lack of grounding, a great lack of love, who find themselves with aching nerves and emotions. Much instability has been created of late. It will take work on a higher level in order to stabilize emotions and bring a better genuine communication between religious factions.



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Our Earth -- Michael Jackson







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Occupy Wall Street - ONE YEAR LATER - mic check speeches Sept 17,


Published on Sep 17, 2012 by gvloanguy

September 17, 2012 - Zuccotti Park, New York City. Occupy Wall Street. Some 'mic check' speeches from the General Assembly... Comrads.
Among otheres, there's an Occupy Presidential Candidate. "It's time to fire Wall Street from the White House"

Source: YouTube.com


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Kauilapele's Blog:This Craft Presented Itself this Morning



Posted on 2012/09/18

Shortly before leaving for Java on the Rock this morning, I walked outside and saw/felt this craft. I saw a similar formation on Kauai, just after I’d arrived, at Waimea Canyon Overlook.

Be that as it may, I got that I was to post it here, while still at Java. I’ve been waiting for a message from it.

And here it comes…

“We are appearing to you twice within the past several days (9-8 & 9-18) and we point out to you the multiple 8s. 9+8+9+1+8 = 35 = 8. Many of you understand these numbers that tell you who you are. Unlimited (8 on its side = infinity) beings of Light Energy. Prosperous (8 = prosperity) in all you are and do.


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The People in My Life Now



I have noticed something very different lately.  The people coming into my life now are connecting with me in very powerful ways. I recently met two women who are visitng in my neighborhood who I immediately had a strong connection to and they with me.


None of us knew each other previously.


I know for certain that I have known one of them previously, in another life, though I don't recall where or when.  She is twenty years older than I and we had an instant connection, a very familiar feeling about each other and have been each other's "cheerleaders" ever since.


Both of these ladies reacted strongly at the thought of leaving to return to their homes in two different states. Tearful and full of endearing compliments, they did not want to leave me.  We have known each other a very short time (a few weeks), so it really caught me off guard.


Something is definitely different in "the air" during these times! 



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400 year old text studied at Harvard, suggest Jesus was married to Mary! Truth is coming out!



I thought some may enjoy this truth that just came out from Harvard!  DEVINE FEMINISM I think!




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Unity5D - Back to Source Energy


Back to Source



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Indian in the machine “HELLO… … is this thing on?




“HELLO… <taps microphone>… is this thing on?… no I’m not yelling using capital letters… I’m hoping this message rings out loud and clear…






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Confirmed! Flu Vaccine INCREASES Risk of Serious Pandemic Flu Illness


Thank You to 2012thebiggerpicture

Flu Shot

from Dr. Mercola

The Canadian press recently broke the story that new research confirms initial findings that the flu vaccine appeared to actually increase people’s risk of getting sick with H1N1, and cause more serious bouts of illness to boot.

According to the Vancouver Sun:1

“Researchers, led by Vancouver’s Dr. Danuta Skowronski, an influenza expert at the B.C. Centre for Disease Control, noticed in the early weeks of the [2009 H1N1] pandemic that people who got a flu shot for the 2008-09 winter seemed to be more likely to get infected with the pandemic virus than people who hadn’t received a flu shot. Five studies done in several provinces showed the same unsettling results.”

New Study Confirms: Flu Vaccine Really Does Increase Your Risk of Serious Pandemic Flu Illness


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~Update From Sheldon Nidle~ We Come with More Good News


11 Cimi, 14 Zip, 9 Eb


Dratzo! We return! Your world continues to be caught in the conflict between the dark cabal and our earthly forces. We are using our resources to keep the cabal at bay, but nevertheless it persists in pursuing a number of courses whose aim is to destabilize the efforts of our allies or to cause another full-scale war. For example, it has further inflamed the Middle East and created situations that once would have led to serious diplomatic interactions. At the core of this stands the US government and its special interest 'friends.' We have sent diplomatic liaisons to the Middle East and have convened a series of meetings with the US government to emphasize our no-war policy. In the same vein we are underwriting our meetings with the regional powers in the Middle East and these will set basic policy for resolving the Syrian crisis. We intend to begin to resolve this situation by sorting out the current problems and we are also monitoring the Iran difficulties. As the new governance is set to start shortly, we wish to firmly establish the parameters for a new era of peace.


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Ann Kreilkamp: Uranus/Pluto tales: of a sudden shift, at night, insomniac



This post is archived on the page, The Grieving Time.


As Uranus/Pluto continues this week’s rev up, I find that I am enjoying startling discoveries. Last night, for example.


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WATCH: Full Secret Video of Private Romney Fundraiser


 Mother Jones - David Corn, 9/18/12


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~Change is on the Horizon~ The Story of the World Trust w/ St Germain and Nesara


~COMMENTARY FROM THE GALACTIC FREE PRESS~ In 2007 we recived this information from a Forwarded Source. Upon Reading this our Souls Lit Up with some information from within this Post. This means alot of what is being shared here is Truth. It did not arrive with a link. Use Your Heart to see the Truth as alot has changed from then to NOW. Take what You need of Love and Truth from this!!  MOTHER AND FATHER GOD THE EARTH ALLIES



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Occupy Wall Street protesters: Protect them, recognize human rights begin at home



GFP Note: This essay was written by a pastor whom I believe is more interested in being Christ-like than Christian, so please don't let any references to religion or the bible throw you off from appreciating the wonderful points she has expressed here.

The Washington Post - Susan Brooks Thistlethwaite, 9/17/12

People gather in Washington Square Park in New York on Sept. 15, 2012 during an Occupy Wall Street (OWS) One Year Anniversary Convergence Weekend. (AFP/GETTY IMAGES)

The police crackdown on the Occupy Wall Street movement, since its beginning one- year ago today on Sept. 17, 2011, undermines core American values of freedom in the eyes of the world.


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Archangel Michael: You’ve Dropped a Very Big Boulder into a Very Small Pond


Archangel Michael: You’ve Dropped a Very Big Boulder into a Very Small Pond

 by Steve Beckow


Geoff West questions Archangel Michael on the reception of the Disclosure video, NESARA and pre-NESARA, current events involving China, the United States, Israel, etc., and a report on Ascension progress in Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific region. Thanks to Ellen for a very fast turnaround of the transcript.


An Hour with an Angel, September 17, 2012

Graham Dewyea: Hello, and welcome to An Hour with an Angel, with Linda Dillon, the channel for the Council of Love and author of The Great Awakening, and Geoffrey West of Greenprint for Life. I’m Graham Dewyea.

Our guest today is Archangel Michael. So, with that, I’ll pass it on to you, Geoffrey.


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Archangel Zadkiël ~~ Time to let go of “Time” by Méline Lafont


Greetings beloved ones. Once again I come forward through this scribe as I would like for her to give out my channelings.  I consider her an  appropriately pure soul and that’s why I choose to come forward through her one more time, for which I am grateful.
What I want to discuss today with all of you is the great leap forward towards Ascension in which you will find yourselves very soon now. The last couple of months have flown by like they were mere days implying that the notion of time not only shortens but that time itself actually disappears into nothingness! Days turn into hours, hours become minutes until, at some point,  there is no more time and so time, as you know it, disappears. You will experience this fact on a physical level most intensely. This quantum leap in time is, in a very powerful way, subject to the coming changes which will increasingly take place on your beloved Gaia. A lot has already been taken in, in our ascertainments in the Higher Realms meaning that a lot of changes have already transpired a fact that is not, in a high degree, as obvious for you as it is for us. It is just a matter of a little more “time” before it will all become quite obvious for you too.



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Veronica ~ Upon Waking Each Day



Veronica ~ Upon Waking Each Day…

April Crawford | Inner Whispers | September 18  2012

Upon waking each day, be sure to decide that whatever occurs will be an adventure. In the linear, there are moments that one would define as unusual. To have the opportunity to explore that unknown territory is indeed a gift.

As soon as your eyes open, breathe in the life you are creating. Place your feet upon the floor and boldly begin the walk through your day. Being an energy that moves through risky, often thick physical environments can feel awkward if you are hoping for a calm easy run.

You came into the physical for experience. Know that that experience can have many layers of texture. By being bold while expecting the adventure, you are being the person you intended to be.


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Occupy Wall Street Anniversay - Was it Really About Police?



GFP Note: I've been following the events of Occupy Wall Street's First Anniversary and what I've concluded is that the past weekend was as much about Police as it was about Wall Street and Occupy. Below are some videos and articles that illustrate my point. If you search the internet, you will see that stories of the police presence and arrests dominate the Anniversary coverage.

Journalists Arrested During Occupy Wall Street Anniversary Protests


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The Top 5 Health Myths of Mainstream Medicine


By Marco Torres

There are more health myths propagated by the media and conventional medicine today than there ever have been throughout history. In large part, this is due to a lack of public education and a broadening of the corporate powers who promote myths to achieve very specific and malicious goals all in the name of profit. 
Myth #1 Conventional medicine and the healthcare system helps sick people.

Perhaps the biggest health myth today is the public’s misconception that mainstream medicine and the healthcare system helps sick people. Nothing could be further from the truth.

The freedom of people to choose natural healing, alternative medicine and methods of disease prevention could soon be threatened by corporate lobbyists who will do anything to protect their wealth at the expense of your health.

Promoters of conventional medicine claim that all the drug studies, approvals, surgical procedures, all other treatments are based on scientific evidence. But is it really science? What passes for “science” today is a collection of health myths, half-truths, intellectual dishonesty and fraudulent reporting to help serve higher interests. Science is not really science anymore.


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The Crystals Speak by Dianne Robbins


The Crystals Speak



We are the Crystals, We carry pure light
It’s just our depth, That is out of your sight
We are buried so deeply, down in the ground,
So that we can, not be found
For our power is awesome, And our Light is so bright
That if you found us now, It would cause such a fright


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Blue StarShip/UFO Report - Foo Fighters




GFP Note: The GFP is pleased to report that Foo Fighters were indeed Starships!

The term foo fighter was used by Allied aircraft pilots in World War II to describe various UFOs or mysterious aerial phenomena seen in the skies over both the European and Pacific Theater of Operations.


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The Last Judgment


Judgment/judgement day is upon us. Your day of judgment has always been with you, it begins as you awaken. This is judgement of thyself, to thyself, and by thyself. The judgment in quest here is that of a judgment placed by you upon that which you believe to be, in your limited thoughts, another. This judgment is incompatible with the vibrational frequencies of the fifth dimension, (Heaven).


Are you fit to enter the Gates of Heaven? Are you ready? Are you in vibrational harmony with what exists Inside of Those Pearly Gates? Is it a strong and predominate desire, thought, intent that you have? If so, do you entertain it daily? 


Let us have Mafu tell this story as He does it so well. Mafu is a Highly evolved Spiritual Being that came to us in July of 1986 shortly before the Harmonic Convergence of August 16-17, 1987. Mafu explained to us how the endocrine system works and how we block it. Let us see the information in part that Mafu, channelled to us in the late 80s to early 90s had to say on this important topic.


“Jeshua Ben Joseph, known to you as Jesus was Christ Spirit. So are you. Each of you allow, that is Christ. Allow, Christ, allow, Christ, it is one in the same. It is allowance in totality of that which your are.


When you judge, it’s your altered ego, your anti-Christ. Anti-Christ and judgment are precisely the same thing. Anti-Christ equals judgment. There is not some entity with horns upon his head, hoofs upon his feet, who shall come to you riding on back of a lion with wings, indeed, and speak to you. “I am the anti-Christ.” Because the anti-Christ is here in the brain. The grandest embattlement you will ever see in that which you term to be the end of the world, will be in the mind, in the brain. It’s going on right now with you.


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SaS ~Op-Ed ~ The Progress Of The Ages ~ 18 September 2012


It is an inevitability.


Just recently, we’ve been inundated with wild speculation from alternative news sources and some sources within the “Lame Stream Media” that the collapse of the Cabal’s Financial System is imminent!   You might want to follow up on my opinion in this case, to see if you think you’re recognizing the same pattern of events unfolding.  I don’t believe that the Cabal is whipping up all of this chaos to fulfill their bonehead false-prophetic agendas or lithely implement power to establish their New World Order.  The pattern that I’m seeing which I have discussed with all of you through this blog from time-to-time is that of “Misdirection” (Yes, with a capital “M”).  If you remember from your readings of David Wilcock, Ben Fulford, and Bill Wood—not to mention Kerry Cassidy’s interviews with Bob Dean and Clifford Stone—we’re traveling toward a “Convergence” in the Space/time Continuum.  In ancient times, during the Roman Empire, a governance strategy for ruthless tyranny that became the Cabal’s model for world domination, plebeians and patricians alike had a saying:  “All roads lead to Rome.”  The concept of convergence, then, is one the Cabal definitely understands in light of their labors to implement such a merging of disparate peoples into a political regime of their own aspirations and design.

Babylon is fallen, is fallen!


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Denise Le Fay ~ Transitions ~ The 2012 Fall Equinox Week






A short note about the second Uranus/Pluto square starting today, September 18, 2012, and it conjuncting the September 22, 2012 Fall Equinox. Added to these two potent events, the Sun squares the Galactic Center (GC) on September 19, 2012, which adds to the overall pressures and stress everyone everywhere is feeling…and dealing with in their very different ways. Have you watched local and world TV News lately?!


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The Galactic Free Press Update: The Next Step, Peace On Earth=Heart



Bringing Humanity Home ~ Energy and Event Update~ The Next Step, Peace On Earth=Heart


Dusk at the bluebell wood - Today is a good day - site


Greetings Love Beings, As the Energies continue swirling about due the cleansing occurring and the Energies incoming, alot is progressing behind the scenes and you can trust us on this! As Everyone begins connecting together and moving into Place, Lights are coming on. Higher Selves are Manifesting on the Planet and the Oneness Energy along with Godzillions of Angels Assisting is On the Move Creating Miracles and Manifesting Visions of Love, which will Serve Humanity for The Highest Good.


All Earth Allies are moving into Position for the Announcements to begin.



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Had a fantastic dream.


~Galactic Love Reporter Chucke~

The thing that made it so fantastic, was not how realistic it was, rather that it was so fantastic that it made me realize in the dream, that I was dreaming.


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Mitt Romney Holds Shotgun Presser On Hidden Video


Published on Sep 18, 2012 by Kellsreport

No description available.

Source: YouTube.com.

GFP Note: Mitt Romney called a press conference to respond to the video released by MotherJones.com. This press conference was held after portions of the video were released but before Mother Jones released the full version of the video. We have posted two articles about this:

SECRET VIDEO: Romney Tells Millionaire Donors What He REALLY Thinks of Obama Voters

WATCH: Full Secret Video of Private Romney Fundraiser


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Shuttle Endeavour prepped for valedictory tour, museum duty


C/NET - William Harwood, 9/18/12

The shuttle Endeavour, bolted to the back of a NASA jumbo jet, will take a leisurely final flight to California, giving the public one last chance to see the winged spaceplane in flight.

The space shuttle Endeavour, bolted to the back of NASA's 747 transport jet, stands ready for its final flight, from the Kennedy Space Center to Los Angeles where it will go on display at the California Science Center at the end of October.

(Credit: William Harwood/CBS News)

KENNEDY SPACE CENTER, Fla.--The space shuttle Endeavour, veteran of 25 trips to orbit since its maiden launch two decades ago, was prepped today for takeoff on its final flight tomorrow, a cross-country tour atop a NASA 747 transport jet that will give the public one last chance to see the iconic spaceplane in flight before landing in Los Angeles Friday for work to ready the ship for museum duty.


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Genii Townsend: Planetary Make~Over Impact!


With the intensity of the unseen but surly felt energies waving across the planet, it would be wise to recognize that what is unseen is truly in process and one must be aware lest, they suffer from the impact of unknowing cause severe mental and physical harm to themselves or others.

This is not to say that Love is not important as, it is the very being of the new coming into effect. This is pre-word to the wise. We give you this incite now due, to what may take place over the next few months on your planet.

Elevation of the planet ‘movements’ are possible. People being extra emotional is part of this. Even the animals need to be reassured that all is well for them. This is the time to go within to feel the presence of being safe and loved as scattered minds develop unsettlement easily.

Expect the government to have to make large changes due to peoples frustrations as stemming from the continual set of Light/love Waves flowing, which is picked up by the body power centers. Each moment is precious and should be lived as such with love and appreciation for anything to develop that gives you a lift. People will begin to join more together as in groups even from countries far away.

The people of your world today go what is called ‘off the deep end’ from not knowing why they do what they do, especially when the mind is unsettled.


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Volcanic Activity Up in Several Locations


Jakarta Globe - 9/18/12

Steam and ash billow out of Mount Gamalama on Ternate Island on Sunday. (AP Photo)

Steam and ash billow out of Mount Gamalama on Ternate Island on Sunday. (AP Photo)

Solo, Central Java. As two volcanos in the eastern part of Indonesia continued to erupt on Monday, Mount Merapi in Central Java has been displaying increasing activity, with rumblings in the past week.

“In the evenings, there are rumblings that are accompanied by the ground shaking,” Sapto, from Samiran village in the district of Boyolali on the slope of Merapi, said on Monday.

To read the rest of this story, visit thejakartaglobe.com.


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Visionkeeper ~ Living Large ~ 19 September 2012


Visionkeeper ~ Living Large ~ 19 September 2012


(picture by www.favim.com)

We often hear the saying “Dream Big”, but you don’t often hear the saying live big. Why is that? What good does it do to just live big in your dreams? The time has come to realize we can do or be anything we desire, so stop living small. Think of your life as a blank canvas and you can paint whatever pictures you want upon it, whatever colors or textures you love looking at.

We are blank canvases in many respects and once we learn to believe and understand we can have whatever we want in our lives then we must go for it! Manifesting in our life is not that difficult if we do it with intention and see what it is we desire from all angles. Don’t just say I want to be healthy, see yourself in your mind and heart as healthy. What are you doing with your healthy life, how is it making you feel to be healthy, what kind of person did you become with being healthy, where are you? See it and live it all in your heart and mind, then release it and just KNOW it will be when the time is right. Don’t wonder if this will happen or worse doubt it, just KNOW it will happen and it will.


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2MIN News Sept 19, 2012



Pubblicato in data 19/set/2012 da Suspicious0bservers


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Giant female panda gives birth to cub at National Zoo in Washington


The Washington Post - AP, 9/18/12

(Susan Walsh/ Associated Press ) - FILE - In this Dec. 19, 2011 file photo, Mei Xiang, the female giant panda at the Smithsonian’s National Zoo in Washington, eats breakfast. Mei Xiang has given birth to a cub following five consecutive pseudopregnancies in as many years.

WASHINGTON — A giant panda at Washington’s zoo surprised scientists and zookeepers by becoming a mom again after years of failed pregnancies.

Scientists at the zoo had all but given up on 14-year-old Mei Xiang’s chances of conceiving, but they were watching the panda for a possible cub nonetheless after she was artificially inseminated earlier this year. She gave birth late Sunday, her first cub since 2005.

To read the rest of this story, visit WashingtonPost.com.


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More quakes raise panic near Vietnamese dam


Thanh Nien News - 9/18/12

A man in Quang Nam Province swings his arms to describe earthquakes that rattled his house early on Monday. The tremors have left his wife and son in a panic, he said.

The central province of Quang Nam, which has been disturbed by tremors caused by the Song Tranh 2 dam, was hit by more earthquakes Monday and Tuesday.

Two earthquakes, the bigger of which registered 2.7 on the Richter scale, occurred early Monday, and three others early on Tuesday.

To read the rest of this story, visit thanhniennews.com.


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There is an invigorating, sparkling crackle in the air



There is an invigorating, sparkling crackle in the air

September 19, 2012 by John Smallman

Humanity’s awakening is moving ahead very auspiciously as the divine energies you are availing of to help you on your way continue to strengthen and intensify with each passing day.  If you could really comprehend what you are achieving as you focus on being loving at all times, and by sharing your love indiscriminately with all with whom you interact, you would be absolutely flabbergasted.

You are on Earth at this point in humanity’s spiritual evolution for precisely this purpose, and despite the difficulties with which such a life has presented you, you are maintaining your purpose and delivering what you promised – an almost constant demonstration of loving wisdom in action – and, as a direct result, inspiring all those with whom you interact to do likewise.  You deserve and will receive the highest accolades and commendations for the devotion and determination you are bringing to this essential task, thus ensuring that it will be brought to an utterly successful conclusion.


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Light Artist Janosh





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You are gearing up for the enormous changes that lie just ahead



You are gearing up for the enormous changes that lie just ahead

09/19/2012 by John Smallman

You are gearing up for the enormous changes to your mode of living that lie just ahead.  Your energetic frequencies are being adjusted to cope with the astronomical increases in energy that will shortly be available for you to access, should you so wish, and most of you will because then your creativity will burst forth dynamically, offering limitless new directions to explore and enjoy.

You are creative beings, but within the illusion your abilities have been very severely restricted, and when you awaken all those restrictions will be gone.  The freedom on offer in your new domain is infinite and, in your present state, unimaginable to you.  There truly are no restrictions on the power that will be available to you or on how you use it, because when you awaken, every purpose that you hold, everything you choose to do will be guided by your unconditionally loving intent to delight all with the benevolent enchantment of your creative innovations.  And that is exactly what you will accomplish, constantly.


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The IRS – Internal Reality Service



The IRS – “Internal Reality Service”



SEPTEMBER 19, 2012


by Henry Makow Ph.D. 
This story caught my eye last week.
Bradley Birkenfeld, 47, a former Union Bank of Switzerland employee secured a whistle-blower award of $104 million, “the largest individual federal payout in U.S. history.”
Bradley Birkenfeld, 47, worked at the largest Swiss bank for five years.
He told authorities how UBS bankers courted rich Americans, managed $20 billion of their assets and helped them cheat the IRS.
The “largest individual federal payout in US history.”  That got my attention. The federal government isnever that generous!  That’s when I found this excellent reminder  that despite what Bloomberg News wants you to believe, the IRS is not the federal government: 


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Mount Soputan Volcano Erupts In Central Indonesia, Spewing Ash


Huff Post - AP, 9/18/12

JAKARTA, Indonesia -- One of Indonesia's most active volcanos has erupted, shooting ash and smoke nearly 1 1/2 kilometers (one mile) into the sky.

State volcanology official Kristianto says Mount Soputan on central Indonesia's Sulawesi island erupted Tuesday afternoon.

To read the rest of this story, visit HuffingtonPost.com.


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Heavenletter #4317 Out of the Forest, September 19, 2012


Heavenletter #4317 Out of the Forest, September 19, 2012 

God said: 


Feeling desperate is not for a child of Mine. Desperation does not hold you in good stead. A sense of desperation takes you to the ends of the Earth. It puts you overlooking a precipice. It puts you at the mercy of the wilderness.

In desperation, you huff and puff. In desperation, the wolf is at your door, and you would flee. Helplessness is not in your best interest. Overwhelming fear does not suit you. A sense of desperation makes you do desperate things. Desperate things are not good for your well-being or the well-being of the world.


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Drought Hits Butterfly Population


Weather.com - AP, 9/17/12

Monarchs feed on nectar, which can be in short supply during a drought. (Getty Images)

HENDERSON, Ky. — A naturalist at Audubon State Park in western Kentucky is noticing another effect of the high heat and drought that has plagued the region — a dearth of monarch butterflies.

Julie McDonald told The Gleaner that the butterflies are usually migrating through the area to Mexico by now. "Normally by now I would have been seeing monarch butterflies," she said. "But I haven't seen any yet, unfortunately. The heat has hit anything that feeds on nectar."

To read the rest of this story, visit weather.com.


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Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012

Watch on YouTube (recommended)


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Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation Presents



Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation Presents... 


The Rites of Passage 2012 

Begins this Sunday, September 23

12 Week Program  






All Planetary Light Servers are Invited


In this moment of human history, it is incredible to behold the awe-inspiring power of Divine Remembrance springing forth from within the awakening hearts and minds of the masses. We are bearing witness to the global revelation that not only is God present within us but also that WE are the physical reflection of the supreme Divine Presence upon the Earth. 

After years of successfully navigating the narrow road of self mastery fraught with extraordinary challenges, the actualization of our true nature is finally upon us. This inner realization of our union with Source is rippling out to include all life as we come to understand on a tangible level that every atom in creation is a part of the interconnected whole.  



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Randomly Scattered or a Divine Plan?


a message from Sarah-Jane Grace

Tuesday, 18 September, 2012  (posted 19 September, 2012)

For many fellow travellers riding the waves of shift and change, this seems to be a time of disquiet and uncertainty, confusion and angst. There is a sense of the blurring of boundaries and the merging of consciousness between different levels of awareness, and this is creating feelings of disconnection from both the Self and the Whole. Discord is emerging from within, creating storylines and patterns that feel incongruent and overwhelming, and despite intuitively sensing the ‘bigger picture’, it is hard not to feel isolated and alone, cut off and disconnected.

Emotions begin to surface from anger to ecstasy, but they have no clear source or direction. They can be present one moment and gone the next, and the roller coaster can twist and turn in a flash. Trying to understand such shifts is understandable, but it can make the confusion even more intense as there seems to be little logic to the situation.


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A Faded Piece of Papyrus Refers to Jesus’ Wife



A Faded Piece of Papyrus Refers to Jesus’ Wife


‘The Gospel of Jesus’s Wife’ A historian of early Christianity at Harvard Divinity School has identified a papyrus fragment in the Coptic language that she says contains the first known statement saying that Jesus was married. The fragment also refers to a female disciple.


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How do you relate to love? Like a canary, a cat, a puppy dog, or a goldfish?


How do you recognize love: like a canary, a cat, a dog, or a goldfish? And more importantly, how does your mate?
In Andy Andrew's book, The Noticer, he describes four dialects that people use to relate and feel love. He uses a canary to explain the characteristics of those who need quality time with their mate. That is how they understand and therefore express that they love a person. To this person, in order to be happy, they crave quality time alone with their mate; periods of undivided attention, listening to the details of their day, tiher dreams and concerns. A canary says, "Just be with me."
A cat is one who thrives on physical contact. Andrew says, "This can be from a simple pat on the back all the way to the other end of the spectrum, a sexual relationship. A quick back rub, a head scratch, a hug or a kiss. People who speak this dialect of physical contact tend to feel most loved when affection is expressed in this form." A cat says "Touch me."
A puppy dog dialect is the person who feels loved by spoken words of approval, Andrew continues. Tell a puppy dog how wonderful he is and his whole body wags! And praise is the way to teach this person most effectively. And a word of caution, NOTHING is more devastating that words of disapproval...puppies cower as if they are under attack.
What about Goldfish? A goldfish feels love based purely on favors and deeds. You can't really touch them. They don't care if you are there or not, the goldfish just wants you to feed them and clean the bowl. And oh yeah, straighten the castle while your there!"
Of course most of us have times when we can relate and understand the other dialects, but usually ONE of them stands out more to a person than the others. And I've got to remind you....it's one thing to know which you are, but the important point is to understand how your mate is.


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Pleiadian Renegades:Light Is Searching for Something to Illuminate





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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Abundant Energy Cultivate playful, joyous energy



Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Abundant Energy

Cultivate playful, joyous energy

It is so very easy to get caught up in the mental energy that prevails all around you now, however the best way for you to make use of all this excess energy right now is to take a few deep breaths and release it, then channel it into joyous energy like taking the time to be creative or play. This helps you create miracles and manifestations, and takes a time out from any heavy thoughts that have been weighting you down. Do your best to find a way to take a mini vacation from any strife or worry and just have some fun.


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The Biggest Moneymaker of all Time: Cancer, and Why the Profiteers Don’t Want a Cure



The Biggest Moneymaker of all Time: Cancer, and Why the Profiteers Don’t Want a Cure

17th September 2012

By Dr. Dennis Antoine

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

People wail, cry, and question why him /her, how could this happen to a child? Immeasurable grief.

Yet the answers are quite clear: humans are unknowingly exposed to far too many chemicals on their food, in their water, their clothes – even when buying a new car. That new car smell? Major cancer causing chemicals that have been used to treat the new leather and the rugs in that new car. And people get in and snort it like they smelled a bouquet of flowers.

Food sprayed with chemicals to make them last? Preservatives. At one time, you could not patent food. Yet we now have a patented soybean. Just so Monsanto can profit. This fooling around and injecting chemicals in food has got to stop!


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Abraham Hicks. The Chill and excitement i just felt from this, i had to share :)


The Chill bumps and excitement i just felt from this, i had to share :) 




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Oracle Report - Wednesday, September 19, 2012



Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Crescent Moon Phase - Moon in Scorpio

Today's energy is going to move things along and we will need to keep up or get trampled.  It isn't a stampede, but the energy is being carried forward with mass and with purpose.  To successfully navigate this we will need to find the positives.  Depending on where you are at in the process of your life re-forming, you may need to find beauty in the change of the seasons, the warmth of the Sun, or the mist of rain.  There is much to look at and all types of things will be on display today - including people's egos.  Yesterday I wrote that people would have revelations about themselves and their lives.  Today, people will see where things are too late.  If you are experiencing this, you are holding on to a past that no longer exists.  Everything has changed and a part of you is resisting.  But you are holding off something better.  All of the changes since the turning point have been designed to upgrade (make happier, more aligned, easier, more fulfilling).  What don't you want to let go of and why aren't you seeing that it is better that it goes?  What are you afraid of?  The nature of human experience in this stage of the Grand Vision of the planetary goddess is to correct and connect - correct what is no longer of service and connect with the vision itself.


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