~ More are Awakening as The Grid Continues to Light Up~

Lia's picture


Greetings Love Beings, Although Many Have entered another Deep cleansing, many more are awakening as the High Grid Continues to Light Up. As this occurs those who are trying to continue with the old paradigm are going to be discovering more and more that it will not work. The Only Way Now since the Birth of the New Paradigm is The Way of Unity. We will Have More About what is happening with the energies in our Next Update. You can Also Join us Live today for Our Weekly Meeting, All are welcome. This Begins at 10:30am Pacific At this Link: http://tinychat.com/soundofheart PS, This room is now open daily as we are transmitting Light information into the Higher Grid which is what this room now represents. Love The Earth Allies

Latest Earthquake Activity - January 28, 2013


Source: USGS.gov
Follow the link to see quake
activity for the past seven days.

Visit Live Earthquakes Map
for live quake reporting.

10-degree map showing recent earthquakes

Map of the quake in Tonga

All quakes with magnitude 4.5
or greater are highlighted.

January 28




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Tunguarahua volcano (Ecuador): increased earthquakes could announce new eruption


Source: Volcano Discovery - 1/27/13, By T


Booms now in Texas as earthquake activity upticks plus Arkansas quake hits literally!


Source: Indian In The Machine - 1/27/13

IITM: The big one is getting closer by the day… folks… the booms are likely bombs…. the green meteors are appearing in places like texas and new madrid because our ET family is gently guiding us to pay attention...


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Freedom Now


This song is presented from the perspective of God or Great Spirit singing to us and inviting us to join with Him/Her in our Hearts so we can taste true Freedom as we were designed to do.


I put this together in support of Canada's First Nations Peoples involved in the "Idle No More" movement designed to bring justice and freedom to all the worlds' aboriginal peoples who want to protect Mother Earth from further damage by the unconscious authorities who currently hold regard for the health and welfare of our planet, to the extent of putting all life at risk.


Dr Moe


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To The Moon






HEAR, Goddess queen, diffusing silver light,
Bull-horn'd and wand'ring thro' the gloom of Night. 2


p. 125


With stars surrounded, and with circuit wide
Night's torch extending, thro' the heav'ns you ride:
Female and Male with borrow'd rays you shine, 5 5
And now full-orb'd, now tending to decline.
Mother of ages, fruit-producing Moon,
Whose amber orb makes Night's reflected noon:


p. 126


Lover of horses, splendid, queen of Night,
All-seeing pow'r bedeck'd with starry light. 10
Lover of vigilance, the foe of strife,
In peace rejoicing, and a prudent life:
Fair lamp of Night, its ornament and friend,
Who giv'st to Nature's works their destin'd end. 14
Queen of the stars, all-wife Diana hail! 15
Deck'd with a graceful robe and shining veil;
Come, blessed Goddess, prudent, starry, bright,
Come moony-lamp with chaste and splendid light,
Shine on these sacred rites with prosp'rous rays,
And pleas'd accept thy suppliant's mystic praise.






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~ Sunday Night Love Party~ Blasting Love to The Higher Grid On The Planet



Greetings Love Beings, We are Currently hosting a Love Party Downloading information into the Higher Grid. You can Join us Live Right NOW in the Oneness energies at this Link: http://tinychat.com/soundofheart


Love The Earth Allies


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Indonesia landslides leave several dead


BBC News - 1/27/13

At least 11 people have died and several others have been injured in two separate landslides in western Indonesia, officials have said.

In Agam district, in West Sumatra province, 15 houses were buried beneath mud and rocks, killing seven.

To read the rest of this story, visit BBC News.


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Indonesia tries to control flooding in capital Jakarta


Herald Sun - 1/26/13, AAP

Indonesia Floods

Local residents ride on a bamboo raft in a flooded street in northern Jakarta, Indonesia. Source: AP

INDONESIAN authorities will use generators and cloud-seeding measures to defuse and push away rain-laden clouds to avoid more flooding that has paralysed Jakarta, an official says.

Heavy rain over the mega-city last week caused 32 deaths and at its peak forced nearly 46,000 people to flee their inundated homes, Sutopo Purwo Nugroho, spokesman for the National Disaster Mitigation Agency, told AFP.

To read the rest of this story, visit Herald Sun.


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5 moderate earthquakes strike in Earth’s southern polar region


Source: The Extinction Protocol - 1/27/13

South Pacific Rise

January 27, 2013 – SOUTH POLE - Today, three earthquakes struck along the southernmost region of the planet, known as the Southern East Pacific Rise. The SEPR lies north of Antarctica. The SEPR quakes occurred in succession, following two moderate 4.7 magnitude earthquakes, which struck east of Bristol Island, near the Sandwich Islands- also north of Antarctica. The East Pacific Rise is a mid-oceanic ridge, a divergent tectonic plate boundary located along the floor of the Pacific Ocean. It separates the Pacific Plate to the west from (north to south) the North American Plate, the Rivera Plate, the Cocos Plate, the Nazca Plate, and the Antarctic Plate.



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The Heart Song For January 28th 2013



The Heart Song for January 28th 2013 is

Imagine Me by Kirk Franklin




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Morning Blessing: 01.28.13 Living The Light of True Self


"With realization of one's own potential and self-confidence in one's ability, one can build a better world." - Dalai Lama

In the latest phase of readiness for your 5D beginnings humanity stands within an entry point that provides a "window of opportunity" to delve deeper into your own Soul wisdom and maturity. Evolution in this arena of the universe is expanding in every direction and that process will impact all of us in a variety of ways. My guides are speaking regularly to me about the planetary actualization of every wo/man's dream. Good, bad, for all, against all, into Soul expression and opposition to Soul consciousness. This will be the year that we get to see it all as the old external world is gone and each begins to busily create within the new domain.



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Queensland's flood crisis deepens as death toll rises to three


The Australian - 1/28/13, Sarah Elks

QUEENSLAND was today in the grip of another extraordinary flood crisis, with three people dead, helicopters rescuing residents from roofs, and cities and towns facing inundation.

Dramatic rescues were underway in Bundaberg, where the city's worst flood on record left dozens of people trapped on rooftops.

To watch the video and read the rest of this story, visit The Australian.




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Increase in activity reported at volcanoes in Ecuador


Source: The Extinction Protocol - 1/27/13

January 27, 2013 – ECUADOR – Seismic activity of the Tungurahua volcano in central Ecuador Andean increased today after the two quakes struck near the volcanoes on Thursday; while the emissions released by the Reventador volcano remains high, as in recent days. This was reported by the Geophysical Institute (IG) of the National Polytechnic School, which closely monitors the behavior of the two active Ecuadorian volcanoes. In the case of Tungurahua, located about 80 kilometers south of Quito, the IG said in its latest report that the two earthquakes of 3.1 and 2.3 degrees on the Richter scale recorded last night, were due to the activity of the volcano.



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Poofness – Fly Like a Bird – 1/27/2013


Source: Oracles and Healers, 1/27/13

Greetings and Salutations;

The gears on the world change over are engaging. You will hear with your own ears, very shortly. There was a ‘come to jesus’ meeting at the white house a couple of weeks ago that laid down the gauntlet on us politicians. Nothing like being told, ‘we are about to move ahead and cast the us adrift to fend for itself’. In other words, the world needs it’s stuff and weren’t putting up with the us egos holding everything up. Every damn doc has been signed and left no reason to hold back from flipping this world on it’s head. Some have set themselves up to be sent to undisclosed locations, oh well, not like they weren’t warned. If you’re looking for the sense of that, just remember, some folks don’t believe fat meat’s greasy. Which means ‘reason’ is beyond their capacity, like a mule with blinders, side vision is not real strong with them, need a club to get their attention.


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Gaia Portal Update~ Finalization of Ascendance Energy Structures is in Process


gaia_energy1Finalization of ascendance energy structures is in process. Priorities are given now to individualized optimization of human structures, of 3D, 4D, 5D. Sweeping transformation occurs within each consciousness unit.


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The 7 States of Consciousness


While web search i found an article that presents the states you will slide through, while raising your frequency. There is a pretty picture showing the states and a free ebook from Richard M. Bucke for download available.

I can tell that break free from state 3 is the hardest part, after that you will slide within some months upwards to state 6. But the first step is your choice, your turn and awaits you in every moment you want to start.


3rd State: Waking Sleep

Lost in the mind. This is the "standard" state of most humans as they go about their daily lives. It is a state of living lost in the mind, of walking around and going through the motions necessary for survival and comfort of the body with minimal OBJECTIVE AWARENESS of Self and of one's Experience in the Here and Now.


6th State: Unity Consciousness

As you progress in your expansion of Identity, of BEing, recuperation of the TOTALITY of yourSELF, and RE-Integration to the ONE, the state of Samadhi gradually strengthens and lengthens so that it becomes your normal full time state, including while using your mind and/or focused externally in the physical universe. Thus, the experience of ONEness with and LOVE for all that exists becomes the your experience all the time, even while moving about normally in daily life.





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~Space Weather Update~ Still Quiet ~ Entering Solar Wind Stream


THE QUIET CONTINUES: For the 7th day in a row, solar activity is very low. None of the sunspots on the Earthside of the sun is actively flaring. NOAA forecasters put the odds of an M-class solar flare today at no more than 5%. Solar flare alerts: text, voice.

NORTHERN LIGHTS: A solar wind stream hit Earth's magnetic field on Jan. 26th, sparking auroras around the Arctic Circle. The moon was full at the same time, shining like a floodlight, but the auroras were bright enough to be seen anyway:

Matt Melnyk took the picture from a spot just outside Edmonton, Alberta. "The Moon was bright but it did not stop the aurora from showing!" he says. "The display started off dim then exploded into a vast array of green and purple."

NOAA forecasters estimate a 40% chance of polar geomagnetic storms on Jan. 27th. However, Earth is exiting the solar wind stream, and this will reduce the chances of more bright Northern Lights tonight. Aurora alerts: text, voice.


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Montague’s Message for Sunday, 27th January 2013 Take Back Your Power




With enlightenment, you are experiencing a greater understanding of the illusion that was used to keep you enslaved. You are seeing the Light and with the light comes love, and this love reconnects you with God (All That Is). You are returning to the universal fold. Link with this love energy, as where there is love, there cannot be fear or illness. Learn once more, to look with love on everything, even those you were encouraged to fear. Your love will dissipate their power over you. Love yourself: this is so important, for if you cannot love yourself, you cannot love anyone or anything else.

To change society, start first by changing yourself. You cannot sit back and depend on politicians and the like to change anything. They, after all, are responsible for the chaos all around you. You are the architects of this great change. Create in your minds the world as you would wish it to be, where people love each other and there is no violence and no fear; where peace reigns supreme. You can do it. Everything is in place for this to happen. Everyone has to create it together. Take back your power.


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Conversations With ... Jim Self and Joan Walker


Published on Jan 25, 2013


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Stepping into the Paradigm of the New Earth


You are in a time when old road maps are out the window. New realities are unfolding at a rapid pace. At times, you may find yourself marveling at some of these new and sudden developments. You may find yourself wondering how you created them and why. Some of the realities manifesting now may seem linked to situations from your past that fall under the heading of “unfinished business.”

Events are now being triggered from unresolved scenarios that have remained latent within your energy field for years and even decades. Everything that is incomplete is coming front and center now to be, understood, healed and released.

Stepping into the Paradigm of the New Earth

This new round of clearing is orchestrated by your higher self in an effort to clear the way for you to fully step into the paradigm of the new earth. Those energies being brought forward for clearing might touch on familiar themes within your life. During this time, health challenges may arise, setbacks may present themselves. Financial issues may loom on the horizon. Relationships will come under stress.


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Twelve Insight ~ The Power Of Cool, Calm And Centered




Twelve Insight Journal | January 27 2013

Reader: … My thoughts are, I trust in God and the universe to protect me and it seems to have gotten me where I am and want to be now. I feel that if I focus on safety, then I am not being trusting in God and being negative. What are your thoughts on this?

Safety is a condition all in and of itself and has nothing to do with any danger that might be out there. In other words, when your attention is purely upon the safety you are in place of joyful happiness and freedom. Safety is just your name for a place where happiness and freedom flow uninterrupted.

That place of flowing happiness must happen in your mind first before it can happen in your world. So we would ask this about your mantra – do you say “Only good surrounds me” and really believe it and expect it, or do you have bogeymen in your mind… like saying “I know they are out there, but I feel safe in here”?


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Bella Capozzi ~ Easing Our Way Into 5th Dimensional Living ~ 27 January 2013




Since I began writing, some of the most frequent comments and questions I’ve gotten  are things such as;  What exactly does 5d living feel like?  How do I detach myself from the 3D matrix? How do I apply all of this information to my current circumstances? What am I supposed to actually be doing?    These are excellent questions, and extremely common ones.  I think that most of us already know that we need to be meditating daily (or at least trying to)!  We know that we need to dig deep within ourselves and be really honest about what we find there.  Then we have to look those old programs and attachment in the eye, acknowledge them, address them, thank them for the lessons they’ve taught us. Afterwards, we release their toxic energy to God to be transmuted and, essentially, recycled into something better.  And yes, those steps are all well and good, and most definitely an essential part of our transformational process.  But that aside, how does all of this apply to us in our day to day lives.  How do we apply the new principles to the transitional place we’re living in now.  We have to figure out how to integrate them into our jobs, our communities  and our everyday human interactions.


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Marlene Swetlishoff ~ Hilarion ~ 27 January 2013


hilarion2Beloved Ones,

As each of you move deeper into the inner recesses of your Being, you are finding the opportunities to bring to the surface that which needs completion. During these times, give compassion to yourselves and all those who are involved in whatever situations come up. This is a time of bringing deeper understanding and knowledge from within you and for bringing peace and equilibrium in order that you may experience a greater lightness of being as you connect to the well of creativity and abundance that bubbles just beneath the surface.

You are in the process of reconnection with your God/Goddess aspects of the divine within you. As you do this deep work upon yourselves, there will be many moments of spontaneous feelings of joy that burst forth, seemingly out of nowhere. This is the process of recalibration and reconnection with the purity and innocence that is at the core of your true nature. Allow and enjoy these fleeting moments and store these feelings of Oneness and unity with all that exists in this World, so that you might utilize those moments and build upon those feelings, for it is these feelings which are creating the new paradigm of your new World.


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Burning Through Unconsciousness



Truly, I have been doing a lot of clearing lately. And I know many others have as well. It is always heartening to touch bases with others and share our achievements. So with much love and many blessings here I go...


In my dream last night, I was caring for a group of people whom I know in this life; but no doubt, they were merely representing the old or past energies in my life. However, I felt weary of caring for them. So I told them I was leaving. Upon hearing this, some seemed clingy while others scarcely noticed what I had said.

 I decided to prepare a delicious meal for them, to thank them for being in my life. I knew they would be OK without me, and so I said a quiet goodbye. Then I turned and walked through a doorway into the light of freedom! I have no idea where my new journey will take me, as I skip down this path, but It feels wonderful!


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It is no longer a matter wondering. ~ by Ron Head





We will speak with you today about the rising tide of which almost all of you who work with and for the light are becoming aware.


This is something which we have mentioned a while ago, but which, as it was not quite so obvious, even the most sensitive of you had to take on faith.  Lately it has been growing day by day, and at such a rate that those who meditate or perhaps have a daily prayer practice, and even those who spend much time communing with your dear planet, are feeling and seeing, even feeling , unmistakably.



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Piers Morgan Falls Ill Days After Public Flu Shot with Dr. Oz


2012thebigpicture January 27, 2013


Too bad, Piers. Thought you’d take one for the team, did you? Are you that stupid? What goes around comes around.

And if you think Dr. Oz is on “our” side, friends, think again. He’s disinfo; telling just enough truth to make you think he’s one of the “good guys”.

We’re TOLD the flu vaccines contain “dead” viruses. Do you believe them? I don’t believe anything they say. They only tell us what they want us to know. Better safe than sorry.

No good can come of flu vaccinations because there is no supporting documentation or study to show they work at all to prevent influenza. It’s fear-mongering and a money grab, pure and simple. Big Pharma laughs all the way to the bank.


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Re~Hearter. Chat Session This Afternoon ~ ALL are welcome. Join us!





heartAwakening Stories and Questions & Answers
(With Mother God and Rain)

Sundays -- 3 to 5 pm Eastern
(Noon to 2 pm Pacific)

Welcome All! Join us to hear and share stories of Awakening and to have all your questions answered.
Be ready for LOVE and Laughter as we explore The New Earth and learn to co-create!

~ Love, Mother God and Rain



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What a day! Yesterday for me was one of those days that I was made aware, another time, of the amazing courage and awesome creativity manifest in the human story. After the making 778th video on my YouTube Channel, I went to the workshop with Margie and friends that I mention from time to time; then, I hurried over to catch the latest installment of the Brevard Busking coalition in concert. The workshop, once again, demonstrated human courage as my new friends doing the work for the first time shared their stories, often heartbreaking and painful but always with the sense of radical transformation. I love watching miracles, and will witness the conclusion of another emotional healing / spiritual discovery workshop today as we focus on the power of love. I was grateful that the workshop ended just in time for me to rush to another part of town and meet new friends seeing and hearing my son's band for the first time along with those that have become fans of these awesomely talented young men who have created a show that is both entertaining and uplifting. Even with only 2 1/2 hours of sleep, my soul feels refreshed as I bask in the joy I'm still feeling from yesterday's experience


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Blossom Goodchild Channeling - JAN 28TH. 2013.


Blossom Goodchild

Welcome my friends. Well, in Truth I could blurb on about challenges that myself and many, it seems, are experiencing … and we are talking real corkers!! I could make jokes about Ascension? What **** Ascension? … but we would be going over the same ground as our last communication. So I thought I  would steer away from all that and change the energy to a few questions that someone wrote in about … which as you know is unusual for 'us ' to do. Is that ok with you?

We would consider that which you decide this day to be most appropriate for the whole at this time. Fire away … as one would say.

Jolly Dee! They asked "Do people look basically the same on other planets, except perhaps for details such as skin colour or size of body limbs?'


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Indonesia’s Batu Tara volcano erupts with explosive 2.1 km ash cloud


Source: The Extinction Protocol - 1/28/13

January 28, 2013 – INDONESIA - A stronger than usual explosion produced an ash plume spotted on satellite data at 7,000 ft (2.1) km altitude today (VAAC Darwin).  Batu Tara stratovolcano is a small isolated island in the Flores Sea in Indonesia. Vegetations covers the flanks of Batu Tara. The first historical eruption occurred in 1852 with explosions and lava flows. The last eruption occurred at the volcano in 2012. –Volcano Discovery Wikipedia


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Surrendering to God one way or another!!! Bring it on!





Well God tried everything else .... God does NOT exist without LOVE.


Feeback loop system.


God or YOU? 




So the wrath of God and the Seal opens.....


Will you listen now, or scrooge are you still counting your money?  





No more lessoning the effects of ascension. 


Will you listen to God now, with extra ordinary events  that you CANNOT CONTROL.


Game over.


How does the power of God feel today?




You are not worth the agony.  I leave you in your own agony that you no longer will be allowed to make.  Uncreated are you. And so it is.


Hows that Esoterics, of the power of the word,  You are also uncreated misusing Gods Power.  For YOUR OWN GAIN.


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Living in the New Reality by Archangel Metatron Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 27-01-13




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Flying Rainbow Lasagne online course re: multidimensionality



Raise your vibration with The Flying Rainbow Lasagne


complete description for this online course here http://flyingrainbowlasagne.com/online-course.html



You are invited on a mental journey towards multidimensionality that will end with the eventual reconfiguration of your DNA. 


On this journey of consciousness, you will be exposed to new ideas, new living entities of light that would like to reside within your physical neural and energetic network.


These living idea entities are your other half, your own higher self, your abstract other, the chakras on your body. Being reintroduced to these concepts is a joyful reunion of divine presences which have been temporarily separated (literally, separated by time!)



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Barbara Marx Hubbard on Co-Creating the Newborn Planetary Culture Update


Barbara Marx Hubbard describes people joining together to express their desire to co-create the newborn planetary culture on Dec. 22, 2012, as Day One of the New Era. Thanks to Natalie.

2013 Catalyst says: “If you haven’t already done so, consider making 2013 the year that you become an Agent of Conscious Evolution.” This video is for those who “feel a burning desire to help cocreate a new world during this early post-Birth phase.”   (http://theshiftnetwork.com/newsletter/catalyst/2013-01-26/2013-catalyst-issue-2.)


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pleiadedolphininfos Sunday, January 27, 2013


Transmissions from the Arcturian Mothership


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The Crystal Team through Lindsay Ball: The Network of Love that Links us all Together


“Atlantean times were such joyful times, and you are now beginning to see, sense and feel that this can actually become a reality in your dimension. The excitement that is occurring among awakened souls is growing,and your energies are raising in line with energies on a universal scale. For, dear ones, you are not alone, and as you begin on a conscious level to accept this fact as a fact and not a supposition or a possibility, so you are opening your lines of communication to be in alignment with all other lines of communication being made available to you at this time.

Two-way crystal communication

As you were made aware (in a recent meditation), crystals within the Earth remain in communication with crystals above the Earth, so these crystals that we know are part of the Earth, have stored within them the history and the love of the Earth and all the universe, the love, understanding, and compassion of your shelter, provider and home. So these aspects remain with the crystals used by yourselves for meditations, healing, decoration even, within your homes. So the communication of those used external to the Earth, are still in communication with those within the Earth, and this two-way link provides valuable information and assessment within all levels of communication within the universe and beyond. Can you begin to see and sense the enormous level of communication and the network of love that extends inside and outside your beautiful planet, and how this glorious web enfolds and links you all together?


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Big Story Weather – January 28, 2013


RedOrbit.com - 1/28/13, Joshua Kelly

Big Story Weather from January 25-27: This past weekend was very active with weather systems stretching from the Pacific Northwest all the way into the Northeast and Midwest. We had everything from avalanche warnings in the cascades to freezing rain in the Midwest and snow in the Northeast, while mild conditions where over the Southeast and Gulf Coast region with some places getting close to 75F for high temps over the weekend.

Weather Outlook for January 28: Low pressure moving through the Great Lakes will bring snow and freezing rain to the region. This will spread into the Northeast by this evening. High pressure along the Southeast Coast will bring a nice day to the Southeast and Gulf Coast. Another area of low pressure moving out of the Southwest will start to bring showers and snow showers to the region and this will push into the Northern Plains by this evening. High pressure over the Canadian Prairies will bring frigid air back to the Northern US by later this week. A warm front along the West Coast will bring showers to the region. Below is the weather for a few select cities.


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1-28-13 Bill Ballard ~ More Intense Clearing of the Past Going On ~ 5D House


There is some major Karma being cleared right now by so many of us. That which is coming up seems to be things we have released before as we went through our personal releasing to hold higher frequencies and Light Quotient for our ascension initiation prior to now. I am hearing this from so many persons who are higher initiates, but having a similar experience as I have had these past days. I believe that what we are experiencing is thought projections coming from those we have had previous life experiences with, the other persons who may now be waking up and reviewing what they have done, in order to clear themselves to hold higher frequencies and LIGHT Quotient. As they review and clear it seems to be thought projections about OUR previous experiences we are feeling again. If we had cleared it, then why would it be coming up again for us to experience? It is my feeling that those other persons are waking up, and thinking about those things we experienced together, realizing and being sorry for what was done... This must happen for all who are remaining on Earth for New 5D Earth... What a ride! LOVE!


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Power Plant Causes 'Unique' Snow Near Pittsburgh


Accuweather.com - 1/24/13, Jillian Macmath

One to two inches of snow fell Tuesday night over Shippingport, Pa., as a result of an unusual cause: steam from a nearby nuclear power plant.

The snow was not fluorescent and not radioactive, as some people joked on social media, but it did take a special set of "ingredients" to form.

To read the rest of this story, visit Accuweather.com.


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Winter Storm Luna Snarls Monday Travel


Wunderground.com - 1/28/13, Becky Kellogg

Winona, Minnesota

A city of Winona truck crosses Front Street while treating icy roads Sunday, Jan. 27, 2013, in Winona, Minn. Winter Storm Luna moved through the area leaving snow and ice in its wake. (AP Photo/Winona Daily News, Joe Ahlquist)

Winter Storm Luna dumped snow and ice on the Midwest this weekend before moving into the Northeast and snarling Monday morning travel.

Several hundred schools are closed in the Detroit, Michigan region due to Winter Storm Luna.  The snow began falling Sunday night in downtown Detroit followed by freezing rain. Accidents dotted the roads in the Detroit metro region.

To read the rest of this story, visit Wunderground.com.


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Mediumship With Laci Peterson



January 2, 2005  2134
 At 1915 tonight, I was watching and E documentary on Laci Peterson. And she came to me.
 (she stood holding Connor to the  left of my t.v. as I watched it)
 She said, “God will have you a husband!” and she smiled and felt like an angel. Connor was with her. She was happy to be with her baby and said she would be in heaven ‘for a long time’. Her voice was very bright and clear. There was a smile and love in that voice, which was distinctive. It was a little high pitched and a little raspy at the same time, much like a cheerleader's voice might get.
 I asked her how she died and she said, “I’ll tell you later. It would upset you too much right now.”  She said “not to worry. Everything is going to be all right. He will be a good man."
 Later on, in the show, I found out her due date was February 10, 2003.
 (Reiki Doc editor's note-my due date was February 5, but my son was born on February 10.  She was just as far along as me when she died.)
Reiki Doc


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Visionkeeper - Spirals…


One World Rising Posted on January 28, 2013



While reading all over the internet lately about everyone’s struggle with feeling as if they are going nowhere, stuck and spinning in continual circles, I sat back and thought about how we could look upon this time in a positive light. There is no dispute these are intensely trying times and there is a great demand upon our patience with the challenges set before us, but what if we were to look at these times from a spiral point of view? Here is the spiritual definition of a spiral.


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Tropical Cyclone 13S aiming Madagascar


The Watchers - 1/28/13, By Chillymanjaro

New tropical system is forming near La Reunion Islands. According to latest JTWC report, Tropical cyclone  13S was located approximately 590 nm northeast of La Reunion, and is moving west-southwestward at 11 knots. Animated multispectral satellite imagery reveals a partially exposed low-level circulation center with flaring deep convection sheared to the north. Tc 13S remains in a marginal environment with moderate vertical wind shear  which is being offset by good poleward outflow into an upper-level low.   TC 13s is forecast to track westward under the steering influence of the deep subtropical ridge through the next three days, but will then turn poleward along the western periphery of...

New tropical system is forming near La Reunion Islands. According to latest JTWC report, Tropical cyclone  13S was located approximately 590 nm northeast of La Reunion, and is moving west-southwestward at 11 knots. Animated multispectral satellite imagery reveals a partially exposed low-level circulation center with flaring deep convection sheared to the north. Tc 13S remains in a marginal environment with moderate vertical wind shear  which is being offset by good poleward outflow into an upper-level low.


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3MIN News January 28, 2013




Source: YouTube.com

By: Suspicious0bservers



Published on Jan 28, 2013


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Drought Killing Trees Across America


Weather.com - 1/28/13, Judy Keen

A dry lake bed in June, 2012 in Terre Haute, Indiana is littered with dead fish. Our iWitness weather user writes, "Eagles, herons, and other wildlife dependent upon this lake, had to find food/habitat elsewhere this summer." iWitness weather use: mikeyg733

Hundreds of thousands of trees died in the historic drought of 2012, and many more will succumb in the next few years, scientists say.

"This is just beginning," says Janna Beckerman, a plant pathologist at Indiana's Purdue University. "I suspect we'll see trees still dying for the next two or three years."

To watch the video and read the rest of this story, visit Weather.com.


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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Change


Angel Wisdom Monday, January 28, 2013


A time of Positive Change


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When God Calls You


The light of God entered me in 2007.  A shaman and earth angels working on me.  I was wealthy then. In 2009 God asked me to forsake all.  Never argue with God.


So I did, I became homeless, so that others may indeed 'Wake Up'.  Find their heart of compassion and love.  God asked me to heal those with little light or love.  A huge quest.


I thought I had become succesful, but I resolve myself to the fact that I have somewhat failed. I sacrificed all for God.


Do you know I do not even have one pair of winter shoes?  I live in the UK so this is outrageous, Not so in India or Africa though is it?


I never go out anyhow these days to wear the shoes..................


So look in your closet and count how many shoes you have, and then ask yourself, do I need all these shoes?


Listen to your heart and in there you will hear God.  


Let us pray the meek indeed shall inherit the earth,  If not, I pray God will call us lightworkers home, and be done with you and all your 'stuff'.


Dedicated to all Hamsters still trapped on the wheel of materialism.


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Heavenletter #4448 - Make Peace with Your Heart


Heaven Letters Published on: January 28, 2013


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Angela Peregoff ~ On Target ~ Living The Light Of True Self


“With realization of one’s own potential and self-confidence in one’s ability, one can build a better world.” - Dalai Lama

In the latest phase of readiness for your 5D beginnings humanity stands within an entry point that provides a “window of opportunity” to delve deeper into your own Soul wisdom and maturity. Evolution in this arena of the universe is expanding in every direction and that process will impact all of us in a variety of ways. My guides are speaking regularly to me about the planetary actualization of every wo/man’s dream. Good, bad, for all, against all, into Soul expression and opposition to Soul consciousness. This will be the year that we get to see it all as the old external world is gone and each begins to busily create within the new domain.


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Universal Freedom Is....


Universal Freedom Is......

Freedom from hunger and freedom from pain
freedom from loss and so freedom from gain.
Freedom to give and freedom to share
freedom from want and that of despair.

Freedom to think and freedom to know
freedom to achieve and freedom to grow.
Freedom from bondage and freedom of liberation
freedom from ignorance and any unknown situation.

Freedom to come and freedom to leave
freedom to stay and freedom to conceive.
Freedom from struggle and freedom of ease
freedom to enjoy and the capacity to please.

Freedom from failure and freedom of success
freedom from denial and freedom of access.
Freedom from illusion and freedom of reality
freedom to become what we are in actuality.

Freedom to live and freedom to die
freedom to laugh and freedom to cry.
Freedom to speak and freedom to listen
freedom to act based on a wise decision.

Freedom from hate and freedom of love
freedom of below and freedom of above.
Freedom of the past and freedom of the present
freedom of the future and what it can represent.

Freedom from war and freedom of peace
freedom to begin and freedom to cease.
Freedom from sickness and freedom of health

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Oracle Report ~ Monday January 28 2013



Oracle Report | Full Moon Phase ~Moon in Leo/Virgo

Ruling Mahavidya: Matangi

A values assessment is underway today, contributing to this Moon phase’s undercurrent of bringing awareness and understanding. We are blessed with the vast range that came in along with it (it seemed surreal).

But all of this needs to sink in. Everything that has happened since the New Moon phase needs to be considered. But we need to step back from any pressure that we are putting on ourselves – about anything. Today continues to soothe hurts or fears or make things more efficient and valuable in the ways that are important. It’s an interesting combination – one that we don’t see often.

(Note for astrologers: I am referring to the “Moon phase” – not “New Moon.” Moon phases occur over days – the energy is more fluid in this method. It’s more of a dance than an equation. This site is not about exactitudes. I think that exactitudes are debatable now since we don’t know exactly where in the sky or in what form/property Sophia is operating from. It’s multi-dimensional for sure. But I have no desire whatsoever to debate it. That would be a a diversion and it would be divisive. There is room for all when we are singular in our love for Sophia – all ways are invited.)


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Davos 2013: world leaders to discuss aliens, super-humans, and immortals


The Voice of Russia - 1/25/13, Yulia Zamanskaya

земля планета земля инопланетянин земля инопланетянин космос инопланетянин инопланетная жизнь 2011 май коллаж


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Sal Rachele ~ So What Happened?



Thank You to Gillian

Sal Rachele’s Jan/Feb Newsletter | January 28 2013

Greetings, Lightworkers, and welcome to the new Golden Age on Earth!

“That sounds great, but where is it?” you might be asking. In fact, what really happened on December 21st? Here is the report, as given to me by my own higher self and spirit guides.

The Earth did indeed move up in vibration to an overall consciousness of level four. The portal opened, not just for three days, but it is still open and will remain so indefinitely. We did not move through the portal, but rather, the portal is flooding the Earth with higher frequencies that are not only part of the shift of the precessional alignment, but the Galactic Shift as well. This larger shift began in 1950 and will conclude around 2100 AD. That’s the good news. Now, the not so good news.


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Ben Fulford ~ The Sabbatean Mafia And Vatican P2 Lodge Are On What Will Be Their Final Offensive



The Vatican P2 lodge, with their plan for a fascist world government, has started a massive world-wide offensive on multiple fronts. In Davos, Switzerland, for example, they are making wonderfully optimistic pronouncements that are totally in contrast the underlying reality. In Japan, meanwhile, they handed out massive bribes via Lord Sassoon to set up an 82-member faction of MPs within the ruling Liberal Democratic Party, according to White Dragon Society sources. In the US, their man Obama and his gun-grabbing campaign has blown up in their faces. Also, old and powerless old war-horses like Henry Kissinger are being trotted out (and ignored) as they threaten war with Iran for the umpteenth zillionth time.

These moves are all nothing but symptoms of severe panic as underlying moves, that are being coordinated purely by hand-delivered letters, are taking place outside of their ability to monitor.
For example, the letter from the Japanese Prime Minister delivered to the Chinese President

led to an agreement to shelve the dispute over the Senkaku/Daiyu Islands and concentrate instead on kicking the Sabbatean mafia out of Asia, according to Japanese military intelligence sources. There was a lot more in the letter and accompanying tape-recording but, much of the information will never be made digitally available for reasons of security.


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A Message from The Arcturian Group~ Marilyn Raffaele



Greetings dear ones. We speak to you in this time of change and fear, for many are still holding on to fears which in turn push them to make less that perfect choices. This is not a criticism, but simply an observation of the world’s state of consciousness. It is perfectly understandable that you would experience fear, for all around you are the signs of war, death, and violence. However, these appearances can take you deeper should you choose.

Use these times to evaluate your belief systems, asking yourselves; “What is it that I believe? What is it that I wish to create in my life? What am I still holding on to that I now know is not truth?” If you wish to change the manifestation of that which is not of the highest light in your lives and your world, then these questions must be seriously pondered. Too many simply sit and wait for others to do the work of changing the outer scene. The material world (that which you can see, hear, taste, touch, and smell) is the manifestation of spiritual reality, but as interpreted according to the states of consciousness of those in the world. Where one sees a magnificent living forest, another sees only the money to be had in cutting it all down.


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Fresh 'weather bomb' set to batter Britain


The Week - 1/28/13

Local hero, 63, saves life of six-month-old baby as forecasters warn of new floods

BRITAIN is facing another "weather bomb" as heavy rains combine with gale-force winds. The Met Office has issued a 'yellow warning' for rain in southwest England, Wales and northwest England while more than 60 flood alerts are in place.

Over the weekend storms were described as a meteorological "bomb" by experts after they reached pressure levels normally seen in Category 4 Hurricanes, the The Times reports. The bad weather caused havock across the country:

To read the rest of this story, visit The Week.


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Dana Mrkich ~ Pulling Back The Curtain Of OZ ~ 28 January 2013


DanaMrkichAs I start to think about my upcoming February Monthly Visions one main theme is churning around in my mind: Truth Vs Theatre. If we have had one major theme playing out this year, particularly on the global stage, it is this one.  This year has had a heaviness to it, which may have left some questioning have we truly ‘made it’? Have we really chosen the high road of mass awakening and global transformation, the more positive of the two remaining forks in the road? Indeed we have, but before mass awakening and global transformation must come truth, and truth is what we are collectively finding ourselves neck deep in right now.


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Lisa Gawlas The Energy Rain, The Germination, The Doorways to New Life!!



flowers in the rain

After my day was finally finished yesterday, I took a bath.  The only thing I got to see, which still has me smiling this morning, was spirit’s hand working my appointment calendar.  Maybe it was because I was marveling at the alignment of each of you on the day’s agenda of readings, each in your own energetic place and yet, adding a very important and harmonious brush stroke to the tapestry unfolding.  From my meditation view, it almost looked like a puzzle, pieces scattered all over the place.  One piece may have already been in my hand and spirit would take that piece out of my hand put it somewhere else and place a new piece in my hand.  All with divine reason, to paint a real and true picture, thru your light, in our unfolding story of Light.  It was very much like the long arm of spirit was putting you in a very particular placement at the exact time you needed the understanding of where you are within your field of Light and the ongoing story of understanding.  It was humbling really.  I have been doing readings now for 10 years in various different ways, but never ever had each day build into an understanding of where we are now.  Of course, we were not on such a fast track of evolution either thru the last 10 years.  But then again, nor have I ever really written about it as consistently as I do now.


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