~ New Moon energies!!~ Yeehaw!

Lia's picture


Greetings Love Beings, Intense energies Abound! The New Moon In Aries is Kicking It Up! M6 Solar Class Flare Incoming...  many may be experiencing surpirse events In this energy. Love is On the Move and unstoppable! Thank You for being In the Flow! Many events are unfolding! We Love You, Love The Earth Allies

Winter Storm Walda: 10 Strangest Things


Weather.com - 4/10/13, Chris Dolce and Jon Erdman

While snowstorms in April are not uncommon, Winter Storm Walda has certainly produced its share of odd weather.

An incredible temperature contrast across the state of Texas on April 9, 2013.

The driving distance from Dalhart, Texas, in the northern Texas Panhandle, to Laredo, along the Rio Grande River, is roughly 750 miles, or just over 11 hours.

Video and more: Weather.com.


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Damage, Injuries Reported After Likely Tornado in Arkansas


Weather.com - 4/10/13Botkinburg, Ark.

A likely tornado reportedly flipped a semi truck Wednesday. Image: Geri Cabana

A line of severe storms trounced north central Arkansas Wednesday, spawning tornado warnings and stirring up damaging thunderstorms.

Police in Botkinburg, Ark. reported one home was destroyed and an 18-wheeler was flipped over. KARK-TV, the NBC affiliate in Little Rock, reports four people were sent to the hospital.

Video and more: Weather.com.


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Latest Earthquake Activity - April 11, 2013


Source: USGS.gov
Follow the link to see quake
activity for the past seven days.

Visit Live Earthquakes Map
for live quake reporting.

10-degree map showing recent earthquakes

Map of the 5.8 mag quake in BATAN ISLANDS REGION, PHILIPPINES

All quakes with magnitude 4.5
or greater are highlighted.

April 11




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*DNA Results Just In: Tiny E.T. Being (April 9 2013)



Published on Apr 9, 2013 by houstonlc241

This video belongs to "goforitrandy." I am posting it simply to SPREAD THE WORD!
Thank you Dr. Steven Greer and "goforitrandy"!





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Winter Storm Walda Breaks Snow, Temperature Records


Weather.com - 4/10/13


Winter Storm Walda continued to be a major problem for the Plains on Wednesday, dropping temperatures dramatically and then dumping more than a foot of snow across parts of several states.

More than two feet of snow have fallen in parts of South Dakota, and areas in Minnesota could see an additional foot of snow on Wednesday, while ice has become a problem in the southern Plains. Severe weather continues to be a concern, but the threat has shifted eastward into the South and Ohio Valley.

Video and more: Weather.com.


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Earthquake in Iran Kills Dozens, Hurts Hundreds


Weather.com - 4/10/13, AP


TEHRAN, Iran – A 6.1 magnitude earthquake killed at least 37 and injured hundreds more in a sparsely populated area in southern Iran on Tuesday, Iranian officials said, adding that it did not damage a nuclear plant in the region.

The report said the earthquake struck the town of Kaki some 60 miles southeast of Bushehr, a town on the Persian Gulf that is home of Iran's first nuclear power plant, built with Russian help.

More: Weather.com.


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5D, The End of the Matrix and the Ego, Time for ChoosingIt has become increasingly obvious the old matrix, the archon network is coming to a close. Many are hanging on desperately to the old program, driven by wounds, traumas, wrong conclusions from past experiences and a false sense of self; which was pressed upon them by the matrix. Some have such and investment into the matrix it will take some real hard lessons to snap them out of it back into their Godhood. With the new grid, the 5d energies pressing hard upon the Earth along with the veils becoming thinner it will be harder and harder for the old program to continue much longer. You have see how most have been manipulated, fooled into focusing on the outer rather than the inner for their love, joy, acceptance and approval. They have become completely divorced from soul and spirit trapped in the ego and the false self, created by the matrix. We are in a time of choosing. Are we going to choose the upward spiral of ascension into 5D an internal process or hang on to the old 3D program, the external out of fear, guilt and unworthiness falsely be lie ving in there lies our security. There is no security in hanging on too the old world doing so will be the greatest insecurity because it is collapsing. Your banksters have reached the height of greed with no more jobs or industry to support their system. The war industry has reached its height of weapons beyond imagination running out of enemies with weapons they cannot even use due to annihilating all life on the planet. Governments have also reached their height of corruption, enslavement and disservice to the people. The religions have run the God outside of self and all creation, separating and disempowering people to make their own personal God connection into the ground. Corporations have run out of resources both human and Earth to exploit. This is all one big unsustainable train wreck having nowhere to go other than to collapse.

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3MIN News April 11, 2013: M6.5 Solar Flare - CME to Impact Earth [No Damage Expected]





Source: YouTube.com

By: Suspicious0bservers



Published on Apr 11, 2013


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Corded To God End the Mind Manipulation......




What is this?



Is it this?



Many years ago I was speaking and writing to a healer in the states, and I mentioned, this laptop sitting on my lap - is making me feel so ill? - I asked why - seeing as he appeared to know all......He had no knowledge.  I looked on the internet - no thing.


So then I spoke, must be me - as usual.


I walked into my room the other night, the TV was on, two mobile phones glued to the owners, two laptops on full blast.  My ear hurt and I felt so ill - yet again.  I looked on my trusted web sites, and yes finally years later, wireless does make us ill.


Swiftly - I ordered an extra long cable for my computer, and an Old telephone from Ebay - and laughed, Good God - this really is becoming more like I AM Legend.



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See the Lyrid Meteor Shower: April 16-26


Wunderground.com - 4/10/13, Terrell Johnson

Composite image of Lyrid and non-Lyrid meteors, seen over New Mexico from April 21-23, 2012. NASA/MSFC/Danielle Moser

If you're in the right place outdoors on the night of Earth Day, keep an eye on the sky. You're likely to see something that only comes along once a year: the annual Lyrid meteor shower. 

Set to make their annual spring return on the night of April 22-23 – though it begins as early as April 16 and can last through April 26 – the Lyrids are named for the constellation Lyra, where they originate near the star called Alpha Lyrae, or Vega.

More: Wunderground.com


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Possible Ancient Annunaki Cities Found




Thought this might be interesting for everyone. Enjoy!


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Be Good GFP Petra


by Petra van Kooten Ley



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The Galactic Free Press Update: Peace, Disclosure, and Contact



Bringing Humanity Home Energy and Event Update With Love from The Galactic Center



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4-10-13 Bill Ballard ~ Attuning to the Purity of the Ever Increasing Vibrations


Published on Apr 10, 2013


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Headin' Home



How does this world talk to you?  Where do you get your information, your understanding of your relationship to this life and the totality of who you are?  Do you believe in what you see before you or do you, like the sentient being that you are, “feel” into events in order to gather your information? Probably both. Would a white peacock walking down a country road get your attention?  It certainly got mine.


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Montague Keen (7th April) ~ Everything is going according to plan



So many of you are feeling burdened and confused by emotions. Complete exhaustion descends without warning, with waves of heat spreading throughout the body and so much more. These symptoms are all part of the transition. Your bodies are adjusting to the new energies that are flowing in. Though some of these experiences are disturbing, just go with them. Know that the end result is what you have been waiting for. The blockages that were used to keep you under control, and compliant, are being removed. This cannot be done quickly. It would be too much for you to cope with. Know that these disturbances lead to freedom, peace and love, as well as the removal of the Dark Forces.

Everything is going according to plan. The timing is right for these changes to take place. My dear, the exhaustion that descends on you, out of the blue at a moment’s notice, is scary. It just needs you to rest and adjust.


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~ Earth Allies and First Contact Ground Crew Team!~ Love Is here





You can Join us Live Here at this Link: http://tinychat.com/galacticpress


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Irma Kaye ~ Cosmic Weather : Full Moon In Scorpio ~ Vision, Gold Mining & The Glittering Prize



 Full Moon in Scorpio – Vision, Gold mining & the Glittering Prize

Shine on. Shine your light on me. For all of my life, so that much more I see. – Simple Minds

Hello friends. It’s been quite a journey of discovery this month with so much leading and building up to our powerful Scorpio Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse on 4/25.


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Universal Ascension Immersion Opportunity


A 100+ acre property in the Mount Ashland area is now under the care of Metatron, and He is inviting Lightworkers to visit for a Universal Ascension Immersion.
There also may be residential opportunities there.
Let me know if you are interested.

<span id="yui_3_7_2_1_1365

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We believe you can begin now to sense the pot beginning to boil.~ By Ron Head


boiling point



We wish to spend some time today discussing your money and economies.  It is rather unique to your world to do things in the manner you have chosen.  On other worlds, everyone contributes to the society, of course.  Without that there really would not be a society, would there?  However, you have chosen to make the basic necessities of life, the food, shelter, clothing, and education needed to live in your societies, those things which are essential to each and every individual, into salable goods.  There really is no compassion there, is there?


Then you have allowed the control of the supply of that one item, money, to be placed, or rather taken, by truly a handful of individuals.  You have literally given it away, rather than maintain it, once you had wrested it free from the grasp of a king.  And then the system they invented to take control spread like a virus.



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Re~Hearter - Two Chat Sessions This Afternoon! Please Join Us.


Ashtar Speaks: Gaia talks about the actual transition period - April 8, 2013









Suzanne Carvell (a message from Ashtar and a personal message)~Life!




images (2)

Dear Ashtar has just sent me a message. He wishes me to share with Mankind right now.

Mankind loves Drama, leave Man to make his own plan’s.  Suzanne, Man is again letting you find a solution.  You must only connect to your Twin/Husband now.  You must now Link to the Kingdom of Love and Light. Many are on tender hooks due to Korea, no war will be allowed. I shall no longer allow loss of life, we love life too much. We pledge to step in.

Make sure you relay this message to Mankind. Love and light Ashtar.

Today has been a rough day but I put myself in the hands of the Angelic Realm and my One.  This afternoon I have been receiving  love and guidance which has helped me center in my heart.  I have found my self at a place of not knowing what to do, where to turn and what will happen next.  Very soon we will have to move due to a huge rent rise. As many may know Christchurch is still in a holding pattern since the 2010 Earthquakes and Houses are few and far between for those with little.


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Heavenletter #4521 - Truth and Illusion


Heaven Letters Published on: April 11, 2013


What can the purpose of sadness be? Sadness seems to be like a blanket you pull over yourself when you feel cold. In its way, sadness is like a salve you put over a wound. It heals. It helps to heal.

As distressful as sadness is to you, it is also like a sweet candy that you hold in your mouth. It is a palliative in that it soothes something in you. There is undeniably some sweetness in sadness. How can that be, and yet it is. Even in the going over a loss so great to you, that you keep weeping over it, either overtly with tears or silently without tears, your thoughts become like worry beads. With each bead, you keep counting the loss that is so dear to you, as if you were stroking your very loss, as if you came closer to that which has disappeared from your life in the world.


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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Protection


Angel Wisdom Thursday, April 11, 2013


SOUL PURPOSE and the dissolving of 3d earth



The energetic climate of planet earth is now changing and shifting. With this comes the memories and the knowledge that sits at SOUL level. It is no longer appropriate to connect fully with the 3D earth energies for they are not TRUTH and they are now dissolving. Many people connect with us in order to confirm guidance that they already have and that they are in many cases agonising over. We would like to state clearly that YOU ARE A VAST POWER and that you have incarnated INTO a human vehicle. The new earth asks that you stand in your power and for many of you this may at first feel a tad challenging. When all around you no longer resonate with you and you feel that you are losing your mind then it can be tempting to try to fit back in with 3D life.

What you may find though is that is not possible to refit back with 3D earth. The harmonisation process IS a process and as you go through it you heighten in vibration, there is NO option to go back to "sleep" in the new earth, no option to close your eyes and to return to the life that you once knew as "normal". For in TRUTH it does not exist.


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Shanta Gabriel ~ Messages From Archangel Gabriel ~ New Realms Of Angels To Assist Your Ascension


Dear Ones,

From the Angelic Dimensions comes a wondrous blessing for this special time. Through Divine Dispensation new realms of Angels are available for your ascension process. These Angels hold the frequencies of the spiritual attributes you most need so you can live in harmony with the increasing energies of these precious times of awakening.

Realms of Angels have been specifically assigned by the Archangels overseeing the evolution of the Earth and each person on the planet at this time. As the frequencies have increased you have gained clear awareness of what you need in your life. This is helpful so you can be open to the fields of Divine Light the Angels hold that provide specific assistance for you now. When you ask for their help, these empowered Angels fill you with the Divine Light that offers the blessing you most need in every situation.


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The New Moon Launches The Energy Of The Energy Of The Eclipse Sandwiches Coming Up!!


eclipseBoy, if we aren’t just getting curious-er and curious-er as a species!! Energetically, there is so much that we are doing all at the same time, ready or not.  We can really see the effect this energy is having on those not (vibrationally) ready for the intensity we are in.  The fear, the paranoia is deepening in some… while on the complete opposite spectrum, here we are deepening in the field of love baffled by the outside worlds expression of themselves.

If we can look at this energy right now and it will pick up day by day, hour by hour as we move forward, the first thing it hits is our consciousness and then moves into our brainwaves.  Then it hits our energy body and moves into the physical body.  If you can look at the incoming energy like the keys of a piano, once struck, it sends a vibration thru the string within the piano and an audible sound is heard.  Not all piano’s are tuned to the incoming frequency, so there are many out there producing sour notes and reacting to those sour notes as an outward expression. It is at these times we must not loose our own frequency, the song of love within our souls.  Staying in the presence of love is more crucial now than ever.  Even when we hear about things that do not echo love, it is to those people, we must be willing to surround all things, all actions with love and not hate, not fear… pure, unconditional love no matter another’s action(s).


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From the Fringe 2013, Ideas for future help with the newly aware




Thank-you all for the information here.....It is indeed a blessing to find energy, True Blue Energy at this time.


I know that very soon folks are going to need us. I know how mad, sad, and just grossed out they are all going to be...Lots of swearing and throwing things...I have been thinking that maybe we can design a couple of web sites that folks can go to where they can Let Go of the Shit. So let's say a Gloom Room they can write or record their rant. It should be understood that they will recieve no comments and I say let's delete each e-mail as they come in so the Re-lease is complete and no one else has to  deal with the Energy of the Release.  The other Room is for folks that do want to chat it up! They can all gather there and let it rip! There will be a warning about going there how the Energy will be. It is for the folks that need to scream and shout and let it out and have a few folks screaming and shouting with them. "With" being the operative word. This site gets deleted each day, again for the completion of the Re-Lease. 


I feel that I have been working on my personal protection. I have my personal team that is helping me and guiding me to remain calm and centered and to really not take anything anywhere, any how serious or personal...BE Dis-engaged, while Sending Love in all Things.


I have been kicking it about these around the sites. I am a Flintsone when it comes to this. I have to re-do my web site and gather the art and stuff so please I am sending this out there in hopes it will catch a fire and some other awakened soul will build on it....


Have a wild April,  I know I am....Peace and Light, MJ 2013 I am the 13th arrow


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