~ Our April Momentum Continue's!~ Ready Set!!! GO!

Lia's picture


Greetings Love Beings, The Momentum of April Continue's with a New Moon In Aries Arriving to us In Just a couple of days! We have some major Movement as signficant Pople from the illusion are now leaving taking alot of the denser energies with them, opening up the Space for More Love Energy! You can Join Us today Live for an Important Meeting, you will not want to Miss this! You can Join us Beginning at 10:30am Pacific at this Link: http://tinychat.com/galacticpress

Love The Earth Allies

Important Message from The Earth Allies~ A Peaceful Prayer for a Smooth Transition~




Photo By Earth Ally Will Harader~ Double Rainbow of Joy Appearing~Igniting the Energies which Serve ALL for the Greater Good Of All

Important Repost for Our Current Moments Of Energy!


....We wish to share a moment of peaceful prayer to the current illusionary belief systems and send them loving energies for their complete dissolvement. They have played their roles and are no longer needed in the New paradigm.


The People are the Real Government, as decreed and Now this is in complete manifestation. All of Humanity Are to Be Free In Love Through Divine Birthright and Now will each, begin to live true spiritual lives of Peace and Unconditional Love....The current societal belief systems are corrupt and do not support Life. All that does not support Life is dissolving, For the Highest Good of All...


We ask each of you at this time to take a moment and say the following words with US ~~~



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The Unprecedented Events of April. ~ YEEHAW ~ Thank You for sharing with Others~


The Galactic Free Press Update: Intense Momentum For April! Yeehaw! Bringing Humanity Home Energy and Event Update With Love from The Galactic Center. Greetings Love Beings, As We Entered April We gained more Momentum In The Fiery Sign of Aries, which means intense energies incoming! Momentum Were The first words we heard from the Ships when we Began April's Energies.  As Anticipated We Ended March Roaring out energetically speaking which then Jump Started this Momentum. On March 31st, A Huge Influx of Light came In to Support this Huge Momentum We started off with In April. More: http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/galactic-free-press-update-intense-momentum-april-yeehaw


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Aries new moon 2013 Expect the Unexpected


By Lucie



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The Angel News Network Weekly Message 4/7/13




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~Love is the First Stargate, Doorway, and the Only Stargate. This stargate is located Within all of Humanity and is the Being Called the Soul, connected to ALL Love IS. The Soul is actually the Real Dream Machine and is Like an Energy Translator. The Soul is actually the Screen of the Sub~Consciousness, Source. But, if it goes through a filter or unconsciousness aka ego, it gets distorted, which is what happened that brought humanity into illusion.


So, for 13,000 years for Humanity it has been like a sleepy dream, fantasy land, or as we refer to as as never never land, because it cannot go anywhere. Since Humanity is Source, the process everyone is in is in burning through the unconsciousness, Unifying your Soul to your Being, Reconnection to Source=Creation= ALL Love is=ONE=INEVITABLITY.






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2012 Crossing Over: A New Beginning OFFICIAL FILM [Brave Archer Films®]


Published on Dec 2, 2012


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To See What Climate Change Feels Like, Go to Texas


Weather.com - 4/07/13, Ramit Plushnick-Masti

A dust storm marches through Lubbock, Texas in 2011. (Photo: iWitnessWeather contributor bgoodman0311)

SHORE ACRES, Texas  — A city administrator looks out at the Gulf of Mexico from this Southeast Texas town, wondering what vicious hurricanes it may spawn. In the Panhandle, a farmer tries new techniques to keep soil from turning to dust. In West Texas, ranchers watch prairie grass die. Others grow algae as water becomes too salty for other crops. And statewide, reservoirs dry up.

Want to see what happens when the impacts of climate change are felt? Well, just look at Texas, some scientists say.

To watch the video and read the rest of this story, visit Weather.com.


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Amtrak Train Derails in Wash. State, No Injuries


Weather.com - 4/07/13, AP


SEATTLE -- Mud, trees and rocks hit an Amtrak passenger train traveling through Washington state Sunday morning, causing several cars to derail, according to a railway spokesman.

There were no injuries reported in the mudslide that knocked off the dining car and two coach cars, the last three railcars on the train, said Gus Melonas, a spokesman for Burlington Northern Santa Fe, which owns the tracks.

To read the rest of this story, visit Weather.com.


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Latest Earthquake Activity - April 8, 2013


Source: USGS.gov
Follow the link to see quake
activity for the past seven days.

Visit Live Earthquakes Map
for live quake reporting.

10-degree map showing recent earthquakes

Map of the 7.0 mag quake in MARIANA ISLANDS REGION

All quakes with magnitude 4.5
or greater are highlighted.

April 8




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The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild - April 07, 2013




 The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild

Blossom June 6, 2012

April 07, 2013



Blossom: Hello my friends. To be honest, I am not quite sure how this will go. Yet the house is quiet for a few hours and it would be lovely to connect up with you.  Anyone home?


The Federation of Light: Dearest Blossom … firstly we would like to address the fact that one’s responsibility lies within the self for the self. We who are not of Earth ... register the energies emanating from souls individually and as a whole. We discover in these times that there is a mixture of both high and low. Yet … take into account ... these energies are ONE. Therefore ... the lower ones mingle and merge with Higher to create perhaps … a middle! Many of you are finding these days that you are experiencing all three. Sometimes in the same minute of your time.


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Sunday Morning Galactic Free Press Peedy 1


Thank you Peedy for another wonderful video


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Poofness – Let the Good Times Roll – 4/7/2013


Oracles and Healers April 7, 2013


Greetings and Salutations;

So, like the beatles said, ‘christ you know it ain’t easy, you know how hard it can be’, and that one said he’d be back ‘soon’, 2,000 years ago! Every week since the late 90′s I’ve been talking about the things to come and the events that would shape them. It takes fire to make a phoenix egg break open so, this past week, the furnace was turned up and the eggs began to crack open. Some contractors in Iraq had their smart card loaded, one’s they could use internationally, too. That should tell you ‘something’ is locked in place. The folks in the rafters also put the rvs into the system and let them process thru it. That started the final countdown so you could start exchanging your currencies. It also began the the final move to the new metal backed banking system. Let the good times roll.


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The Light Legacy of the Platinum Ray



Do you know the freedom that comes from committing your life to the embodiment of mastery on Planet Earth?


It is the greatest of freedoms because it frees you from the bondage of anything still vibrating in lower frequency. It gives you the kindness, the grace and the loving force to navigate here, leaving a trail of golden light – the path for others to follow and find their way. What greater legacy?


With the torch of light you are holding in front of you and a trail of light behind you – you have arrived in the beacon of God’s Holy Light and the light of the inner sun inside you. You have arrived in your Moment of Mastery, the gift of the Platinum Ray.


~ The Platinum Ray via Giselle Koy




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ring around sun


07 ‎April ‎2013, ‏‎14:18:44


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~ Gaia Portal Update!~ Energetic “Rivers of Sustenance”


gaia_energy1Energies of sustenance are provided for all Gaia ground crew at this now moment. Multiple timeline effects, activated by departing dark-intenders, have brought in avenues for potential confusion. These are being dealt with at Higher Levels.

Awareness is key for Gaia ground crew, and confusion may be avoided by rising, in Mind, to what may be imaged as a “River of Sustenance”. Each will understand an image which works for them.

Portal stillness is still experienced, and includes portals of transformation. We suggest resting and flowing with one’s own concept of the energetic “Rivers of Sustenance”.



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HILARION: Upon the surface of your planet, seeming chaos



April 7-14, 2013


Beloved Ones,

As the days march on into the new Age of Light and humanity is being cleansed of all old patterns of thought and behavior that no longer serves their higher purpose, the heartbeat of the Earth joins with them. The Earth deeply desires to allow the time necessary for as many of her inhabitants to join her in her ascended state of expansion and so the Cosmic window of opportunity is still wide open to allow this change and transformation to occur. All upon the planet are finding themselves awakening to many truths that were not available for their conscious knowledge before these times that you are now in the midst of.


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5D Fun Going On Right NOW Join us LIVE!


You can Join us Live Right Now at this LINK: http://tinychat.com/galacticpress


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~3rd Eye FUN! You can Join us Live!~



You can Join us Live Right Now till?  http://tinychat.com/galacticpress









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All WILL Ascend/descend 'NOW' choose Up or Spiral down. Everyone will make a choice.

Soul Conscious-Collective {GoldenVanityFox} We are the unity consciousness of our primary 3rd dimensional Earth soul aspects highest 3rd,4th,5th Dimensional Conscious Awareness incapsulated within the 3rd Density carbon body you've know/known as. "Candice Darby" ***(This message is an abridged summation of a prior higher conscious awareness/experience within our Conscious Collect, recounted and interpreted a day later, in haste , by our 3rd D and 4 th D Soul Aspects)*** Beings of God's Light: Mother Earth gets more radiant and stronger in her heaven vibrations.Bliss is here, grab it and hold it within u. I'm overwhelmed with Love for all. We ascended masters/Gaurdians/keepers of Divine Light within the human collective, have held the highest frequencies of Love and Light within the human (un)conscious collective, much to the detriment of our embodied flesh. We've weathered all manner of Dark Soul attacks,crucifixions, stake burnings, hangings, defamation, and degradations, with absolute resolve , to keep God's light from being extinguished within humanity. Those souls that continuously integrated the higher frequencies, that we projected into the collective, are moving literally at light-speed now in their higher conscious ascension with the huge assist of these constant intense ascension energies being pumped into the Earth grid by the Light Universe/Heaven. The differences between the 3 main fractions of human evolutionary consciousnesses is becoming blatantly clear. Those who are receiving these Heaven Ascension Energies are being transformed at the subatomic level cleanses disease frequencies within their DNA before entering the divine multi-dimensional conscious collective of 5 dimensional and higher Creator Gods entities. You who feel these changes are the souls prophesied of in the Rapture, though religious affiliations has never been important, only courageous selfless service through Love for others seeing God/beauty in all life.

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4/7/2013 -- RADAR pulses / "HAARP rings" and Scalar Squares -- April 6, 2013


Multiple RADAR pulses / "HAARP rings" occurring out of the midwest (area forecast now to be hit with severe weather)..

Pulses started on the Night of April 5, and culminated last night (april 6 going into april 7).

explanations on what I believe is occurring:







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Your savior is standing in your shoes. By Ron Head






Our topic for this day will be the messages that we send to you and your trust in us.  This is a very crucial question to the entire subject of ascension.  It brings into sharp focus the need for you to have developed discernment that you can rely upon rather than allowing events about you or the words of others to sway you to and fro like a leaf in the wind.


We believe we have never asked for you to believe in, to trust, the messenger, but have always urged you to base your judgment upon the content of the message itself.  Further, we will tell you now that messages that are sent to you from the higher dimensions, particularly those which contain the truth of the divine Creator, will always carry a detectable feeling to you which you will sense as a loving embrace.  It is the transmission to you of that which your hearts have yearned for ever since you have journeyed away from it.



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A NEW SPIRITUAL RENAISSANCE HAS BEGUN Aluna Joy Yaxk'in with the Star Elders





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The manuscript of survival – part 297 – 08:04:2013






The manuscript of survival –part 297 – 08:04:2013



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Margaret Thatcher, Britain's first female PM, dead at 87


CNN - 4/08/13, Richard Allen Greene

Former Prime Minister Baroness Thatcher talks with British Prime Minister David Cameron inside Number 10 Downing Street on June 8, 2010.
Former Prime Minister Baroness Thatcher talks with British Prime Minister David Cameron inside Number 10 Downing Street on June 8, 2010.

London (CNN) -- Former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, a towering figure in post-war British and world politics, and the first woman to become British prime minister, has died at the age of 87, her spokeswoman said Monday.

Thatcher served from 1979 to 1990 as leader of the Conservative Party. She was called the "Iron Lady" for her personal and political toughness.

To read the rest of this story, visit CNN.


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Big Story Weather – April 8, 2013


RedOrbit- 8 April 2013 - Joshua Kelly




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Heavenletter #4518 - What Can It Be?


Heaven Letters Published on: April 8, 2013

God said:

You know there is something you want, something you crave, and you don’t quite know what it is. It is a longing. It is more than a yen. It is a deep longing for you know not what. It is easy to say that it is a longing for Me, and, yet, in full honesty, you are not sure that I quite fit the bill. What can I give you really? If I really could, why haven’t I already given it to you? You wonder if you missed the opportunity or, somehow, I passed you by, or you passed Me by without your being wide awake. What is it you want? All you can answer is: “Somethin’.”

You understand that you have had Me fully right along, and, yet, here you are, longing for something, craving something, and what you have doesn’t seem to be enough. You haven’t distinguished what it is yet that is almost within your reach. There is a vague emptiness, a vague emptiness that cannot be content until it is filled, or fulfilled, and, yet, what it is exactly, you don’t know. Maybe nobody knows.


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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Enjoy


Angel Wisdom Monday, April 8, 2013


Enjoy life's moments


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~ Are You Ready for the Real Truth? Yeehaw!~


Love is IN TOWN!


Greetings Love Beings,  this Morning has already been quite intense with Many events unfolding which are significant to the Lights Movement! IS Everyone Ready for the Real and Whole Truth? Well, If Not Get Ready Cause The Light is Gonna ROLL ON OUT!!!!! You can Join us today for an important meeting and session about why Love has Won On Planet Earth and The Good TIMES Ahead for those who are ready for this experience. You can Join us Live Beginnng at 10:30am Pacific at this Link: http://tinychat.com/galacticpress


Topics of Discussion Include we will be sharing the Whole Truth and Nothing but the Truth:  Latest release from Paradigm Research, the denser energies In Intense fear and its attempts to derail Lightworkers, What to watch out for!!! Astrological Significance... for this Month... The Sirus Movie release, and the signficance of Margret Thatcher's Death and So Much More! See You there!


Love The Earth Allies




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The Pleiadians ~ Be brave and excell in your tasks at hand for they are very significant and they play an important part ~ As channeled by Méline Lafont



pleiadedolphininfos April 8, 2013




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What is your galactic signature?



If you are interested in astrology then you will quite possibly like this Mayan Galactic Signature Decoder hosted at; http://www.icandosomething.com/mayancalendar/.


It is quick, easy and quite fun, and you might also be surprised when you see the results.

The image below is the calculated output of my first name and date of birth.




If you like the results from your reading you may want to try a slightly more complicated version hosted at; http://www.13moon.com/decoder.htm.


For a free E-book / calendar that explains how this system actually works, the download link is available at; http://www.lawoftime.org/thirteenmoon/freecal.html.


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The Oracle Report Monday, April 8, 2013


The Oracle Report


Balsamic Moon Phase - Moon in Pisces/Aries


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4MIN News April 8, 2013




Source: YouTube.com

By: Suspicious0bservers



Published on Apr 8, 2013


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Perth sweltering through record April heat


weatherzone Ben McBurney, Monday April 8, 2013 - 16:22 EST

Perth is currently sweating through an unseasonal spell of April heat, with the city seeing its hottest start to April on record.

The Western Australia capital has so far averaged a summer-like maximum 32.4 degrees over its first eight days, well above its long-term average of 26 degrees. This also makes it the hottest start to April in 137 years of records. The last time it got even close to being this warm to kick off April was back in 1949, when the first eight days averaged 32.1 degrees.

Today the mercury soared to 37.3 degrees at 1pm, which makes it the hottest April day in 103 years and second hottest April day on record. The April record is 37.6 degrees, set in 1910 on the 9th day of the month.


To read the rest of this story visit weatherzone


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Blossom Goodchild Channeling - APRIL 7TH 2013.


Blossom Goodchild

Hello my friends. To be honest, I am not quite sure how this will go. Yet the house is quiet for a few hours and it would be lovely to connect up with you.  Anyone home?

Dearest Blossom … firstly we would like to address the fact that one’s responsibility lies within the self for the self. We who are not of Earth ... register the energies emanating from souls individually and as a whole. We discover in these times that there is a mixture of both high and low. Yet … take into account ... these energies are ONE. Therefore ... the lower ones mingle and merge with Higher to create perhaps … a middle! Many of you are finding these days that you are experiencing all three. Sometimes in the same minute of your time.


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Tropical Cyclone 21S formed in Indian Ocean


The Watchers - April 8, 2013 - by Chillymanjaro

New tropical disturbance is taking shape in waters of Indian Ocean. According to latest report by Joint Typhoon Warning Center (JTWC), Tropical Cyclone 21S is located approximately 335 nm south- southwest of Diego Garcia, and is moving south-westward at speed of 11 knots.   Animated infrared satellite imagery depicts a partially-exposed low-level circulation center located east of persistent deep convection. Sustainable winds of 35-40 knot were recorded over the western portion of the low level circulation center, which are wrapping into the center. Upper-level analysis indicates TC 21S is approximately five degrees equatorward of the subtropical ridge axis. Vertical wind shear remains moderate (15-20 knots), causing the...


New tropical disturbance is taking shape in waters of Indian Ocean. According to latest report by Joint Typhoon Warning Center (JTWC), Tropical Cyclone 21S is located approximately 335 nm south- southwest of Diego Garcia, and is moving south-westward at speed of 11 knots.


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Visionkeeper - Beauty…


One World Rising Posted on April 8, 2013



Please go to the bottom of this post and play the music video as you read so you can capture what I am trying to express here…


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Pam Younghans ~ Northpoint Astrology Journal ~ Week 8 April 2013


Highlighted Aspects this WeekMonday: Venus conjunct Eris, Neptune semisquare Sun; Tuesday: Mars conjunct Eris, Saturn sesquisquare Mercury; Wednesday: New Moon 2:35am PDT; Thursday: Sun conjunct Eris; Friday: Pluto stations retrograde 12:34pm PDT, Chiron semisquare Venus, Uranus quincunx Saturn; Saturday: Saturn square Juno, Uranus sextile Juno, Mercury enters Aries; Sunday: Jupiter semisquare Venus

OUR ANNUAL New Moon in Aries is a highly-powered one this year. At the time of the lunation on Wednesday, five of our 10 commonly-used astrological planets are in the sign of Aries, putting great emphasis on this energized and forceful sign. Plus, four of those five planets are in close proximity to each other, forming what is called a “stellium.”

This Aries stellium has the effect of four people with common purpose linking arms and striding down a sidewalk. In other words, as these planets join forces, very little is likely to stand in their way once they get moving.


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Denise Le Fay ~Transitions ~ Euw, April Fools ~ Part 2 ~ 8 April 2013




I went quiet again this past week because I’ve been eyeball (soul) deep in my own latest stuff, as I know many of us have. I won’t go into all the details of how my personal Life Review and attempted derailments through other people and such lower tactics have played out for me since I wrote April Fools! Not! about a week ago, but it’s very much been a Part 1 and Part 2 unfolding process as usual. I think at this point within the Nine Months period we’re all feeling the tremendous pressures in our own unique ways in tandem with our individual Life Review issues and changes etc. Around May 1, 2013 is the halfway point of the Nine Months (12-21-12 through 9-22-13) and we’re really feeling the buildup of energies, sudden changes, and unrelenting pressures to exist out of the old — whatever that is for each of us — and move into the manifesting NEW spaces. Much more is to come of course, but this is us nearing the halfway point and it’s increasingly visible to more and more people that big stuff is happening which causes big changes individually and collectively.


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Dennis ~ Are We Ready? ~ 8 April 2013


are we readyAre we ready?
For over a year I have been reading messages that the changes we are so desperately awaiting will come ‘soon’, ‘swiftly’, ‘in the days ahead’. Some regrettable delays have occurred since but the victory of the light is imminent and inevitable. We are at the threshold of a loving world full of joy and abundance. Since everything seems to be in place to remove the slavery system imposed on us by the dark ones, we only need the final signal from heaven, so we are told. 
But why does it take so long?
Why does it seem an endless wait with hardly any result?
Why is heaven not sounding the horn yet?
The dark ones tirelessly and without obstructions seem to go on with their business as usual although some messages are seeping through that arrests are being made and some people need to stand trial. Meanwhile we are urged to ground ourselves and to look inside in our heart space.


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PRG~ UPdate Former Members of Congress will Investigate Extraterrestrial Phenomena



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The Proof You Need Lies Within Your Hearts: Pleiadian Message



th (2)

Channeled through Caroline K.A.

We are the guardians of light.  We come to you today where all matters pertaining to the heart are of the greatest importance.

It is time to gather yourselves in balance, and in light as you go within on a daily basis, if not more.  Your connection with spirit, and the essence of your true identity is now being made known to many of you, as your awakening is proceeding at an accelerated rate.

Within these new-found realizations coming to you now, many are eager to know more, and you often ask for physical proof as to what the higher realms are showing you.  Dear ones, we say to you in all sincerity, the proof you need lies within your hearts.  It is only from within shall you completely align with the truth of what is, and it is you, the creator human, who choses what to do with the information you receive in manifesting and creating your reality.

If you chose to manifest a reality of distrust regarding what is occurring within you, or from the information you receive from the higher realms, then you will draw this to you.  If you chose to go deep within your hearts, and allow this divine process to lovingly unfold within you, then this too, will become your reality.


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Ready ~ Set ~ Go!!!



unconditional love

Do you ever take the moment to feel just how excited Life is to have you in it?  How excited the air feels for the privileged of surrounding you, the dirt and rocks for the joy of supporting your footsteps.  YOU are so very precious to Life itself and it wants more than anything to support your deepest heart desires and really gets excited when you allow yourself to follow your hearts desires.  If you can feel that and trust that, there is nothing in all this world you cannot do or get done!!


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The manuscript of survival – part 297


aisha north April 8, 2013

Time is passing quickly now dear ones, but for some, it cannot go quickly enough. For they are so eager for change to occur in their lives, and as such, their patience seems to be stretching more than thin at times. We know you so well dear ones, as you have once more been exposed to the healing forces of the light, but as the light will expose everything to the light in order to make it heal, it will also bring what it exposes to your attention. So with this light comes focus, and with this focus, comes an overwhelming feeling of not being good enough for so many of you. For what you see, is what is brought to light, and that is also all you see.


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Eyes on the Sky: April 8 thru April 14






The Leo Triplet of galaxies takes the M81 / M82 duo from last week and raises them an NGC galaxy. Check out how to find this trio of galaxies within the constellation of Leo the Lion this week, along with how you can help to work towards ensuring darker skies for everyone - which helps us all to see galaxies like these. Plus, when to observe the Moon near Jupiter as well as Saturn. See what's up in the night sky every week with "Eyes on the Sky" videos, astronomy made easy


Link: eyesonthesky.com


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Tropical Cyclone Imelda


Accuweather.com- 4/8/13, Jim Andrews


Tropical Cyclone Imelda, which has strengthened significantly east of northern Madagascar, was forecast to veer southward later in the week.

The expected path would imply a potential threat to Mauritius.

As of Monday, the center of Imelda was still more than 800 miles northeast of mainland Mauritius, packing top sustained winds of 40 knots, or about 75 km/h, the Joint Typhoon Warning Center (JTWC) website said. Storm movement was towards the west at 12 knots, or about 22 km/h.


For more information please see Accuweather.com


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Saint Germain ~A powerful tool for Ascension~ channeled by Méline Lafont


pleiadedolphininfos April 7, 2013


Repost from May 2012


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