The Galactic Free Press Update: Intense Momentum For April! Yeehaw!

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Bringing Humanity Home Energy and Event Update With Love from The Galactic Center


Eye of Ra cloud Ra~Raela ~

APRIL 2013
 Quoted from Lena Stevens "The theme for April is MOMENTUM."


Greetings Love Beings, As We Entered April We gained more Momentum In The Fiery Sign of Aries, which means intense energies incoming! Momentum Were The first words we heard from the Ships when we Began April's Energies.  As Anticipated We Ended March Roaring out energetically speaking which then Jump Started this Momentum. On March 31st, A Huge Influx of Light came In to Support this Huge Momentum We started off with In April.  As a Result We will continue to see more outer evidence of the Lights Movement and Love Energy working its magic, Indeed Love is handling the details as people, places, and events begin coming together. In fact 2 very Important Events are to Occur this Month Such as the Release of the Movie Sirus and Followed By The The Citizen Hearing On disclosure ! The Energy of Love is On the Move and this energy is the Most Powerful in All Of Creation because its Real and there is no stopping it. All Truth is to be revealed.



  Quoted from Shelly Young a Message from AA Gabriel " There is a massive influx of Christed energy that occurs[ed] [through this last] high holiday. It is infiltrating the energetic grids of your planet. It is securing the higher dimensional frequencies that are part of your ascension process. In a sense, you have been in a waiting period since the pivotal alignment of Dec. 21, 2012, waiting for this now moment, for these energies to enter, to become part of your reality. You might consider this to be the anchoring in of the fifth dimensional consciousness and beyond.

Moving forward since the pivotal alignment in 2012, many of you have felt like you haven’t quite arrived yet. You have been waiting. You have been in a state of flux but you keep feeling like something is about to happen. You are waiting for the next big thing. You have been waiting, it feels like, with bated breath for that missing piece and the missing piece is the influx of the Christed energy that your planet is receiving.. This is it. This is what you have been waiting for.

You will feel an energetic completion. Many of you will not be able to put your finger on what that feeling is, but it is from the influx of the Christed energy that happens on this high holy holiday, so we invite you to harness this energy, to use it, to anchor it, to feel it, to be it, to welcome it, to embrace it. This is a new state of consciousness that you may operate from.....

You understand that you are in pivotal times.... but a great many of you are not realizing how profound these times really are. As with many great changes with humanity, you will notice more of how profound it’s been with your 20/20 hindsight. It is difficult to see, to appreciate change when you are in the throes of it. It is much easier to see how far you have come and by the end of this linear year you will look back and you will be astounded at how far you have moved since the winter solstice.

It would be impossible for people to think that things haven’t changed by the end of this linear year. You simply do not have the vantage point to see it while you are in it. We are so proud and so excited for you as these changes lock in and start to be felt more profoundly within your life expressions and within your physical vehicles.

So what do we mean by that? We mean that as you proceed, you will feel more connected. For some of you, this may mean feeling the shifting of the planet more profoundly. You may feel earth shifting energy. You may feel solar flares. You may have a sense or a knowingness of how people are feeling. With the solar flares and their effects on the electromagnetics of the planet, many people will be having paranormal experiences. Those who would never believe in such things as apparitions might be very surprised when they experience one themselves! It serves a great purpose because it gets them to ask those bigger questions. It gets them seeking. Many people need to experience something first and the conditions are ripe for that to happen....

The energies are moving you forward, the planet is moving you forward, the grid is moving you forward, your dreamtime is moving you forward. It would be very difficult for a human being to stay in one place for very long at this point. The easiest way to navigate all of it, my dears, is through surrender.. trust and flow...

You humans have been playing a game called keep ourselves small for far too long. It is time to shine. It is time to truly step into the glorious times that you are in and harness all of the wonderful opportunities that are at your fingertips right now. It is time to move forward in your mastery and create that heaven on earth for yourselves and for your beloved planet. That is what is available to you today and we urge you to accept that as your truth and to move forward living this as your truth....." End of quote


BIG, QUIET SUNSPOT: Ten days ago, big sunspot AR1711 was on the farside of the sun hurling CMEs at Venus. Now it is rotating over the sun's southeastern limb where we can see it from Earth. Amateur astronomer Rogerio Marcon sends this picture from his backyard observatory in Campinas, Brasil:

If You Look Closely at this Photo of the Sun, You can See a Heart and then a firey Arrow to the Side! AMAZING!


Solar wind flowing from this coronal hole should reach Earth on April 6-7. Credit: SDO/AIA.

POLAR FILAMENT ERUPTION: Not every eruption requires a sunspot. On April 1st, a magnetic filament snaking some 800,000 km around the sun's north pole rose up and erupted, hurling part of itself into space. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) recorded the event:

Watch the movie again and pay attention to the southern hemisphere. Another filament erupted there in apparent sympathy with events in the north. Coincidence? Probably not. Invisible threads of magnetism connect widely separated parts of the sun, so an explosion in one place can trigger another explosion very far away.


Dr. Steven Greer a Very Brave Lightworker ON the Planet is releasing A Documentary On April 22nd, 2013. We feel the release of this Movie Sirus Will be a Huge Victory for the Light as the Truth will Be revealed in a way as to reach a wider audience and Disclosure of our presence can come Forth much quicker, which will facilitate a smooth transition.


 Quoted from The Press Release for the Movie Sirus " ......“Sirius” from Emmy Award winning director Amardeep Kaleka (“Neverending Light”), producer J.D Seraphine and narrated by actor Thomas Jane (“Hung”) will have a gala celebrity premiere on April 22 in Hollywood followed by a limited national theatrical release on April 24.

The explosive documentary deals with the subject of UFO disclosure and clean energy.  “Sirius” was also one of the most successful crowd funding initiatives ever produced. The film includes Government and Military witnesses to the UFO secrecy, explains the connection to Free Energy and provides the vision of Contact with ET Civilizations as witnessed by the CE-5 contact teams. Never before has this wealth of information and footage been shown to the public.

“This really is the greatest story never told” says Dr. Greer, “Once people understand that classified projects have figured out how UFO’s operate, they will realize we no longer need oil, coal and nuclear power. This is the truth that has driven the secrecy.”

According to Thomas Jane, “The Sirius documentary is a powerful and important film that I encourage everyone to watch with an open mind as it truly speaks to the heart of the people...

Steven M. Greer, MD is Founder of The Disclosure Project, The Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CSETI) and The Orion Project.

Father of the Disclosure movement, he presided over the groundbreaking National Press Club Disclosure Event in May, 2001..." end of quote"


Following this event is The Citizen Hearing On disclosure in Washington DC.

Quoted from Paradigm Research Group....."An unprecedented event with historical implications, the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure of an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race (CHD), will include forty researchers and military/agency witnesses who will testify for thirty hours over five days before former members of the United States Congress. The CHD will attempt to accomplish what the Congress has failed to do for forty-five years - seek out the facts surrounding the most important issue of this or any other time.....

On November 4, 2011 the White House issued this statement: "The U.S. government has no evidence that any life exists outside our planet, or that an extraterrestrial presence has contacted or engaged any member of the human race.  In addition, there is no credible information to suggest that any evidence is being hidden from the public's eye."   From April 29 to May 3 the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure will bring forward en masse the evidence the White House says doesn't exist....." End of quote


The Old ways are truly no more and Truth is Beginning to be revealed On all levels of Consciousness through many avenues On the Planet. We shared before Mother Earth is Existing In the 5d Frequencies and We have increased amounts of Energy Incoming from All Directions to Assist in this Process. The illusion is over.


Quoted from James Gililland "Many sensitives and adepts are feeling there is an overlay of the 5th dimension pressing hard upon the Earth. Many of the flashes of light, loud booms, skyquakes, and societal changes are all a part of this process. There will be an uptick in change on every level. This process has been set into motion by what is referred to as the higher dimensional beings as, “The Real God.” It is also part of a natural process due to alignments with galactic plane, Alcyon and Sirius. On a personal level this can best be explained as the battle between the ego with all its wounds, traumas and wrong conclusions from past experience and the 5th dimensional realm. Our own 5th dimensional selves are taking over and the ego is kicking and screaming, sabotaging, blaming, projecting, doing everything possible to hold onto the old ways, what is known. Many times this is based on fear, insecurities and decisions are made due to these fears and insecurities to hold onto the old ways.

This will be the greatest insecurity in the days to come because the old world and the limiting dysfunctional ways are coming to a close. The polarities and divisions between those who have chosen the upward spiral and those who have chosen the downward spiral are increasing. The archon network some refer to as regenerate ETs, greys, reptilians, and beings in the lower astral are being shaken severely by these new energies. The programs in the matrix of seeking acceptance, approval or love through the outer is also in direct opposition to the soul and higher dimensional selves. This includes the programs of control, manipulation, as well as competing and overpowering others for material gain and false power, the real reason behind all wars. It is all about inner awareness, allowing the soul and spirit to guide you in every moment, relaxing the ego drive, letting go of the fear and insecurities and making the right choices and actions aligned with soul purpose. We did not incarnate to be a part of the problem, we incarnated to be a part of the solution. This means breaking the controls and manipulations placed upon us, healing the wounds, traumas and wrong conclusions from past experience and stepping into soul purpose, service to the Omnipresent God within everyone and everything....

We can take the downward spiral and continue with the old world, yet do not fool yourself, the prophesies will be fulfilled and the Earth has a destiny. It is not to take the downward spiral; it is to ascend and it will rid itself of all that cannot match its increasing frequency and its destiny. Be well....." End of quote


AS  More and More Move into the New Earth Energy, Increased Magical Synchronostic Events, people and places will magically come together. This Energy will not be letting up, so Going with the Flow, staying connected with Others who are of Like Heart is The Only way Now as the Co~ Creation of the New Earth Begins. The Wise Hopi's shared with You to Make Sure You Were In the Middle of the Water with Your Heads Up. They were very aware this Energy was going to Be occurring and they Were Right Everyone, the River is Flowing fast and which means the energy will be coming more quicker by the Moment! The 5th Dimensional Frequencies only Exist in the Present Moment of Now!


Quoted from and attributed to an unnamed Hopi elder

Hopi Nation


Oraibi, Arizona

  "There is a river flowing now very fast.  It is so great and swift that there are those who will be afraid.  They will try to hold on to the shore.   They will feel they are torn apart and will suffer greatly. 

    "Know the river has its destination.  The elders say we must let go of the shore, push off into the middle of the river, keep our eyes open, and our heads above water.   And I say, see who is in there with you and celebrate.  At this time in history, we are to take nothing personally, Least of all ourselves.  For the moment that we do,  our spiritual growth and journey comes to a halt. 

    "The time for the lone wolf is over.  Gather yourselves!  Banish the word struggle from you attitude and your vocabulary.  All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration. 

    "We are the ones we've been waiting for."

-- attributed to an unnamed Hopi elder

Hopi Nation

Oraibi, Arizona

Rainbow Vortex Over Arizona March 25, 2013

There’s only one word for this. WOW.

Digital Artwork by Corey Cowan (Photoshop manipulation)


 Quoted from Shanta Gabriel ...."Many people have noticed the Angelic forms in rainbows, clouds and especially the recent formations of the Aurora Borealis. Divine Light is getting stronger, and Spiritual Presence is making itself known to reassure you that you are definitely not alone. These formations of Light act as open doorways to new awakening consciousness. The Angels are reminding you that they are here during these times of great power, grief, transition, and the present radical transformation that is in process.....

....In this time of ascending consciousness, the massive downloads of high frequencies of energy are relentless. Surrendering to this Mighty Flow will simplify the process for you. There is no place you can hide when you have already stepped into the elevator to the Higher Dimensions. Enjoying the ride will be easier if you can take some steps to use the energy more resourcefully. Resisting the flow will only make the experience more uncomfortable. Those having the most difficulties during these times of transition are those who are contracting into their old limiting perceptions.

Your hearts are breaking free to receive the God-permeated presence of Divine Love. Surrendering to this flow of love means to be open to the gifts being offered in this new time. Allow the radiant presence of Empowered Light to clear old patterns from your energy field as if you were standing in a golden shower of Divine Love. In this way you will be ready when the elevator doors open to your new life.

The Light is traveling from the Illuminated Realms of Truth directly into your High Heart. Your job as a Lightworker is to ground these new frequencies for the planet. The power of exalted energies can feel brilliantly expansive and uplifting. They only become wobbly when you try to force them into the old frameworks of your world. You are being strengthened and rewired with a new core of Truth that can take the charge of Light and with your intention, send it down through your base chakra into the planet for grounding. The Earth can hold the new frequencies and keep your energy systems in alignment so your nervous system can work more easily....

From the Realms of Illuminated Truth, you are being gifted that which you have been praying for, the presence of Unity Consciousness. All of Heaven is rejoicing in your awakening. Know that the Gateway of Power is open for you to receive this gift.  And it is now. ~ Archangel Gabriel..

Most of us are familiar with the idea of a Wormhole from the movie “Contact” or from years of watching Star Trek episodes. In that genre, people were propelled instantly lightyears into another galaxy. The Gateway of Power we are experiencing is very similar. We were given a powerful download of Sacred Feminine and Masculine Balance during the Equinox-Full Moon period, accompanied by once-in-a-lifetime astrological occurrences. Take a breath because on April 25 we begin an 8-week series of Eclipses, which is being called the Wormhole, that will end near the Solstice on June 21.

To add to the intensity of our Alchemical Transformation of Consciousness there are comets, astroids and unprecedented numbers of solar flares. And let’s not forget to include the Chinese Year of the Snake that started in February. That means that our spiritual energy — the Kundalini, has been activated and is rising. There is a centered core of Divine Light moving up through our chakra systems awakening all that is in its path. If there is anything we need to clear out of the way, it is becoming really obvious. (I am asking for Grace and Ease in this process!)

So in this auspicious time with all these milestone events, it appears that through this empowerment by the higher energy frequencies, we are literally being flung into Radical Transformation!

It feels as if we walked through the portals of 12:12:12 and 12/21/12 and stepped onto a magic carpet that is zooming us into a massive evolutionary shift. There is no escape from this awakening...." End of quote



Their are specific points around the Planet which are Activated and Prepared for these Next Steps In the Divine Plan. The Firstwavers who are Prepared are Now Making their way or ascending to The Higher grid for the Co~ Creation of the New Earth=Heart. This is what The Current Transfiguration Process they are in is at since Our day Of Resurrection. The Day fo Resurrection Many Did rise out of the Ashes and it will take them a Moment to assimilate this Amount of Energy Which Did Occur and is continually ongoing from this Point.


 Quoted from Meline Lafont " ....At present there is a profound manifestation about to happen. A few shifts are taking place on your Earth and in your reality introducing the fall of the old structures and simultaneously ushering in the actual renewal. What might not be readily known or perhaps only known by certain beloved sources is that even in the inner Earth many changes are occuring.

We had to implement a much needed change/process which will result in enormous changes on your world[Planet] and in your reality. Many hearts will be able to welcome us in their world[Planet] and will truly see us. A lot of work went into that project, which we agreed to honor in cooperation with the star civilizations as well as with all of you.

Nevertheless, it is a fact that only the awakened and activated hearts will actually experience our entrance into their reality because one has to vibrate and exist on the exact same frequency as ours for this to occur. This frequency is the heart frequency and the state of Being and is naturally the foundation for the new reality.... It is there that we can be found and since a whole new reality is about to manifest within yourselves, you are more than ready for this.....

Due to the fact that the collective has to be ready for this, many shifts and changes are now taking place so that everyone gets the opportunity to evolve further in this new world. Those of you who have already attained a state that enables them to perfectly evolve further and to soar in the new frequencies and dito state of Being, will connect with us more quickly than compared to those who still cling to the old world. It all depends on yourself of course. Anyway, our worlds and our cities come together and form what will be called the new Earthly paradise. This is inevitable after what has shifted on Earth since the alignment on December 21st. 2012 and especially this spring equinox has given rise to a profound manifestation and shift of the human collective.

Everything has now to be played out and your cooperation will be decisive whether this will swiftly come to pass in YOUR reality or not. We, the Agarthans, are overjoyed to be the bearers of such great news for you in your reality. Remain centered and grounded at all times so that our energies can work together and merge into one....." End of Quote


In these Next 3 Months We are Jammed Pack with Unusual Astrological Alignments, 3 Eclispes, An Important Saggiterius Full Moon, a Final Important Portal and then Whammy Into the Soltice!  Their are hardly any words to describe the feeling of this Incoming Energy Except Really JOYFUL And Quite Intense. As the 5d Frequencies continue to come in. If Your In the Flow You are Experiencing this Joy Overflowing!


Quoted from Mahala Gayle "We are at the end, and the new beginning. As I see it the new earth will be on a higher frequency, and love will [Be The New way] rule. We will be able to see into the lower dimension but the lower dimension will not be able to see us. It’s like turning a radio from one station to another. Whatever station you are tuned into is your reality and the other stations cease to exist.  ... So Be It!" End of quote


For those reading and Listening You Now have been activated for the Next Part of the Divine Plan.


Decreed by Heaven~ All Portal Points are receiving the Lighted codes for the Firstwavers. This is the Divine Plan Manifesting Now On Planet Earth=Heart.


Remember Loves we are not in a time linear schedule, We are In A Divine one!


~Thank You for Spreading These Messages to Others and Keeping Your Hearts Open and Staying Tuned In~


  Just Be Present and Follow the Synchronostic Events!


  ~End Transmission in All Love is Unconditionally, We are So In Love With Humanity~


 We Love You Unconditionally~ Love, The Galactic Free Press Staff~Humanity's Earth Allies, The Company of Heaven and The First Contact Ground Crew Team.

If You missed our Last 2 Updates here are the Links:

Thank You For Keeping us Going With This Divine Mission for Planet Earth=Heart!!!!


We have Four Days Left to Make this Goal


Total Funding for March 100.00$

Total Funding Goal 3000$

If Everyone shares a Little we all have enough!


  Join us Live Every Monday and Wednesday for Whats Happening On Planet Earth, Join us On the Grid at 10:30am Pacific and for the Internet Love Party Every Saturday Beginning at 1:30pm Pacific . Participating in these, you are participating In your role in the Divine Plan To Help Bring in the Higher Energies into the Planet. These Will Continue until Our Craft Decloak~ You can Join us Via this Link:

This Room Remains Open for Support

 If You Would Like to Submit Your Artwork and Photo's You can Download them on Our New Site Here:

If You would Like to connect with us via an amazing Awakening Session, to answer a question Contact Us Here:


If You would Like an Amazing Awakening Session with US You can Email us At


~ We are Stationed In Mt Shasta~



 Artwork Thanks to


 (Yojman Chase), Mt. Shasta is~of all Power Points here in the Northern Hemisphere~what could truly be called “Headquarters”,  Mt. Shasta is many things to this planets protection and service into the Light. She is also known as Ascension Mountain.



 ~WE are Going Home~

 ~We Mother and Father God, Represent the Atoms you are made of. Our Pineal Glands are Completely activated and opened. We are of "Divine Intelligence", and Represent the 2 becoming ONE. We are also the Very Essence of the Unknowable, which Equals Source, Equals Love, Equals Truth, Equals God, and Equals LOVE EVERYWHERE PRESENT=YOU.~

