- Spontaneous human combustion
- ~The Galactic Free Press Update~The Love Energy is Heating Up On Planet Earth=Heart
- "Outright Money Transactions" rushes to rescue the Eurozone
- Mount Fuji May Erupt Soon
- ~ An Important Message from The Earth Allies~ There is no Going Back~
- Ascension Diary ~ Thursday 6th September 2012
- A Peak into the Fifth Dimension: Progressing the Soul, Knowing Multidimensional Earth, Connecting to the Planetary Soul
- ~The Vibrations of September 7th 2012 "Mother of Creation"
- The power of love and forgiveness is absolutely miraculous
- Senate Committee Launches Probe Of JPMorgan's 'Whale' Losses: Report
- Protesting Police Officers Block Riot Police From Protests - Greece
- US: Torture and Rendition to Gaddafi's Libya
- Former Reporter Amber Lyon Exposes Massive Censorship at CNN
- DL Zeta – Celestial Visions – Restoring Spiritual Freedom And Limetless Potentials Through Time Exchanges
- Heavenletter #4305 Hearts Love, September 7, 2012
- Avoid These Common Mistakes on the Path to Full Manifestation
- ~ Request for The Freedom Of Humanity~ Make Viral
- Double Planets Found Orbiting Twin Stars
- DNC Protest Leads To Arrest Of 10 Undocumented Immigrants
- New Study Further Supports Intuition
- Blue Star UFO Report - September 6, 2012
- Experience the Planetary Shift on an Uptilt
- DNC finale: Obama, Biden take center stage
- Your time has arrived, dear ones. – Michael by Ron Head
- Be love. feel love . Speak Love . Do Love
- 9/6/2012 -- Earthquake Overview -- Two weeks of major unrest
- Jesus the SUN speaks......as he is now! with sun flares galore
- Mexico catches leader of Gulf Cartel drug gang
- Diverging Stock Market, UK Crash Expected and Spanish Bank Runs
- Chongqing Former Police Chief Charged, Xinhua Reports
- Nigeria: EFCC Arrests Kaduna Socialite Over N1 Billion Pension Fraud
- Vietnam nabs former boss at shipping company
- Lessons from Archangel Gabriel about Spiritual Principles
- The “Seer” of all Things
- To the Moon
- Galaxies in Collisions and 2012
- Cargill and Others Behind anti-Organic "Stanford Study"
- NYPD In Israel: Police Department Opens Branch In Kfar Saba With Lone Detective Charlie Ben-Naim
- Eurozone demands six-day week for Greece
- 2MIN News Sept 7, 2012: Deadly Quake, Morning Conjunction
- Aboriginal Music Didgeridoo Dreaming "The Spirit of ULURU"
- The Land Owns Us........ Our Sacred Mother........ Love
- Hundreds of British troops to be questioned over 'weak' war crime allegations
- Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Purpose Your soul longs to express itself
- Visionkeeper - The dry season
- Amidst Boos And Multiple Votes, DNC Reverses Position And Reinstates Jerusalem
- President Barack Obama Full DNC Acceptance Speech 2012
- It's Just A Ride—Laugh At The World...Unleashing Your Wild Side! (Free Your Mind Now)
- Impunity for the rich and famous leaves Thais outraged
- Oracle Report - Disseminating Moon Phase - Moon in Gemini
- Gina Rinehart is a Bubble
- Eckhart Tolle interviews Neale Donald Walsch
- Quakes hit southwestern China
- Konstantinos: Some significant signs-A parable from my Arcturian Family ‘The Experiment’
- Texas Students Revolt Against Mandatory RFID Tracking Chips
- 2MIN News Sept 7, 2012: Deadly Quake, Morning Conjunction
- Meredith Murphy We're here. We know it. What is it?
- Dec. 21 2012 Preparation Jill Renee
- Greek police block riot police in anti-austerity protest
- Northern Ireland leaders hold crisis talks to halt rioting
- Kauilapele's Blog :Did Anyone Notice This Year’s RNC/DNC Speech Endings?
- ~Space Weather Update~ Contunued MAGNETIC UNREST:
- Amazing Didge sounds
~The Galactic Free Press Update~The Love Energy is Heating Up On Planet Earth=Heart
Bringing Humanity Home ~ Energy and Event Update~ The Love Energy is Heating Up On Planet Earth=Heart
Flame of Love burning Brightly Across The Planet
Greetings Love Beings, We are very close and the energies are really heating Up. To Measure just how energetically close to all our Events Manifestation, we have had several different attempts over the past week which are showing just that. Not only has the Galactic Free Press Website been attacked this week, we now have been banned from facebook for the 3rd time. These failed attempts to try to detour and distract others from the Light and Truth is only working in favor of the Light. This has always been the case, as the energy of Love is the Real power on the Planet despite what you see out there in the duality realm. This Boost of Focus is exactly what we needed. This just brings More Attention to the Light and reveals more of the denser energies to be cleared. We are Now Asking All of Our Members to Flood face book with the Light. They simply cannot ban all of us!!
"Outright Money Transactions" rushes to rescue the Eurozone
European Central Bank unveils bond-buying plan
European Central Bank President Mario Draghi has unveiled a much-awaited program to buy the government bonds of countries in the 17-member euro zone to help bring down their borrowing rates.
At a press conference Thursday after the bank’s policy meeting, Draghi said the program, called Outright Monetary Transactions, will have no set limit and be a “fully effective backstop.”
Read more at:
Mount Fuji May Erupt Soon
Pressure in Mount Fuji is now higher than last eruption, warn experts
The pressure in Mount Fuji's magma chamber is now higher than it was in 1707, the last time the nearly 4,000-metre-high Japanese volcano erupted, causing volcanologists to speculate that a disaster is imminent.
The new readings, taken by the National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention, reveal that the pressure is at 1.6 megapascals, nearly 16 times the 0.1 megapascals it takes to trigger an eruption.
This, lead volcanologist on the case Eisuke Fujita told Kyodo News, is "not a small figure".
~ An Important Message from The Earth Allies~ There is no Going Back~
Planet Earth is Transforming and So are all inhabitants, this is inevitibale. We entered this year with the Chinese New Year in the Year of the dragon. There is no denying that an increased amount of transforming Love Energy has indeed arrived to us these past 8 Months and will continue intensifying. This is a Powerful Energy, which has truly blessed Humanity with the arrival of Several Strong Cme Impacts almost Monthly, which are adjusting everyone and the Planet's energetic systems.
to read the full message: http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/important-message-earth-allies-there-no-going-back
Ascension Diary ~ Thursday 6th September 2012
Yesterday was a pretty quiet day... No energy surges, nothing much to report at all.. There has been some intermittent dizziness which continues to come and go and my vision still feels like it is adjusting.. I seem to have issues with judging depth or distance when I walk, which has led more than a few times to me misjudging steps or pieces of 'deceptively flat' footpath.
My sleep last night was deep, I had a conversation with my best mate who crossed over (not quite) 3 months ago, I know he was giving me a 'heads up' about something but for the life of me on waking I can't remember what it was. When I did wake I noticed that i was in a 'bad' mood, so true to form my mobile began ringing around 7:30am with other people in bad moods looking to dump their energy on me...
I still have a headache (going on 2 weeks now) and the portion of my back between my shoulder blades feels as though it needs a good crack.
Today I hope I can find a little peace and quiet (we have houses being built across the road from us and a chorus of builders coming and going with machinery) as I am aware this anger is bubbling up to be released, not to be brought into.. My 3d human though wonders why it is that when I am already in a 'bad' mood that things will happen around me to exacerbate it... builders swearing at one another... machinery making horrendously loud banging noises... people wanting to outsource their issues instead of taking responsibility... SIGH!!! 5d me knows the answer, it is because I am sitting in the anger frequency that there is a reflection of yet more anger being shown to me... 3d me doesn't like 5d me so much when it's releasing time, I sound like a right smart ass LOL...
Ahhh well it must be time to go make a tea, put on my headphones and listen to some quiet music... Riding the wave... Much Love ~ Joy and Abundance _/\_
A Peak into the Fifth Dimension: Progressing the Soul, Knowing Multidimensional Earth, Connecting to the Planetary Soul
A Peak into the Fifth Dimension: Progressing the Soul, Knowing Multidimensional Earth, Connecting to the Planetary Soul, Laughing Into Higher Realms, Manifesting Immediately, Timing Dimensional Jumps
(mind-blowing channeling below from Sananda)
The power of love and forgiveness is absolutely miraculous
Senate Committee Launches Probe Of JPMorgan's 'Whale' Losses: Report
September 7, 2012
* Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations looking at CIO activities
Protesting Police Officers Block Riot Police From Protests - Greece
Published on Sep 6, 2012 by SurvivalWithBushcraf
Former Reporter Amber Lyon Exposes Massive Censorship at CNN
Thursday, September 6, 2012 16:02
I saw first-hand that these regime claims were lies, and I couldn’t believe CNN was making me put what I knew to be government lies into my reporting.
- Amber Lyon
DL Zeta – Celestial Visions – Restoring Spiritual Freedom And Limetless Potentials Through Time Exchanges
DL Zeta – Celestial Visions – Restoring Spiritual Freedom And Limetless Potentials Through Time Exchanges
The New Time on Planet Earth is based on each person reuniting with their multidimensional self, collaborating with aspects of their consciousness that exist throughout time and space. As we create inner unity, the remnants of old ways of being based in isolation and separation disappear into the dim tides of history.
The arrival of this new time does not signal a dangerous apocalypse as is sometimes foreseen. In our timeframe the word “apocalypse” has become associated with the dawning of a chaotic and dangerous future but this hasn’t always been so. The original meaning of the word apocalypse is a time filled with discovery of marvelous and hidden realities that allows one to actualize their highest potentials individually and collectively. This change in connotation shows how far we have drifted from our purpose of uniting heaven and earth.
So how have we drifted from our soul understandings? Over centuries, parasitical influences have kept us from remembering the greatness of our being and held us in limited timelines. Believing our future is filled with pain, suffering and even violence has opened the door to negative collective potentials. Cataclysms in the natural world are the offspring of beliefs steeped in destructive future potentials. Slavery as it exists in the physical world reflects the inner state of enslavement to false pathways that rob one of spiritual freedom.
Parasitical Frequencies Seek to Emulate Spiritual Sustenance
To gain deeper understanding of the nature and origin of parasitical frequencies, we point once more toward the ability to download spiritual sustenance during dream states.
When we enter deep sleep states, we are able to meet with our future self in our dreams and receive guidance and instructions essential to our present moment. The downloads we receive provide food for our soul. Information from these downloads stokes the fires of our imagination. This is where great works of all forms come from. These downloads allow us to expand and radiate our light to all the world.
When one fails to achieve these time exchanges with their future[multidimentional] self, they contract rather than expand. This contraction sets up a vacuum that attempts to pull in the energy around it – to feed off the energies it encounters. When one is unable to receive the spiritual food needed through inner unification, they subconsciously feed off the energies of others, therefore becoming parasitical. Those with energy fields weakened by doubt and fear are easily preyed upon while those with strong spiritual connections are hardly impacted. From this perspective, it is clear that parasitical frequencies are manmade. They exist as attempts to emulate the process of spiritual unification in the absence of the real thing.
Our Beliefs Determine our Ability to Download Spiritual Sustenance
So what determines whether a person receives true spiritual sustenance through meetings with their future[multidmentional] self or whether they tune into parasitical frequencies? In all cases it comes down to one’s belief system.
Heavenletter #4305 Hearts Love, September 7, 2012
Heavenletter #4305 Hearts Love, September 7, 2012
God said:
Simple is elegant. Be simple. Give yourself the gift of simplicity. Let go of complexity. The heart is simple. Complication comes from the mind. This has to be so.
What can be more simple than a heart that beats? A heart beats love. A heart beats love in syllables. A heart has a music of its own. A heart does not compose. It simply beats. It pulsates. It throbs. A heart of love chimes love. It chimes: “Go out, Heart. Go out into the world and give your love out freely like rose petals, like snowflakes, like cornflakes, like peach blossoms, like dandelion puffs blown in the wind, like the foam of the sea. Pump out your love, a drum of love, a song of love. And then, Heart, receive the love that is blown back to you. Pick it up. Hang it in your heart. Fill your heart with the love you give out. You are a Heart of Love.”
The errant mind will make simplicity complex. The mind is like a rich man who would scrounge around for pennies on the floor. The mind is wealthy beyond belief, and yet it seeks explanations. Or the mind is like a nit-picker. The mind looks for something to be made of love. The mind wants a slot for it. The mind will let love in, or it will oust it according to what the mind makes of it.
Avoid These Common Mistakes on the Path to Full Manifestation
Commentary from The Galactic Free Press: Gratitude is the Highest Manifesting Energy to utilize. So for example, Thank You for the Abundance in My Life, Thank You for the Miracles.. ect This is the Language in How the Universe repsonds... Love The Earth Allies
~ Request for The Freedom Of Humanity~ Make Viral
• Target: The Galactic Federation of Star Nations
• Sponsored by: Cosmic Storm
We, the undersigned, sovereign human inhabitants of the planet Earth,
are aware our governments have long standing contracts with
extraterrestrial entities also referred to as Reptilian aliens from
the Orion Empire.
We are aware these contracts were made in secret without the
knowledge, or consent of the HUMAN FAMILY,
And, have been the source of UNBEARABLE AND OBSCENE SUFFERING to the
And, furthermore, these contracts were designed to benefit the few to
the disadvantage of the MANY.
We, the united Human Family, declare these illegal contracts NULL and VOID
blessed be as above & below so Mote it Be,
Keatish Fletcher Yahushua BACTUN
Double Planets Found Orbiting Twin Stars
National Geographic -Luna Shyr in Beijing, 8/29/12
The newfound star system, Kepler-47, is seen in an artist's illustration.
Illustration courtes T. Pyle, Caltech/NASA
The Kepler Space Telescope has notched another milestone discovery: double planets circling double stars in the constellation Cygnus, some 5,000 light-years away. It's the first time multiple planets have been found in a binary star system.
"It's much more difficult to form planets around a pair of stars," said San Diego State University's William Welsh, who presented the discovery Wednesday at the International Astronomical Union meeting in Beijing.
DNC Protest Leads To Arrest Of 10 Undocumented Immigrants
Huff Post - Elise Foley, 9/5/12
CHARLOTTE, N.C. -- Ten undocumented immigrants filed off a brightly-painted bus here on Tuesday and walked to an intersection across from the Time Warner Cable Arena, where the first speeches of the Democratic National Convention would be delivered hours later. They walked out into a busy intersection downtown, sat down with signs that read "undocumented," and refused to get up.
Police quickly swarmed, surrounding the protesters from all sides as they stopped traffic. They didn't intervene, though, until an hour and a half later, even with the pouring rain. At first it looked like they might not disrupt the protest at all, but one of the protesters told an officer they wanted to be arrested to get their point across. After two warnings that they would be removed for impeding traffic, police stood the 10 protesters up one by one and put plastic zip ties around their hands. They led them to police vans to be taken to jail -- which, along with drawing the attention of passing convention-goers, was their goal.
New Study Further Supports Intuition
Released Tuesday, 07/17/12, 10:14 pm
New Study Further Supports Intuition
In conjunction with the continuing intuition research at the Institute of HeartMath, IHM Research Center Director Rollin McCraty said recently the findings of a new study further documents the ability of humans to experience intuition, also known as the pre-stimulus response.
The study, Stability of Pre-Stimulus Intuition Response: A Repeated Measures Study Using Electrophysical Instrumentation, utilized the experimental Roulette Protocol, a computer-controlled gambling experiment designed by McCraty and IHM’s Mike Atkinson. Thirteen people participated in multiple gambling sessions over a two-month period for this research, which was conducted at the Research Center in the fall and winter of 2006 and analyzed in spring 2010.
"The results of the analysis of all participants across all sessions and trials are strong and provide compelling evidence of nonlocal intuition," McCraty wrote in a report on the study, which he conducted along with Atkinson and IHM’s Jackie Waterman.
"The significant differences between the win and loss response in the aggregated physiological data during both pre-stimulus segments appear valid and robust, as confirmed by the random permutation analysis, which, is a conservative statistical procedure," the report notes.
I was very careful in how I asked my twin flame to meet me in a dream. I even told him, "Don't let me see your face because if I know you, it will be even harder to wait for you." So he appeared to me in the form of someone I knew long ago. I don't remember a lot of details, except that there was a lot of humor in it and we were trying to keep it all a secret (probably because I asked him not to show his face). I woke up this morning feeling VERY satisfied, and then my ego-mind started working on it. "Maybe that guy from long ago really IS your twin flame..." But then I remembered that I had said "please don't show your face." Then the telepathic music started in my head, and he sang,
"That boy
isn't good for you,
though he may love you too,
This Boy
wants you back again."
Experience the Planetary Shift on an Uptilt
Experience the Planetary Shift on an Uptilt
A planetary shift is under way. Many sense this shift internally and we perceive that time is accelerating. It’s hard to keep up. We’re constantly bombarded by an ever-increasing number of choices. Emotions peak and ebb to extremes in the span of hours, even minutes. Uncertainty seems to be on the rise about our personal direction and the world’s.
Amid the stress and chaos, concern mounts over climate change, rising oil prices, economic instability and global insecurity, but people are coming together. A momentum is building among those who want to give back to society and take care of each other and our planet. Social networking is bringing these people together and there is an energetic sparkle in the air and a sense of hope that something new will emerge.
Scientific research shows these flickers of hope are qualities of the heart and spirit. The heart feelings of happiness, care and compassion are enhanced by:- Spiritual practices like meditation and prayer that connect us to something greater than ourselves.
- Heart connection with others, close friendships within and outside the family.
- Gathering with others frequently for uplifting purposes: church, social causes, etc.
We call these actions that help nurture us emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually aspects of heart-based living. As the planetary shift continues and people experience greater stress, overstimulation, overload, stress-induced physical and mental health problems, the imperative to shift toward heart-based living increases.
As life’s pace continues to accelerate, we’ll be presented with even more choices and have less time to make them. The good news is that when we approach our choices with sincere heart intent it’s easier to access the energy required to shift quickly into the most beneficial mental and emotional states.
Incoherence – When a person feels stress, overwhelm, anxiety, uncertainty and fear, the heart is sending chaotic and incoherent signals to the brain/mind, triggering stressful responses. The higher cortical functions are inhibited, meaning the heart and brain are out of alignment, so solutions to personal or world problems elude us.
Collectively, these negative emotions are registered in the heart and brain’s electromagnetic fields, generating a global stress and incoherence wave that goes out to those around us and around the globe. Stress and incoherence are intensified by instant massmedia reports – the natural disasters, social upheaval, economic turmoil and more.
Coherence – When you feel genuine hope, care and compassion, your heart is sending harmonious and coherent signals to the brain/ mind, replacing feelings of separation with a sense of connection. The heart and brain are aligned and in sync. The higher cortical functions are enhanced, facilitating objective, sober assessment and intuitive perception. You perceive more wholeness, and solutions to problems are more apparent.
DNC finale: Obama, Biden take center stage
Los Angeles Times - 9/6/12, Mark Z. Barabak
CHARLOTTE, N.C. — President Obama will be the headliner at his own show Thursday night as the Democratic National Convention wraps up with a prime-time speech from the incumbent accepting his nomination for a second term.
After three days of speeches from the president's wife, his Democratic predecessor and scores of party compatriots and other validators, a national TV audience will hear Obama say in his own words why he deserves another four years in the White House despite the economic difficulties the country continues to face.
More: LATimes.com.
Your time has arrived, dear ones. – Michael by Ron Head
September 6, 2012
The topic we wish to discuss today is the opportunity you have at this time due to the opening of the nine-nine portal. The build-up we promised you has begun. You will have a full week of opportunity without precedent to realize more of the new selves you desire to be. Each of you has been working on different aspects of your lives.
Be love. feel love . Speak Love . Do Love
Live in love now. Thy enemy is self. No more divide and conquer. We are all one.
The poor man that works in the banks, the congressman, the president.
They are Hu mans that feel as you and I.
The system is incorrect that allow all that is, Think of it as a computer system. The computer is not human it is a system.
WE are Hu man and Christed.
We are Free
Jesus failed also - know this . The system engulfed him before. That is why he died. For his sins, and your sins but really he failed.
So we failed too as he... so he came back too. That means we can too!
Embrace Love
Mexico catches leader of Gulf Cartel drug gang
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexico has captured a leader of the country's Gulf Cartel in one of the highest-profile arrests in months in President Felipe Calderon's war on drug gangs.
Mexican marines escort Mario Cardenas Guillen (R), alias ''El Gordo or El M-1'', as he is presented to the media in Mexico City September 4, 2012.
Credit: Reuters/Henry Romero
Diverging Stock Market, UK Crash Expected and Spanish Bank Runs
The Market Oracle - 9/5/12, Christopher Quigley
Market Divergence: Labour Day is done, the holidays are over, schools and colleges are back: game on. Expect one wild ride in the markets between now and the November US presidential election results.
Internally the technicals are weakening. There is a significant divergence between the Dow 20 Transports and the Dow 30 Industrials. The Dow 20 is moving towards lower lows and a break below 4850 will be an indication that the overall market is going to move much lower, fast.
More: marketoracle.co.uk.
Chongqing Former Police Chief Charged, Xinhua Reports
Bloomberg Business Week - 9/6/12
Wang Lijun, former Chongqing police chief. Photographer: Feng Li/Getty Images
China charged the former police chief of Chongqing with a battery of crimes including taking bribes and abuse of power, pushing ahead with its bid to mop up a political scandal that shook the Communist Party and led to the downfall of his boss, Bo Xilai.
Wang Lijun allegedly “neglected his duty and bent the law for personal gain” to shield Bo’s wife, Gu Kailai, from charges that she plotted the murder a British businessman in November, the state-run Xinhua News Agency said. Gu was convicted last month of poisoning Neil Heywood with cyanide.
More: businessweek.com.
Nigeria: EFCC Arrests Kaduna Socialite Over N1 Billion Pension Fraud
All Africa - By Chuka Odittah, 3 September 2012
A Kaduna socialite, Hajiya Fati Mazangari, who parades herself as an oil and gas magnate, was recently arrested by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) as part of ongoing investigations into the billion-naira pension scam in the Office of the Head of Civil Service of the Federation.
She was however released on bail after interrogation. LEADERSHIP gathered from competent sources that the agency is holding on to her passport to prevent her from fleeing the country.
More: allafrica.com.
Vietnam nabs former boss at shipping company
CBS Atlanta - By CHRIS BRUMMITT, Associated Press
Posted: Sep 05, 2012 3:13 AM EDT<em class="wnDate">Wednesday, September 5, 2012 3:13 AM EST</em>Updated: Sep 05, 2012 6:24 AM EDT
The unused floating dock of Vinalines in Ba Ria-Vung Tau province. Photo: VietnamNet.vn
HANOI, Vietnam (AP) - Police have arrested the former chairman of an indebted Vietnamese state-owned shipping company for alleged economic crimes after he was extradited from a neighboring country, the government and state-run media said Wednesday.
Lessons from Archangel Gabriel about Spiritual Principles
From the beginning of our association in 1990, Archangel Gabriel spoke in terms of Spiritual Principles. They would all be in capital letters ~ words like Harmony, Peace, Beauty were characteristic of the principles that he would lay out for me and through his energy I would also be able to experience those qualities within. Once I was given the experience of that higher frequency of energy, I would be able to go back on my own and recreate the experience.
As we try to ride the big waves of energy in these accelerated times, this has become one of the most important of the teachings I received. When I don’t remember to hold my energy in a higher vibrational frequency, I get tumbled in the turbulent power of the white water I am surfing to the beach.
The “Seer” of all Things
The “Seer” of all Things
7th September 2012
By Chris Bourne
Contributing Writer for Wake Up World
The search for the Holy Grail
There is something which humanity has been searching for since our inception. Something which is the answer to every single question, every single thought, word, deed and feeling. It is our destiny, it is the beginning and end of everything…the circle completing itself. We can search, question and create as much as we want to in the external world of effects, but unless we’ve found the source of our inquisitiveness, we’re guaranteed not to have satiated our desires. Yet even when we eventually give up the fruitless external struggle and embark on the inner journey, we still won’t find it whilst someone is looking for it. So what am I talking about? It is the HolyGrail. The “Seer” of all things…
That which is sought cannot be found
This is the problem…God is everything and nothing at the same time. It exists in and through all things and we are that. Time and space is but an illusion; indeed the Universe is an elaborate dream. How could such wonder be real? How could such magnificience simply be created from nothing? Unless of course it is nothing. Indeed everything is nothing and nothing is everything. Quantum science tells us that if I was to take all of the space from between the subatomic particles of a human being, there wouldn’t be enough matter to fit on a pin head! And even that which is left, cannot truly be defined has having mass and a definite centre. We can only speak in terms of our atoms having a probability of being in a certain place at a certain time.
This is completely inline with what the mystics, gurus and sages have been saying for centuries…
“Know that this Universe is nothing but a dream,
a bluff of nature
to test your consciousness of immortality.”~Paramahansa Yogananda
Phoenix from the ashes
But I wouldn’t expect you to believe either me or them, unless that is, you’ve already knowingly experienced that which is beyond experience…the mythical, magical Seer which arises like the Pheonix from the burned out ashes of identity.
Yes, when we’re no longer efforting or seeking and when we’re no longer afraid of a particular outcome or circumstance in life, then suddenly the state of the Seer can simply arise within us. It is pure non-identified presence. It exists in and through all things. It is everywhere and nowhere. When we experience being the Seer, it is as if no one is inside of us. It’s as if we’re being a blank canvas.
And herein lies the “problem”. We’re so used to noise, distraction, efforting, searching or fear of the moment; we’re so used to the space being filled, that when it isn’t, we either find it so supreme that we want to own it, or so terrifying that we want to grasp onto something, anything to take the void – the sense of abandonment – away.
A simple choice to be free
Yes, society has invested so heavily in our identity. We have particular needs, wants desires, foibles, habits, skills and we’ve built elaborate stories around those – whole life styles have been created for us. We have expectations and the need to fulfill other people’s expectations – our parents our friends “can you just do this for me please?” “Sure I can”. “Oh you’re not going to do that are you? That’s just not how we do things around here”. And then one day, we might find a partner and have kids. Suddenly we’re burdened with responsibility.
Galaxies in Collisions and 2012
I have recently put some information together and came to a realization.
1. We are not part of the Milkyway but are the Sagittarus Galaxy. New Scientific fact. Look it up.
2. The Milkyway is a galaxy of a higher frequency. Salusa confirmed this.
3. Our part of the Sagittarus Galaxy is now intersecting with the Milkyway Galaxy. Also, confirmed by scientist
4. Our planet has been going in and out of the Milkyway galacy as the solar system rotates thru space. Question. Is this the photon belt that we have been told about?
5. Our Solar system will fully enter the Milkyway galaxy on Dec 21,2012. We will align with the Milkyway galactic center and be activated to a higher frequency.
6. Those that can not take the higher frequency of the Milky way galaxy will be removed to another part of the Sagittarus galaxy to continue to evolve.
There are some very good artist pictures of the two galaxys coming together. On Galaxtic free Press and you can google to find them.
7. As our solar system goes thru the Milky Way galaxy, we experience our golden age and then when we leave the Milkyway galaxy we slowly leave The Golden age and start our decline. Then we return to the Golden Age when we enter the Milky way galaxy again. Thus the Yugas as spoken of in Hindu beliefs or the ages. Each time we go thru the Milkyway galaxy we evolve higher and closer back to our creator.
8. Also, Maybe the GFL is from the Milkyway Galaxy as are so many of the other ships. They are all of a higher frequency then from our galaxy. The lower frequency ones are from our galaxy which is a overall lower frequecy experience.9.
Cargill and Others Behind anti-Organic "Stanford Study"
Source: BlacklistedNews.com
By Tony Cartaluccii, 9/5/12Harry Wallop of the London Telegraph ends his anti-organic food editorial with the following sentence:
NYPD In Israel: Police Department Opens Branch In Kfar Saba With Lone Detective Charlie Ben-Naim
Huff Post - 9/6/12
Even if they do dramatically overstate their counterterrorism record, it's no secret that the bigger-than-the-FBI NYPD has extensive counterterrorism operations. These operations often include spying outside NYPD jurisdiction, both nationally and abroad.
According to Al-Monitor, an online newspaper reporting on the Middle East, the NYPD has now officially opened a branch in Israel's Sharon District Police headquarters in Kfar Saba, with former Israeli and veteran NYPD detective, Charlie Ben-Naim. From Al-Monitor:
Eurozone demands six-day week for Greece
The Guardian - Ian Traynor, 9/4/12
Government in Athens under pressure to introduce a six-day working week as part of the terms for a second bailout
Terms for a second bailout may include labour market reforms, from minimum wages to flexible working hours. Photograph: Alexandros Vlachos/EPA
Greece's eurozone creditors are demanding that the government in Athens introduce a six-day working week as part of the stiff terms for the country's second bailout.
2MIN News Sept 7, 2012: Deadly Quake, Morning Conjunction
Sun-Mars Climate Connections: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/09/120906112603.htm
Conservation Forum: http://phys.org/news/2012-09-extinction-shadow-global-forum.html
Canadian Lake Water Chemistry: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/09/120906141852.htm
Fracking Pollution: http://phys.org/news/2012-09-ongoing-quality-essential-age-hydraulic.html
100MPH Alaska Windstorm: http://www.weather.com/news/anchorage-weather-storify-20120906
Spaceweather: http://spaceweather.com/ [Look on the left at the X-ray Flux and Solar Wind Speed/Density]
Aboriginal Music Didgeridoo Dreaming "The Spirit of ULURU"
Uluru, also known as Ayers Rock, is a large sandstone rock formation in the southern part of the Northern Territory, central Australia.. Kata Tjuta and Uluru are the two major features of the Uluṟu-Kata Tjuṯa National Park. Uluru is sacred to the Aṉangu, the Aboriginal people of the area. The area around the formation is home to a plethora of springs, waterholes, rock caves and ancient paintings. Uluru is listed as a World Heritage Site.
Hundreds of British troops to be questioned over 'weak' war crime allegations
The Telegraph
By Sean Rayment, Defence Correspondent, 9/2/12
Up to 1,000 British troops are expected to be investigated for crimes allegedly committed during the Iraq war, it can be revealed.
Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Purpose Your soul longs to express itself
Friday, September 7, 2012
Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Purpose
Your soul longs to express itself
You come here with more than just one purpose. You make many contracts and plans, and back up plans, and back-back-up plans and it continues. Look not for just one of everything, for there is more than you can possibly imagine. Ask your angels to show you your current purpose, that is to say, why are you here right now doing exactly what you are doing right now. Listen and watch for the signs. They can come in ideas, images, sounds, or through your dreams. It might be to better understand relationships when you forget that you belong to each other, or to graciously serve those in need, or perhaps to just love someone unconditionally no matter what they have done to you or another. Look in your heart, for the answer is there.Do a review of your work, personal life and beliefs. Look at what has brought you to here. See which ones energize you as these are ones where you were working in your purpose, the ones that make you feel sad, or regretful are when you have not been or did not complete what you needed to do. Work on forgiving, completing and releasing those so that when you think of them there is no longer a sadness, but love and understanding, for yourself and all of those involved. When they are ready they will do their work, that should not be a thought for you, yours is only love. This is a gift you give yourself and inturn to others by your example. Your actions offer each other the support and courage to do their own journey and that is the fastest and best path up the mountain.
Visionkeeper - The dry season
The dry season
Posted on September 7, 2012The dry season is upon us now here in the U.S. Everywhere you drive there is dust and the colors of yellow and brown as weeds begin to die away. The lush green of summer has departed and the birds have begun to depart as well, all that remains are patches of purple asters blowing about in the fields and splashes of white from the Queen Anne’s lace. Random trees on the hillsides have slowly begun their Autumn task of changing colors. It has been so dry this summer one has to wonder what the fall foliage colors will be like. I tend to doubt we will see vibrant reds and oranges, probably a lot of yellow browns. It always triggers a bit of angst within to see summer slip away knowing the brutality of winter that will follow shortly. A time to go within and sort through things, a time to make changes and try out new things. For now we are floating through the dry season, watching the changes and feeling the evenings begin to cool down enough to add an extra blanket on the bed. Autumn has arrived.
By Ute Posegga-Rudel
Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012
Please also read update from 21.8.12
Watch on YouTube (recommended)
Message from our God-SelfI AM always Eternally your own deepest and purest Self, always available to you. You always depend on Me, you always live in Me, I always live you. But your mind does not know Me. Your mind is not surrendered to Me and does not serve Me.You are slave of your mind, and therefore you do not notice Me. And you even have forgotten Me. Although I Am the Substance of your existence.But you live on the surface of your own Truth, and you are engaged in all kinds of businesses, nice and not so nice. It does not matter, but then you miss the mark.You are always searching for THE thing, THAT “wow”!!!!, THAT final fulfillment, somewhere in your outer world. You are struggling, you are uneasy and not at ease, always. Why? You like complication, you like excitement, you like distraction, you always hope for a big bang, that finally ends all your searches, so phantastic and so unique and unsurpassed, so that you would be satisfied once and forever.The illusion is that you seek for Me outside: in your world, in your relationships, in your ascension, in your skies and higher dimensions, in your space brothers and sisters.
Amidst Boos And Multiple Votes, DNC Reverses Position And Reinstates Jerusalem
Published on Sep 5, 2012 by GOPICYMI
Durring the Democratic National Convention boos break out for the vote to reverse the party's position on Jerusalem (September 5, 2012).
Source: YouTube.com
President Barack Obama Full DNC Acceptance Speech 2012
Published on Sep 6, 2012 by mncance9843
No description available.
Source: YouTube.com
It's Just A Ride—Laugh At The World...Unleashing Your Wild Side! (Free Your Mind Now)
Pubblicato in data 07/set/2012 da Kemetprince1
Letting Go Off Society's Expectations!
Impunity for the rich and famous leaves Thais outraged
Reuters - By Martin Petty, BANGKOK | Tue Sep 4, 2012
(Reuters) - A dented silver Ferrari, a dead Thai policeman whose body was dragged for 200 meters under its wheels, a family driver ready to take the fall for the wealthy 27-year-old heir to the world-famous Red Bull energy drink empire.
Policemen examine a damaged Ferrari at the home of the late Red Bull founder Chaleo Yoovidhaya in Bangkok September 3, 2012. Credit: REUTERS/Stringer
Oracle Report - Disseminating Moon Phase - Moon in Gemini
Disseminating Moon Phase - Moon in Gemini
Lots of things are happening today:
- it is a good day to renew bonds with people (especially old friends) people of like mind will naturally come together and unify for shared purposes anyone who is only comfortable in the past and not changing with the cycle will find the energy difficult curiosity will lead to something important for the future confrontations and clashes between people who are coming from totally different places (light or dark) are indicated through Saturday (this started yesterday - I had a major confrontation with an individual who masks as a kind person; this had been building for two months) one person's bad energy has too much potential to affect many (spread like an epidemic); on the positive side, one person's good energy does the same inspired realizations will bring a sense of release and relief.
But most importantly today, spend some time outside to connect with our higher power (Sophia) and pay attention to what you see. Signs and symbols from nature will be more prominent than usual today and tomorrow. Today and tomorrow are visual days and a special ones for Sophia (for more information you can listen to John Lash's audio (NB 22) here. Find beauty. It will help with any difficulties that emerge.
Gina Rinehart is a Bubble
GFP Note: This is the video discussed in this piece:
Source: azizonomics.com - 9/5/12
Konstantinos: Some significant signs-A parable from my Arcturian Family ‘The Experiment’
Sep 7
Hello dear friends. Yesterday I was outside. While I was walking I was thinking about the future when suddenly I saw in front of me a paper stuck on the front side of a clothe store…’TELOS EPOCHIS’ which means ‘END OF SEASON’ regarding the discounts. But in Greek ‘epochi’ (epoch) means also ‘age’…’END OF (old) AGE’! That was the first sign.
Later, I got the bus to return at home. After some hour, I looked at the bus clock and the time was 20:12 (year 2012) and right at that moment, the electronic voice said ‘Next Stop:
Analipsi’…’Analipsi’ in Greek means ‘Ascension’…get it ? (-_-). After these two signs, I heard the six beings from my Arcturian family telling me that these signs was an ensurance, so I didn’t have to feel frustrated and then they told me briefly a parable, which they repeated extensively this morning. The parable’s title is ‘The Experiment’.
Texas Students Revolt Against Mandatory RFID Tracking Chips
Hell No! Texas Students Revolt Against Mandatory RFID Tracking Chips
The Texas students are at it again—exercizing their right to refuse Big Brother’s latest massacre of their sovereign rights. Good for them!
Please share this!
2MIN News Sept 7, 2012: Deadly Quake, Morning Conjunction
Pubblicato in data 07/set/2012 da Suspicious0bservers
Meredith Murphy We're here. We know it. What is it?
Monday, 27 August, 2012 (posted 7 September, 2012)
That has been the way many of us have been feeling lately and it's indicative of the momentum that is emerging and the grounding of this into manifest potential. When life begins it begins all at once, and likewise, this newness emerges in wholeness. The specificity, the diversity, the structures and the way it uniquely expresses in form, unfolds thru what we experience as time. This is the way new life dawns and it is happening right now and many of us are keenly aware of this.
I received this message from Archangel Michael for us, for September. Use it to play with your life. Use this expanded perspective to confirm your sense of things, to encourage you when it's confusing and to feel part of a larger movement within our Universe. Big things are unfolding that have taken literal eons to create. It's time to acknowledge that many of you are now living a 5th dimensional life within a 3d world. Enjoy being here now and make an effort to continually elevate your perspective to a larger, more expanded container for interpreting and perceiving experience. This will inform your knowing in ways that give you greater peace and ease. The collaborative co-creation of the new world is happening!
Dec. 21 2012 Preparation Jill Renee
"On Dec. 21 2012 there will be a pinnacle of frequencies that will be flowing through those that have agreed to be energetic gateways. You will feel this very strongly and very beautifully. The portals within will be flooded with Light and we ask you to enjoy this experience; feeling and appreciating the amazing, unprecedented levels of beauty you will easily see reflected back to you, in everything you experience. No need to fuss and plan which may actually detract from the experience. Be, Be Your Light, for your love of Gaia, your love of humanity, your love of your Cosmic family, your mission, your Self and everything.
The pinnacle begins to build noticeably on Oct. 21 2012 and continues to be felt strongly until Feb. 21 2013; a 4 month wave, cresting on Dec. 21. We are very excited for you and for everyone regarding these important 4 months.
Some of you are feeling a sense of importance to further clear anything you perceive as an obstacle or debris and/or to wrap up things that you may have been delaying yet feel clearly called to do/be. This inner guidance is valuable, as the more free and clear your energy centers and overall energy field can be by Oct. 21 2012, the more fully you can serve your unique role... as a Gateway for the Upliftment Frequencies.
Greek police block riot police in anti-austerity protest
GFP Note: See related video here: http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/protesting-police-officers-block-riot-police-protests-greece
Reuters - 9/6/12
(Reuters) - Greek police protesting against austerity cuts blocked the entrance to the riot police headquarters on Thursday, preventing buses carrying riot police from leaving for the site of major demonstrations this weekend.
Greek policemen, and members of police unions (R) push riot police during scuffles outside a riot police facility in Athens September 6, 2012. Credit: REUTERS/Yannis Behrakis
Northern Ireland leaders hold crisis talks to halt rioting
Chicago Tribune
September 05, 2012|Ivan Little | Reuters
BELFAST (Reuters) - Northern Ireland's first and deputy first ministers held crisis talks with politicians and leaders of the pro-British Orange Order on Wednesday in a bid to stop the sectarian violence which has engulfed Belfast over the last three days.
Sixty-five police officers have been injured defending themselves from petrol bombs, fireworks, stones and bottles since riots first erupted on Sunday after a Catholic nationalist band marched in an area where Protestant groups were recently barred from doing so.
Kauilapele's Blog :Did Anyone Notice This Year’s RNC/DNC Speech Endings?
Posted on 2012/09/06In the past I’ve often heard Barack Obama, and others, end their speeches with, “God bless this, God Bless that, and God Bless THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.” This was typical.
But this year’s convention speeches were different. In particular, tonight, I noticed that Obama ended with, “God bless these united states.” Which just seemed strange to me.
So I checked a few of the key people in each convention, and listen to see if you can locate the only one (of these five) who said “God Bless THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.”
Could it be that only one of these folks is now representing the corporation, “THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA”?
~Space Weather Update~ Contunued MAGNETIC UNREST:
SDO ECLIPSE SEASON: Twice every year, around the time of the equinoxes, Earth can pass directly between the Sun and NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), producing a series of beautiful eclipses from the point of view of the spacecraft. SDO's autumnal eclipse season began yesterday, Sept. 6th, with a partial blackout of the sun:
During the eclipse, which was centered around 0700 UT, Earth covered about half of the sun. Because these eclipses typically last only a few minutes, there is still plenty of time remaining in the day for SDO to monitor activity on the sun. The observatory won't miss much even with Earth occasionally getting in the way. The ongoing eclipse season will end on Sept. 26th. Between now and then, stay tuned for some rare blackouts.
MAGNETIC UNREST: Earth's magnetic field is still reverberating from a pair of CME impacts--a relatively strong blow on Sept 3rd followed by a lesser hit on Sept. 4th. The double strike ignited auroras around the Arctic Circle that are only slowly fading. Olivier Du Tré photographed this apparition over Red Deer, Alberta, on Sept. 5th: