Who recognized Gautam Buddha, that he is enlightened? Who has recognized anybody in the whole world, in the whole of history? In fact it is impossible. The unenlightened people cannot recognize or certify an enlightened one; he has to declare himself, there is no other way. Whether you believe it or not, that does not matter, and that does not shatter him.
Nobody may believe it, not even a single human being. Do you think that makes any difference to the status of a man of enlightenment? He remains still the same, his enlightenment not even a little bit less because you have not recognized him.
- Keep God by Your Side - Heavenletters
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Wednesday, September 21, 2016 - 17:09 - All The Love - The Creator Writings
Wednesday, September 21, 2016 - 09:25 - Daily Message ~ Wednesday September 21, 2016 - Trinity Esoterics
Wednesday, September 21, 2016 - 08:05