Freedom Project

Changing the old system.

The People’s Voice ~ November 10 ~ A Five Hour Live-Stream

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The People’s Voice – A Five Hour Live-Stream With Cutting Edge Guests From Around The World
Sunday, November 10th from 5pm to 10pm UK Time

Source: - 11/09/13

The first broadcast from The People’s Voice studio will be an introduction to the station ahead of our launch date to introduce our presenters and production team with a long list of guests including Cynthia McKinney, Norman Finkelstein, Peter Tatchell, Jim Marrs, Gerald Celente, Richard C. Hoagland, Lauren Moret and Leah Bolger and there’s more to follow.


Sunday, November 10th, 5pm to 10pm UK time; 12 noon to 5pm US East Coast time; 9am to 2pm US West Coast time.

The streaming address will be


UK spies on Mideast, EU from Cyprus base

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Press TV - 11/07/13, MOL/HMV

Akrotiri RAF airbase in the British Sovereign Base Area of Dhekelia, which is located in eastern Cyprus.

Akrotiri RAF airbase in the British Sovereign Base Area of Dhekelia, which is located in eastern Cyprus.
The UK government has been conducting a massive spying operation on private, diplomatic and business communications of the Middle East and North Africa regions as well as Europe through its military base in Cyprus, media reports say.

A cross-European media team carried out a joint investigative research, whose findings revealed that Britain’s Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) had installed spying devices in the military base in Cyprus, where many trans-Mediterranean fiber-optic cables from the Middle East, North Africa and Europe come ashore, according to the reports.

Greek Strike: Thousands Protest Austerity Cuts As Services Shut Down

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Huffington Post - 11/06/13, Elena Becatoros

greek strike

A protesters faces police under the rain on November 6, 2013 in front of the Greek Parliament in Athens during a 24-hour strike.
(LOUISA GOULIAMAKI/AFP/Getty Images) | Getty


Services across Greece shut down Wednesday as unions staged a 24-hour general strike and held peaceful demonstrations to protest further austerity cuts in the cash-strapped country.

The strike disrupted public transport, halted ferry and train services, shut down courts and state-run schools, and left state hospitals and the ambulance service functioning with emergency staff.



Trans-Pacific Partnership: "We Will Not Obey"; Building a Global Resistance Movement

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Source: - 11/06/13, Kevin Zeese
and Margaret Flowers

(Photo: Caelie_Frampton / Flickr)


We are in a time of transformational change. The opportunity is here to reverse the destruction wrought by rigged corporate trade agreements and to demand trade that is fair and promotes sustainable practices. There is no reason trade cannot improve the lives of workers and people around the world, as well as protect the planet from the rapacious destruction of corporate greed. We need to insist that people and the planet come before profits.

DECLASSIFIED: US Army’s Top Secret Arctic City Under the Ice

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Red Ice Creations - 11/07/13, By Alexandra Bruce ~ ForbiddenKnowledgeTV

It’s not every day the one has the opportunity to observe the construction of a secret underground base. This video is an actual declassified US Army film, documenting the nuclear-powered construction process of Camp Century, beneath the ice of central Greenland.

The base was constructed in the late 1950s, during the height of the Cold War, for "research" purposes.

To study the feasibility of working under the ice, a "cover" project, known as Camp Century was launched in 1960. However, unsteady ice conditions within the ice sheet caused the project to be canceled in 1966.

Videos and more:


More Delays In Declassifying Documents Describing How Britain Went To War With Iraq

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Bid to keep No10 files secret halts Iraq report: Cabinet Secretary blocks attempt to declassify 130 conversations between Blair, Bush and Brown

Mail Online - 11/07/13, Tim Shipman

Timetable of obstacles and delays

A decade on, it is clear that the decision to invade was a defining moment, not merely for Mr Blair’s premiership, but for a generation’s attitude to politics. Quite apart from its other costs, it fundamentally altered the way many people thought about the political  process, and not for the better.

While some two million people marched against the war, many more were profoundly disturbed by the suspicion that our government had lied and dissembled in order to please the Americans.



50 Workers Arrested in Biggest Ever Civil Disobedience against Walmart

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In Los Angeles, 50 Workers Arrested in Biggest Civil Disobedience against Walmart -- Ever!

Source: - 11/08/13, Jodie Gummow

Hundreds protested against Walmart’s “poverty wages” outside L.A’s Chinatown Walmart.
November 8, 2013 

On Thursday night, Los Angeles police arrested 54 people in a massive civil disobedience involving more than 200 Walmart workers outside the newly opened Chinatown Walmart store, Fox News reported.

Leak reveals plot to destabilize Venezuelan govt

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RT - 11/06/13


Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro (Reuters/Jorge Silva)

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro (Reuters/Jorge Silva)


Documents obtained by a contributor to RT’s Spanish channel, Eva Golinger, detail a structured plan to erode the stability of Venezuela with a view to “returning real democracy and independence that have been hijacked for more than 14 years.”

The plans are allegedly the product of a conference between American company FTI Consulting and two right-wing Colombian groups affiliated with former President Alvaro Uribe in the Colombian city of Cucuta in June of this year.




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