Freedom Project

Changing the old system.

Is There a Revolution Coming? Americans Finally Realize Global Capitalism Is a Sham

Rain's picture - 10/30/13, Chris Hedges


Popular revulsion for the ruling elite is nearly universal. Are we going to see an uprising?

Revolutions, when they erupt, appear to the elites and the establishment to be sudden and unexpected. This is because the real work of revolutionary ferment and consciousness is unseen by the mainstream society, noticed only after it has largely been completed. Throughout history, those who have sought radical change have always had to first discredit the ideas used to prop up ruling elites and construct alternative ideas for society, ideas often embodied in a utopian revolutionary myth.

The articulation of a viable socialism as an alternative to corporate tyranny—as attempted by the book  “Imagine: Living in a Socialist USA”and the website  Popular Resistance—is, for me, paramount. Once ideas shift for a large portion of a population, once the vision of a new society grips the popular imagination, the old regime is finished.

Keeping Up With The Kardashians On A UFO Hunt

Rain's picture


Kardashian Family At Area 51 On UFO Hunt (VIDEO)
The Huffington Post - Lee Speigel, 11/04/13


Part of keeping up with America's most watched reality TV family, the Kardashians, means we now know that several members of the family have a strong belief in UFOs and aliens.

On Sunday's episode of the E! channel's long-running "Keeping Up With The Kardashians," the Kardashian/Jenner family set out on a trip to hunt for aliens at America's top secret -- and legendary -- military base, known as Area 51.

Video and more:


European Agencies, NSA Collaborate on Mass Spying Against European Population

Rain's picture


Source: Global Research - Alejandro Lopez, 11/04/13


New leaked documents by former National Security Agency (NSA) contractor Edward Snowden reported in the Guardian disclose the close partnership between the European intelligence services and the NSA in mass surveillance of internet and phone traffic over the past five years. They give a glimpse of how a pan-European spying system has emerged, directed at the entire European and world population.

The programs revealed by the Guardian demonstrate why European governments downplayed the initial revelations of Internet monitoring by US and British intelligence agencies in June. A major diplomatic crisis erupted two weeks ago, however, when it emerged that the US was also spying on German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

US Director of National Intelligence James Clapper candidly admitted intelligence services monitor thousands of government and opposition politicians in “allied” countries.

Blaming the Poor for Poverty

Rain's picture


Source: - 11/01/13

Unrestrained free markets destroy the middle class, push working people down the economic ladder and concentrate wealth at the top. But promoters of this hyper-capitalism, who dominate the U.S. media debate, simply blame the poor for poverty, as Lawrence Davidson explains.

By Lawrence Davidson

Most of the poverty in the United States is artificially manufactured. It is poverty created in the pursuit of “free market ideals,” expressed in recent times by the imposition of neoliberal economic policies – the sort of policies that cut taxes on the wealthy, do away with fiscal and other business regulations, shred the social safety net, and erode middle-class stability – all while singing the praises of self-reliance and individual responsibility.

As a result we have done very well in making the rich richer and the poor both poorer and more numerous.

Study finds only the wealthy get represented in the Senate

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‘Oligarchic tendencies’: Study finds only
the wealthy get represented in the Senate

The Raw Story - Eric W. Dolan, 8/19/13

Harry Reid screenshot


In all of the five Congresses examined, the voting records of Senators were consistently aligned with the opinions of their wealthiest constituents. The opinions of lower-class constituents, however, never appeared to influence the Senators’ voting behavior.

The neglect of lower income groups was a bipartisan affair. Democrats were not any more responsive to the poor than Republicans.




Men In Black: Alive And Kicking

Rain's picture


GFP Note: We are sharing this for your awareness.
The cabal is dissolving along with the illusion.
There is nothing to fear, ever.
Fear is an illusion. Only Love is Real.


~ Love Wins!  ~


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