Freedom Project

Changing the old system.

Washington’s answers don’t justify NSA spying – EU delegation

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RT - 10/31/13


General Keith Alexander, commander of the U.S. Cyber Command, director of the National Security Agency (NSA) (Reuters/Yuri Gripas)

General Keith Alexander, commander of the U.S. Cyber Command, director of the National Security Agency (NSA) (Reuters/Yuri Gripas)


EU diplomats who traveled to Washington over the NSA’s spy program have been left with their questions unanswered. The US insisted all the intelligence gathered in Europe was related to warzones in the Middle East and would continue.



Exposed: Australia's Asia spy network

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The Sydney Morning Herald - 10/31/13, Philip Dorling


Washington D.C. during the Stop Watching Us Rally.

International outcry: A Stop Watching US Rally in Washington D.C. Photo: Getty Images


Australian embassies are being secretly used to intercept phone calls and data across Asia as part of a US-led global spying network, according to whistleblower Edward Snowden and a former Australian intelligence officer.

The top secret Defence Signals Directorate operates the clandestine surveillance facilities at embassies without the knowledge of most Australian diplomats.

Video and more:


Human Rights Attorneys Have Been Working with German Politicians on Asylum for Snowden

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Common Dreams - 10/31/13, Kevin Gosztola
Published on Thursday, October 31, 2013 by FireDogLake


Jesselyn Radack reading a statement from Edward Snowden at the “Stop Watching Us” rally against mass surveillance in DC on October 26. (Credit: FDL)


Human rights attorneys have been discussing the possibility of asylum for former NSA contractor Edward Snowden with left-wing politicians in Germany. The plan being developed involves giving testimony in an official government setting on recent revelations, such as the fact that the United States spied on Chancellor Angela Merkel’s cellphone. In return, he would be given asylum.

Conspiracy Theorists Are the Greatest Challenge to Democracy … According to … Here’s who …

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sibel edmonds' boiling frogs - 10/29/13


Have you ever come across an imperialist who was keen on activists challenging the establishment?

British establishment mouthpiece BBC leads the way again. This time it is about the biggest threat to democracy today. No, it is not terrorists. No, it is not Islamism. And, no, it is not the Western-Installed Dictator Regimes around the world. No, no, no, no, no. The new enemy is the conspiracy theorists. It is those who question their governments. It is those who find facts and confront the mainstream lies and liars such as BBC. Basically, it is you … and me.


Allow me to wade through all the fillers and present you with a few telling excerpts from this BBC report:


“We have very sophisticated big brothers in the world now”

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Jeremy Scahill: “We have very sophisticated
big brothers in the world now”

Heinrichplatz TV - 10/22/13, by Hanz


“How do we confront them?”

[Deutsch: "Wir haben heutzutage den BIG BROTHER in sehr ausgeklügelter Form und Vielzahl in unserer Welt. Wie können wir dagegen angehen?"]

Jeremy Scahill: “The only beneficiaries of any of these wars have been the elite, the rich! And in the current context: huge corporations. They are the only people that want anything from these wars…

In America we are a buch of sleeping people right now about this stuff. We need to wake up. If you don’t do something about it when it’s under attack, once these laws are passed, it’s almost impossible to go back…”


French and Spanish intelligence aided NSA spying

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RT - 10/29/13

Threat Operations Center inside the National Security Agency (NSA) in suburban Fort Mead, Maryland (AFP Photo)

Threat Operations Center inside the National Security Agency (NSA) in suburban Fort Mead, Maryland (AFP Photo)


Electronic surveillance which the European media and politicians blamed on the NSA was also carried out by their own intelligence services, as part of a wide-ranging allied security effort, according to US officials.

This is a markedly different version of events to what has been reported in Europe and throws up questions about the level of European involvement in global surveillance.



NSA chief calls reports about spying in France, Spain and Italy 'completely false'

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RT - 10/29/13

 Protesters with the organization Code Pink hold up placards as Director of National Security Agency (NSA) and Commander of US Cyber Command General Keith Alexander (L), Director of National Intelligence James Clapper (C) and Deputy Attorney General James Cole (R) arrive to testify before the House (Select) Intelligence Committee on "Potential Changes to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA)" on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, October 29, 2013 (AFP Photo / Jim Watson)

Protesters with the organization Code Pink hold up placards as Director of National Security Agency (NSA) and Commander of US Cyber Command General Keith Alexander (L), Director of National Intelligence James Clapper (C) and Deputy Attorney General James Cole (R) arrive to testify before the House (Select) Intelligence Committee on "Potential Changes to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA)" on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, October 29, 2013 (AFP Photo / Jim Watson)


National Security Agency Director Gen. Keith Alexander told the United States Congress that recent media reports detailing the NSA’s surveillance of foreign citizens are “completely false.”

Britney Spears and Iggy Azalea: Two Videos Celebrating Kitten Programming

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Britney Spears’ “Work B*tch” and Iggy Azalea’s “Change Your Life”: Two Videos Celebrating Kitten Programming



Britney Spears’ “Work B*tch” and Iggy Azalea’s “Change Your Life”: Two Videos Celebrating Kitten Programming

The Vigilant Citizen - 10/30/13

Britney Spears and Iggy Azalea were born on opposite sides of the world, but their videos “Work B*tch” and “Change Your Life” contain the same exact hidden meaning. Indeed, the symbolism of these videos are both celebrations of the mind control culture of the Illuminati entertainment industry, especially Kitten Programming.


Spying Known at Top Levels, Officials Say

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The New York Times - 10/29/13, By Mark Landler and Michael S. Schmidt

Center, Gen. Keith B. Alexander, N.S.A. director, and James R. Clapper Jr., director of national intelligence, at a House hearing. (Doug Mills/The New York Times)


WASHINGTON — The nation’s top spymaster said on Tuesday that the White House had long been aware in general terms of the National Security Agency’s overseas eavesdropping, stoutly defending the agency’s intelligence-gathering methods and suggesting possible divisions within the Obama administration.


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