Freedom Project

Changing the old system.

Michelle Pfeiffer Reveals She Was Involved With Breatharian Cult

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Michelle Pfeiffer reveals odd cult experience
as a young actress

Los Angeles Times - Christie D'Zurilla, 11/04/13


Now a strict vegan, Pfeiffer was put on a diet by the unnamed couple, who also worked with weight training. "Their thing was vegetarianism," she said (via the Daily Telegraph), and a diet that "nobody can adhere to."

Turns out their thing was also breatharianism, a belief that when a human being is in his or her highest state, it's possible to exist only on sunlight.

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Mexican troops take control of key port

Rain's picture - Mariano Castillo, 11/05/13

Mexican troops have taken control of a key port in Mexico (file photo)

Mexican troops have taken control of a key port in Mexico (file photo)

One of Mexico's most important seaports is now under the control of the military in a show of force as the government fights corruption and drug cartel violence.

The Knights Templar cartel has long terrorized residents of Michoacan as it expanded its activities from methamphetamine production to extortion. The cartel has been known to go on the offensive against police. In one series of attacks this summer, 22 people were killed.



Dallas author investigates connection between JFK assassination and UFOs

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Dallas News - Christopher Wynn, 10/30/13


Dallas author Nick Redfern

Dallas author Nick Redfern

Was John F. Kennedy assassinated because he was on the verge of telling the public the truth about UFOs? Dallas-area author and strangeness researcher Nick Redfern says, true or not, the belief is fairly widespread in the UFO investigation community. (He would know, Redfern has written 28 books on a wide variety of unsolved mysteries, including Monster Files, The Real Men in Black and Celebrity Secrets.) I asked Redfern to summarize the curious theory for us as JFK 50 approaches.


More NSA Leakers Followed Snowden’s Footsteps, Whistleblower Lawyer Says

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ABC News - 10/31/13, Brian Ross and Rhonda Schwartz


Several more current and former National Security Agency insiders, inspired by American fugitive Edward Snowden, have come forward as whistleblowers with details of the shadowy agency’s operations, according to an attorney at a whistleblower protection organization.

“I think the government hopes to chill speech by employees in the national security and intelligence fields, especially those at the NSA and CIA, but the unintended consequence is [that] more and more whistleblowers are coming through the doors of the Government Accountability Project (GAP),” said Jesselyn Radack, referring to the organization where she works as the National Security and Human Rights Director. “I think courage is contagious, and we see more and more people from the NSA coming through our door after Snowden made these revelations.”

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