Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

~The 5th dimension of consciousness is here, are you flowing with it?~

Lia's picture


~Love Reporter Gini Grey: Moving into the 5th Dimension of Consciousness~



~The 5th dimension of consciousness is here, are you flowing with it?~

We have been moving out of 3D reality and into the 5th dimension for some time now, but how long will it take for us to collectively make this shift? The more of us that individually touch into this space and ground it into our reality, the easier it will be for the rest of humanity to ride this wave into higher consciousness.


Lia's picture

Dear All,

As we now, at this time of Ascension, post the lunar eclipse of June 15th, find our accelerated pathways clearly defined to remember who we really are, I offer to you channelings and activations that came through at a circle I held on 6-14-11 for the eclipse.

Archangel Michael came forward to explain the momentous changes that are occuring on Earth NOW, as of this eclipse, and how important it is to choose to stay aligned with the spiraling path into Unity Consciousness, towards merging with the Monad. (19 minutes).
A transcript of the channeling is provided below, and an audio download is available on my website.

~The solstice energies begin today~ by Love Reporter Meredith Murphy

Lia's picture

~The solstice energies begin today!~

Fingers form vesica piscis 
By Love Reporter  Meredith Murphy


Beginning today--for the three days prior to the Solstice, the Day of the Solstice as well as the three days after the Solstice--we're in a rarefied energy period of fertility and creativity.    


There are times in our awakening when our soul is ready to make enormous leaps in consciousness; this is one of those amazing times.  


~LOVE REPORTER WILL HARADER~ ~Ignorance and Beliefs~

Lia's picture



~Ignorance and Beliefs~

How does one move beyond ignorance? Well first, one must admit to themselves it's there. This can be quite difficult as nothing offends ignorance more than being called ignorant. When a person gets offended their emotions take control and rational thoughts are few and far between. This is what holds ignorance in place, ignorance can only be ignorant as long as it's ignored and emotional reactions keep people from seeing anything outside their box. People are bound and chained by their belief systems and this is their box. Thanks to ignorance, everything outside people's boxes might as well not exist, to them. Everything that's not inside their box doesn't fit into their world-view, so it isn't part of their world. The problem with this is that Reality doesn't fit inside of any boxes. Reality is only experienced directly, in the Moment, any beliefs you have about it are necessarily less than what Reality is. When you walk outside and see a blue sky, you don't believe the sky is blue, it's a direct experience of the sky being blue. Reality works the same way.

~Archangel Gabriel Monthly Weather Report Number Forty-Seven~ Weather Report Of Physical & Emotional Symptoms for May ~ August, 2011 as channeled by Ron and Robert Baker

Lia's picture

~Archangel Gabriel Monthly Weather Report Number Forty-Seven~

Weather Report Of Physical & Emotional Symptoms for May - August, 2011 as channeled by Ron and Robert Baker


This is a time of preparation for soul awakening. 2010 has been a time of bringing you into the presence of healed duality, bringing together the pairs of opposites. 2011 will be called a Year of the Revelation of Truth and Integration.

In the Overview of the Year, we have talked about the three quadrants (four-month segments) of the year. This channeling will be about the second four months of the year specifically.


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