Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.


Lia's picture

~Children of the Sun Group Forcefield Moves into Heightened Planetary Action.~

We are preparing now for this approaching June-July wave of acceleration which will pulse intensified radiation of cosmic and solar rays to more dramatically transform human consciousness, societal systems and infrastructure.

Increasing Electronic Spin

During this Full Moon, we will undergo profound atomic acceleration in order to re-polarize and re-spatialize our electrons while healing density distortion within the orbital spin of our atoms. This will catalyze a tremendous raising action of our entire vibrational signature and energy blueprint.

As an introduction to this moon's Group Activation and in preparation for our subsequent planetary service during the months of June/July, the following gives a simplistic review of some very important principles. May this inspire deep intimacy of union with your precious electrons in order to more quickly free remaining discordancy at the level of the atomic particle.

The Atom and its Electrons

~The Council of Light: Unclench Your Teeth~

Lia's picture

Sunday, 12 June, 2011 

Can you feel the buzz, the hum, the charge of the new energies? The challenge is that it feels way more like an electrocution than the trickle of serene waters! But no need to white-knuckle it as you have been feeling. It’s okay – breathe all the way in. It is a conscious effort now to not experience resistance in your body to these powerful influxes of light, a bit like trying to be porous in a gale. It hurts. So be like the water that flows around the rock in the river – do not resist – just flow around to find the path of least resistance. Consider yourself like water, like air, like fluid movement. The best thing to do is to move like an amoeba to flex and flow as required. It is far too painful otherwise because every single cell is receiving new information during this most major of reconstructions! 

~High Council of Orion message for June, 14th 2011~

Lia's picture

Welcome beloveds and much love and blessings to each one of you. We are the high council of orion and we come to further guide and support you as the energies begin to peak around the planet. Many of you will wonder how you can cope as your life may appear to be falling apart all around of you, many of you will be feeling the increase in energies and feel very on edge as if waiting for something, the anticipation may be tinged with fear of the unknown. We are here loved ones to reassure and guide you that all is well and that you progress well.

~ Mother Mary and Archangel Raphael ~ You're nearly there. First Contact awaits.

Lia's picture
  • ~ Mother Mary and Archangel Raphael ~ ~You're nearly there. First Contact awaits. ~14.06.2011

    Greetings, Dear Ones, It is I, Raphael and I, Mother Mary. We have come to speak with you this day about the current circumstances and challenges that many of you are coming face to face with, and offer you reassurance and cheer you on as you progress forward into your new lives as EnLightened, Ascended BE-ings.


Lia's picture

~ Love Reporter Wanderer of the Skies ~ June 13, 2011~

Greetings from the Federation:

Again we send our message to the Illuminati to reconsider their position in this matter and come to reason and to the light. We ask that those of the Illuminati who wish to do so to “break rank” and move towards disclosure, for the sake of all humanity, and for their own considerations. We again tell you that these actions will no doubt act as a mitigation to the justice to be meted out in the world courts for all the transgressions made against your people. It is imperative that you fulfill your obligations to your own race and step back from the brink of insanity to face ascendancy. You will not regret such a move and you have our blessings in doing so. Your actions, as small as you think they may be in the whole scheme, will have tremendous effects on all.

~An Update from The Arcturians~ We know You are Waiting On The Galactics and You will not be dissapointed~

Lia's picture

June 12, 2011.

~We know You are Waiting On The Galactics and You will not be dissapointed~

Greetings again dear ones. We see you anxiously awaiting some sort of action on the part of the Galactics and you will not be disappointed. However, everything must be in place for it to happen in ways that will not give rise to more of the games being played by those who wish you not to awaken. It must be done in a way in which there is no confusion on the part of those ready for the energy now coming in. There must be situations in place for it to unfold in the way that has been planned.


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