Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.


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As a follow up to the Manifesto I recently shared with you, regarding the Children’s High Council Meeting in the ethers. I felt it would be timely, to perhaps share just a tiny morsel of things that have happened in my own family. I also will share a bit of the research and information I have gathered, regarding the ‘Super Psychic Children’ alive today, on our planet. 

To me, I feel one of the final vestiges of awakening, must happen with the children of our world. In order to bring them with us into full alignment. Agreed? So we are all on the same page. I feel the children are saying

~We Are Creating a New Golden Galaxy~

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~We Are Creating a New Golden Galaxy~

Archangel Michael transmitted through  ~Love Reporter Ronna Herman~

Beloved masters, can you feel the excitement in the ethers/air? The changes you have dreamed about, hoped and aspired to are swiftly coming to fruition. Your visions, mantras, and meditations are bearing fruit as the refined patterns of Light are drawn forth from the higher realms and begin to take roots in the world of materiality. Your expanded consciousness is affecting those around you and the unified force field of your spiritual family is growing stronger each day. More and more of the Creator’s Light is available to you, the gift of life via God’s great Rays of Expression.


Lia's picture
total lunar eclipse

We had a Total Lunar Eclipse today at 4:15pm EDT; seen from many places on the globe (We couldn’t see it here in North America. Did you see it? Here is a list of places where it was visible in part or in whole:


I’m a little late in getting this information out, but keep in mind that the effects of an eclipse are in strong effect the day before, the day of, and the day after. In addition, eclipses have a longer arc of effect – from two weeks before, to two weeks after. Some say the effects last even longer than that.




~~June Solstice: June 21, 2011~ LOVE REPORTER BARBRA HAND CLOW~

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view chart for june 21,2011,1:17pm EDT Washington DC

~June Solstice: June 21, 2011~

The Summer Solstice has arrived north of the Equator where it is time to breathe, relax, be sensual, and to become fully embodied. South of the Equator, it is the Winter Solstice where it is time to assess what you've created during the year, especially to consider your Spring Equinox intentions made during September 2010. [This site is written for readers who live north of the Equator, so those down south will need to switch your comprehension of the influences of the solstices accordingly.]

~Possible Factors Delaying Disclosure ~ BUT DISCLOSURE HAS A DIVINE DEADLINE!~ Part 1~2~

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~Possible Factors Delaying Disclosure ~ BUT DISCLOSURE HAS A DIVINE DEADLINE!~ Part 1~2~


What I plan to do in this article is to look at what may have caused disclosure to be delayed from the predicted end of the first quarter of 2011, the date SaLuSa gave on Dec. 29, 2010, to a a near but unknown date.

Before turning to that discussion, I’d like to emphasize two points. The first is that there is a divine deadline for disclosure and the second is that the galactics say they need secrecy to prevent Illuminati-engineered disasters and therefore cannot tell us everything that is occurring behind the scenes. The Japanese earthquake should have shown us the need for this.

Disclosure has a Divine Deadline

~~Shhhhh…. D-Day Approacheth~ Love Reporter Steve Beckow~

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~Shhhhh…. D-Day Approacheth~

by Love Reporter Steve Beckow

Every day, fresh indications roll in, as SaLuSa put it today (June 15, 2011), that “a major event is drawing near.”

We here at the 2012 Scenario are adjusting by cutting down on the peripheral news, concentrating on D-Day (can’t say the “D” word – don’t want the cabal to know – nudge, nudge), looking at the galactic civilizations here to help us, examining their spacecraft, looking at the history of D-Day, etc.

As far as we can. There is never enough time to do much research these days. I may repost some articles from the past, which now again become germain.

That may show up as a smaller amount of news in the next few days as we do our research; don’t know for sure. I may have to respond to even fewer emails, although I’ll read them all. This is only in the interests of conserving time.

~High Council of Orion Love Update~6~16~11

Lia's picture

Welcome beloveds, by now you should be feeling the changes and shifts of the moon within your very BEing. Some of you will be experiencing intense emotions and emotional reactions to those around you, this may be in the guise of lots of tears for no reason that you can comprehend or for many others it may in the guise of stomach or limb pain. Know that the energies that sweep across the planet and those that are intensified by the moon are cleansing and sweeping away that which you no longer need on all levels.

~UPDATE~6~15~11~The Galactic Federation through Wanderer of the Skies~

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~The Galactic Federation through Wanderer of the Skies~

June 15, 2011



Greetings from the Federation:

These are truly exciting times. Much is happening right now that is part of the unfolding of the Disclosure process. It has begun. We find ourselves amazed at the Illuminati’s reaction to the their understanding that the time has now come for certain. They do not know which panic button to push first. They are scrambling to figure out ways to hide their tracks, cover their crimes, and position themselves for what think the Post-Disclosure world will look like. We do not mean to imply that we amuse ourselves at anyone’s tribulations. We simply point out that we monitor these actions and can tell you they are fruitless. Better to simply come over to the Light, give yourselves to Love, and find the way.


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~Not Everyone Wants You to be Joyful~


Dear Ones,

Let us touch upon a subject we have alluded to previously in preparation for the energy activities of the next few weeks. The New Age/new earth is about love and joy. Fear is no longer the key element in your New Age being. You are shifting and morphing into a being of sunshine. Not that fear will disappear, it will merely be as fleeting as joy was in the Old Age.

Not everyone will be pleased with your new sunny demeanor. Some of the people you care about most, including friends, relatives and co-workers, will not want you to be happy. For when you claim your happiness, they will feel isolated.

Some of you have lived with or known others who are chemically dependent. Have you noticed that when the chemically dependent person stops using, those closest to the chemically dependent person often encourage them to return to their chemicals?


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