Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

~Selacia ~ Get Ready Year Of Horse And 1/30 Super Moon~

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SelaciaNext week promises to be a powerful time for energy shifts and openings – especially with the super moon January 30 ahead of Chinese New Year and the Year of the Horse officially starting the next day. These energies are auspicious and hold great potential for you on a personal level – helping you to connect with your destiny path and your true power to create as a multidimensional being of light.

In this article are suggestions for making the most of these beneficial energies, while also continuing your progress of forward movement this year. If you are like most people, you have likely had a number of highs and lows since 2014 began. There indeed has been, and continues to be, a generally lighter feel and tone compared with 2013.

That said, in the bigger picture you also sit within ongoing radical and challenging revolutionary energies that characterize these unique years of paradigm shift. Changes often are not easy, even the ones you want to make.

2014 a Peak Year

One reason is that 2014 is a peak year of your world being literally remade under your feet.

~Entering the STORM of transition in TRUTH~

Lia's picture

As the New Earth energies begin to align fully chaos will begin to unfold RAPIDLY, we are guided to place this information on our blog to help you prepare for the transition of the human race which will begin to rapidly unfold over the coming linear days. For the old 3d earth attempts to teach that the New Year and hence what some are calling the second year of the Age of Aquarius began on the 1st January 2014. This is distortion for it uses the calendar from the old 3d earth paradigms which is out of sync with the natural ebb and flow of universal energies. (For more information please visit the Crystalline Sanctuary website).

~2014 WILL BE A YEAR LIKE NO OTHER by Patricia Cota-Robles

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by Patricia Cota-Robles

January 2014


2014 was birthed onto the screen of Life in an explosion of Light. This Light was infused with higher frequencies of Divine Love from the Divine Matrix of our Father-Mother God than Humanity has ever been able to bear. The reason the Earthly Bodies of Humanity can now withstand this much higher, more rarefied, and infinitely more powerful Light, is because of the God Victorious success of the myriad activities of Light that were accomplished in 2013 through the unified efforts of Heaven and Earth.

2013 was the first year of the New Earth. For much of the time Humanity was walking with our feet in both worlds. We were receiving the incredible blessings from the 5th-Dimensional patterns of perfection on the New Earth, but at the same time we were experiencing the unfinished residue of our human miscreations that were surfacing to be healed and transmuted into Light from the old Earth.

Joy is a Vital Abundance Tool ~ Archangel Gabriel

Silver's picture

By: Angels Wings and Unicorns, 01/21/2014

We understand that a great deal of you are continuing to struggle with your monetary abundance. There are a few key points we would like to address on that topic today.


Do not expect that money can only come from certain sources. For example, if you only make so much a week at your job, do not presume that is your only source of money. Money can come to you in a myriad of ways. If you expect money is limited to a certain amount from a specific stream, you completely restrict how the universe can deliver to you. Be open to money finding its way to you in many different ways and you will greatly assist the universe in it’s desire to assist you. Make it a fun game of expectation and discovery!


Do not think money is the only answer. Money is a fantastic tool that you can turn into many things. The universe also enjoys giving to you exactly what you seek without the “middleman” of money. Be open to the many ways the universe can deliver to you, and don’t be surprised if the exact items you desire start to appear without the use of money at all!


~Aligning with YOUr natural cycles and rhythms in the New Earth~

Lia's picture

Everything in the universe has a NATURAL rhythm and cycle,  from the plants, to the trees to the animals, all is in HARMONY. Many of you may be more than aware of the NATURAL MUSIC OF CREATION, that is the symphony that ALL create within, around and through and which is interwoven with the very fabric of the universe which is the frequency of the LOVE that IS in TRUTH.  If you take a look at life on planet earth you will see CREATED cycles and rhythms, from the rounding up of numbers in everyday life to the creation of months, years etc, all is DESIGNED to take you OUT of the natural flow and rhythm of the universe.

~Receiving Dream Messages from your Future Self~

Lia's picture



We have said the part of you that knows how to navigate time and space works with you to create the highest and best futures that benefit yourself and others. For our purposes here we will call this your future self because this aspect of your consciousness often ventures into future times to visit the field of potentials extending from your present moment. Your future self speaks to you of these potentials when you are in a certain state of subconscious listening, most often in dream states.

Now we will discuss in more detail these exchanges with your future self and how you may have experienced them in the past.

‘Premonition Dreams’ Alert us to Needed Course Corrections

One way you may have experienced the download of this information from your future self is through what you may call a “prophetic dream.” This is a dream where you witness an event that has not yet manifested in your present reality at the time of the dream, but that does eventually occur in a future time. This future time may be the next day, the next week or months or years down the road. Most often, this event in crystallizing in the near future. Seemingly prophetic dreams often happen as the timeframe approaches when the incident occurs and there is still time to make a course correction. That is when you receive a dream state where you actually experience the event that is about to unfold.

Love, Appreciation and Gratitude are Keys to the New Time

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In transitioning from one reality to another, it's important to complete with your present reality before moving to a new one. The process of completion involves holding in your mind the blessings you have received in your present reality. Express gratitude for all that has been: for the experiences, the learning opportunities and the sharing. Affirm to yourself everything happened perfectly and all is now complete.

Expressing gratitude for the reality you are leaving helps you to release even the hint of a nuance that you are seeking to "run away from" the reality you are presently experiencing. Understand since you contain it all -- each and every reality you have ever experienced – the idea that it is possible to "leave behind" any reality is illusory. If you are seeking to "get away from" a reality, you will carry thoughtforms about what you "don't want" into your new reality and begin re-creating them there.

Before shifting into a new reality, bring closure to any unresolved emotional energy and heal your experiences. This allows you to come into a place of gratitude. Healing begins when you bring the essence of this "old" reality into the bright light of your love, appreciation and gratitude.


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