Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

Archangel Gabriel’s Daily Message ~ Saturday January 25, 2014

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By:, 01/25/2014

If you understand that the flow is a flow of unconditional love, you will see that surrendering into that flow, and being open to all of the gifts and supports that come with it, is the greatest act of self love you can give yourself. It demonstrates your intention to have your highest life expression and to start following a path of far greater ease. It is acknowledging your own sacred nature and authentic power as you step into your truth as a co-creator and an honoured and deserving part of the whole. It is a profound and sacred act because it shows that you are finally accepting the unconditional love and assistance that has been your divine right all along. ~Archangel Gabriel

Ann Albers – Messages Ann And The Angels – 25 January 2014

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By: Ann Albers, 01/25/2014




My dear friends, we love you so very much.


Today we wish to speak to you about balance. We hear so many of you saying, “I feel off balance. I want to live in balance. How do I create balance in my life?” Most of you know what it feels like to be in balance and yet so very few know how to create this state of grace.


Soren Dreier ~ Curiosity Never Killed Synchronicity

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ManPaddlingCanoeSomewhere in the 1980′s I had lunch with Deepak Chopra: Deepak was at the height of his creative career and touring the world as the great speaker he is.

A lot of people today see him as tangled up in the Matrix. Maybe he is – I don’t feel like going judgmental because he would never be that to me or you. Anyhow, what Deepak writes either in his context as a doctor or self-development there is always great inspiration to be picked up. So either way, that’s a gift.

Deepak talked a bit about the Yoga Sutra, which is very much the philosophical and spiritual background for his early writings and it still is.

Then we went on to discuss synchronicity and he told me this story. It obviously made an impact since I still remember it. If he has mentioned it in his work later I don’t know.

The story illustrates my point in: The Undistorted Power of Attention

One morning Deepak was on his way to the airport. He told that he usually ordered at limousine to take him there. Or rather: a service from his publisher. The limousines were usually black; this morning the car was Yellow.

~Mother Earth is Worth Loving~

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Mother Earth is Worth Loving!

Friday, January 24, 2014
My Love for Mother Earth and also a Message to those Reading this.
I can honestly say I dearly LOVE Mother Earth and am one with her.

Just because there are so many scars on her and toxins in her(all humanity's doing) we can just continue to love her even though we spoiled alot of her waters and soils .. if only we could band together as her children and clean her up without the governments necessarily involved, not sit and wait for them and clean up litter, and create our own groups to help her out every day take some time out for her to show her how much we love and appreciate her and the experience she has given us.

Remember when you were kids how much enchantment and wonder and inspiration you felt just to be here.. don't snuff that inner child innocence out completely because of the negativity in society and separation brainwashing that has been going on in media, and society.(violent movies, shows etc why so many I wonder?)

Judith Dagley ~ Getting Beyond “Confusion And Overwhelm” ~ 25 January 2014

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judithReblogged from judithdagleyflaherty,mft:

If you are one who has let me know that you’ve been feeling overwhelmed by confusion lately, here is why my response is always “Wonderful!”

NOW is a “time” when we are being invited, or urged, or even having-the-obvious-shoved-right in-our-faces, to realize that expanding INTO what we want requires expanding OUT of repeating the experiences we do NOT want.

What usually makes this seem “hard” is a long-term reliance on linear logic as our compass.

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Hello, Beloved! This is the celestial team, popping in for a moment to add our two cents of introduction to this divine “humanly transmitted” post. Know that the word “divine” was deliberately and accurately chosen, for what our Judith is communicating is, in essence, your truth. You are an earthly/celestial being who creates “reality” through your own divine internal technology.

This has always been true. You who have been reading and watching our transmissions through the last four of your years have heard us “say” this is in various ways in every one of them. NOW, however, it is “time” to CLAIM your human sovereignty as a creator being of frequency. It is “time to bring it home,” into You, through You, as a frontrunner for your human collective.

Co-Creating the New Earth ~ Tomorrow is in our Hands

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In order to experience something new we have to have the drive/will within us to release the old and experience something new. The old stays the same for as long as we continue to hold onto those ways of living within the old. Everyday we have the opportunity/choice to create and experience something new in our lives. Change your patterns or focus and you will change your life. The New Earth is not a separate place or a belief, it is here now for all that wish to experience it. Our minds may be expecting change to happen instantly, that the outside world should change by itself. However as the saying goes, the inner creates the outer. If we focus on lack we will experience more lack, if we hold onto fear, anger and beliefs of separation we will experience more of the same. These ways of experiencing reality do not exist within the new age of the Earth. By holding onto the old ways of the ego, fear, judgement, anger, and self disempowerment it limits our ability to sense and perceive what other possibilities exist for us “now”. The Universe only supplies us with what we wish to spend our time experiencing. We are Creator Gods whether we wish to consciously acknowledge this or not. We have the opportunity to experience life through whatever way or form we wish.

Djwhal Khul ~ Triangulation and Vibrational Healing

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Terri Newlon

Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.

The vibrational patterns within the physical body have begun to respond to magnetic shifts, solar influences and the major transformation that is being experienced in the greater cosmos. It is important to allow vibrational transformation at the cellular and sub-cellular level, and rapidly so now.

The process of triangulation in general is upon us. You may want to research the ways in which this shows up, scientifically, relationally and much more. In the esoteric sense of the term, one may create a series of triangles extending from the third eye outward, for example. I am going to recommend this technique for the removal of stuck energy anywhere in the body or in the life.

Other methods for quick transformation that involve letting go are and You may already have other tools, such as the ones I have given over the years or a training that you received. In this time period, you will need to rapidly transform in order to prevent pain and illness from building up in the body. Embrace this and ask your inner healing team to constantly work on you. Look on for videos and follow along with them. It will make a big difference.

Letting go of “ordinary” in the New Earth

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As the energies begin to expand and to find balance before again expanding and deepening it is vital to understand that your life in this your human form is changing moment to moment. Life in the old 3d earth paradigms was TAUGHT as continual and “ordinary”, that is you were taught to EXPECT a day to unfold in a certain pattern, you were encouraged to really anchor this pattern and to work to keep it in place AT ALL TIMES. As many of you are now experiencing this is NOT supported in the New Earth at any level, so a day may be experienced in a variety of ways at ALL moments. For those of you who have found some sort of SOLACE in the routine of a “typical” day the past few linear days may have triggered you in surprising ways. The more that you try to hold on to “routine” and “typical” the more OUT of balance you may FEEL and this of course will then confuse the human logical mind. For it may be trying to teach you that you need only find the “new” pattern to your life experience and you will feel the sense of “familiar” again. This is distortion and works AGAINST the very process that is unfolding at this moment through you, around you and within you. 


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