Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

ChangingHealer ~For the Moment~

Lia's picture

All he wanted, more than anything was to watch TV. More specifically, Ben 10.  To me, it’s a different flavor of violence.  But what do I know about violence?  Either way, I grant his wish.  After the final episode, I will turn the TV off and redirect the energy outside.  Bringing recycling outside and laundry downstairs.  Only to eventually watch more TV.  HAHA.  Except this time, it will be of a slower pace.  I guess that’s why I like Little House on the Prairie.  It’s of a slow pace.  It’s 10:37am.  And by noon thirty, the kids will have had a little more than 2 hours of TV. 

I sigh a big sigh. 

All I wanted, was to go to a yoga workshop.  Twice as long as a class.  I wanted to emerge myself into myself.  Where I had no obligation to anyone or anything, other than myself.  But maybe I chose the wrong place.  Or maybe it was just the right place.

I drove total 80 miles, there and back.  I was gone from 12:10pm to 4:45pm.  I took my time.  I enjoyed the scenery as much as I could being the driver.  I became the experience to a large degree.  And I enjoyed myself. 

Working with signs and symbols in the New Earth

Silver's picture

By: Karen Doonan, 01/18/2014

As I have blogged continually in relation to the New Earth,  YOU are creating from moment to moment. For many of you the incidence of what is commonly referred to as “synchronicity” and even “deja vu” may be reaching record levels in your outer waking life experience. As I have also blogged  there is also no such thing as “synchronicity” in TRUTH for the universe is created by DESIGN, the synchronicity you experience is merely the 3d overlay to help you understand that you are aware of the design and that you are in alignment with the design of the universe. That is not to say that life in the New Earth is predestined, the whole point of dissolving the karmic dimensional timelines is to live in FREEDOM, something denied to you at all levels within the karmic dimensional timelines. You would have choice but only within a certain parameter of frequency and you would experience similar losses and trauma over and over again.


Message from Archangel Zadkiel ~ Transmuting Judgment into Understanding

Silver's picture

By: Julie Miller, 01/18/2014

There are so many dear souls that are being held back by the tight grip of their emotions; emotions found through disappointment, anger, blame and resentment just to name a few. Unfortunately these emotions create a vice-grip kind of hold over your ability to attract happiness and there is only one person that can release these heavy, negative emotions and that person is you.


Forgiveness is a wonderful way to bring yourself and others the healing that is definitely deserved. The healing from the process of forgiveness can be instantaneous or it can felt at a later time through great patience, prayer, persistence and trust that all is working out as it should – think of yourself as a blossoming flower rather than a package of deep seated anger and resentment that is about to explode. It is understood dear ones that forgiveness is closely related to compassion and if you are holding onto any resentment or upset it is important to forgive and let go. The more you carry these negative emotions around the more depleted your energy will become and in time these negative emotions will begin to affect your physical health.


~ChangingHealer~ All of us in me

Lia's picture

It’s a funny thing.

They are not me.  I am not them.  We are all one.  Different flavors of source.  My frustrations regarding them appear to me once I am again able to breathe.

I broke a chair today.  One of our oldest.  Those of its kind have been creaking and cracking anyway.  At least that was the justification I gave for picking it up from its place in front of the computer and slamming it down on the floor .  This followed several episodes of crossing boundaries today in our household.  Testing the waters and pushing limits.  And so it continues in its various forms.

Here’s what I know:

~Sacred Language of the Human Body~

Lia's picture

by Mona Delfino

If we understand the concepts that our minds are capable of, we’ll accelerate and amplify the process by which energy heals. For in this knowledge of a technique called energy medicine, we are fully capable of healing ourselves. When we listen to another person speak to us, we hear them through an understanding of an insight, an interpretation, or an image. This is how we hear Spirit… through interpretations of visions.

Spirit talks to us through our emotions and our feelings. In energy work, we feel the image we see when reading the body’s muscle memory. It’s a form of transference. When we say things like, “I can feel your pain.” We actually can. Mentally, emotionally and physically, we are in a time of feeling others energies greater than we ever have before.

Therefore, we are in a changing world that we can all participate in if we just realize that patterns we’ve carried over our life are ready to free up. No longer do we have to abide by anyone else’s ideas, thoughts or conform to their style of belief. As individual pillars, we are all fully capable to be independent beings creating our decisions through expansion.



Lia's picture


Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.

New heaven & earth

It is a time for looking at the greater picture–WE, as co-creators with Mother/Father God, are transforming our planet into a galactic society, so Earth may reunite with our galactic family/community in peace, abundance for all, and the opportunity for each individual to live in accordance with the Divine Plan for his/her life.

As Earth emerges from thousands of years of life within a matrix of lies and illusions, it is important to observe the changes with discernment, attuning to the unfolding Divine Plan for our planet.  Earth is ascending to higher dimensions of consciousness, requiring changes within major factors of our planetary society that we have heretofore honored as a vital part of who we Earth humans are–thinking in terms of our military protecting us and the Church guiding us on the pathway to heaven.

~How to Surf the Waves of Change~

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by Michelle Walling, CHLC

Do you feel like you just can’t seem to stay upbeat due to all of the challenges that keep coming up, over and over? Are you just about to the end of your rope on dealing with life’s difficulties? Are you ready to get off of this rollercoaster?

When the day came for you to begin to wake up you made a commitment to buckle your seatbelt and to “do your work” necessary to begin to make different choices in life toward the goal of raising your vibration. Before you incarnated here you had chosen a certain time when you would start to question why you were here and awaken to your role in changing the planet forever.


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