Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

~Frequency Update by Andrew Martin~ Lights On!

Lia's picture

We wish to offer an update today on the energies and frequencies in and around yourselves and Earth at this time.

Many of you are now in the final stages of integrating your other selves and are truly the embodiment of the higher frequencies that have been washing over lovely Earth in wave after wave after wave! You truly have left no stone unturned within yourselves and have done great work with much clarity of heart and bravery in shining the Light upon all that yearned to be transformed within you.

Part 2: My Recent Energy Healing Experiences and Clear Visions

Lia's picture

227Hello everyone, this is part 2 of my recent experiences and clear visions posting during the most recent energy healings.  You can read Part 1 by clicking HERE.

Arch Angel Raphael, Healing Chamber, Healing Crystals, Saint Germain

So once the scene is set for the healing (see part 1 posting), I call upon Arch Angel Raphael to join me.  I feel usually feel his energy presence next to mine very quickly and I see him as this beautiful emerald green emanating being of light with long dark thick wavy hair with a bit of a darker skin and a dark heavy accent.

His energy and his presence is absolutely amazing.   I have been shown that I am in a circular room.  I do not see any walls, ceiling or doors.  This room is actually a healing chamber.   The floor is a huge healing crystal and there are 12 large and tall (12 feet I would guess) healing crystals placed in a circle arrangement that are formed from the ground up that are separate by a few feet.

~Worldwide Synchronized Meditation~

Lia's picture

Commentary from The Galactic Free Press, We Will Be Hosting this in the 5D Room Every Sunday Beginning at 11:11am Pacific, this will be during our weekly Family Meeting all at this Link: Love The Earth Allies

On the 17th of December 1983, 7,000 meditators got together and meditated on world peace and love.... During this time, there was a 74% reduction in crime in the world.

This is nothing new. Study after study has been done that proves without a shadow of a doubt, that meditation heals the planet.

Your thoughts affect the world. When a group of people come together with the same intention, the effect is exponential.

If 7,000 meditators can have such a strong effect, imagine if we had one million people meditating on world peace at the same time once a week!

Raising Your Vibration and Becoming Sensitive to Energy ~ Spirit Inspired Article by Brad Austen

Lia's picture

Through practicing meditation and embracing a spiritual path, over time you raise your vibration. This is also known as ascension. Raising your vibration, or ascending while being in a physical body is a slow and gradual process. It has to be a gradual process otherwise your body wouldn't cope with the process. There are two ways to ascend; the most common way people have ascended in the past is through the death process. The new way to ascend on this planet is while being alive in a physical body. This doesn't necessarily mean you won't die in this incarnation but generally means you can have life extension and better health and wellbeing. Ascension will mostly be a generational process, with the new babies that are being born now and in the future. However anyone at any age can choose to ascend, through his or her intent and desire to do so.

From a dualistic perspective, ascending while in a physical body has some positive benefits but can also have some challenges. As you raise your vibration, your aura fills with light from your higher self so that you can carry that vibration while being human. Eventually you begin to resurrect and ascend the physical body, which in turn makes your body more youthful and healthy over a period of time.

2014 ~ The New Harmonics of Light and Sound

Lia's picture

Dear Ones,

At the 12:12:12 activation, the core resonance for the Earth became aligned with Unity Consciousness. With every Gateway portal and code activation since that time, this resonance gained more stability, reflecting the Golden Ray of the Christ, Unity Consciousness throughout the Earth. During 2014 the new harmonics that create unity settle into the Earth’s field, awakening a resonant consciousness within the human form, while joyous harmonic activity is feeding the elemental forces within the core of the planet.

The harmonics of light and sound have an impact on all structures of the Earth, activating a core resonance that vibrates outward. As they anchor into the crystalline grid, these harmonic waves of catalytic evolution shake loose the debris in operating systems on the Earth, as well as in the consciousness of all humanity not vibrating at these accelerated frequencies. This could very easily cause upheaval in many different environments and a breakthrough to Love within the heart of all beings.

~The Eye of the Needle~ by moonhippiemystic

Lia's picture
Beliefs can become patterns if you hold them long enough.  People don't like to have their belief systems challenged as sometimes this is the very foundation used to "survive", emotionally speaking.  At this point in the process it seems that there are many who are desperately hanging on to an antiquated belief system and this programming goes very, very deep.  It's in the shedding of this outdated programming that we find the ability to fit through the eye of the needle in order to expand on the Heart so we will know what is best for each of us individually.



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