Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

Living Between the World of Duality, and the Higher Dimensions~ Caroline Aguiar

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By Caroline Aguiar

This is probably the longest entry I’ve ever written, and as I was urged to write more, my thoughts flowed freely, and before I knew it this post became quite long.

Before I get started, I want you to know it’s also the truth. I  hope in some way it will put into perspective what might come up for some of us as we continue to integrate with our higher selves, and as we begin to communicate openly with out star families, and the Company of Heaven.

I haven’t written anything for about a week, and there’s a very good reason for this. If you’ve read my blog lately, some amazing things have happened to me which I’ve openly shared with you.  My life has suddenly turned into a minute by minute learning experience, and with each passing minute,  I’ve been asked to look at my every thought, and action, whether I want to or not.

~2014: spiritualizing the material~

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Happy New Year! 2013 is finally over…(exhales)…and I know I am not alone when I say that I have never been so literally “happy” for a new year.

Even tho we are opening to 2014 in a very inward, reflective way…and while still clearing out the cobwebs and misty fog that was so heavily blanketed over us last year…there is a newness in the air that is indisputable.

I was going to straight up talk about all the horrors growth & expansion of last year…where we’ve been, what we all went thru to get here, etc., etc…but I am definitely not feeling that.  I think we can all agree that we served our time in that regard…spent plenty enuf years talking about, feeling, and sitting in our own ick.

For those interested in a recap, here’s the Readers Digest version: we dedicated a ridiculously long decade or two (in this lifetime anyway) to stretching ourselves beyond the shadow land while bearing the constant pain of transmutation…feeling the unending waves of unresolved emotion, coddling the squeamish and wounded inner-child, calming the ego’s roars, living thru the lack, scarcity & poverty, the isolation, the heartbreaks, the loss, the sickness & dis-ease, the clearing, the letting go, the letting go, the letting go, the symptoms…omgggg the symptoms…ad infinitum. The journey to arrive here was way too much to ask of us.


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Compiled by:  Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.

 In May of 2013, Steve Bassett, of the Paradigm Research Group, held a week long Citizens Hearing for Disclosure before six former members of the U.S. Congress.  The Hearing was held at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. 

Citizen Hearing If the Congress won’t do it’s job, the people will.

 Even though 30 hours of irrefutable witness testimony was presented by “researchers, activists, political leaders, and former members of military services and government agencies representing ten countries,” no official governmental disclosure has taken place.

Steve Bassett is now planning to take his endeavor to break the Truth Embargo to the halls of Congress.  One month before he is set to launch its Congressional Hearing Initiative, the disinformation is moving to a new level of intensity.

Ida Lawrence ~ The Sound of the Void

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SorenDreier  January 16 2014

SoundOfVoidHow good it is when you begin to heal and you’re suddenly aware of the change – it’s the wonderful ‘wow I feel better’ moment. Whether it’s physical, emotional or spiritual, back into balance is mighty nice.

Now, I’m guessing that there are readers who are consistently in balance and rarely experience the ‘I feel better’ moment. They’re always better, and that’s a beautiful thing. I’m happy for all of those who enjoy wellness throughout their lives. Health practices, right living, right thinking, self-protection; plus maybe just a bit of genetic good luck can go a long way toward an illness-free life.

And yet I know there are plenty of spiritually-minded beautiful and loving people who experience stress, anxiety, disease, weight issues, addiction, depression, age-related discomfort… all sorts of impacts from growing up and living in an ‘energy-hostile’, conditioned, programmed, toxic world.

What peace and oneness we may know at birth we soon forget as the dis-ease of this 3-D experience takes over. We begin to do as we are supposed to do, or as we are sometimes forced to do… and we experience harm to our true selves and to our physical bodies as well. Something starts to know discomfort… something starts to retreat to the back room of longing.

~The blindfold of expectation~

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I have blogged and touched upon “expectation” in earlier blogs but now I revisit this at this time under guidance. For the old 3d earth is now pulling out all stops to try to slow down a process that cannot be stopped. The old 3d earth frequencies now barely able to function albeit at a personal level within the human vehicle many are still running the old frequencies.  It is vital to become more consciously aware of how you are projecting these frequencies out into the world.  At this time many are attempting to place pressure and “expectation” on those closest to them, this is not TRUTH and is therefore not supported in the New Earth.  Often this can be FELT and when it is FELT can be detached from but what may blind you is the reciprocal expectation that YOU are attempting to place on the other person.

Visionkeeper: Understanding Part of the Mission

Lia's picture to Lucas2012infos.

(Picture by

Music to read by below:

It seems to me like I have been on a very long voyage that began in earnest in 2012 and I am just now returning back to port from my explorations. In some ways it feels like I have come full circle. I started out with a desire and a mission and as I head back into the harbor I am returning to the same mission, only with a whole new perspective of it now. The basics remain the same, how I view them is vastly different. Take the main theme of my mission for example.

Mike Quinsey ~ SaLuSa 17 January 2014

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By: Mike Quinsey, 01/17/2014


From our vantage point your Earth shines out like a jewel in the firmament, and makes it known to all observers that the Light is once again returning. With your input and our assistance it will continue to do so, and no outside influence will be able to stop or hinder it. It has been decreed that this cycle will end in victory for the Light, and this was planned eons of time ago.


You can therefore leave the old behind that has served its purpose, and indeed eventually only the higher vibrations will exist. Hitherto, the cycles have ended with massive Earth changes, so much so that little evidence has remained of earlier civilizations. However, now that necessary lessons have been learnt, the experiences have brought about the desired upliftment in the levels of consciousness. This was required to bring those souls who were ready to ascend, to a level where they could do so and complete their experiences in the lower vibrations. This is normal when a cycle reaches a stage of completion.


~Birth of the New Earth and expansion of energies~

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Many of you may be FEELing the expansion that is now beginning to build within the frequencies that are flowing across and within planet earth at this time.  In a linear context the “new year” arrived with a NEW ENERGY, in TRUTH there is no linear, linear time being a concept that is created within and continually anchored by the human logical mind. From this moment onwards a linear concept will see you in total chaos as the expansion of the New Earth frequencies are multi dimensional and cannot be placed in a linear concept any more than a drop of water can be placed in a container and said to be in flow. The concept of flow is often placed again in a linear concept with the human logical mind trying to persuade you that a river needs to flow from and to somewhere, all the whilst filtering out that the flow is in all directions AT ONCE.

Mother Mary: Together We Are Reaching Greater Heights of Bliss With Each Breath of Love That We Take Together ~ by Fran Zepeda

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MotherMaryYesMother Mary:

My precious, my lovely angels of light, of heartfelt grace and abundant love. I come to you today through this channel to bring to you my blessings, to bring you my heartfelt love and abundant grace.

As you embark upon and ride this increasingly building wave of light, it is necessary to look within and notice what still needs to be forgiven for and by yourselves. My dear children of the light, I do not speak of forgiveness in the terms that you have done something wrong, but rather, this: In the course of your clearing, you have unearthed, so to speak, many pockets of experiences still lingering in your energy fields and within your ever-expanding hearts.

So, I ask of you, forgive yourselves for the trespasses you have experienced in coming to know yourselves, in filtering through the many recesses of your heart. In a sense you are already forgiven, for in Creator’s eyes, you can never do wrong. What remains is your concept of yourselves, dear ones. Let me explain it this way: In the course of your travels to find your true selves, your Divine Selves, you have been walking, traveling, through the debris of many lifetimes and aspects of yourselves that inhibit you from realizing your true brilliance and your true purity.


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