Visionkeeper – Be A Beacon For Others – 7 June 2012

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Visionkeeper – Be A Beacon For Others – 7 June 2012

Posted on June 7, 2012 by GLR lucas2012infos 

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Okay, we made it through some pretty major planetary happenings and I can’t help but think big changes are in the works. We also have an incoming solar flare today as well! The energies have been intense, no question about it, I think the fact Venus put on her rare transit show on Tuesday will now hopefully rev up the love vibrations and open up more hearts.


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Heavenletter #4213 You Are in a Higher Place Now

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Heavenletter #4213 You Are in a Higher Place Now, June 7, 2012 

God said: 


There is no fault, and there is no excuse.

You cannot walk on tiptoe through life. There is no fault, and there is no excuse, and yet mistakes are made, and regret and guilt regrettably are left in their wake. Do not harbor your errors. You have to let them go as well as you have to let go of others’ errors.

Nor are you to make excuses for yourself. It’s true that you didn’t know any better. Now move on.

Be a proponent of good will. Have good will toward yourself and others. This is setting your rudder right. Set your rudder right, and all else will follow. You steer through the shoals of life. Good will is your rudder.

Do unto yourself as you do to others. There are no others. There are no neighbors. It is all yourself. Do not offend, and you will have no offense to be contrite about. It is not all right for you not to befriend yourself.

The finest thing you can do for yourself right now is to jump out of the past and no longer coagulate there. You are in a higher place now. You are setting sail for new ports, and old ballast is of no use to you. It is garbage. Throw it overboard.

~~Your Family of Light and the Changes~ Galactic Love Reporter Will Harader ~

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~Your Family of Light and the Changes~



Change is upon us. Though change has always been here, it's making itself much more obvious now. The Planet is shifting, the climate is being altered, sea levels rising, ice caps melting, and the entire ecosystem is constantly adjusting itself. Socially, people are fed up with corporate greed and the governments that protect the corporations at the expense of the people. People are hungry for a break from the dysfunctional systems of the past. An African-American man is president of a country that barely treated his race as human just a couple generations ago. Countries are coming clean about their suppression of information regarding UFOs, and it's now to the point that only the willfully ignorant can convince themselves nothing is going on.


Earth Ally Will Harader~ Light is Spirit~

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~Light is Spirit~





I've noticed two types of unconsciousness. The unconsciousness that doesn't realize its unconscious and acts like it is conscious. This is the manic state. And the unconsciousness that realizes its unconscious and reacts with more unconsciousness. The is the depressed state. Every being that isn't in touch with their True Self falls into one of these categories. Duality rules with confusion in illusion, while in Reality you certainly can't experience anything as only having two sides.

Earthrise is here on June 6th, 2012.

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June 6th, 2012 NOW is the time to. Shine your Light. The energies of June 5th are going to get higher in vibrations. Make sure not to slip into the lower vibrations at the last second. This moment has been in the making for eons! Don't give up! Feel the energy in this post! Feel the energy coming in! NOW is the time for you to complete this part of the mission! Earthrise is here.

New ways to celebrate

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Recently, as I marked the completion of my 44th time around the sun with a bbq drumming party, I started a new tradition with birthday candles. I wanted to keep focused on the new energy building and all the possitive possibilities that are presenting themselves.  To keep the energy focused on unity and oneness, even thought it is my birthday. I wanted it to be everybody's birthday to celebrate.   While mingling with guests I delivered birthday candles, one to each person.  As my birthday was June 2nd, I explained the energies and happenings surrounding the full moon/partial lunar eclipse and Venus transit while handing out the candles.  I explained that we should focus on our highest/ best/positive wishes for our future.  As I discussed everyone’s dreams and wishes with them, those thoughts were intended to be embedded into the candles.  The intention was when it was finally time to make a wish on the candles, so we could devoured our lemon cream cake with fresh blackberries and whip cream…I digress.  When making the wish, the other wishes/hopes/dreams earlier discussed were “sent out into the universe.”  It was awesome!  It was kind of being able to wish for more wishes, but for your peeps, and the rest.

One last thought, I have always keep the used birthday candles.  They last a few minutes, enough time to refocus your mind in a quick meditation, with intention or not.  The candles already have a “happy vibe” to them. This is also a great beginning meditation technique to do with little kids.  I do this with my daughter when we are recovering form an ill timed afternoon melt down; just a little ritual/meditation to focus on gratitude or love to reset the positive energy.

6/6/2012 -- Severe weather in ND SD NE MN WY CO OK TX LA MS AL FL NY PA MI Toronto

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Damaging winds, large outbreaks of hail.. and also possible tornadoes to the north.

States currently effected are.. North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Minnesota, Wyoming, Colorado, Oklahoma, Texas Louisiana, Mississippi Alabama Florida New York Pennsylvania Michigan Toronto Canada

Steve Beckow ~ World Peace “Nearly Here” ~ 6 June 2012

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Steve Beckow ~ World Peace “Nearly Here” ~ 6 June 2012


There are so many themes that one could follow and so little time to cover what’s actually happening in the world. Perhaps we can take a moment out to look at how efforts to establish world peace have been progressing since, say, April 2012.


At the beginning of that month, SaLuSa told us that the basis for global peace had been laid and that we could now expect weapons of war to be immobilized as soon as the galactics are able to join us.


“At last we can tell you that the basis for world wide peace has been established, and quickly shall the weapons of war be withdrawn and immobilized. However, that will come when we join you and use our technology to ensure that once an agreement has been reached, that all countries obey it.” (1)


Two days later, he added that the world’s governments now knew that war must stop. He said that the divine deadline had passed before which the galactics had to stand on the sidelines to allow for karmic completions.



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