~POOFNESS ~ 6~3~2012 ‘be wise as serpents and cautious as doves’

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~POOFNESS ~ 6~3~2012 ‘be wise as serpents and cautious as doves’


Greetings and Salutation,

So as I was discussing the ‘latest’ with the folks in the rafters, I was cautioned about paying attention to the ‘movie’ being run on the screen by the media or the talking heads for that matter. The euro is going away, the experiment failed…no it’s not. Greece is getting kicked to the curb, out of the european union, no it’s not. Figures don’t lie, but liars sure figure. The neo-cons in the back ground are itching to get another war going. Syria? Iran? Doesn’t matter, we need to go blow up something, kill some folks. That’s the old formula, if the money is taking you down the tube…start a war…that’ll fix it. Trick is you need money to prosecute a war and the nations are broke…people are hungry. The ‘art of war’ says a government must have the people behind it’s actions…if they are destitute, you got problems maintaining order.


Kauilapele - There Comes a Time to Relax with the Changes…

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There Comes a Time to Relax with the Changes…

Posted on 2012/06/03 

I’m not sure if this photo will help to convey the title, but I can
say that, being here “early” morning (7AM) at Java on the Rock, with mocha in cup, feet up on the rock wall, seeing and smelling the ocean, with spinner dolphins dancing (and spinning) in the distance, does feel somehow “right” for that title.

Why post these Kona, Hawaii, Java pictures all the time? Well it often feels very “right” to do so, but more than that, the energy here, right at this spot, definitely is unique. But even more so, is that I’m sure many who see these photos, including myself, harmonize with that energy.

Montague Keen – 3 June 2012

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Montague Keen – 3 June 2012

Posted on June 3, 2012 by GLR lucas2012infos 

I have promised for some time now that the REAL TRUTH would be exposed when brave men find the courage to demand it. The Vatican is responsible for criminal conspiracy and the most heinous crimes against humanity. The people must demand restitution for the victims. So many countries suffered at the hands of this barbaric institution.

Waves of light and love build once again. ~ Michael Through Ron Head

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Waves of light and love build once again. ~ Michael Through Ron Head


It is time now for us to discuss the approaching full moon and eclipse along with the Venus transit.  There is much information on your internet right now about the astrological import of this time.  But the true import is what you will make of it.


We will give no specific guidance in this message as that is being taken care of in each moment and all of the pieces are in play perfectly already.  What we do urge you to do is to look deeply inside yourselves now and return to your heart center.  From these days, it will be increasingly important for you to live, speak, and act from your hearts.  It will also be imperative that you be connected with each other in peace and love.  This will bring you all the support you need, but it will also show you how very powerful you truly are.


Linda Dillon and Graham Dewyea: Be Gentle with Yourself

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Linda Dillon and Graham Dewyea: Be Gentle with Yourself

In this week’s Heavenly Blessings, Linda Dillon takes a look back through the years and the teachings of the ascended masters, celestial beings, and others she has channeled and reviews the gifts that each has given us. Graham and Linda also discuss the applications of the teachings to their own lives and relationships. You may wish to couple this with Graham’s latest video at here.


Heavenly Blessings May 31, 2012 “Round Table” Discussion


GD: Hello and welcome to Heavenly Blessings with Linda Dillon, the channel for the Council of Love and author of The Great Awakening, I’m Graham Dewyea. We’re going to do something a little different today: on previous shows we’ve received lots of gifts and guidance and teachings from the Council to assist us with the Ascension, in the process of Ascension and today Linda and I thought it would be helpful to discuss the application and experience of what they have shared with us, what’s been coming up for us personally, emotionally, physically, spiritually, what’s been coming up for others. It’s certainly a significant time isn’t it Linda?


Bilderberg 2012: Real Men Don’t Like Oligarchs 2012 June 3

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Bilderberg 2012: Real Men Don’t Like Oligarchs

2012 June 3
Posted by Stephen Cook

Bilderberg 2012: Real Men Don’t Like Oligarchs

Stephen: This is a very interesting (well, I thought so) on-the-spot, observational piece written by British sometime-comedy writer Charlie Skelton (at left).

Charlie is filing a daily blog titled Charlie Skelton’s Bilderblog - http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/series/charlie-skelton-bilderblog -  for the London-based The Guardian newspaper and is “stalking”  the secretive comings and goings at the annual Bilderberg conference of leading world figures currently underway in Virginia, USA.

The diversity of people Charlie writes about beautifully demonstrates (pun intended) that  people from ALL walks of life are awakening. But I don’t agree with is Charlie’s last line… for we are all liberty’s best hope!

Bilderberg 2012: Real Men Don’t Like Oligarchs

Can the might of Bilderberg be worn down by this torrent of testosterone, megaphones and blatantly eaten goji berries?

New Paradigm No Mystery

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New Paradigm No Mystery

2012 June 3
 by GLR~ Steve Beckow

I used to say that the new paradigm remained a mystery to me. And then one day, one of my guides, I’m sure, socked me right between the eyes and it was no mystery any more.


How could the new paradigm be anything other than the divine qualities? Such a thing could not be.

We’ve been left to our own devices for millennia to arrive at a workable paradigm and we’ve only produced greed, separativeness, us against them, service to self, and submissiveness.

It’s time to admit we failed and accept the help of God-sent teachers. It’s time to cop to what the new paradigm could only be and that’s the qualities of the Divine.


Those are such things as love, compassion, humility, balance, joy, harmony, peace and so on. How could it be any other way? Honestly?



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