~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 05-21-2012 – Ready to process~

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~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 05-21-2012 – Ready to process~





Greetings Loved Beings,

is it not interesting... on the 20th of May, where thousends of beings gathered together to focus on the release of the onld nergies and the income of the New... an EQ stroke Italy... home of the vatican... in fact, 70 quakes rattled the region... on sunday... and most of the damage happend... to churces... Many completely destroied (during the night, so completely empty), many too damaged to be used anymore... In Italy, on sunday, on the 20th of May, just before the eclipse and the aligment with our Central Sun, Sun, Moon, Earth... well, you know!

Reports from all over the Planet are stating how strong the Shift already is.

Those that did not release... find themselves struggling with old doubt that came to the surface, those that were into the Flow have a much more clearer wiew of Where they Are: Now.

It’s all a Blessing, let it come up, let it go, let the Energy do their Miracles and Realx, you’re Home (if so you want to!)


Thank You for BEingLove.



Dan's picture


Hello everyone. Yesterday as you know, extroardinary events took place, like the Pleiadian alignment, new energy spreading upon the earth, that is still occuring today and an Eclipse. The grid got rebooted as well. Oh the great things that we are experiencing right at this very moment. It is a new Earth. The Galactic Family Of Light known as the Pleadians will be seen clearly soon. So clearly, they will be infront of you talking, Literally! Everyone is spreading Love, Finally! And everyone is going into Ascension. Soon (maybe in a week!) We will realize how magnificant we are. We will experience DNA activation and learn how to levitate ourselves and objects. We will learn Telepathy as well and MUCH MORE! It will happen VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY soon. Like i said... Maybe even in a week. This....... Is a NEW EARTH...... An Awakening, A new Generation......

Galactic Federation of Light Message ~ Ascension

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This word means so many different things to so many individuals. We are here to properly clarify the true meaning of the word ascension.

Ascension is not a process to be feared, it is a natural occurrence, that the planet Gaia has been undertaking for the past 5 of your years, without many of you even knowing about it. The attention of many of you is now being brought to the ascension process, as the timing now has become crucial.


~Space Weather Update~ All is Quiet~

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INTERPLANETARY SHOCK WAVE: An interpanetary shock wave possibly associated with the M5-class solar flare of May 17th swept past Earth on May 20th around 0200 UT. The shock's arrival caused geomagnetic activity around the poles, and several outbreaks of high-latitude auroras. Images: #1, #2.


FANTASTIC ECLIPSE: The Moon passed in front of the sun on Sunday, May 20th, producing a deep solar eclipse visible across the Pacific side of Earth. Sunlight dimmed, the air cooled, ordinary sunbeams turned into fat crescents and rings of light. Here is a sample view from Lake Waconia, Minnesota:


"I drove to the lake, and a couple of fishermen were kind enough to drop their lines in the glitter path of the eclipse," says photographer Tyler Burg. "It was a fantastic composition!"


This is not a fairy tale...

SophiaLove's picture

We have begun the climb.  We are ascending.  A journey requires action, movement and a plan.  We are intentionally moving to another level of being.  This has not been done before.


This is not being given to you.  This is something you are doing. Do you understand the difference?  You would not be here if you had not completed a great deal of hard work.


Your progress is not measured by how many hearts you share in comments or the number of meditations you do for peace.  Your progress is measured by you alone.  It is time to put your game face on.


You now know some of what you’ve been dealing with.  Physical and non-physical, these others have been living off of your negative energy and oppression.  You’ve stated definitively it is time for them to go.  They may have heard you, but they are not gone.  There is much at stake. We cannot let up.


Ascension is a personal process.  It is all and only about you.  You will determine how this works.  It is not a given, it is a choice.


Your habits are what is holding you back now; habits of distraction, inaction, settling, resignation and depression.  Happiness is a decision, not a gift.  Joyful is something that you are.  It is not something that you are given.


When we are joyful and positive regardless of what swirls around us – we will have moved beyond density.  The dark cannot sustain its shadow in a field of light.  We are that field.


The manuscript of survival – part 141

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The manuscript of survival – part 141




•May 21, 2012 • 


Let us begin this missive by commending you all for a job well done. You have no idea how important the events you have just been through were, but we wager that for many of you, today will seem to be a brand new day in more ways than one. You see, this last tuning have installed a new frequency in you all, and you are now playing a very different tune from the one you were able to produce only yesterday. 

Each advance builds upon the last. – Michael by GLR Ron Head

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Each advance builds upon the last. – Michael by GLR Ron Head

May 21, 2012 

  Press here for  Spanish  or Portuguese.


We offer our sincere congratulations for your magnificent success in your meditations and visionings during yesterday’s event.  We urge you to make special efforts to remain grounded now as this wonderful energy continues to make itself felt.

Visionkeeper – The Grass Is Not Always Greener On The Other Side

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Visionkeeper – The Grass Is Not Always Greener On The Other Side – 21 May 2012

Posted on May 21, 2012 by lucas2012infos 

(Picture by www.favim.com)

With life being hit hard lately with solar flares and eclipses, all of us are having to deal with so many issues rising to the surface that we must do away with. During the eclipse last night I was thinking about what must be the hardest of issues for people to deal with at this time. I would imagine the longing for more and seeing others as better off will be a hard one indeed for we have all been so brainwashed into that mentality. We are constantly under the influence of corporations whose insatiable need for greed forces them to cram their products down our throats every waking moment of our lives. Corporate advertising drives homes their messages via television, often designed to belittle the people, make them feel less than, lacking, wanting, sick, anything but emphasizing the goodness they really are! It is shameful the tactics they use to capture their prey.

Angela Peregoff – The Week Ahead – 21 May 2012

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Angela Peregoff – The Week Ahead – 21 May 2012

Posted on May 21, 2012 by GLR lucas2012infos 

As we sit basking in the dynamic presence of yesterday’s solar eclipse New Moon there is no longer any question that a cosmic acceleration is influencing our times, as we seem to be in the midst of a new level of amplify. For the next couple of weeks our sun is resting in perfect alignment with the central sun Alcyone in the celestial Pleiadian system. This group of stars represents the seven sisters or seven Goddesses in our galaxy. We also stand at the culmination of Wesak, a festival celebration of enlightenment.

Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa – 21 May 2012

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Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa – 21 May 2012

Posted on May 21, 2012 by GLR lucas2012infos 

Can you feel the changes around you as the energies continue to rise up, and will continue all the way to Ascension. They are bringing a peace to Earth and your civilization, one that will see many more souls lifting up into the Light. It will have the affect of calming situations that are leading to an aggressive response. Indeed, there are many trouble spots that need it to bring about a cessation of disputes and fighting, and you will see them being turned around. When sufficient people have found the power within to bring a peaceful solution to such problems, they will no longer be a threat to peace. By our reckoning there has not been such a period in your past, when the people have risen up to successfully achieve peace. Naturally there are still Leaders and Dictators that talk of war, and those of the last cabal are still desirous of spreading misery and death. However, talking is all they will be allowed to do, as we can support you in your quest for peace and put a stop to any attempt to do otherwise.

Natalie Glasson – Master Djwhal Khul – The Movements Of Time

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Natalie Glasson – Master Djwhal Khul – The Movements Of Time – 21 May 2012

Posted on May 21, 2012 by GLR lucas2012infos 

With the brightness of love I move closer to your energy to be of service, I am Master Djwhal Khul, it is the deepest honour to share my wisdomwith you.  I, Master Djwhal Khul, bring a great source of energy to the Earth and your being as I step forward to share my wisdom. It is my wishthat my source of light offers to you the strength that you need to continue along your spiritual path. Breathe the energy of strength into your being, a strength that supports your inner core energies.

Lucas - A New Begin - Activation - The Eclipse And Alignment Of 20 May 2012 - 21 May 2012

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Lucas - A New Begin - Activation - The Eclipse And Alignment Of 20 May 2012 - 21 May 2012

Lucas's picture

By GLR Lucas - Posted on 21 May 2012

A grand solar eclipse and alignment with the Pleiades did give us the new energies to bring forward our and Earth's ascension.  As our chakra's need to be opened and activated so have the  Earth's  chakra's  too.

The seven  Earth's chakra's are :


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