Galactic Earth Truth Report

~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 08-05-2012 ~Focus on changes and increase the Love quotient~

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~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 08-05-2012 ~Focus on changes and increase the Love quotient~



Email Email Amazing timelapse video by Kristian Ulrich Larsen and Olafur Haraldsson combines beautiful landscape of Iceland, the words of Nicola Tesla, and great computer graphics. The text used for the narration of “Passing Through” is part of a speech scientist and inventor Nikola Tesla delivered in 1893 at the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia. Though today less known than figures like Edison and Einstein, Tesla was more or less the father of much of our modern technology, since he among other things...


We see Mother Earth=Heart si doing all She can to keep changes as smooth as possible, thus sometimes there's a need for a kick and these kicks are inevitable at times. Same as we when we're in need of releasing some old energies so does She, and She has a lot too to clean. Actually, Gratitude for this wonderful conscious Being that is supporting our Process while going through Hers might be sent to Her over and over again. It will only make things lighter for Her and for Us as Gratitude is one of the most high vibrational frequency. What you'll get back will be naturally increased by the hundreds.

~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 07-31-2012 ~Transition to a Blue Star Nation has begun~

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~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 07-31-2012 ~Transition to a Blue Star Nation has begun~



Email Email Amazing timelapse video by Kristian Ulrich Larsen and Olafur Haraldsson combines beautiful landscape of Iceland, the words of Nicola Tesla, and great computer graphics. The text used for the narration of “Passing Through” is part of a speech scientist and inventor Nikola Tesla delivered in 1893 at the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia. Though today less known than figures like Edison and Einstein, Tesla was more or less the father of much of our modern technology, since he among other things...


It's happening, the process is no more a far away thought, it's no more a slow motion activity, it's in Full Action. Our Loved Mother Earth=Heart is already in Full Transition, helped by you, me, all Creation to Ascend to a Higher state of Consciousness. 

And as our body hologram gets hotter as it vibrates at higher rates so does Hers. 

It's Love in action.

And Love's here to help all remember we're Home.

One Heart, One Love.

Thank You for BEingLove.


~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 07-28-2012 ~If you Love Terra, BE Love~

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~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 07-28-2012 ~If you Love Terra, BE Love~


Email Email Amazing timelapse video by Kristian Ulrich Larsen and Olafur Haraldsson combines beautiful landscape of Iceland, the words of Nicola Tesla, and great computer graphics. The text used for the narration of “Passing Through” is part of a speech scientist and inventor Nikola Tesla delivered in 1893 at the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia. Though today less known than figures like Edison and Einstein, Tesla was more or less the father of much of our modern technology, since he among other things...


Beloved... we're almost there (which in Truth is actually HERE!). So much has changed in these months... so much has Love entered the Planet and this happened thanks to All that helped by increasing their own Love as this is where Love is. In every atom! 

If you Love this Wonder-Full Planet Love Who You Are as this is the True Love. Once you find out you're Love, Love does the rest by expanding all over, inside, outside, multidimentionally. So many gates are Now Open that even those resisting to Love cannot help wondering... "who am I?"

Tell them!

Tell every=One Who they Are! Do not attach to what they will do with it... you give the Gift, you Are the Gift, share it! And you'll See and Live True Miracles. You'll open to Heaven on Earth.

Be the Key Now for others to be used to find their own lock. 

And Mother Eart=Heart will Dance into Full Ascension letting all ride Her back into Love's waves!


One Heart, One Love.

Thank You for BEingLove.


~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 07-26-2012 ~Cheers HUmanity~

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~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 07-26-2012 ~Cheers HUmanity~



Email Email Amazing timelapse video by Kristian Ulrich Larsen and Olafur Haraldsson combines beautiful landscape of Iceland, the words of Nicola Tesla, and great computer graphics. The text used for the narration of “Passing Through” is part of a speech scientist and inventor Nikola Tesla delivered in 1893 at the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia. Though today less known than figures like Edison and Einstein, Tesla was more or less the father of much of our modern technology, since he among other things...


 If you want to See how Wonderful this Planet is... go outside, it does not matter where you live, oven if you live in a crowded city... go outside, find a tree, one is enough. Sit by this tree and breathe... touch it... sens it... feel it... and listen to it. Don't use your usual senses, not with your ears, listen to it with your whole energy, your Presence, with All you Are.

There won't be words... there will be Love. True, unconditional Love. 

For You, for Us, for All. 

Mother Earth is changing right Now, she's increasing her energy and this can be seen by all the "crazy weather changes" happening right now. Rain, snow, sun, heat, cold, animals, all seems to change place, habits... it's the New coming in. Portals are opening one after the other, we entered the Vortex of Pure Love, a New Era has begun.

Cheers Humanity!

In the no matter what She's Ascending into Now, and ALL THAT CHOOSE can ride this Joy with Her.

As we're OneLove.

Go out and Look at Mother Earth=Heart. Look at Her until you truly See her. Don't use your eyes... use YourSelf. And listen. She's singing!

And Her tone is an octave Higher than before. Her tone is in the Now.

Cheers Humanity, and Happy New Year!

One Heart, One Love.

Thank You for BEingLove.


~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 07-20-2012 ~ No matter where you look, it's HOT~

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~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 07-20-2012 ~ No matter where you look... it's HOT~

The Sun's getting to It's solar maximum (not by chance of course in advance!) and is heating up our Solar System. Mother Earth=Heart is heating up and if it's not draught it's fire, HU-mans are heating up... why? EveryOne's Vibrations are increasing in order to adapt to the Higher Level of Love! Love Vibrations are High, Fast, Hot (at least from a lower perspective)!

All is heating up in God's Love embrace! Water wipes it away and heat transmutes. Nothing is by chance! 


One Heart, One Love.

Thank You for BEingLove.



~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 07-17-2012 ~Is weather getting confused?~

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~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 07-17-2012 ~Is weather getting confused?~

Or is it already far into the Shift, where nothing will be as it was. We've been told that our whole climate will be alot different from what we were used to, and again Mother Earth=Heart is showing us She's taking it seriously. We can see al this as a result of weather control... OR we can See that no matter what our Loving Planet has gone through She's doing what She needs to get Here. We could also laugh out loud at all the attempts to do Her harm as She's not to be maipulated. Whoever tries to cick Her, She'll just use the kicking energy to do what She Needs To Do. 


One Heart, One Love.

Thank You for BEingLove.


Gaia Begins to Reclaim Herself

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Gaia Begins to Reclaim Herself

18th July 2012

By Chris Bourne

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

Have you been following the ‘freak’ weather recently?

So the mainstream media have hooked on to the fact that ‘freak’ weather is taking place in various parts of the globe.

From the record droughts right across America to the flash floods sweeping away cars, roads and houses in Japan. Here in Southern England where I live, it has not stopped raining for weeks.

So what’s going on? Is it unusual? Yes indeed! I can feel it in my consciousness. I can feel shifts beginning to happen right around the world.

A new timeline has begun…


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