Healing Earth News - 11 April

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When water is pure it becomes the paper upon which symphonies from nature are written. The pebbles and minerals become the notes. The aquatic life become the musicians. The melodies played upon the waves of pure water float gently into the air to be carried to the ears of all who will listen.                  ~The Elementals (11 April, Year of the Light)

Fish Thriving Around Wind Farms

Beyond the Yellow Brick Road by SophiaLove

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by GLR SophiaLove on 04/10/2012

  The sun is bright in the morning sky, a front door opens and a man reaches out to pick up the morning paper while children walk by on their way to school and birds fly overhead…a typical spring day has dawned and it is beautiful. These are the things I have come to count on; the predictable parts of my life.  In their own way they bring comfort – the world is as I expect it to be.

Yet inside brews a world that’s new.  Hopes, dreams, plans and desires all see something else.  Where is this place we dream of?  Dorothy said it was over the rainbow and current prophecy places it in the fourth or fifth dimension.  It seems always someplace else and that is suspect.  Can it not be here?

John Smallman – Before The Illusion Dissolves Completely, Moments Of Doubt And Anxiety May Occur

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John Smallman – Before The Illusion Dissolves Completely, Moments Of Doubt And Anxiety May Occur – 11 April 2012

To awaken is your destiny and nothing can prevent you from achieving it.  Some of you may be going through periods of doubt and anxiety, when it seems that you have no connection with the spiritual aspects of yourselves during these last few moments before your awakening.  Do not be worried by this feeling of separation; it is just your becoming aware of the fact that in the illusion you do appear to be separate from one another and from God, and that is painful.

You chose to play the game of separation, and you have played it so well that you forgot that you are eternally and unbreakably connected to each other and to your Father.  Now, as you approach the moment of your awakening from this intense illusory state, you are remembering the rules of the game and experiencing an intimation of what the pain that separation from God would feel like, if it could happen.  It is indeed unsettling, but it will pass.

Marilene Swetlishoff – Melchizedek – 11 April 2012

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Marilene Swetlishoff – Melchizedek – 11 April 2012


Beloved Ones,

We wish to impart to you the need and necessity of maintaining grounding into the Earth during these times as the higher energies continue to flow through every particle of sentient life upon your planet, for it is most important to be fully present and awake within your incredibly made biological computer system that you know as your physical body. It is important to take charge and to find the tools necessary to keep awake in the coming days. The changes within your bodies are increasing and opening up pathways that have not been used since the beginning times. Everything upon your planet is in the process of transformation and transmutation as you already know and each of you is an integral part of this process, for as you create change within yourselves and in your daily lives, so too, you create change within the larger fields surrounding your planet.

Lee-Anne Peters – Great Habits From The Start!

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Lee-Anne Peters – Great Habits From The Start! – 11 April 2012

Posted on April 11, 2012 by GLR lucas2012infos 


Do you have trouble getting your children to relax and drift off to sleep? Is this time of the day a total drama with constant calling out, the want of drinks or the bathroom?


My children love using their imagination and relaxing before drifting to dreamland, so I worked out a way to nurture this. I guide them on a short journey to meet an animal or their favourite toy – which then comes to life! 

Imagine your son – who adores Lego, being told a little quiet story about visiting a Lego world! Or your daughter who loves ponies, going to meet one and maybe take a magical ride! Children love this and before too long it becomes a regular request.

Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa – 11 April 2012

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Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa – 11 April 2012

As the word spreads about the changes, so more of you eagerly await the first acknowledgement through the media. Also as the details of the exploits our allies and the Galactic Federation become known, so more of you hold a strong belief in the outcome. After all, it has become patently obvious that unless changes take place, Man would sink further into the mire and eventually into oblivion. Those changes are being speeded up by our intervention, and intent to ensure that Divine orders are followed that will result in your release from the dark Ones. It only remains to arrest those who exercise the most power, so that the Illuminati can no longer function as a single unit.


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