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Divine Incarnate

It starts as a gentle stirring…a feeling of love in your being. It grows and pulses outward to everything and everyone around you. It is sent out to The Universe and is returned to you in waves. You will begin to love everyone, even those that do not appear to deserve it. This is when you know, really know, you are part of the Divine Incarnate. ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 9/25/2020

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You can ask God anything, but first you have to surrender totally. But if you are surrendered totally then there is no point in asking. From where will the asking come? Who will demand? And if you are still demanding, the surrender is missing, so the prayer cannot be fulfilled.


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Daily Message ~ Friday September 25, 2020

Dear Ones, a challenge is simply an opportunity for further experience and mastery in a certain area of your life. These events are always orchestrated by the soul for your growth and expansion. Rest assured you would never create anything in your life where the full potential didn’t exist to navigate beyond it.

Get creative. Explore what else is possible. Ask for guidance. Surrender. Flow. Be curious. And most of all acknowledge the fact that a solution always exists, you just must be willing to move into the alignment that allows the discovery of it. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

GFP Newsletter - 9/24/2020

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When I say God is not a presence, I mean he's not anything outside you -- neither a person nor a presence as conceived in the language of objectivity. When I say God is a presence, I simply mean he is the innermost core of your being -- that silent core, that space where nobody else can enter you; that private, that absolutely intimate virgin space, your interiority, is God.

But the word "God" can create trouble for you. Words are very troublesome because words carry the past; they are made by the past, they are overburdened by the past. Any word is dangerous, because its meaning comes from the past. And for me the problem is: to use the words which come from the past -- because there are no other words -- but to give them such a twist and turn that they can give you a little insight into a new meaning. The words are old, the bottles are old, but the wine is new.


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In A Blink Of An Eye

Before you arrived, each of you agreed to the things you would learn and the length of time you would be on your Earth plane.  Occasionally, the experience of linear time makes the challenging drag on ‘forever’ and the happy seem too short.  Regardless of how you are moving through them, please remember these moments are the reason you chose to be here now.

The true beauty of the situation is this; you never have to experience any of it ever again unless you want to and, in the grand scheme of things, your life happens in just a blink of the Universal eye.  Make the most of it! ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 9/23/2020

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I believe in an orgasmic universe. There are no such divisions as the creator and the created, the higher and the lower, the sacred and the profane, this and that. I believe in one organism.

Existence has not to be thought of in terms of a painter and his painting, because the moment the painting is finished, the painter and the painting become two separate entities.

Existence has to be thought of only in terms of a dancer and his dance. You cannot separate them; the dancer and the dance are one. At the highest peak of dancing, the dancer disappears into the dance -- there is no dancer but only dance.

That is the experience of meditation: when you dissolve yourself into existence, when the dewdrop slips into the ocean and becomes the ocean. And vice versa is also true: the ocean slips into the dewdrop and becomes the dewdrop. They cannot be conceived of as two entities any more.


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A Deeper Peace

With the arrival of the most recent energy, some of you may actually be questioning your sanity. (Smiling) The reality of this situation is you are being given yet another opportunity to clear your deep darks, the niggling things sitting deep in your psyche that may keep you from moving forward.  This is a definitive invitation from The Universe to examine, thank and release!  Without them, you would not be where you are today.  In letting them go, you will be able to find a deeper peace within. ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday September 23, 2020

Release being on high alert for what is wrong with you for that is an old system of judgement that simply cannot support you in moving into your highest expression of self. Such an approach will only create more resistance within yourself, which will perpetuate energetic contraction and discomfort. Dear Ones, please hear us when we say self love combined with self acceptance is the healing balm you seek. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

GFP Newsletter - 9/22/2020

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Foolish things are being done by thousands of others, so you never become aware that they are foolish. When the crowd is with you, when the multitudes are with you, you feel on safe ground. You feel shaky only when you are alone. Meditation is the experience of aloneness. Only very courageous people can enter into that dimension.


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Daily Message ~ Tuesday September 22, 2020

Some of you have a concern that if you practice self love and acceptance you will lull yourself into a space of complacency and because of that fall into ego or stall your growth.

Let us reassure you that quite the opposite will happen. When you feel safe, balanced, and loved you are supported and encouraged to embrace the unfoldment of your journey.

Your soul will always, always seek expansion and growth. Trust that your self love can only provide healing and serve your evolution. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

GFP Newsletter - 9/21/2020

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I don't see that there is any God who created the world. I certainly experience a quality of godliness in existence, but it is a quality, not a person. It is more like love, more like silence, more like joy, less like a person. You are never going to meet God and say "Hello" to him, "How are you?" and "I have been looking for you for thousands of years. Where have you been hiding?"

God is not a person but only a presence. And when I say "presence", be very attentive, because you can go on listening according to your own conditioning. You can even make "presence" something objective -- you have again fallen into the same trap. God is a presence at the innermost core of your being: it is your OWN presence. It is not a meeting with somebody else.



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