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Daily Message ~ Friday August 7, 2020

Dear Ones, you are continuing to experience waves of transformation on your planet. While this can feel turbulent, on a soul level this is exactly what you wished to participate in at this time.

This can feel much like navigating a series of rapids where your main focus becomes staying in the boat. There are no maps that can accurately describe the exact conditions of your rapids since each experience is unique.

You must simply surrender to them and respond to the conditions as they come up. While this can make you feel many different emotions – fear, excitement, anticipation, anxiety – your inner wisdom knows that even though the choppy flow can feel challenging it is propelling you forward towards new vistas that can only be experienced on the other side of accelerated change.

We wish to assure you times of intensity don’t last forever and before you know it your flow will even out and you will be amazed at how far you have come. You will be cleansed and exhilarated and looking at your world with fresh eyes and before long you will have an opportunity to dock your boat on the shore of the next exciting phase of your incarnation and explore the potentials you never could have found had you stayed in the old. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

GFP Newsletter - 8/6/2020

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This whole existence is the Garden of Eden!

There is no other place, there is no other space, there is no other time. The whole universe is divine, so wherever you are you are in the Garden of Eden. The only thing that CAN be is: the idea has been implanted in man that you have to reach the Garden of Eden. You are in the Garden, and the idea that you have been thrown out of the Garden and you have to get back to the Garden is creating your trouble, your whole misery, your whole anguish. Not recognizing where you are, you are hankering for something which is not possible, because this is the place.


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Each of you have had experiences that shaped your reality in unimaginable ways…especially recently.  You may be longing for a moment that happened in another place/time or longing for something you have never experienced.  The Universe would like to remind you that you are continually in the process of creating and can manifest any situation you choose.  Your thoughts, words and actions affect how it is presented to you.  Yes, you will have your human moments but, there is also great joy in living!  Embrace the positive and know you are being supported every step of the way. ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 8/5/2020

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Listen to the nature of things and you will never be in misery; try to improve upon it and you will live in hell. Hell is our creation, and we create hell by trying to do the impossible. Heaven is our nature, it is our spontaneity, it is where we always are.


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During this extraordinary time, there has been tremendous change, most of it unexpected.  There have been challenging moments but, there has also been great moments of insight and joy!  Most importantly, there has been learning!  The Universe is asking you to take all you have learned so far and begin manifesting because, in the next few weeks, you will be given the opportunity to change your entire existence for the better.  How slowly or quickly depends solely on you. (Smiling) This is your time to shine and show others how it is done! ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 8/4/2020

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One day I suddenly decided enough is enough. I dropped the idea of the peaks and started enjoying the valley, and a miracle I saw: the valley disappeared. In fact, from the very beginning there had been no valley, I was always on the peak, but because I was searching for a peak I could not see where I was.

Your eyes are focused far away, hence you miss the obvious. It is here, and your mind is there, arrowed into the blue sky. And the reality surrounds you: it is closer than your very heartbeat, it is closer than your breathing, it is closer than the circulation of your blood, it is closer than your very marrow, it is closer than your very consciousness. It is your very core, your very being!


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Daily Message ~ Tuesday August 4, 2020

Dear Ones, you can feel gratitude for and completely enjoy a buffet even if it contains some foods you don’t care for. You understand that the variety is required in order to serve the needs of many different people. As it is with your life expression. You can still have deep gratitude for the many things that serve you without needing to push against the options that exist that may not be your preference. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

GFP Newsletter - 8/3/2020

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The peaks and the valleys are part of one whole: the peaks cannot exist without the valleys, the valleys cannot exist without the peaks. So who is important? Both are interdependent. Life is neither dependent nor independent, life is a continuum of interdependence. It is beautiful wherever you are, it is lovely to be whatsoever you are.


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Which Do You Choose?

There are moments of meaning (that free your consciousness) and those of no consequence (ones that do not). The first is a gentle path of expansion and the other keeps you static. By standing by and repeatedly attaching yourself to the small pains and digs of your Earth-plane existence, you effectively stop your growth. Which do you choose to embrace? ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Monday August 3, 2020

Many human beings think they have to wait for things to be ideal in order to fully practice gratitude. They do not wish to energetically lock in anything that is undesirable.

Dear Ones, please hear us when we say that gratitude is an energetic sorting tool and a means of steering your flow. You do not need to fear that you are settling for anything less than what you want or deserve in your life if you practice gratitude for where you are.

You are beings of perpetual growth and expansion, first and foremost. Your gratitude is expressing what is in resonance with you and what you wish to use your focus to water and grow which supports your movement and expansion. It is wisely acknowledging the many ways you are provided for and your ability to co-create with a universe that simply wishes to follow your lead and love you forward. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


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AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey

This is a very active Full Moon in Aquarius…as the planet Uranus (which rules Aquarius) squares (friction and stress energy) this Full Moon.  Adding to the already chaotic, urgent, transformative and at times volatile energies.  These last couple of weeks/months we have had several very powerful events happening…in the United States and also throughout the World.  With the Corona Virus spreading quickly and the pandemic continuing….it feels like the rug has been pulled out from under our feet.   We are in more of a survival mode…then a comfortable mode. No matter how chaotic, intense and transformative the last several weeks/months have been, and still are..…..we now know that the Universe is getting very serious! 

The World as we know it….does not look the same as it has and we are not sure how this coming year will play out.  That is ok…remember that we have to stay out of the fear. We are supposed to be creating a NEW World…a new way of being and we can’t do it on an old foundation. The Universe is really serious about changes…that we as a human race….need to be making.  The Universe will also help us along…if we Ask!  Time to Meditate and to Manifest a better and peaceful World and life.  The Universe is very very Serious…but will help us through.  You just have to ask!!!

GFP Newsletter - 8/2/2020

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There is no higher, no lower; there is no hierarchy in existence at all. It is just one cosmic whole, it is an organic unity.

But the egoist has always been trying to divide people into different categories: the ignorant, the enlightened; the sinners, the saints; the criminals, the virtuous; the notorious, the famous; the moral, the immoral. The game is the same: divide people and then try to belong to the higher category so you can pretend to be "holier than thou."

Hence I want it to be continuously remembered by you that there are no peaks and there are no valleys; we all belong to one oceanic whole. The smallest blade of grass is as significant as the greatest star. They all participate in the same cosmic play, they all contribute to its beauty, to its joy, to its song, to its celebration. The existence will be less even if a small blade of grass is missing; there will be something lacking, there will be an emptiness.



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