SaLuSa 29~February~2012

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SaLuSa  29~February~2012

If anyone doubted that time has speeded up, you have only to consider the speed at which the first two months have passed, and so it shall continue right through to Ascension. The call for freedom from your oppressors has been answered and their ability to cause further problems has been addressed, and they no longer have the powerful bases that maintained their hold over you. They may seek to change matters, but it is now beyond their scope to reverse the affect of the actions against them. Their roles have been reduced to ones of only a nuisance value, and soon their activities will have all but evaporated as their power structure is taken apart. Having come thus far it only remains for us to remove the Illuminati, and a major part of our mission will have been completed.


~Space Weather Update~ END OF FEBRUARY AURORAS

Lia's picture

MARS AT OPPOSITION: Mars is approaching opposition. On March 3-5, the Red Planet will be up all night long, opposite the sun and as close to Earth as it will get in 2012. Mars shines overhead at midnight 6 times brighter than a 1st magnitude star and looks great through a backyard telescope. [sky map] [photos: #0, #1, #2, #3, #4]


END OF FEBRUARY AURORAS: February is coming to an end with a flourish of auroras. A CME impact followed by a gusty solar wind stream have combined to produce bright lights around the Arctic Circle on Feb. 26-28. Photographer Nenne Åman recorded the scene last night in Revi, Sweden:


light message posted on Dr. Phil's Facebook

Anonymous's picture

February 29 2012: Dear Dr. Phil, we are moving into a time of love of light now .... your persistent highlighting of the darkness in every show, every day, negates the light. You have a tremendous opportunity to help move millions towards healing .... pure water, food, loving nature, animals. We are being told to remember who we are - to move into the light. Fear on mainstream media is ending. You have a choice of going either way Dr. Phil. Love & Light. Dawn Ford ~ freelancing for the light.

Thriving in the Heart of Sacred Awareness - Message by Gabriel

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posted on February 27, 2012


Dear One,

Your heart will provide the guidance you are seeking when you blend the worlds of spirit and matter within your life. As you claim Unity in a world of polarity, it creates an empowered connection to the Source of all Light. Increasing frequencies of Divine Love are elevating your consciousness in ways that allow greater Truth to surface from your heart, the seat of your intuition. To consciously empower the energy frequencies in which you live, create clear intentions that let the Divine know what you are available to experience in your life. The fields of potential around you will then begin to expand exponentially.

HEAVEN #4114 Living in the World

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HEAVEN #4114 Living in the World

February 29, 2012 


God said: 


When I said that your cup runneth over, I did not mean for it to run over with discontent. I do not give you discontent.

Discontent is something you help yourself to.

Tell yourself to be contented. Think of it, beloveds, you live under a sky that is referred to as the Heavens. You always have it. There is always the sky above. The sky is bright blue or it is gray.

Invitation to Take Part in Film - Love Begins With Me

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We welcome you to the ‘Love Begins With Me’ project, a film which we intend will reveal the heart of humanity for all to see.

We want to reveal that love is alive and well and is being shared amongst people throughout the world, and how much better the world is when people are sharing their love.

We are the co-producers of this film and directors of The Love Foundation which is a not-for-profit organisation based in Florida, U.S., and whose mission is to inspire people to love unconditionally. For more information about The Love Foundation please visit our website.

The film will be released on May 1st 2012. We are now in the production stage and we are inviting you to take part in the film.

We are inviting people from all over the world to take part in or contribute to this film, by making video with your video camera, cell/mobile phone camera or Skype, etc., in which you can show the world how you, or others, love from your heart and give from your heart to others in the many ways you do.



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by Galactic Love Reporter Brenda Kelly
27th Feb to 4th March

 *This is an interesting card to come after 2 weeks of focusing on our power centre and our individuality through having a 'non-conformist' attitude.
Now we come to the Crown chakra, almost feels like a right of passage and this week we are rewarded through our deepening connection to our spirit and our sense of one-ness and deeper connection with Pure 'Source'.

As I write these words I feel I am guided to say that we are NEVER apart from Source. It is an illusion this sense of alone-ness we may experience in our lives.

Spectacular "UFO Cloud" Appears Over Russia by Debby

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Spectacular "UFO Cloud" Appears Over Russia - It's huge! It's glowing and it is an amazing sight!

A spectacular UFO-like cloud was captured on film in Russia in February this year.

This cloud is different than many other UFO clouds, mainly due to its glow and colors.

The video shows its bright, changing colors and movement. It is really astonishing.

Message from Archangel Michael and Yeshua ~ 2.28.12 ~ Be Reborn ~ As channeled through Fran Zepeda

franheal's picture

Greetings beloveds, we come before you today to speak of Love. We are your comrades in this beautiful undertaking to which you have become so committed since time without beginning.


The quality of Love is transforming. You have probably noticed it, dear ones. It has taken on an essence you have not seen for many eons. Take a moment to feel the quality. Bathe in it and absorb it. Be very cognizant of its nature. By now, you are experiencing Love in a different Light.


You know now that Love is your essence, not just something that you feel or give out at will.  It makes up your whole being. It governs your decisions; it colors your world. It Is your world; it Is you. It is everyone around you if you choose to see it that way.


Enter into that world now. Let it color how you look at things, how you react to things, how you take action. It is the essence of you. No one can convince you otherwise anymore.



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