For the past several years, many of my friends, students, and clients have described experiencing a multitude of changes, strange feelings and physical sensations. I myself have been passing through an unusual period of my life that, in many ways, matches that of my friends. At first, I labeled what was happening to me as a mid-life crisis and/or menopause. But I began to observe similar conditions among men and all age groups. At that point I began to compare notes with others and do some research into this subject.
What follows is a compilation of my findings. Many of these may seem bizarre to some readers, but I can assure you that these conditions exist among healthy, mentally and emotionally sound adults from around the world. One note of caution: I am not recommending that anyone ignore major physical or emotional conditions requiring professional attention. So please do not overlook any serious medical condition . But if this list is in anyway helpful to those of you who are confused and worried about some of these symptoms, so be it.
Galactic Love Reporter Greg Giles ~ Message From The Galactic Federation~Will You Take Back Your Rights Today?~ 27 January 2012
Sharing. Sharing is the concept that will take you far into your new experience and allow your civilization to reach great heights never before attained. It is the lack of sharing in your world that has created so many blockages that have been the cause of so much of your hardship and strife. We, the Galactic Federation, wish to share with you our knowledge and experience with this concept, and show you how an entire society can flourish when based on this simple method of economics.
You Are Part Of An Enormous Creative Plan Of God~ God Says Peace On Earth ~ Valuable Repost for our current moments~
Original Post 30 November 2011
Ruth: Masters, our country and the rest of the world are going around in circles, and this coming month and the turn of the year has so many worried and concerned about our government breaking down, not to mention countries trying to change their leaderships by violence and protests. Would you please comment on what you see for us in December in this regard and a little bit into the much-prophesied predictions for 2012?
Mirrored from to whom I AM very grateful for creating that very inspiring Video! MUCH LOVE TO ALL OF YOU ALL EMRACING and ETERNAL _/|\_NAMASKAR_/|\_ SiNeh~
This is a very important message for all of us , the shifting on Planet Earth in her axis in 2012 is so important also for our own shifting in consciousness and the 5th Dimensional sun that will start pouring its light on December 21, 2012. It is so important to talk everyday with our planet , connect with her and assist her in this process of shifting for this will assist you also greatly in your own evolution... Mother Earth is waiting to hear from all of us who love her and care for her, she has suffered so much the destructive human free will upon her own skin ...please do your part and assist Gaia in this great shifting so this will lessen the tremendous impact upon the surface of the Earth.
X-FLARE: Departing sunspot 1402 unleashed an X2-class solar flare today, Jan. 27th, at 18:37 UT. Click on the image to view a movie of the extreme ultraviolet flash recorded by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory:
Sunspot 1402 is rotatiing onto tthe far side of the sun, so the blast site was not facing Earth. Nevertheless, energetic protons accelerated by the blast are now surrounding our planet, and an intensifying S1-class radiation storm is in progress. Stay tuned for updates. Aurora alerts: text, voice.
~Horus: You Are to Meet Your Inner Earth Family Shortly~
Horus via Nancy Tate
~Brilliant Repost for our current Moments~
It is a time for all of you dear ones on earth to wake up and realize that you are not alone. I say this is a deeper sense of the word, for you have heard this spoken by us many times. I speak the words now for I am sharing with you the deeper meaning of the words; the deeper timeliness of what they mean to you right now and in the next few days.
I am Horus with you once again, and I speak from the garden of the Telosians as we gather for the upcoming emergence into your world and your acknowledgement. I come with the knowledge that there are many of you who are beginning to see what it is that you can do to be able to greet us and see us as we are in relation to you.
~ 2012 ~ Planet Earth Transition: "Disclosure ~ Mass Landings & First Contact ~ Inner Earth" Quotes taken from Channeled Material from the Site Above~ Brilliant Reshare~
Disclosure Progress:
"The period we are passing through is when Mother Earth is to be made over to the Light. This process is nearly done. The end of this particular stage will be the formal announcements that proclaim that our space family is here and ready to disclose its program for the landings. At the same time, the first broadcasts from our Agarthan family will go out. We have lived among them for millennia and know how much they desire to reunite the realms of Inner and surface Earth. They intend to show you around their glorious world and prepare you for your journey back to full consciousness. The environs and residences where this is to take place are ready and waiting for your occupancy. We have supervised all the preparations and greatly look forward to completing your ascension. It is vital that the divine plan be manifested, and manifested now!"
- Washta & Ascended Masters / through Sheldan Nidle 12th July 2011
"Know that if your leaders do not shortly come to terms with a Disclosure announcement, we will do so on their behalf since the time within which to acclimatize you to the changes necessary for Ascension grows shorter by the day."
Love Reporter Clyde Lewis | Ground Zero | January 25 2012
Today there has been a few confusing messages being sent out in the mainstream press about the Solar Storm that has occurred. The mainstream news played up the storm as being a whopper. It was called a space Hurricane a storm that almost has an X-class, a magnetic storm that may cause grid failures, earthquakes and severe weather.
NASA has downgraded the storm 20 % and says that the storm will produce an unusually large display of auroras, which may be visible at lower latitudes than normal. I am thinking that this storm may be a precursor to an even bigger storm. We have been warned and the Sun seems to be firing a warning shot.
Greetings! and Salutations! My Beautiful Beings of Light. Hope is dawning can you sense it.
The darkness is dissipating a drop at a time and where that negativity has dwelled the Light is pouring in. Can you feel it My Beautiful Beings of Grace?
It is that excitement as if it were your Birthday and you were coming downstairs to see what gifts have been left for you. Can you sense that anticipation of something coming and can’t put your fingers on what it is?
Humans are trained to be skeptical. Rather than encouraging a sense of awe and wonder regarding things we do not know, which is the natural mind of a child, we are duped by those that came before us to ridicule ideas and possibilities outside the accepted paradigm. Yes, it can be seen as a form of mind control that keeps us in the box of so-called conventional wisdom. We scoff and belittle those that have perceptions that the majority still cannot see, and therefore understand. It's highly probable that we will reach a tipping point this year that will vastly increase our ability to percieve more than ever before.
You are surrounded by support You've been asking the Angels for help with a situation, your prayers have been heard and we are sending someone from your soul family to help you. It is time to share your request with others. You've been asking the Universe to send some assistance your way, and indeed we have. Pay attention to the synchronicities, the repeated messages as well as the human with the wise eyes sharing their wisdom. Be patient as you work towards you goal, knowing that doing the journey in a methodical, well thought out fashion, will bring you greater joy along the way. Enjoy each moment of the steps you take.
Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member Steve Beckow
The Adam Kadmon template
I understand so little of life and there is so much to learn. But then I have eternity in which to learn what there is to understand.
For instance, I think that most of us little suspect that we’re part machine and part God. We’re a creation, or a creature if you prefer, designed by the Master Builder according to a plan, with a purpose in mind.
Enlightened Beings ~ You are a Conscious Manifesting Machine
Galactic Love Reporter Jafree Ozwald January 27 2012
“If you can realize who you are, it means you know where you are coming from and where you are going.” ~St. Theresa of Avila
In every moment of your life you are creating something. Whether you are materializing what you want or what you don’t want, all depends on how conscious you are in this very moment. This consciousness inside you now is ultimately determined by how relaxed you are and what you choose to fill your mind with. What types of thoughts do you invite into your mind in each given moment. When you choose to focus on thoughts that bring you into a deeper state of peace, trust and a feeling of “oneness” with life around you, you’ll instantly feel your consciousness expand. And when consciousness expands, you realize what a powerful manifestor you truly are and start engaging in the world like one.