We greet you in kind in the kindest of ways we meet you. We meet you in the heart space and we ask you to relax there, here in this moment, we ask you to relax there, and to be in this natural flow of being that we speak to you of.
This natural state of being is your natural way to be upon this Earth and to be in all reality.. To be in this reality is the way to be natural here. To be natural is how it should be here.. It feels that it is not always so..
Commentary from Galactic Love Reporter Lena Stevens~
Dear Friends,
The New Moon was at 12:42 AM Mountain Standard Time on Monday January 23 and we are still in its influence. This is a time when depression could hit or you could become overwhelmed with the disruption and destabilization around you. This is a good day to pull your energy in and focus only on the tasks at hand. Don't get distracted by others and their process. You will likely have many things on your plate. They can all wait. Take time for yourself and yourself only even if it is just to watch a bad movie. Stay out of judgment about events and situations, as they are all just temporary. Take a break.
"Don't give your power away" is the mantra that I hear all over the internet. But we forget that to be able to perceive power is to be in duality consciousness. As in reality there can only be one 'intent', 'will' or 'purpose' in the universe which is one in oneness and works for the benefit of all. I have started to perceive this one intent. To realize this Oneness of purpose you simply have to follow the synchronicities.
Mars is in retrograde, the largest solar storm in six years is sending its energy earthward; and the human race continues to dream. It's 2012. Everything in our world, especially the structures to which we have become accusomed, are facing a Cosmic edit: either change or go away. There's no hanging onto the old ways. They did not work. Now, in the new energy, everything MUST come to serve the highest good. Even George Kavassalis says its not an illusion: that's a cop out. We are the ancient ones awakening from our nightmare and entering the fulfillment stage of our greatest dream. George Kavassalis - Not giving our power away!!!! Part 1http://youtu.be/Mb3SdIZY7hg
Why Ascend to the Fifth? Why Not Stop at the Fourth? ~ Part 2/2
2012 January 24
Posted by Galactic Love Reporter Steve Beckow
(Continued from Part 1)
Now I’m going to switch over sources in looking more deeply at the Astral Plane, moving from the Company of Light as found in the First Contact database (9) to the dwellers in the Astral and Mental Planes as found in the New Maps of Heaven database. (10)
We’ve heard Archangel Michael call the Fourth Dimension or Astral Plane the “emotional” plane. It is also known as “the plane of desire,” as Theosophist Annie Besant notes:
“Kâmaloka, the place of desire, is the name given [by Theosophists] to the conditions of intermediate life on the astral plane.” (11) (12)
Here Judge David P. Hatch describes the Astral Plane as a “play world.”
Why Ascend to the Fifth? Why Not Stop at the Fourth? ~ Part 1/2
2012 January 24
Posted by Galactic Love Reporter Steve Beckow
A participant on the 2012S discussion group asked why Ascension carries us into the Fifth Dimension as if the Fourth Dimension were something we don’t want. Why did we not stop with the Fourth Dimension, she asked. I apologize that this article is a bit long and perhaps a tad complex. But the answer takes a little preparation.
The short answer is that our Ascension involves a leaving of dualistic consciousness and an entering of unitive consciousness and unitive consciousness only begins with the Fifth Dimension.
The Fourth Dimension, or Astral Plane, is still dualistic in consciousness.
Transcript of an Hour with an Angel, with Archangel Michael, Jan. 23, 2012
2012 January 24
Posted by Steve Beckow
Again Ellen has labored well into the night to produce for us a transcript of Archangel Michael’s remarks last night on Starseeds and Ascension, Disclosure, the Bridge Fund, NESARA, Eric Holder, the low-level sounds heard round the world, predictions that don’t materialize, the Divine Plan, etc. Thank you, Ellen.
Graham Dewyea: Hello, and welcome to an hour with an angel, a weekly radio program with archangel Michael channeled by Linda Dillon, the channel for the Council of Love, and Steve Beckow, editor of the 2012 Scenario will be asking questions. Tonight’s special guest Archangel Michael will be joining us, so without further delay I’ll pass it on to you, Steve.
Gloria Wendroff ~ The Heaven Letters ~ The Heart of God’s ~ 24 January 2012
God said:
Dear Heart of Mine, you, who are reading this right now, I speak to you. Life would indeed be bleak if there were no I. Fortunately, I AM and so are you. As One, We exist. We exist in a state of love. That is the whole story of US. Love loves. Love is in the company of love. Love surges and spins and locates itself wherever you are. For, wherever you are, I AM. I am you. If I am I, I am also you. If that were not so, you wouldn’t appear. You are not only the twinkle in My eye. You are also My eye, My heart, My mind, Me.
From your vantage, I might as well be telling you a fairy tale. Yet you are aware that there is Truth even in fairy tales. This Truth I tell you has no exception. This Truth is Reality. Your perception of life on Earth is the fairy tale. Your whole life story is a fairy tale.
There is Truth in your life. You are learning. You are learning Who You are. You are coming to grips with all possibilities.
~ As We Are The Ones We Have Been Waiting For, It Is Our Task To Act Now ~ 24 January 2012
The water dragon breathes the new energies upon earth. We will open up to the new spirit energy that will bring our creators wish forward for us to unite with him and mother earth in the new 5th Dimensional planes and higher dimensions. We are on our way.
The new challenges are great as you all have or could not have seen beyond your limitations due to many reasons. Some are bound to soul contracts and live that what the have to live. Others just find their ways in exploring the new gifts given. Others still are awakening from the inner- battle of duality. Leaving the fear factor behind and knowing the fact that all is well and no shortage is present as abundance of the source is always yours.
CME IMPACT: As expected, a CME hit Earth's magnetic field on Jan. 24th at approximately 1500 UT (10 am EST). Geomagnetic storms are likely in the hours ahead. If it's dark where you live, be alert for auroras. Magnetic storm alerts: text, voice.
RADIATION STORM IN PROGRESS: Solar protons accelerated by this morning's M9-class solar flare are streaming past Earth. On the NOAA scale of radiation storms, this one ranks S3, which means it could, e.g., cause isolated reboots of computers onboard Earth-orbiting satellites and interfere with polar radio communications. An example of satellite effects: The "snow" in this SOHO coronagraph movie is caused by protons hitting the observatory's onboard camera.
ALMOST-X FLARE AND CME (UPDATED): On Jan. 23rd around 0359 UT, big sunspot 1402 erupted, producing a long-duration M9-class solar flare. The explosion's M9-ranking puts it on the threshold of being an X-flare, the most powerful kind. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory captured the flare's extreme ultraviolet flash: