What has happened to the dross that was let go during the ascension? It dissolved into nothing, just as any dis-ease does when no life force keeps it materialized. Ascension did to negative energy what it is now doing to all the dross in the collective consciousness.
My dear ones. Those changes made to the ascension scenario are not really changes at all. Consider the death of ego to be the disappearance of "you." All who ascended are now delivering the One consciousness. What happens to the body now makes no difference, as "you" are not the body. Please accept that what happened IS what was predicted. The number of masters we now have on Earth have dramatically increased and they do not carry the density they once had. A new day has dawned and another conclusion can come from these alterations. Cosmic consciousness is now anchoring in numerous areas of your planet. Call this more "light," but it is more than that. Catalysts for more ascension candidates are now contributing to the major consciousness changes that need to be made. Welcome all who are now the change agents as new cast members to your movie. None of them carry the angst they once had. All of them carry a high love quotient that will be delivered wherever they are. Truth is now available as the answer to those challenges in your daily awareness.
We are the bringers of "Heaven", Let us choose to bring the "Light of our Presence" into every act of living
The Universe is benevolently supporting us in this intense change of Consciousness.
Today the energies of the 12/12 are supporting us, helping us to let go that which does not serve our purpose anymore.
The major changes that are happening in the Universe and the collective consciousness of the humans is letting go the dense energies collected within the human emotional body and the magnetic grid of the earth.
The dense energies are all the emotions that we attach to thoughts that does not support us. Thoughts of unforgiveness, like "he/she said that to me" "he/she did that to me" "he/she ruined my life" etc. These are just thoughts, it is important to ask ourselves who would we be without these thoughts. We came to this Planet to create Heaven, but attaching to our mind's stories about the things happening around us, made us forget the very purpose for which we came to this Planet.
Perhaps many still have not considered the warning in the adage: "Silence is consent." Yeah, I know we have that so-called spiritual dictum: "What you resist persists." They seem to contradict each other, at least to me. When does change come? How does it come? As long as abuses are sufferable, it has been human nature to suffer. Our very religions even make suffering in silence to be considered a spiritual achievement - a virtue, if you will. "Look, what a saint! He/she is so peaceful!" Is peaceful another name for oblivious denial? Perhaps. Let's consider together and decide.
Ben Fulford ~ Cabal Stuggles Desperately To Create Fascist World Government As Multiple Criminal Investigations Zero In On Them ~ 12 December 2011
Ben Fulford – December 12, 2011
The fascist cabal known as the Bilderbergers, CFR, committee of 300 etc., is desperately and without hope trying to start WW3 and install a fascist world government in an attempt to pre-empt criminal investigations closing in on them from all sides. Their efforts will fail because the Pentagon and the agencies in the US (with the exception of homeland Gestapo) are preparing to remove them from power, according to CIA and other sources. For example, multiple investigations are closing in on alleged President Obama, including one for illegally declaring war on Libya. A count among US representatives show the votes necessary to impeach him are there, US law enforcement officials say. In addition, evidence of bribery and other forms of illegally tampering with government is being compiled against George Soros, among others. There is also a lot going on under and on the surface in Europe, Japan and the Middle East.
SIGNIFICANT COMET PLUNGES TOWARD THE SUN: A comet nearly as wide as two football fields (200m) is plunging toward the sun where it will most likely be destroyed in a spectacular light show on Dec. 15/16. Although Comet Lovejoy (C/2011 W3) could become as bright as Jupiter or Venus when it "flames out," the glare of the sun will hide the event from human eyes. Solar observatories in space, however, will have a grand view. Yesterday the brightening comet entered the field of view of NASA's STEREO-B spacecraft:
"You can clearly see the comet heading diagonally through the images," says Karl Battams of the Naval Research Lab who prepared the animation. "During the 16-hour sequence, the comet brightens from magnitude +7.5 to +6, approximately."
It will soon grow much brighter. "This comet is a true sungrazer, and will skim approximately 140,000 km (1.2 solar radii) above the solar surface on Dec. 15/16," notes Battams. At such close range, solar heating will almost certainly destroy the icy interloper,creating a cloud of vapor and comet dust that will reflect lots of sunlight. The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) will have a particularly good view.
Greetings again dear ones of the earth in these times of so much upheaval and change.
All is proceeding according to plan; light is pouring into your dear planet and many are now beginning to feel this and accept change into their consciousness although they are not yet aware of what they are experiencing.
I’m reposting what Archangel Michael said about 12/12/11 to guide you in considering the significance of the day. Join us tonight on “Hour with an Angel” to hear AA Michael report on what was accomplished today. He may even tell us who ascended.
I do want to caution folks against expectations of early Ascension, etc., on Dec. 12. Most Starseeds are here to assist the undecided voters and fence-sitters, as the Boss calls them, to choose Ascension. The vast majority of us have chosen to remain till the end to help with the work (as I have, for instance). High expectations lead to a painful snapback so please keep your expectations low if you don’t want to suffer at the other end. BZ Riger has put AAM’s remarks to video.
As I reflect on 2011 it seems that this has been a year of powerful and intense energy, which has significantly enhanced our Spiritual awareness and expanded our consciousness. Many profound changes and transformations have occurred as much of what we previously perceived as reality has come up for revision. As our concept of reality rapidly alters it seems like our subconscious has been pillaged and plundered to reveal some very deep seated and unresolved issues. This has and continues to create strain, disorder and unrest on both a personal and collective level. As we continue to witness the collapse and release of many outdated ideas, thought patterns, beliefs and relationships our perceptions, which control our reality, are being transformed. This is encouraging us to re-envision our world by drawing upon our developing awareness and expanding consciousness.
Perhaps, more of us need to make friends with the moment, Now, and understand its real significance. If consciousness is beyond time and space and our reality is actually consciousness, then there is no past and no future. If we put aside all resistance and only focus on Now because the future never really arrives and the past lives in our cells, shouldn't we be able to tap into anything ever thought or created?
If there is no past and no future only Now and that all the divisions are constructs of a humans own making, then everything is happening here right now. Accepting this, we could interpret our reality in a fresh way.
This way of understanding means Now is beyond time and space and conditions. It means we can tap into anything or any one and be who we always dreamed of being in the year 2012. What are we waiting for?
~ The Old Paradigm of Duality is Giving Way to the New Paradigm of Unity ~
2011 December 12
~ Galactic Love Reporter Steve Beckow~
The Arcturian Group has chosen to look repeatedly at the theme of unravelling the old paradigm to give place to the new. They told us on Dec. 12, 2011 that matters would soon come to a head. This leaves us with a choice between staying with the old or going with the new.
“Much is unraveling of the old paradigm although you cannot yet see it. We see this coming to a head very shortly and you are being called upon to make a choice. Do you wish to stay in what is familiar, no matter how discordant, or do you choose receptivity to something different although as of yet you do not know what that is?
We have been stuck in a Universal Time Matrix that has been disconnected from higher dimensional frequencies for thousands of years. Our DNA is finally catching up and breaking through restraints which have halted our progress. Somehow, we’ve agreed to do all of this to ourselves. However, humans will soon know and understand why 97% of our DNA has a higher purpose and why its transformation is leading us into an awakening that we never could have imagined.