More than a decade after leaving the Clinton White House, former Office of Science and Technology Policy director John Gibbons still gets dyspeptic over the mention of that annoying UFO business in the 1990s. Or at least, his office does.
This is your key. . . in all your activities and projects and mundane tasks, practice bringing your full consciousness to the moment.
Allow all your senses to be involved: the sights, the smells, the textures. There will come a moment when you are dancing with each NOW that you will realize the translucent quality of staying fully in the present moment.
We’ve entered the period of accountability and many of us have heard that arrest warrants are being issued for some of the Illuminati. Many of them are allegedly fleeing the sinking ship, others looking for safe haven, and still others being removed and kept in isolation.
This is a time when many of us could feel vengeful and think that we need to bring the dark ones to justice. What are the grounds for saying that we don’t need to seek vengeance on the dark ones?
One ground is the legal process that has been planned to bring the Illuminati before the International Court at the Hague. And I may look at that in another article.
But here I wish to examine a second process and that is the afterlife event known as the “Judgment.” Because everyone must go through the Judgment, the galactics are not concerned about their future and can remain equanimous over the question of the dark ones’ fate.
Our world is in crisis with everything turned upside down. Turmoil impacts our personal lives and the lives of those we love too. In our modern society - with all of its gadgets and endless choices of what to consume next - we can lose touch with the sacred. We don't really lose the sacred, of course, but we can feel distant from it.
How does this happen and what can we do about it? The disconnect happens when our focus is dominated by things, acquisitions, and obsessive thoughts about the past or the future. It happens when we forget to take time in nature and to breathe deeply. It occurs when we take our lives for granted. We distance ourselves from the sacred when our interactions with others happen more through technology than through one-on-one voice or in-person connecting.
Dearest souls, we wish to guide to you now to treat yourselves and others with much ease, grace and caring. Your body is going through a very delicate process, but as this process is finished you will see yourselves much stronger in spirit, much stronger in embodiment, and much stronger in BEing. Yes these times are challenging but you are seeing your way through them so very wonderfully, and though your emotional bodies are in a very delicate state at this point, it is not stopping you all from Living out your wonderful ascension as you know you should be.
BLACK FRIDAY SOLAR ECLIPSE: Earlier today, Nov. 25th, the new Moon passed in front of the sun, slightly off-center, producing a partial solar eclipse visible from Antarctica, Tasmania, and parts of South Africa and New Zealand. Mike Nicholson photographed the event about two minutes before sunset from Otaki Beach, NZ:
"We were experiencing gale force Sou'westerlies when I took the picture," says Nicholson. "Low clouds plus flying salt and sand provided a natural filter to reduce the glare of the sun."
Maximum coverage occurred about 100 miles off the coast of Antarctica where the sun turned into a slender 9% crescent. Will any pictures be submitted from that remote location? Stay tuned.
For those of you who follow what is happening in the world, you cannot have failed to notice that our predictions as to the outcome are becoming your reality. The massive banking and financial problems are clearly heading for a crash, and there is no way to prevent it. You are living in a world that is in a state of chaos and steadily heading for an implosion. People now see what has been wrong with the old set up, but up to now have no real answers that will completely deal with the problems. A number of governments have collectively agreed to support a new approach to banking, but it remains to be seen who can galvanize them into action. This situation presents us with an opportunity push our allies forward, who with our help can outline what is necessary to move onto a new path that will solve your problems. There is also consideration to be given to the Abundance program that will follow such changes, so we are working hard to bring some semblance of order into being. Much of what is waiting to come out is tied in with the announcement of Disclosure, and that is ready and simply waiting for a firm date to be agreed.