SophiaLove's blog

The Present

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Today again, our eyes open to a new dream.  It is here where our power resides; right now.  We cannot see yesterday or tomorrow.  Our focus is on this moment.  This is command central, where we hold the controls firmly in hand.


There are prophets and prophecies, legends, channels, scientists and main stream media telling us something is up.  We can feel it.  This is the shift. Right now, we are altering our way of being here.  It is happening.


It is going to look whichever way we design it.  Let’s make it beautifulBeings such as us would create nothing less.  When shopping for clothing for a major event, it takes trying on many outfits.  As a result, the dressing room is a mess, piled high with things that did not fit.  When the perfect attire is found, we know.  It feels good.  It fits.  We feel beautiful wearing it. 


It is that feeling we are shooting for.  There is not much that is more important than this shift.  We are rapidly changing outfits and it can feel sort of a mess.  The perfect fit exists.  It can be found by listening.


The Hall of Mirrors

SophiaLove's picture

We are living through the end of times, the closing of an era.  When we walk through a door and close it behind us, it is not that the room we have left is gone; it is only that we now occupy another place.  We have to adjust our vision a bit to this new view.


The process of focus begins sort of blurry yet eventually clears up and becomes sharp and defined.  We are in the midst now of adjusting our lenses from polarity to unity, separate to one.  Good or bad, right or wrong, crazy or sane all seem a bit fuzzy.  This is at it should be, we need time to adjust.


We are walking through a hall of mirrors.  It is important to pause at each vision of ourselves we come face to face with.  Our acceptance, frustration, love or anger for that person will tell us how we are doing.  All are mirrors. 


Will you choose forgiveness?  Will you walk away?  Are you able to love anyway?  These are the facets of your thinking that are getting an overhaul.  Our life is not ending, but our way of living is.


We have blamed these versions of ourselves for our pain.  It is not so clear now who is at fault.  When oneness creeps into your way of thinking, it touches every thought.


You’ve been the banker, the unfaithful lover, the screaming child, the brutal policeman, the war hungry dictator, the criminal, the fervent minister, the saint and the sinner.  How then, to judge?


The one thing crystal clear in this hall of mirrors, that oneness demands, is that it’s all usWe are one.



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