SophiaLove's blog

Thirsty for More!

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What is sizzling is kept beneath the surface, while we move forward with day jobs and holidays, purchases and chores that seem at best mediocre and pale in comparison to what we feel is the real “juice”.  Nothing we do on a day to day basis holds much fascination.  We are having a tough time caring.


What’s the point?


The point is whatever we declare to be the point.  All that we’ve created up until now holds relevance as it is our life; no one forced us to create it as we have.  Yes, we’ve been led to believe things that are not, in fact, true, but we’ve had our hands on the wheel the whole time. 


You chose to be here now and experience life in polarity while being conscious of oneness.  The sensations, frustrations, emotions and impatience are par for the course – you set it up like this for the experience!


Oh and what a ride it is!  Extremes of emotion are delicious examples of this humanity.  At a core level we are emotionally driven – it is our focus that births creation – our desires create our life – our beliefs manifest into our day to day.  Let’s enjoy the extremes going on for us right now, energetically participate in each moment and get all the “juice” out of it we can.  We are at choice.  We can ignore, toss aside or deeply feel each interaction.  What will you do?


I have never really been fond of juice oranges.  Give me a Navel orange, every time.  Juice oranges are thin skinned and too much work.  They may be full of juice, but not real tasty to eat and a lot of effort.  When they are in the refrigerator, I mostly ignore them unless I am desperate for fruit and there is nothing left.


What Oneness looks like

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The climate right now is radically shifting – hot to cold, wet to dry.  As we realize our unity what first occurs is that the sharpness of definition between things becomes crystal clear.  There is no question of a middle ground.  You’ll see either black or white.  Unity does not mean everything is gray.  Oneness is not a compromise, it is a fact.


So how does this work?  First it must be understood that nothing will be given up as our consciousness shifts.  We will still enjoy contrast as individual expression becomes the order of the day.  Conformity will not be expected or taught to our children.  We will experience freedom and inside of freedom there exists an infinite number of possibilities; fast, slow, hot, cold, black, white and a thousand shades of gray. Diversity in physical appearance will explode with possibilities as we open our eyes to our galactic brethren.  Energy sources, modes of transportation, types of clothing, food and lifestyle include a host of possibilities we’ve yet to witness.


As we shift we will not become homogeneous, but like a bunch of gumballs in a glass dispenser – made of the same stuff yet distinctly, beautifully, colorfully different and all headed in the same ultimate direction. 


We will not lose our identity but discover who we are – who we are without the rules and shoulds and separators.  It will all be okay, in fact, it is okay right now.  You are everything you came to be.  Whether or not you passed the test or satisfied any expectation has never been the point. The direction you are headed is awareness, and you can get there from anywhere. Until you are free to experience every facet of your being, you will remain in the dark.


Ringing our own bell

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Our eyes see, our ears hear, yet it is our heart that knows.  There are truckloads of sources vying for our eyes and ears; each convinced that their version is the one we should listen to.  This too, is one of those sources.


Reality is subjective, colored by our beliefs.  The power in that statement shouts – “YOU ARE SEEING WHAT YOU BELIEVE YOU ARE SEEING”.  Followed by “BELIEVE WHAT SERVES YOU, AND IT WILL BE ALL THAT YOU SEE.” 


Each day, we discover, uncover or expose more “truths” that have been hidden from our eyes, deliberately or not.  We are waking up.


Here’s the thing, the tendency to look for an outside source to feed us the “truth” is addictive.  Awake now, we are still a bit groggy and highly susceptible to control.  We’ve been fed this diet for so long now, we crave it.


Like Pavlov’s dog, when we hear the bell, which in this case is the loudest, most familiar and convincing source, our automatic response kicks in.  We then desire the food being offered, ingest it all and are once again satisfied – we’ve bought it hook, line and sinker.  We look no further; we believe this recent bit of news.


Our life is once again distorted by this new belief system, this latest information.  Here is the real power we may be missing in all this – we are the ones creating the distortion.  We are not only capable of more than we’ve been told; we are actually doing more than we’ve ever given ourselves credit for.  The deepest truth kept from us has been in the hands of those who have controlled events up until today.  Understanding that we will see only what we believe, they have been systematically controlling what we should believe.


As If By Magic

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As we go forward in each day, we find ourselves interacting, and although there has been no conscious prior thought about conflict, conflict emerges.  This is not the case of deep seated hatred or even anger; it is the case of two beings sort of bumping into each other.


As this evolution of consciousness moves along, each of us will find an inner definition – the lines are clearer for us.  We are moving from polarity towards unity and we are not yet practiced at it.  We are accustomed to thinking “you vs. me”, “us and them”, “I’ll do this for you”, and “do it yourself, it’s not my problem”.  The concept of “what is good for one is good for all” has not quite entered and assimilated into our day to day.


It is part of the reason we chose to experience this very physical third dimensional transformation.  It is not that you want to enslave anyone; the scale of polarity thinking is not ramped up that intensely for you.  Yet, your thinking still falls somewhere along the continuum of “you owe me” or “I owe you” or “this is required”; rather than “we are from the same human family, occupying the same physical space and sharing the same physical needs with the resultant effect”.


This switch in thinking is a challenge.  We’ve been taught to do things because we were expected to rather than because we are actually helping ourselves when we do.  We each have a different focus, yet we are one.  I may notice it’s time to plant the flowers while you realize the steps need repair.  Both efforts improve and enhance the home and the neighborhood.


Baby Steps

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There is not much that is more important for you now than love.  The news and your own anxiety may speak otherwise.  Each seems to be shouting “Be prepared” “Be afraid” “Stockpile” “Protest” “Be angry” “Buy this Ascension kit” “Join this Galactic group” “Plant an organic garden” The warnings and advice are non-stop. 


As well intentioned as they are, none of these outside voices can give you the answers.  The route to successfully navigating these or any times is found by going within.  It is time to trust ourselves.


The competition for your focus is becoming fierce.  It is the quietest voice that will grant you guidance; the voice within.  This is not the ego’s “to do” list voice, the critical judge, the fear monger or the naysayer.  This voice sounds like love. 


You have a source, readily available and consistently positive, who only has your best interests at heart.  This is the foundation of you, the one who knows all about you and loves you anyway.


Imagine right now he or she is right here - holding, listening to and loving you.  He or she is.  This dream life is so loud you haven’t heard them whispering.  As the dream ramps up, you need to create a spot for them to be, a place where they can reach you.  It is found in meditation, quiet reflection and solitary introspection.  It is time to decide with our focus what our truth is.  If we focus on the pronouncements of catastrophe and fear, we will be afraid.  If we focus on love, we will live confidently and feel grounded in serenity.


The Bull in the China Shop

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It is raining here.  All morning we could feel the skies rumble with this approaching storm.  The house shook and our cat moaned.  It was dark and we could not see the clouds move in.  But we knew.  When it broke at daybreak, we all relaxed.  The cat curled up and finally slept, calm again.  We all settled comfortably in to another day of familiar.


Most days now feel anything but routine.  There are spaceships in our skies, brutality from our police force, criminals in our banks, corruption in our government and discomforts in our bodies.  We cannot necessarily see the approaching changes, but we know something is coming.  We look forward to the day when we once again, can settle in to the familiar.


Yet it is not so much the familiar that we are yearning for, but the wonderful.  It is from that state we have come and it is to there that we are trying to return.


You know the way, and once you arrive it will feel like home. Not, perhaps, the home of your very human childhood, but the home waiting for you in the state of wonderful.  You will get there with love.


When searching fearlessly within, you discover your truth.  You are more than a man or woman, brother or sister, father or mother, sister or brother, doctor, teacher, librarian, student, lawyer, electrician or business owner.  You are beyond beautiful and greater than any championship.  These human roles are costumes; what’s real is beneath the mask.  You are so much more than you pretend to be.


"You Shall Not Pass!"

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Yesterday, I experienced a moment of “really?”  It happened while reading the latest message outlining catastrophic earth changes for the planet this year.  For a moment or six, I forgot how this works, and believed the “rubber suit” was real.


Remember the earliest of monster movies?  The ones where, if you wanted to step into the action, you had to forcibly suspend your disbelief in the reality of the creature – EVEN THOUGH YOU COULD SEE THE ZIPPER ON HIS COSTUME?  For the full experience, you’ve got to buy the “rubber suit”. 


It’s not that yesterday’s messenger was unreal.  It’s that reality is subjective.  Reality depends on what you expect.  Reality for each of us is created by each of us.  WE ARE THAT POWERFUL.


This 3D world is mesmerizing, overwhelming, thrilling and yummy.  It is easy to forget who made it that way.  It was, and is, us. 


We are the most powerful beings in our worldYOU ARE THE ONE WHO IS CREATING YOUR LIFE.  The reason we’ve become so popular with the celestial and galactic beings is because of our power.  We are doing a really cool thing here, and we are doing it together; without even knowing it.


The "Closet Ascender"

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We are becoming more than we’ve imagined ourselves to be.  It is not so much that we are changing; the potential has been here always.  We just didn’t know.  We know now.


It’s all I think about and yet, not something I speak of often, if at all.  There are a few of us that can speak to it, yet most of my talk of ascension and transformation happens right here.  I wonder how may “closet ascenders” there are amongst the people in my daily life.


Sometimes, when on a street or in a store, I look around and think “Does he know?” “Is she waiting for the spaceships to land?” “Are they participating in a group channeling session later?”  Mostly, I think not.  It feels as if I reside in two very different worlds.


In this one I am an infinite being, poised to usher in this incredible new age for humanity.  It is exciting, fulfilling and sort of wild.  I am part of the greatest show in the galaxy.


In that one I am a mom in the U.S. suburbs who just took her cat in to be groomed and went to the grocery store and made a doctors appointment for her son.  I love this life I have created, yet it is feeling surreal.  No longer is it my only focus.


We’ve all heard the prophecies and channeled messages, telling us “soon”.  This is because we have not yet combined both lives into one life.  Until we merge ascension and galactic citizenship with cooking and car repairs, it won’t happen.


This thing we call our ego

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As you remember yourself, you may be surprised.  This ego self is very loud.  He or she is the only you you’ve ever known.  As an infant, you began creating him or her as a response to your environment.  As a third dimensional being, you understood immediately what was necessary in order to receive what you desired.  You were looking for love.


You emerged from a bath of love, swimming in the knowledge of yourself and everyone else.  You opened your eyes in a world that was not the same.  Although you felt each being in the room, there was a barrier.  They did not feel you and the understanding of each other was gone.  You began to forget.


Although you recognized love and felt love, you knew this was no longer a universal knowing.  Separation began - first you from your own body and then you from all of the “others”.  There came names and definitions - separators.


These names and ideas were taught to you by the beings you could see with your physical eyes, and so you listened.  When you did so, following the rules they taught, you received physical expressions of what you longed for – love.  Smiles, hugs, laughter, food, care, warmth and comfort seemed to come in response to things that you “did”.  You began through all of this to define and create your ego.


The Motor Within

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It is windy today.  I watch the outside drama in the yard - there are the gentle bendings of the trees as they move with the currents, and the violent back and forth banging of the deck umbrella as it refuses to alter its vertical position.  This shift is played out everywhere.


We are all feeling it and responding physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually with gentle flexibility, rigid resistance or something in between the two.  This change is a physical one, and we are used to having concrete explanations for our symptoms.  Not so now.  That dizziness you feel may be a subtle frequency shift you’ve yet caught up with.  There are 7 billion ways to interpret this change.  You are watching them play out every day, while you are feeling it within. 


Patience and love will help your shift to be more like the tree than the umbrella; beautiful, gentle movement rather than noisy, disruptive, banging. 


I feel a motor within.  It began last week.  It is a rumbling that emanates from my root chakra.  It reminds me of the quiet vibration of a very large motor on a cabin cruiser.  When you are on such a boat and the motor starts, everything feels it, yet it is difficult to determine from where it springs.  There is no sound to my motor and I suspect when I catch up and vibrate in tune with it I will no longer feel it.



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