
“Love: the religion of new, a convincing worldview.”

angelfish's picture

A personal perception rooted only in evidence, logic and existential repugnance.  Love and working through the worldviews of today demand a strong faith in truth and its priority to discover it.  Love is often a fluctuating, overflowing emotion constricted by the walls of its own flesh. No matter the challenge; God, the quest to achieve and maintain the ultimate reality, and a strategic and pure discovery and application in ethics will always be available and viable as an optional and objective resource when seeking the truth of the Sole. 

      Since we as humans are wired with an intense set of emotional energy and intelligence, we are forced to address that and take a 360 degree review from inside and outside perspectives, in our journeys to the “Big Picture”.  Love, is the one, Global commonality that nobody can deny, unless the Nile is the only venue our boat chooses to sail.  This was an imperative component to consider when discovering my or anyone’s vibrational frequency to which they resonate.  Love is also the only tangible artifact that has been a constant throughout all of history and global existence of all things.  Yes, we all may have our own eyeballs for viewing but regardless of language, the interpretation of the “feeling” is all translated to the same conclusion.  Thus, perfect evidence to value when forming a flawless worldview. 

We must join together

Dan's picture

I am a 16 year old -Nature is so wonderful. Without it, we wouldnt be here, because nature lifts our spirits. Not just nature but people should too. Spread love, dont just save it for that one girl you love, spread love all around the world. Spread love to a stranger. Even if you dont know the person. Would you rather have a feeling of the person being mysterious? Or him being apart of your family? After all, even the people you dont know are connected to you more than you know. If dogs walk in packs, fish roam the sea in big groups, dolphins dive into the water in a group, lions live in groups, elephants adapt in groups, or groups of birds, Ants. Notice through theyre whole life theyre all connected. Are we the only ones seperated? YES. We need to do our part, Instead of only a family with the same last names, meet more people, for even Strangers are family. Do your part so others can join and enlighten the world.

The hidden Seed noone knows about.

Dan's picture

People are changing before our eyes. Being nicer, more bright, more caring and compassionate. This is the year of change. A year that must carry on a new generation. A generation that will gather every being on earth, every being from higher dimensions like the pleidians together. A time when people will realize that there is more than just life, ... there is light. Where people will realize that there is more than just caring.... There is love. |Caring requires Love| Where people realize that there is more than theyreselves, there are being around them. connection is the outlet to enlightnment. There is a seed that will be sprouting this year, and soon... This may , in a unknown location , a seed will sprout, and will be a flower, spreading the most magnificant light that radiates love, joy, and hapiness. Its happening right Now, look around you. On may 20, 2012 , expect the flower to sprout.

Thank You.

hilarionra's picture

at the absolute core of being, the experience is that which can only
be pointed at, the ineffable, the indescribable, the unfathomable
that infact is fathomed, but only through being present within.
it is that which is experienced by every cell, it is that which gives
birth to all experience. when you are told that its joy,bliss,peace,
love, even truth, again thats the game. even saying its the truth
is just another pointer, as lao tzu said, the true tao is the tao
that cannot be spoken. yet even he went on to write a book about it
as has a lot of other beings done the same.

we write or dont write and so on, because it heals, and the point
of all experience, is to heal. im writing this, because i remembered
that in one message , i wrote about the inner experience of being
and i said " its joy, peace, bliss, and so on" wehre as the so on
part points at all this that ive just typed up. but i desired to
make it clear what exactly the contradictions and "so on" were
pointing at. im doing this because i love myself and you all.
this also backs up others whom have spoken about the experience
as well. it also contradicts previous messages about the experience
of being, so as to you not to follow at all. but to be brave
and walk your path WITH everyone.

this isnt to say that you cant walk behind someone, or follow their
lead through the woods, but eventually you will notice that you
dont desire to walk the same path as them because youve found a higher
path to take. beings like myself, and by like i mean those who are
also enlightened, are attractive to those who are on the path of
seeking enlightenment/liberation, because weve been given the gift
of becoming enlightened before them, we have let ourselves go
to the core, and we turn around, and go against the old ways
with all that we are. this is attractive because you yourself

Invasion of the Butterflies: 'They're Everywhere!'

Madame Butterfly's picture


'Love is like a butterfly: It goes where it pleases and it pleases wherever it goes'. ~Author Unknown

Never has there been such a flutter over butterflies as that which is delighting folks all over Ontario, where millions of Admirals and other rare species are appearing in the droves. I noticed a pair dancing their spiral dance around me afew weeks ago, and was surprised to see that this rare breed was not alone, in fact I observed several more that day.

After a rainy colder week nothing much else seemed to appear, and I'd almost forgotten about the rare sightings that day, when suddenly last weekend on a sunny warm day these same brown and orange super fast flyers were zooming across in front of my car as I drove along the beautiful countryside...lots and lots of them!

According to The Windsor Star:

"The "butterfly highway" is seeing plenty of congestion this year, thanks in part to unusually warm spring weather south of the border.

Like A Duck

SophiaLove's picture

Quietude is defined as “the state of being quiet; rest; calmness”.  That feels about where find myself.


“Freedom isn’t free” is a misnomer, or else it depends on your definition. Freedom means “exemption or liberation from the control of some other person or some arbitrary power; liberty; independence”. In a military sense, the phrase has been used as justification for war.  On a more personal level, freedom becomes synonymous with uninhibited love, expansion and peace.  In a surprising and unexpected way, it is where I am today.  This is a glimpse of our future, of what I imagine it feels like in the “next dimension”.


Historically on earth empires rise and fall.  The beings we label “dark” (1%) insatiable lust for wealth and power consumes their host (99%) and can no longer be sustained.  This inevitable collapse is what we are witnessing right now.  The populace has been spent, literally.  Those that would own us must feed someplace else or alter their way of life.


The situation that brings me this peace is that I no longer worry about money.  There is none.  I’ve reached the bottom.  It is no longer a matter of juggling; it is a matter of keeping food in the house until things change.


Things are really clear now.  I work when there is work to be done and relax when there isn’t.  Somehow, my internal fretting has stopped. Nothing is as important as I once imagined it to be, except life.  Sustaining, enjoying and loving what I have are all that I am focused on.


I've met a Genie

Guy's picture

I've met a Genie ,in a bottle today ,i've pick up an empty bottle on the ground left there by someone,with no respect for mothers earth Gaia.To my amazement as i thru that bottle in the trash.A beautiful violet and blue flame appeared in front of me,and in a blink of an eye transform into a Genie,a bit like the one in a lamp.The bottom half was a beautiful violet and blue flame and a beautiful golden flame intertwine forming the upper body,i felt so blessed from above,and then he says,unlike other Genie ,i only have 1 wish for you,so what will it be.It didnt take long for my answer.Fill the heart of all humans,with the never ending wave of love.And the Genie ask,before i grant you your wish,why didnt you just wish for yourself.My answer was,many years ago,Dark Genie came on this planet ,and exchange gift with the elite of the world,and they only thought of themselves,and look at the mess we're in.But i know that if we think with our hearts first,how can you go wrong,and so it is.

Lol i was listening to St-Germain flames video,i was having a little fun.

Thank you.


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