BelindaLove's blog

Mother/Father God's first video

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This is Mother/Father God's first video they did, in January of 2009.  It was really cold back then, but Father God was just Brilliant anyways!! So Awesome FG!!


Love You Both So much!



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Just been looking at the ISON pictures, and my Heart opened and what flowed out a message that said that ISON is the Mother Comet. She is coming for her children who have stayed out too long in the dark, and She is here to guide them Home once more. Welcome Great Mother's Essence!! The Deepest Gratitude goes to You from All who are your Hue-Light Family., The Deepest Love,

Britain's Real Monarch

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This looked pretty interesting. Enjoy.. Love, Belinda FW: Britain's Real Monarch Mon, 11 Nov, 2013 7:32 PM PST Page 1 of 2 PrevNext. ----Forwarded Message---- From: To: Sent: Mon, 11 Nov, 2013 3:35 PM PST Subject: Britain's Real Monarch Having trouble viewing this email? Click here Dear Belinda, Tony Robinsons' documentary traces the family history of the British Royal Family and makes the argument, with the help of Debrett's Peerage, the highest authority on such matters, that Queen Elizabeth II is not the rightful heir to the throne of England - nor is anyone within her family. The deviation allegedly begins with Edward IV, of which many records and rumors of his illegitimacy around the time of his birth in 1442 remain, including one encoded in Shakespeare's play, 'Richard III', which indicate that IV was a bastard - and therefore not of the Plantagenet Blood Royal, upon which this game of thrones depends. It is not irrelevant to Robinson's argument that a descendant of Richard IV, the Tudor King, Henry the VIII, made a point of eliminating as many Plantagenets from the planet as possible. Tony Robinson goes in search of Britain's Real Monarch. The result is a detective story that takes him from the Tower of London, to the other side of the a the humble abode, in the Australian Outback of New South Wales, of one Michael Hastings, who Robinson claims, from his obsessive study of the Plantagenet family tree, is the unsuspecting Aussie, who by the rules of the game of thrones, should the true Monarch of Britain. The disbelieving laughter of Mr. Hasting's daughters is priceless. Although he was a titled Lord in England, he'd moved to Australia as a


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Hi.  Breezy is a Labrador-Shepherd mix dog who lives here  in the Ottawa area who was beaten with shovel and then left for dead in a dumpster.  This was a few weeks ago,and with a lot of love and care, she is now in stable condition, is wagging her tail, and bonding with her caretakers.  However, she still has a lot of blood in her eye, and they can't get to that eye yet, so she might lose it.  Please send Love to Breezy so her eye heals perfectly, and that someone completely Loving and worthy of her companionship soon takes her home.  

thank You

Much Love, 


Please offer prayers and meditations for the safe removal of fuel rods in Fukushima

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Below is a message from a friend here in Ottawa. I know that our Galactic Family is also aware of this situation, and will assist us as well, however, we all still need to be responsible and do our part too. Please read, get informed, and pass this on. Thank You Love, Belinda Dear Friends in the Flames, I am forwarding this from one of my Japanese Mount Shasta contacts. Please lend your Incredibly Powerful Attention and Support at this time. ~ Blessings of Love & Light, Celeste Dear Lemurian Brothers and sisters, It has been a while since we shared the time together in beautiful Mount Shasta. After the planetary ascension in 2012, we see more challenges unfold on the planet.Perhaps that is the continued cleansing of our whole planet to go to the next dimension... I have started this prayer project for the safety of All lives upon Earth in order for the perilous removal task of 1533 fuel rods from Fukushima No.4 reactor scheduled in November would be done with ease and grace. This unprecedented task is called "pulling a cigaret from a crumpled cigaret pack". Here is the nuclear expert Arnold Gandersen's Video explaining the situation : The staff at the site have to do this very delicate and hazardous task manually as the computer controlled crane system was broken in the explosion on March 15th 2011. If they fail, it causes the release of tremendous amount of radiation including cesium 137 equivalent to 14,000 Hiroshima atomic bombs and 400.000 hot kilograms of plutonium that is the fatal dose for billions of people in the northern hemisphere. It is called "the greatest threat humanity has ever faced" that would last for thousand of years. In order to support this perilous task to be done safely, we have started this project to anchor the energy on site.

7 Tips on the Road to Higher Consciousness from Ben-Arion's (of Ashtar Command Crew) monthly e-zine

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7 Tips on the Road to Higher Consciousness by Ben-Arion Climb the Mountain By Deborah King http://AshtarCommandCrew.netIn Partnership With OmTimes Years ago my good friend and fellow mountain climber, Martin, visited a vaidya– an Ayurvedic physician – renowned far and wide for his insightful wisdom. He approached the vaidya with a question that had been consuming him for months. Martin had been an avid mountain climber, exploring the highest peaks in the world, until he had a really bad fall. Terrified that he was “grounded for life,” Martin traveled quite a distance to meet with the physician in hopes that the wise man could use his gifts to shed some light on the future of his life. After a long, anxiety-ridden journey, he arrived at the remote monastery that housed the vaidya. With tears in his eyes, Martin shared his story: his love of climbing, the peaks he’d conquered, the devastating accident, and his fears. The vaidya didn’t say a word, just listened quietly. Choked with emotion, Martin asked, “When will I be able to climb again?” The wise old seer looked deep into Martin’s eyes and said, “What you need to do instead is to climb the mountains in your consciousness.” Flash forward 20 years, and today you’ll find Martin happily and busily mentoring high school kids who are missing parental direction. Martin shepherds them to a local climbing area most weekends and guides them to the top, both literally and figuratively. Your path to enlightenment can be as challenging a journey as climbing Mount Everest. Both require that you be committed, focused and willing to shed any excess baggage (material and emotional) that could slow you down. The road can be rocky, and you might be tempted by detours, or even consider turning back and giving up – but you’ll meet people along the way who will help you in your quest, and once you reach the summit, you will be transformed!

Bohemian Gravity

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Very well made vid about string theory, etc. Bohemian Rhapsody style. Enjoy!!


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