Since last blog, I ended up with a kind of tummy thing that has to do with release and processing in my physical body. These sit ins with the Angels are helping me to gain clarity and footing as an evolving being. This is how it went with them on this day.
B: Dearest Angels: Thank You for being here with me. I Love You.
A: You're welcome child.
B: I am feeling kind of off kilter today.
A: Tell us sweet one.
B: Well, I go to work and feel unwell within a few hours. I come home and feel very tired. I rest, think I am ok, and then head to work & feel unwell again. What's going on Pls?
A: You're adjusting Dear One.
Once you are adjusted to the new energies, everything will be as before within you.
B: What about my work? Do I need to do anything about that?
A: Your work will have to wait until you are adjusted to the new energies.
B: Then what do I do in the meantime?
A: Write, create music, sing, Be in the moment of Now. When you sing, you are always present.That is why you chose to sing the way you do Now.
B: Wow, I forgot to be in the Now at work.
A: That is what your body is telling you. That you must be Present. In the Now at all times. Otherwise you will react as you are now doing.
B: So that is why I am ok when in chat. I am Present there.
A: Yes.
B: I am the one who lives and creates my own Life. I Choose Love.
A: What does that mean to you, I Choose Love?
B: It makes me think of Choosing Love if the moment presents itself, but if I am choosing otherwise, I forget and kind of get lost or something. At work I go I into ego I think, but maybe don't notice it or something? I really need to look at this. How can I be Love at work? What does that look like? Can I be Love there?
A: Yes. You can be Love Anywhere and everywhere. All the time.
B: Angels, I have no point of reference for this at work, and I know my ego is probably speaking here, but I don't know how to Be there.