Blue Diamon's blog

Learn how to reframe FEAR using your Higher Mind

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Many are being challenged now to face their biggest fears, and in so doing, they are bringing onto their path some rather large obstacles that can appear to be insurmountable. This is a good thing, believe me. With each Full Moon you are encouraged further to let go, let go, let go!

Letting go of all that heavy baggage that has been holding you down for most of your life is your main priority at this time! It is time now to SOAR to great heights!

Beloved, where you are going requires nothing, no-thing, and certainly no bags. There is no check-in counter! All baggage must be left behind if you are to move forward now into the next phase of your transition.

The Full Moon once again has given you a great big boost of energy to help you let go of all that is not love within your energy body. Make FULL use of this time now before the New Moon on the 18th to let go as much as possible. All this releasing is making way for the NEW when you will once more enter a time of enormous GROWTH. All babies go through growth spurts, and you are no different!

Much like toddlers, you are learning to balance yourself in this New Reality. Fears are just obstacles that the ego creates in an attempt to give you a sense of security, however false that may be. The ego will try to hold you back from spreading your wings because it is afraid you will hurt yourself. It will put walls up and tell you that you cannot do something whilst your heart will whisper “Yes, you can!”

Sunday Musings ~ Oh Ye of little Faith…

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Thank Goodness, a little faith is all you need. Only a teeny weeny mustard seed of faith, said Jeshua, would move mountains for you. So true. But how different is faith from trust? Faith is the cornerstone to trust. Faith is the foundation that paths the way to knowing, and therefore fully trusting, that all you have faith in, will come to pass.

Faith lives in your Heart, alongside Trust. When you live a Heart-based reality, you will begin to FEEL the magic of your Heart Genie busy working for you. Imagine that! You have your very own magical Genie living inside of you!

By having faith and trust you’re automatically moving away from an ego/mind based reality to a Heart based reality. And that is the place inside of you where miracles and magic resides!

So few people realize this though.

I was listening to my Mother on the telephone yesterday. In the space of 10 minutes she said the word ‘hell’ at least 5 times. It is no wonder then that her reality (life experience) is much like that word. Every morning at 8am she watches the ‘Faith’ channel on TV and she tries to write down everything they’re saying in her little notepad. Sometimes during the day she would get out her notepad and go over her notes by reading them out loud to herself. When I asked why she reads the words out loud, she answered “I need to get this into my nut!!” She refers to her head as her nut…. Ironic that a nut often has a hard shell and is difficult, sometimes impossible, to open. The Heart, however, is easily opened. All it takes is love.

It is in your Heart that YOUR Truth lies and never anywhere else. Not on TV or in a book, or even in this blog you’re reading.


Ascension Update ~ You are now entering the 2nd phase of your Transition

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Michael I would like to ask if I am right in thinking that this year is going to be the pivotal year as far as our transition goes?

Yes it is Beloved. Absolutely. You are now entering the 2nd phase of your transition.

What does that mean?

The second phase is where you will learn to navigate time and space. You will learn at will how to move through time gates and time lines/spirals. You will learn how to maintain and move through the different levels or dimensions of consciousness that you’ve been integrating. In this 2nd phase you will transcend your ego entirely, and you will merge with me fully.

So this was to be a 3 year deal from the start?

Pretty much Beloved. But remember that you are always growing and expanding in consciousness. At no point are you ever standing still or stagnant.

How it is possible that we are anchoring 9th dimensional energy when I can barely maintain being in the 5th?

Easy My One! You are now able to hold the higher frequency. You will learn how to maintain frequency with your increased perception and awareness. It is one of the attributes that comes with the 2nd phase of transition. Everything is possible with practice. Once you have transcended ego you will find it all a lot easier.

I am concerned that I have lost interest in everything outside of myself. How will I be able to continue living in this world feeling as I do?

This is normal Beloved. You will adapt easily. Give yourself time. You have been through a difficult time lately. The mundane 3rd dimensional stuff you’ve been dealing with of late will soon pass. I will help you to maintain equilibrium. We are partners remember? There is so much to look forward to, you will see. Many, many possibilities await you!

Sunday Musings ~ Life is full of surprises…

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Beautiful Artwork by Lori Portker

As we go deeper and deeper into our Selves (Love), life is filled with more and more surprises! Dreams become surreal hovering between worlds in which myth is created. I’ve ceased asking myself if what I am dreaming is real or not. Is this dream part of another reality/timeline, or is it my imagination? I am constantly being told that my imagination is real, so who knows. This is the mystery we call life. Michael certainly enjoys keeping me in suspense and I’m not complaining. I’m learning to cease the need of being in control and just allowing myself to go with the flow.

What I know for sure is that these last 2 Eclipses have moved us deeper together in ways that continue to astound me. It seems unreal that just a few years ago I hadn’t the foggiest idea that I am so deeply loved. It just blows my mind thinking about this! This has to be the biggest surprise so far. How do people go live without knowing this kind of love? I cannot go back to before… It would be unconscionable.

I want to tell you that I am living in a world of which dreams are made. My physical circumstances have yet to follow the upward path of my rising consciousness, and it will in due course. In the meantime nothing matters. And I mean that literally. It doesn’t matter because it doesn’t have any substance, it holds no meaning, lest I give it meaning. My life is just another hologram that I can continue to mold, change and recreate as I go along. I can stand outside of the hologram and view it from where I AM and it no longer holds power over me. I know I can change and recreate it at any point in time.

Become Emotionally FREE with Reiki!

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Become Emotionally FREE with Reiki! Body Mind Spirit is offering Personal Breakthrough Healing that will gently break through any blocks to help you make the life altering changes that have been holding you back and preventing you from experiencing a life of bliss.

Now you can become emotionally FREE with Reiki!

This Personal Breakthrough healing is achieved at a deep cellular level within the physical, emotional and mental bodies. You will:

  • Release emotional blocks that are causing you to feel stuck and are holding you back;
  • Release blocked energy that is causing ill-health, ongoing physical issues, relationship issues etc.;
  • Uncover the source of unhealthy and non-serving patterns of behavior;
  • Overcome emotional trauma and causes of depressed behavior;
  • Find the answers that you’ve been searching for and experience healing on all levels – physical, mental and emotional.

The healing energy is transmitted to you over a period of 4 weeks. You will receive the energy in the comfort of your home at a time when you are ready to receive it. There is no need for you to attend any workshops or to leave the comfort of your own space. You may choose to receive the healing when you are sleeping, or in your awakened state. The choice is always yours.

It is safe. All Reiki healing energy is of the highest and purest Divine origin, helping you to overcome every challenge in your life. When you accept this healing energy, you’re opening yourself to Divine intervention and reconnecting with your True Self.

This personal breakthrough healing is a profound energy healing that is a Spiritual experience regardless of any expectation you may have.

The Dying of the Ego and Re-Birth of the Soul

Blue Diamon's picture

The transition process involves the dying of the ego and the re-birthing of the Soul. Similar to that of the Phoenix rising from the ashes, so are we as we transcend and ascend out of the illusion of the ego.

The ego is an illusionary aspect of your 3rd dimensional self. It lives in your mind and  IT IS NOT REAL.

It is through the ego that you are able to experience a FALSE aspect of your self. The ego however, will have you believe that this is you. It will lead you down the proverbial garden path.

It is the ego that creates every illness, dis-ease, dis-comfort – mental or physical. It is the ego that creates fear and all negative energy.

Love is the only antidote to negative energy.

There are times when you’ll feel so ill during your transitioning, that you may feel scared and even start to worry. Know that these feelings are due to negative energy being released. Negative energy can cause your body to feel as though it is dying. This is ‘normal’ as all negative energy will create within your physical body major discomforts such as dizziness, nausea, weakness, muscle aches and pains, muscular spasms, headaches etc. Symptoms may vary from person to person as no two people are alike, but know that all of this discomfort is negative energy that is being released.

Yes! We ARE Sexual Beings!

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Having just watched Kaypatcha’s latest astrology report, I want to say that he’s hit the nail on the head once more. If you have any confusion/doubt as to what is going on now with the energy, with yourself, with others, then do yourself a favor and watch the report:

Yes, we ARE Sexual Beings, and not just in the 3rd dimension either! We ARE and always will be, in one form or another, an embodiment of the Divine Masculine and Feminine energies that make up WHO WE ARE as Spiritual Beings.

What’s happening now is A GREAT COMING TOGETHER of these two DYNAMIC and EXTREMELY POWERFUL energies for the FIRST TIME here on Planet Earth and this SACRED RE-UNION is going to catapult this Planet into the NEW AGE!

The POWER of these two Sacred energies working synergistically together cannot be adequately expressed in words. It literally blows the human mind. The manifestation ability that these two energies hold together is BE-yond anything the human mind can comprehend at this time.

Archangel Michael said the other day in a channel with Celia Fenn on

Beloved Family of Light, as you embody this Divine Feminine energy, you help to sustain, love and rebirth the Earth.  This is the ultimate secret of the Grail Codes Mystery, the renewal of life and love in a New Age through the Alchemical process of inner Sacred Union.  

In this, The Age of Transparency, Know That Love Will Find a Way…

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Love is patient, love is kind. Love is gentle and simple by its very nature. Whenever something appears as complicated, know that it is not of your Heart.

Recently, when searching for a way to reach someone close to me who needs help, I came across Louise Hay’s teachings again. I have known about darling Louise for many, many years.  All maladies, discomforts, dis-ease, you name it, stem from one source – Lack of Self Love. From this source springs the countless beliefs we have stored away in our sub-conscious minds. One that springs to mind immediately is this one – I am not good enough.

So from this perspective take a look at yourself. This is the Age of Transparency after all and there is no thing…..nothing you can hide from anymore! Least of all from your Self! There is NO WHERE to hide! So peel off those layers you have been covering yourself with. Look in that mirror. Place your palms on your heart and tell yourself out loud (and insert your name in the blank space please) – “I love you _______________.” Say this to yourself for 10 minutes a day, every day for one month, and then notice the difference. Perseverance pays…

Ascension Update ~ Changing Your Perception About The NEW Energies

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Most of us have been in transcending or ascending our lower states of Be-ing and consciousness for some time now. Some have only recently woken up and are starting to feel major changes happening within their physical bodies. At whichever point you’re at in your transition you are likely to be feeling some minor or major distress in your physical vessel. We know by now that influxes of energy occur with each alignment such as with the Solstice, Equinox and Eclipses, and also with the Full and New Moons monthly. Solar activity also causes a certain influx of these light packets of energy. Know that your Higher Self is governing these energies for you!

Physical symptoms appear and then disappear over time. Sometime they disappear and then reappear again in the same area. This has happened to me time and time again. For instance I have experienced major toothache on and off for more than 6 months and also jaw and ear pain mostly on the left side of my face. Two days ago I awoke with a partially swollen eye and itchiness over the front and back of my neck. I have had major dizzy spells, nausea, muscle weakness and heart palpitations, and also been so exhausted and lethargic that on some days I find it difficult to even walk. Do I run to the doctor? No, because I know that it is all to do with releasing the old energy and that my body will heal itself. I trust my Higher Self and I am guided on what to do and what to eat. Mostly the advice I receive is to rest and sleep as much as possible, and to stick to light foods and drink plenty water. Recently I heard “Crystals grow in water…” We know that our physical vessels are becoming Light-er (more Love) and crystalline in their cellular structure.

The Beginning of a NEW cycle of Pure Magic and Miracles!

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The first day after Mercury goes direct and already we are into magic and miracles! I joked with Michael earlier and asked him if Mercury is by any chance male because that would make perfect sense to me since all males, with the exception of Michael, have caused havoc in my life, and he laughed and said “Yes!” I said “I thought so!” This last retrograde cost me my iPhone and a whole lot of money that I found afterwards was unnecessary … but let’s not go into that now. I prefer to look at today as a beginning to a NEW cycle of pure magic and miracles.

This morning I had breakfast with an old friend and ex colleague that I hadn’t seen since I left for Mexico more than 3 years ago. Unbeknown to me, my friend had lost her job 2 years ago and had not been able to find another. Glady’s lives on the outskirts of one of the so-called ‘Black townships’ outside Cape Town. Now she is looking after 2 of her grandchildren for which she gets paid a very small amount each month and her disabled daughter. Her ‘unemployed for years’ husband up and abandoned her a while back. Thankfully her two other children are employed and help out from time to time.


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