Greetings Beloveds! It is I, Michael and with me is my Beloved Twin Flame Mikaela. We bring forth a message for you at this very important time in the hope that it will help you fulfill all your desires in the New Year of 2019.
Beloveds, as we near the ending of 2018, and pass through the Solstice gateway, the powerful cleansing energies of the waxing Full Moon are assisting you in clearing all the dross that may be arising into your awareness. Know that this is perfect! Because it means that these unwanted energies are there, hovering in the background of your consciousness waiting to be triggered to the surface in order for you to become aware of it. So if people in your circle of friends, or family members, colleagues etc., are pushing your buttons so to speak, be in gratitude that they are triggering these unwanted emotions and bringing them into your awareness. Then call in the power of love and forgiveness, for yourself and others, who have played their part in your journey to Wholeness.
The Divine Spirit will always, through whatever means necessary, bring into your awareness all that no longer holds any relevance or significance in your life-stream.
When releasing these energies Dear One’s, make it your intention to release and let go of them in all their forms of creation, in all aspects, and in all dimensions of your reality. In this you are releasing them from your entire Group Soul Body.