Hello, my name is Daniel AKA Dan and i am VERY VERY CURIOUSE AND HAVE BEEN THINKING ABOUT THIS FOR YEARS! This is the situation: I can grow alot of big muscels within a month , I can jump over things, and flip off objects and Run REALLY Fast, without training or Practice. I am oddly more Intelligent than my Parents and my brother, and i am very spiritual. I am the only one ever in my family that Meditates and im only 16. I can make blogs about how this world could be a better place just by listening to Zen music in 5 minutes a page long and makes people think that im from a higher source . I constantly feel a type of energy Litteraly Flow through my arms to my hands nonstop. (Its doing it as i write this) My hair grows really fast and everything develops fast but i look like im 13 and im short with hair from puberty. When i defend my self and my Blood Rushes i can Realease my tension in my face and get a beast like facial expression that not much can do, kindof like a dog being mad and i am very clever at getting away with things big or small even if For Example: A teacher watched me do something wrong. (I am peaceful, dont worry) I understand that we are all one, no matter what we are. But can someone Please explain these mysterious Traits i have?=Love and Light=
Negativity is the worst state of conciousness or energy you could ever have. It is the enemy of planet Earth=Heart. People on Earth=Heart were blindid by this. They see things that are negative but reptilians in the media control you and make you think that the negative is positive. Yhis is not true. Gaining alot of money and saying its only for you and nobody else isnt Positive. Its greed. These are what they want you to do. Dressing a certain way and saying that you are better than them isnt a form of positivity. It is Negative. They want you to think that its Positive. Dont let them take you over. Dont let them steal your higher loving selves and insert what they think so you can like what they want you to like. Ok everyone.
We need to stand up NOW. Please help stand up Against the Media NOW. Lets have an event i thought of called Non Manipulative Week. Once Every Month starting on June 1-7th. All Year , Each month On the 1st Through the 7th. Lets join together and make a stand against the media by not watching TV for seven days a Month. If we all join in this, Imagine the history that will be made throughout the world. We can do this. And make a statement Peacefully. PLEASE JOIN US NOW.
What does peace sound like? Does it sound like the silence when theres nothing completely going on? NO. People think that its just being calm. Peace isnt calm, its happily energetic. Peacefulness isnt Silence, Its the voices of everyone being cheerful and shouting with joy and telling people you love them. Peace is active. Instead of enjoying to blow things up or beating people up, blow up the air filled with love so that it could spread from person to person. Beat Up someones heart who has been solid and still as a cold stone. Allow that stone heart to turn into a boulder so it could roll on a new journey of peace instead of staying in the same situations. Peace isnt hard to acheive.
What you should do is, if you go to work and you see a worker feeling sad, angry or depressed, say that you love them, and say that you are part of their family stranger or not. Or if someone, ANYONE, who is sitting at a table by thereselves go talk to them. Have you ever seen someone at a returaunt sitting by theyreselves, and something is just telling you that they are very lonely and you should talk to them? Im sure this has happened to everyone. You know why this has happened to you? Your Pleaidian Guide is telling you to be generous and caring to teach you how to be a Loving being, Plus the higher being is telling you that you should be aware and notice that this is in your nature that the reptilians have been hiding from you.
What does peace sound like? Does it sound like the silence when theres nothing completely going on? NO. People think that its just being calm. Peace isnt calm, its happily energetic. Peacefulness isnt Silence, Its the voices of everyone being cheerful and shouting with joy and telling people you love them. Peace is active. Instead of enjoying to blow things up or beating people up, blow up the air filled with love so that it could spread from person to person. Beat Up someones heart who has been solid and still as a cold stone. Allow that stone heart to turn into a boulder so it could roll on a new journey of peace instead of staying in the same situations. Peace isnt hard to acheive. What you should do is, if you go to work and you see a worker feeling sad, angry or depressed, say that you love them, and say that you are part of their family stranger or not. Or if someone, ANYONE, who is sitting at a table by thereselves go talk to them. Have you ever seen someone at a returaunt sitting by theyreselves, and something is just telling you that they are very lonely and you should talk to them? Im sure this has happened to everyone. You know why this has happened to you? Your Pleaidian Guide is telling you to be generous and caring to teach you how to be a Loving being, Plus the higher being is telling you that you should be aware and notice that this is in your nature that the reptilians have been hiding from you. And who knows... It could be a test... The person who is sitting by theyre selves could be Light beings theyreselves.... It could be a test. Thats why when you eat your food and dont decide to talk to them, when youre done, you turn around... and all of a sudden... theyre gone. Kindof like the old lady on matrix. Anyways, Spreading peace is a great way of Sharing Positive Energy with someone and allow them to carry it on and on like a chain of light.
Today i spotted Chem Trails in the skies, and my nose started itching. It wasnt pleasent. But i know a way to reduce inhaling the gases and toxins. What you have to do is shorten your breath and breathe in and out short and fast, but not TOO Fast. Just for you to get a little amount of Oxygen. Only do this when you see Chem trails. This has been your Daily Energy Report =Dan=
Today i spotted Chem Trails in the skies, and my nose starded itching. It wasnt pleasent. But i know a way to reduce inhaling the gases and toxins. What you have to do is shorten your breath and breath in and our short and fast, but not TOO Fast. Just for you to get a little amount of Oxygen. This has been your Daily Energy Report =Dan=
Hello everyone. Yesterday as you know, extroardinary events took place, like the Pleiadian alignment, new energy spreading upon the earth, that is still occuring today and an Eclipse. The grid got rebooted as well. Oh the great things that we are experiencing right at this very moment. It is a new Earth. The Galactic Family Of Light known as the Pleadians will be seen clearly soon. So clearly, they will be infront of you talking, Literally! Everyone is spreading Love, Finally! And everyone is going into Ascension. Soon (maybe in a week!) We will realize how magnificant we are. We will experience DNA activation and learn how to levitate ourselves and objects. We will learn Telepathy as well and MUCH MORE! It will happen VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY soon. Like i said... Maybe even in a week. This....... Is a NEW EARTH...... An Awakening, A new Generation......
Dear Pleiadians,
I wish to meet you
Dear long lost galactic sisters and brothers of light
I wish to meet you.
Dear Galactic Family Of Light that i look upon in the stars everynight,
I wish to meet you
Dear Pleiadians who are getting my message
I wish to meet you
Dear Pleiadians who watches every moment of my life,
I wish to meet you.
Dear Pleiadians, i am ready to see you, I am ready to talk to you. I am ready for you to show me what the wonders of earth=heart holds. Dear Pleiadians, I am ready to see your crafts in the skies with my own eyes in the night. Dear Pleiadians, i am ready to visit you all in Dream or physical form. Dear Pleaidians i am ready to see what i have been hidden from. Dear Pleadians, i am ready to Activate my DNA. Dear Pleadians, i am ready NOW.