Dan's blog


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As the planets are aligning, as the ascension takes place, you will experience a wave of joy, Plenty of Orbs and Crafts, in the air, and many Light Beings. People will realize that they are one. They will love, and care for others. A great amount of people will. Everything will be cherished on earth. Nature will look very Magnificant. As you wake up in the morning you will feel this great feeling of Love out of nowhere, Walk outside and you will see that the sky 100 times more beautiful, and the sky is more brighter full of light, and the clouds appear to be more noticeable. Everyone will experience a change in their conciousness, and realize what Earth=Heart really looks like. And at night, the stars will twinkle even more and the Eclipse... O' the Eclipse... It will awaken you and realize how beautiful each being on Earth=Heart is. And just like the Moon and the Sun, it will make us realize that we are all together as one. = From your Love being=- Dan


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Can you hear the cries? Can you hear the screams? As someone mourns of a death? Or as someone ruins theyre family using meth? Can you visualize a better world, where noone is in control? Can you visualize everyone with a very loveable peaceful soul? I can, and you should too. Trust me when i say we can make it through. We must join together, for we are one. And if we do, Peace will start and negativity will be done. Dear love beings, Love one another. Even if someone killed your Mother or Father. Dont let it ruin your life... Just know that there are families in higher dimensions, and belive it or not, the people you hate, you should love for they are your relations. Yes people who even ruin your lives are apart of your family. (Help them to be better, Love them, for this is our nature)For Just understand this, and stop the negativity. Enlighten the World and spread the love. And let the crow of evil fly away and bring in the dove. =From your Love Being=- Dan

How to Live a Positive Life like Love Beings should.

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Everyone sad, mad, angry, depressed... CHEER UP !!! Love is what you must seek more than anything. Why avoid such a wonderful feeling? Clean yourself and put on the clothes of Love and take off the dirty clothes of negativity. WAKE UP!! WAKE UP!! Its time to get up and eat the breakfast of Kindness, And drink the drink of Joy, and after you eat Kindness and drink Joy, wash your hands to get the grudges that you hold off. Then open the door to Enlightnment. Now go to you vehicle of Oneness, open the garage of negativity, and get away from it. Now get on the road to Peace. When you come back from where you went, turn on the sprinkles of Love, And Spread it all over, so others can do the same. Next, Come Together and eat the dinner of Oneness. Then go to your room of Peace, close your eyes and sleep to Meditation. =From your Spiritual Love Being=- Dan

Bright Souls

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Oh bright souls, please know that there should be more room for light and less for dark. Oh bright souls, please know that there is more to life than hate and fear. Oh bright souls, lets all let go of the bad things and let the good things flow back in us. It is free U_U There is no cost U_U Oh bright souls, Please awaken ó_ò Notice your Love, Notice your Joy, your Happiness, and Notice your Oneness :) Ignore sorrow, hatred, jealousy, fear, corruption, greediness, and evil :/ For those things will ruin your lives and your souls will be weakend (0_0) Oh bright souls, you are more extroadinary than you think (^_^) Please notice this and help the Earth=Heart be in a more positive state (ù_ú) Oh bright souls :) This is more important than you think (ú_ù) Love one another, be Happy, Become One with nature, And be the Love Beings you were meant to be :)


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Everything you do must be out of love. Everyone you talk to must be approached with love. Every ounce of earths air must be inhaled with love. Every drink of water you take must be taken with love. Everything you teach must be taught with love. Everything you touch must be touched with love.



Every step you take must be towards love. This shall occur litteraly. For you are spreading it by doing so. You should do this because we are made of love and so is earth. They say you cant see love...well you can. It is the dolphins and every other creature in the sea. It is the Water, Fire, Energy and the air. It is the ground, Plants, and small bugs that roam through it. It is the light that radiates the Earth=Heart.


People who say that you cant see love are people of illusion. You dont also have to see it though, you can feel it. You can spread it and pour it on others who need it. Like water... You need it to survive. Also like water, It will always be there for you if you need it. And like water, It is all around you, you just have to find the source. :) Love and Light.



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Today i was tested by high beings. Today one of the bugs i find disgusting ran across from i think my couch to my bed. And i felt like killing it... but i didnt. I learned what was happening. The lesson they taught me is that if i kill, i will enter Negative energy. And i shouldnt kill something just because of what it looks like, so i received this message and let the bug pass by. I learned that i should stay within positive energy. They were testing me to see how much positive energy i have. I thank them for this test =)
Love & Light
=This is coming from a 16 year old= AGE is nothing


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Be amazed of the knowledge i pour out to you, for i am 16 years old, but enlightened~ Cars, Phones, Planes, are all unnecessary, believe it or not. Everyone is capable of acheiving transportation by levitation, or talking across the world with your conciousness. Or by going to other countries by flight. Believe it or not, anything is possible. We just need to go back to our higher selves and stop living with low frequencies. Oh how great it would be to see the days when people realize that its not about whats on the outside, but what you have in the inside. This has been hidden from us, but the pleidians have been here to be our alarm clocks for waking us up 1 by one. I dont mean 1 person, i mean a 1 as in each nation on earth for we all are 1. How to discover these abilities you ask? Simply believe. Its been there all along.


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Hello i am 16 years old so be amazed on how much i express to you in this message - Ascension is occuring on Earth=Heart. A couple of minutes ago, i experienced a big wave of joy while i was meditating. Yesterday i gained the ability to see energy in the air. And love has overcome me twice as much. It feels really good. Now i am learning how to levitate objects with my conciusness. People all around are experiencing changes in theyreselves. I can also now radiate love to another person. Just last week i made friends by just saying hi to them. Im even friends with Andrea from the Galactic Free Press. I even met someone who has the same last name as me which is also from this site. How wonderful, People are Connecting!

We must join together

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I am a 16 year old -Nature is so wonderful. Without it, we wouldnt be here, because nature lifts our spirits. Not just nature but people should too. Spread love, dont just save it for that one girl you love, spread love all around the world. Spread love to a stranger. Even if you dont know the person. Would you rather have a feeling of the person being mysterious? Or him being apart of your family? After all, even the people you dont know are connected to you more than you know. If dogs walk in packs, fish roam the sea in big groups, dolphins dive into the water in a group, lions live in groups, elephants adapt in groups, or groups of birds, Ants. Notice through theyre whole life theyre all connected. Are we the only ones seperated? YES. We need to do our part, Instead of only a family with the same last names, meet more people, for even Strangers are family. Do your part so others can join and enlighten the world.

The hidden Seed noone knows about.

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People are changing before our eyes. Being nicer, more bright, more caring and compassionate. This is the year of change. A year that must carry on a new generation. A generation that will gather every being on earth, every being from higher dimensions like the pleidians together. A time when people will realize that there is more than just life, ... there is light. Where people will realize that there is more than just caring.... There is love. |Caring requires Love| Where people realize that there is more than theyreselves, there are being around them. connection is the outlet to enlightnment. There is a seed that will be sprouting this year, and soon... This may , in a unknown location , a seed will sprout, and will be a flower, spreading the most magnificant light that radiates love, joy, and hapiness. Its happening right Now, look around you. On may 20, 2012 , expect the flower to sprout.


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